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Oh, and have you seen the Wii release schedule, lately? It's pretty much a black hole of suck between the releases of Prime 3 and Smash/Galaxy.


Guitar Hero III.


True - also the new Resident Evil shooter and Manhunt 2 (doesn't care what anyone says about R*). I'm also psyched for Bleach this Tuesday and Godzilla Unleashed in November.

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I bought Metroid Prime 3 today and reserved Guitar Hero 3 today.


I was going to trade in SSX Blur, but they offered me $9(!!!!!!!!!) trade-in.


Anyone want SSX Blur? $25!

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I'm looking forward to NiGHTS. =X


Pushed back to '08.


Forgot about GH3, but it's a port.


True - also the new Resident Evil shooter and Manhunt 2 (doesn't care what anyone says about R*). I'm also psyched for Bleach this Tuesday and Godzilla Unleashed in November.


On Wii, "just barely mediocre" is the new "must buy!"

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I decided to (months later!) just e-mail Nintendo about my suddenly not-working WiFi USB adapter. I absolutely love the immediate response you get from the webpage.


"Due to the unprecedented popularity of the Wii, we're currently experiencing extremely high email volumes and it may take several days before we are able to respond"


They love bragging this console war, eh?

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Well following all of their posted directives didn't help, so now hopefully their e-mail response is "give us the UPC code from the adapter packaging and we will determine you really did buy it this year even though you don't have a receipt and send you a new one that should work". I assume that's how things go down.

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How is GH3 being a port a bad thing? Wouldn't it get developed for one system, then copied to all the others?

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I guess some people maybe want to look down on it for inferior graphics, but if you're playing the game where you hit primary colored buttons in time with the music for graphics, get a grip.

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True - also the new Resident Evil shooter and Manhunt 2 (doesn't care what anyone says about R*). I'm also psyched for Bleach this Tuesday and Godzilla Unleashed in November.


On Wii, "just barely mediocre" is the new "must buy!"


What's that in reference to?

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I guess some people maybe want to look down on it for inferior graphics, but if you're playing the game where you hit primary colored buttons in time with the music for graphics, get a grip.


Who even pays attention to GH graphics? I'm too busy playing...

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If you're gonna bag on the Wii version, you can at least bag on the fact that it won't have downloadable content at launch, and the best they've done on that is "We're working with Nintendo to include that down the road."


However, according to news sources, Wii online play is smoother than PS3's.

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Nintendo Conference 2007 Fall

Look inside for our live blog of a live blog.

by Anoop Gantayat


October 9, 2007 - Just as all good American citizens sit themselves down for the Daily Show, across the Pacific, Nintendo is playing host to its annual Fall press briefing. The Nintendo Conference 2007 Fall press conference is taking place right now somewhere in the company's home country.


Where exactly? Well, we're not quite sure. If we knew, we'd have gone.


Thankfully, Japan's monthly Ge-maga magazine is in attendance, and they're live blogging to their website. Since we're sure most of you don't speak the Japanese, we've decided to, in turn, blog their blog, in English.


Keep refreshing this page through the hour for the latest word on Nintendo's plans for the Japanese market.


[most recent posts are at the top of the page]


15:03: They're still doing yoga. I'm going to correct my spelling.


14:59: A ski jumping mini game presentation. Then, everyone tries out yoga.


14:46: Morisue has a BMI of 26.68. Aizawa is 18.84 -- she is a model, after all! Miyamoto is serving as health commentator as the balance board is used on stage for a variety of health tests.


14:41: The Wii Fit presentation has started. Uh-oh! The guy who's blogging at Ge-maga says that it's going to be difficult to do live commentary on this part!


14:37: For the Wii Fit presentation, Miyamoto calls out talent Shinji Morisue and model Sayo Aizawa. Check out Aizawa's Be Happy blog while waiting for more updates.


14:34: Miyamoto jokes, "I've become a bit slim, haven't I? It's because I'm enjoying developing Wii Fit."


14:30: Iwata's part of the presentation comes to a close. He switches over to Shigeru Miyamoto for a presentation about the Wii.


14:30: Monster Hunter 3 will be released for the Wii!


This is quite big because the game was originally announced for the PS3. It's also one of Japan's biggest series, with the past two PSP games having both sold over a million units.


14:24: Smash Bros. has been delayed in Japan until January 24, 2008.


