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Fellow Wii-less Torontonians might want to know that the Eaton Centre has about six consoles up for demo play. It's on the ground level, just outside Sears but before the escalators that go up to the restaurants. I don't know how long it's been there for, or how long it's going to be there, but just thought I'd let y'all know. ;)


HMV (Yonge/Dundas) also told me today, I asked just for curiousity, that they get in about 20 Wii's a week and that they sell right away, as per usual.

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Guest Princess Leena

Just about all gaming stores have Wii's to play, as well.


I need to play Wii Sports at GS, tomorrow. :(

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Guest Smues

Anyone know if there's a way to turn down the volume on the wiimote? It's kind of awkward playing Zelda with the TV really quiet and then the remote blaring when I solve a puzzle.

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Just about all gaming stores have Wii's to play, as well.


I need to play Wii Sports at GS, tomorrow. :(


Unfortunately a lot of the gaming shops up here don't have their shit together when it comes to demo consoles. =\

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Anyone know if there's a way to turn down the volume on the wiimote? It's kind of awkward playing Zelda with the TV really quiet and then the remote blaring when I solve a puzzle.


Press the "Home" button, select your remote and there will be the options attached to it.

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From the IGN website.


Nintendo Sued for Patent Infringement

The Wiimote may not be as unique as we thought.

by Micah Seff


December 8, 2006 - In a surprising turn of events, Nintendo is already the target of litigious action concerning its newly released Wii console. California-based Interlink electronics has filed a complaint against Nintendo for what it has deemed to be a case of copyright infringement over the pointing functionalities of the Wiimote.


Gaming blog Kotaku has obtained a court filing, issued by the US District Court of Delaware, which accuses Nintendo of infringing on a patent filed previously by Interlink Electronics. The court filing claims that Interlink Electronics has suffered "loss of reasonable royalties, reduced sales and/or lost profits as a result of the infringing activities of" Nintendo.


The claim refers to a patent filed in February, 2005 which refers to a device titled "Trigger Operated Electronic Device." The patent describes the advice as a "trigger operated device in the nature of a pointing device for use with an electronic system such as a computer." The patent continues to describe a device which, on the surface, sounds an awful like the Wii's controller.


The complaint demands that Nintendo be enjoined and restrained from further infringing on the patent, presumably by taking the Wii off the market. Furthermore, the filing demands that the court order Nintendo to pay Interlink three times the assessed damages, including prejudgment interests and attorney fees. Additionally, the plaintiff is demanding a jury trial of any and all issues pertaining to the case.

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This is probably just as much bullshit as the whole force feedback patent lawsuits from a few years back. The US patent system is so monumentally fucked up. Any time any new technology starts to sell, all these companies with obscure and very broad 'concept patents' come out of the woodwork looking for a settlement. They're never actually looking to block the use of the technology, just a nice juicy settlement so they'll go away. Look at stuff like the SCO/Linux and RIM Blackberry fiascos and things like Amazon.com patenting 'One Click Shopping.'


I mean seriously, "OH SHITS, they put a trigger on a pointing device~! SUE SUE."

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The claim refers to a patent filed in February, 2005 which refers to a device titled "Trigger Operated Electronic Device." The patent describes the advice as a "trigger operated device in the nature of a pointing device for use with an electronic system such as a computer." The patent continues to describe a device which, on the surface, sounds an awful lot like Duck Hunt.


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This is bullshit. If you want to get technical about it, the old gun for the NES was a pointing device with a fucking trigger on it as well. $10 says this gets laughed out of court.

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Even though I'm sure Sony would be raked over the coals for something frivolous like this, it's still frivolous shit. It's not like about 500,000,000 people couldn't have come up with the idea for something like the Wii-remote. Clearly Nintendo blatantly stole this incredibly unique and obscure idea from a small company based out of California.

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Heres the thing. Nintendo owns TONS of patents and they don't attack other companies. They use them for defense. The corperate lwyers will go through everything Nintendo owns. It's almost garuteed that Interlink has done something that Nintendo owns the patent to. and once they find it, the suit will be dropped. This is how it happens. This is how nintendo uses it's patents and why they feverishly try to patent anything they can that they do. So, when companies go after the bank roll...Nintendo can come back and be like, well, you've infringed on this patent this one and this one.