Nintendo shows a new trailer. Sonic is going to be a playable character! The trailer shows him transforming into Super Sonic.


The game will include online fights. In addition, it will have online cooperative play of some form.


14:22: Mario Kart Wii will include a steering wheel controller. The game will also include motorcycles! A release is set for Spring 2008.


14:20: Wii Fit will be released on 12/1. It will cost 8,800 yen.


14:10: Nintendo will put more emphasis on the Wii Vote channel in the future. You'll be able to put rankings for games that you've played and search for games that fit your liking.


Nintendo will also begin a service similar to the DS Station retail service. You'll be able to download demos from your home.


14:08: The Wii Ware service will get more than just mini games and puzzle games. Square Enix will release Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles for the service. It will be be subtitled The Young King and the Promised Land and will be exclusively available for Wii Ware. In the game, you build your own country. Service will begin in March (in Japan).


14:06: Nintendo has announced Pokemon Bokujou, which translates to the English Pokemon Farm. With this Wii Ware title, you can transfer your Pokemon from Pearl and Diamond to the Wii, then raise them in a farm-like environment.


Other Wii Ware software shown includes Star Soldier R, Mojipittan Wii (this is a Bandai Namco word puzzle game that's a big hit on the PSP and DS) and Doctor Mario.

14:05: Software for Wii Ware will be released at a low price. There will be no problems with stock, so there will be no missed opportunities for sales. The competition of ideas will be important.


14:04: Virtual Console has reached 7.8 million downloads. Next, Nintendo will introduce Wii Ware, which consists of new game downloads.


14:00: From here on, Nintendo is hoping to increase Wii internet usage. They will open up a counseling center for connecting to the net from the Wii. They will offer support for setting up the internet at homes, and will also offer equipment.


13:57: Following the release of the DS and the Wii, the next step is to continue increasing the gamer population.


13:56: For each household, the DS has 3.0 users, the Wii has 3.5 users. DS has a 53% female user base. Wii has a 51% female user base.


13:54: In 2005, the DS had three million owners with a user base similar to the GBA. In 2007, it's expanded to 18 million owners, with a wide range going from adults to children.


13:53: Nintendo apparently ran a survey of 3000 people in Tokyo and Osaka. In 2005, the GBA had a large presence with many teenage owners.


13:50: "In Japan, Nintendo has 50% of the DS software market this year. From here on out, the share should shift to other software markers."


13:46: "The first step was the DS. As the second step, we offered the Wii."


13:46: "The Wii is being accepted even overseas by a previously unheard of wide ranging audience."


13:45: Nintendo prez Satoru Iwata takes the stage and begins his usual talk about the game market place. "Expanding the Gamer Population is our Basic Strategy"


13:44: The MC takes the stage. It's none other than Miho Nakai. I guess she's pretty hot, if you're into 40-year-olds.


13:40: Next, Wii trailer clips. Mario Kart Wii, Famicom Wars Wii, Super Mario Stadium Baseball, Wii Music and other games. Wait... one of those is new...


13:37: First, quick trailer clips of DS games set for the end of the year. Each title gets five seconds. Footage of Fire Emblem DS and Dragon Quest IX shown.


Silly Ge-maga... we all know DQIX isn't due out until some time in 2008.


13:35: The conference begins

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Whoa there was a lot of big Wii news today.


So it's getting the full FF:Crystal Chronicals game as well as the Wii Ware spinoff too right? It's good to see big developers jumping on that.


Also loving the fact that you can use the Wii to download/transfer DS demos too.

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I hope that there will be Wii Demos through this. I interpreted it to mean that there would be Wii Demos, but who knows? EDIT: Apparently, Kotaku knows, as it's just DS demos. Ah well.


Also, firmware 3.1 is out. All this does is add keyboard support to the Everybody Votes Channel, and the Internet Channel. Also, you can now get hyperlinks in Wii Messages, and clicking them takes you right to the Internet Channel. You'll need to re-download the Everybody Votes channel as well. This is because the News and Weather channel are built into the Wii, and get updated with firmware updates, but the Votes channel does not, and needs to be updated.


EDIT: For the same reasons, the Internet channel will need to be updated.


EDIT EDIT: The update the Internet Channel now supports Opera Widgets. Whatever those do.

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True - also the new Resident Evil shooter and Manhunt 2 (doesn't care what anyone says about R*). I'm also psyched for Bleach this Tuesday and Godzilla Unleashed in November.


On Wii, "just barely mediocre" is the new "must buy!"


What's that in reference to?


It's in reference to 3rd party wii games sucking hard, usually following the recipe "take one PS2/Wii game, Just Add Waggle " or being flat out bad side projects that they didn't care enough to put a good team on.


Umbrella Chronicles is going to be like an hour long. It's a rail shooter with apparently no real depth to speak of.


Manhunt 2 -- PS2 game with waggle.


Godzilla Unleashed -- PS2 game with waggle. Basically the same game as DAM Melee and Save the Earth.


Bleach -- licensed game by Sega, and no Treasure. Accounts of the import peg it as "shallow but fun." Hardly a meaty game experience. At least it's an original game, though!


Guitar Hero 3 is a game you get the chance to purchase by virtue of simply owning a relevant console (actually, not even that-- it's also coming to Mac, for crying out loud). Naturally, it's also on PS2.


Wii owners need to quit lowering their standards, and buying any crap that's available to play. That's how things like Red Steel being a million seller happen.

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Wii owners need to quit lowering their standards, and buying any crap that's available to play. That's how things like Red Steel being a million seller happen.


I didn't think Red Steel was complete garbage, just mediocre. The fact that I had to replay to get the good ending killed the game for me. That said, it has no business being a million seller.

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Guest Ant

This may have been asked and i apologize if it has but does anybody know if the Wii controllers have been strengthened?

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This may have been asked and i apologize if it has but does anybody know if the Wii controllers have been strengthened?


Strengthened for what?

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Well in Europe they were breaking a lot Snapping etc


They have redone the wriststrap twice since the Wii's launch. They also have remote condoms available for free for existing Wii owners, and condoms will be packaged with Wii remotes from now on.

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God damn. After struggling with boxing and baseball for so long, I'm finally pro in every Wii Sport. My left arm is killing me right now from boxing though. Now I just have to get a gold (or platinum) medal in every training event.

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The newest EGM has an article about the crap games that are flooding the Nintendo..also points out that its no longer the "Official Nintendo Seal of Quality"..just "Official Nintendo Seal"




Yeah, nothing but decent to great games came out on NES.


Oh wait...


Nintendo's publishing polices are arguably less stringent than its competition. The Charlie's Angels game was rejected by Sony and Microsoft, but Nintendo allowed it to be released for the Gamecube. Then again, Chicago Enforcer was allowed to see release on xbox, but it was a "budget" release. I'm sure we can all cite a number of truly terrible PS2 games, but mostly those were 20 bucks or less upon launch as well.


Nearly all of Nintendo's 3rd party crap is 3rd party *full-priced* crap, though.


Well in Europe they were breaking a lot Snapping etc


I'm sure you mean the straps. I've never heard of the remotes themselves breaking (unless them crazy krauts have been going Angry German Kid on them), and they've fallen 5 feet down onto a stone tile floor about a dozen times since I've gotten the Wii.


I still put in an order for my Wiimote rubbers, though. JIC.

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True - also the new Resident Evil shooter and Manhunt 2 (doesn't care what anyone says about R*). I'm also psyched for Bleach this Tuesday and Godzilla Unleashed in November.


On Wii, "just barely mediocre" is the new "must buy!"


What's that in reference to?


It's in reference to 3rd party wii games sucking hard, usually following the recipe "take one PS2/Wii game, Just Add Waggle " or being flat out bad side projects that they didn't care enough to put a good team on.


Umbrella Chronicles is going to be like an hour long. It's a rail shooter with apparently no real depth to speak of.


Manhunt 2 -- PS2 game with waggle.


Godzilla Unleashed -- PS2 game with waggle. Basically the same game as DAM Melee and Save the Earth.


Bleach -- licensed game by Sega, and no Treasure. Accounts of the import peg it as "shallow but fun." Hardly a meaty game experience. At least it's an original game, though!


Guitar Hero 3 is a game you get the chance to purchase by virtue of simply owning a relevant console (actually, not even that-- it's also coming to Mac, for crying out loud). Naturally, it's also on PS2.


Wii owners need to quit lowering their standards, and buying any crap that's available to play. That's how things like Red Steel being a million seller happen.



All I hear is pissing and moaning so far.

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