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Heres the thing. Nintendo owns TONS of patents and they don't attack other companies. They use them for defense.




Except for when they attacked Galoob over the Game Genie, claiming it allowed for the creation of "derivative works".


Suing Camerica for making an NES Advantage clone, violating that patent (imagine a company suing today over a 3rd party controller).


And suits against the makers of those "unlicensed" cartridges (even if they did suck), including the Tengen lawsuit


And the usual anti-piracy stuff.


One of the most awesome moves Sega made back then was not attacking, or even taking a blind eye to the Game Genie, but giving it their official seal of approval. While on the Nintendo side, having lost the previous suit, all they could do was alter the machines to not accept the Game Genies. So if you have bought an SNES game genie and it never worked--it most likely was 1994 and newer--which I believe is when the alterations went into place. Your Genie probably works fine, it's the system that's the problem.


Nintendo sued Blockbuster for photocopying SNES manuals, and won, too.


Hell, just review those and the other ones in brief here:



Of course, this is pretty much all Evil 80's Nintendo, FWIW.

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I don't understand the point of the achievements in Excite Truck, because every time I hit a milestone, I get some crummy trophy model I can rotate and they bump up the numbers (Say I hit 50, they'll bump it up to 100 after awarding the trophy). Is Nintendo going to have acheivement points like Xbox Live once they finally launch WiiConnect 24, or is this just something for the hell of it in Excite Truck?

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I broke down and bought the Wii component cables from Nintendo's site, after I learned that EB Games wouldn't be getting them until January. They were $35.99 CDN, which probably isn't bad because I figured EB Games would sell them for $40. Of course, now I'm paying $7 for shipping, but at least I know I'll be getting it.

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Guest Smues

My component cables arrived on Monday. After playing anything on the xbox360 of course the wii doesn't hold up, but it still looks pretty darn nice in 480p.

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Anyone know when the next Wii shipments will be in stores? If I have to wait in line to buy my own damn Christmas present I might just do it.

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I've exerted no effort in trying to find one yet, and suddenly with the release approaching--the idea of playing TP on the Cube (as a swan song of sorts) isn't looking so bad, no matter what anyone says. Bet I aim and hit shit just fine.


Plus: PC Pangya (my lone weird far-east vice) is already way ahead of what's coming out for the Wii.


Rabbits and kidneys will still be around by the time I get off my ass and scoop. Also Galaxy. Maybe black.


That was me talking myself into slacking. Think it worked.

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Guest Smues
Anyone know if there's a way to turn down the volume on the wiimote? It's kind of awkward playing Zelda with the TV really quiet and then the remote blaring when I solve a puzzle.


Press the "Home" button, select your remote and there will be the options attached to it.


Thanks, that was driving me nuts.

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Anyone know when the next Wii shipments will be in stores? If I have to wait in line to buy my own damn Christmas present I might just do it.


Target will be recieving their 3rd and FINAL guaranteed shipments the week of the 17th.


And I snagged a set of Component Cables today at Best Buy for 24.99. Zelda and Wii Sports look fantastic!

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Anyone know when the next Wii shipments will be in stores? If I have to wait in line to buy my own damn Christmas present I might just do it.


Target will be recieving their 3rd and FINAL guaranteed shipments the week of the 17th.


And I snagged a set of Component Cables today at Best Buy for 24.99. Zelda and Wii Sports look fantastic!


so they should hit the stores Sunday morning? hmmmm

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Guest Princess Leena

Yes. Almost every store is saving Wii's for the 17th. Including EB/Gamestop.

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I'll go wait in line for an hour Sunday morning, but that's it...if I don't get it, I don't get it. The hard part is deciding just where to do it because I'm sure I'll only have one chance.

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Guest Princess Leena

Target usually gets the most. The only negative is that some Targets open very early during the season.

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Target usually gets the most. The only negative is that some Targets open very early during the season.


Target opens at 8am everyday unless you have that Random SuperTarget that is open 24/7.


Lushus, I'd say get in line at 4am or 5:30 at the latest. It's only 4 hours and it should solidify your chance for the Wii. Just bring either a portable DVD player or a DS and you should be fine.


I do wish everyone luck that really wants one. Good Hunting.

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