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I'd buy a PS3 for the VF5 launch if there was literally any other good looking PS3 game either already out, or coming out within a month or so. There isn't, so I'm going to wait to play VF5 on the XBox 360.

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Right and selling you old games out the ass


Selling what?




Right. Not "downloadable content" that's in the damn game already. I have no problem with multiplayer maps for a FPS, because that is new, original content that the developers sunk time and money into. As opposed to something built into the game already that they're making you pay for.


I've complained about VC pricing myself--it is too high, but that's not the discussion here is it?


Could you please show me some sort of proof that there is a "heavy chance that the [360]thing will crap out in a few months."?


Microsoft extending the warranty to a full year because there were so damn many out of warranty repairs proof enough for you?


That happened with Sony. Then they got sued. MS decided they didn't want the same thing to happen to them.


Ask Anya about her launch console. And the replacement console she got.


Ive had mine since launch with no issues.
So the broken 360s are user error, right? I love those assumptions.


And what kind of two year old thinks it's loud? It's not like I can even hear it while playing games, or any other time for that matter.


Oh wait, I forgot you're the biggest Nintendo Fanboy on this board.


I say I have issues with the CONSOLE and you're flinging insults directed at ME.


Who is the fanboy here?

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I'd buy a PS3 for the VF5 launch if there was literally any other good looking PS3 game either already out, or coming out within a month or so. There isn't, so I'm going to wait to play VF5 on the XBox 360.


If you're almost willing to buy a PS3 to play VF5, you should be more than willing to buy a PS3 to play T5:DR. :)

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And microtransactions out the ass. And a heavy chance that the thing will crap out in a few months. Lots of noise.


Right and Nintendo isnt selling you old games out the ass with prices of:


NES Games - $5


SNES - $8


N64 - $10


Genesis - $8


TurboGrafx-16 - $6


Oh please, there's a world of difference between selling WHOLE GAMES and this microtransaction crap where you're ending up paying for stuff that should be in the game in the first place.

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I'd buy a PS3 for the VF5 launch if there was literally any other good looking PS3 game either already out, or coming out within a month or so. There isn't, so I'm going to wait to play VF5 on the XBox 360.


If you're almost willing to buy a PS3 to play VF5, you should be more than willing to buy a PS3 to play T5:DR. :)


Could be waiting to see how that Tekken 6 for 360 rumor pans out.


Of course, it could be DMC4 part deux, where everybody said it was happening but there's been no new evidence or any confirmation.

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I'd buy a PS3 for the VF5 launch if there was literally any other good looking PS3 game either already out, or coming out within a month or so. There isn't, so I'm going to wait to play VF5 on the XBox 360.


If you're almost willing to buy a PS3 to play VF5, you should be more than willing to buy a PS3 to play T5:DR. :)


No no, I like good fighting games :P

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I sat and stared at one (actually three, or maybe five) at Target today.


I tried to play a demo game to show willing, but they're only showing videos :(


I WAS actually there to see if they had any Wiis hidden away, but that's a whole 'nother thread, now isn't it?


Just funny where fate takes you, isn't it?

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Guest Smues
And microtransactions out the ass. And a heavy chance that the thing will crap out in a few months. Lots of noise.


Right and Nintendo isnt selling you old games out the ass with prices of:


NES Games - $5


SNES - $8


N64 - $10


Genesis - $8


TurboGrafx-16 - $6


Could you please show me some sort of proof that there is a "heavy chance that the [360] thing will crap out in a few months."? Ive had mine since launch with no issues. And what kind of two year old thinks it's loud? It's not like I can even hear it while playing games, or any other time for that matter.


Oh wait, I forgot you're the biggest Nintendo Fanboy on this board.


He didn't even say anything about Nintendo. Mellow out.

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Right. Not "downloadable content" that's in the damn game already. I have no problem with multiplayer maps for a FPS, because that is new, original content that the developers sunk time and money into. As opposed to something built into the game already that they're making you pay for.


I've complained about VC pricing myself--it is too high, but that's not the discussion here is it?


I was actually talking about the Xbox arcade games that are similar to the VC games, Ive never needed to download any extra content for any of the games Ive bought.



Microsoft extending the warranty to a full year because there were so damn many out of warranty repairs proof enough for you?


That happened with Sony. Then they got sued. MS decided they didn't want the same thing to happen to them.


Ask Anya about her launch console. And the replacement console she got.


So the broken 360s are user error, right? I love those assumptions.


And since Anya had a problem with 2 out of hundreds of thousands of consoles her case is the norm? Hmmmm I think someone else is making an assumption!


I say I have issues with the CONSOLE and you're flinging insults directed at ME.


Who is the fanboy here?


You since you constantly have Nintendo products in your avatar and always argue in favor of Nintendo and never against. You make sarcastic remarks and make one sided arguements. Personally I don't care, I had (in order) an NES, Genesis, N64, PS, Dreamcast, PS2, X-Box, then a GC before getting a 360. Yeah I'm a total fanboy, you got me.


I loved NES, loved N64, hated GC (cause I have hands larger than a 12 year old Japanese Girl's) and like the Wii, but I don't go into a PS3/360 thread and rag on those consoles and leave your preferred the better by elimination.


I've never had problems with Microsoft game consoles, so I'll stay with them till they give me a reason not to.

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I was actually talking about the Xbox arcade games that are similar to the VC games, Ive never needed to download any extra content for any of the games Ive bought.


Except when I said "microtransactions," that is is exactly what was implied. Not a "transaction" where the exchange is done there, fin. Rather when you pay tiny increments which the developer tries to milk out of you.


And basically, as far as the old game pricing goes, Sony's prices kick the everloving hell out of both XBLA's and VC's. Of course, there's that whole "need a PSP" and "the console costs way more" thing, but all other things equal...



And since Anya had a problem with 2 out of hundreds of thousands of consoles her case is the norm? Hmmmm I think someone else is making an assumption


Yes, because she is the only one.


I was countering your anecdotal evidence with another. Even xbox fanboys admit the 90 day thing was a mistake and it was good for MS to take care of it.


Oh...I see what you did there. Bolding "ass" in "assumption." U teh funnay and clevR.


You since you constantly have Nintendo products in your avatar and always argue in favor of Nintendo and never against.
See me bitch about Virtual Console (many times if you keep scrolling through there), and a really stupid, presumptuous post on the Nintendo site:




So yet again, you're wrong.


Oh, and the recent avatars were kind of an answer to Anya's creepy PS3 baby av, and was kind of an in-joke between us, of the constant posts on boards on OMG IF YOU PLAY THE WII YOU WILL LOVE IT SENIOR CITIZENS ALL WILL BUY ONE!


Now I have a WiiKitty, because I like kitties. Do you hate kitties? Do you also hate America?


You make sarcastic remarks and make one sided arguements.


A few examples please?


Which are null because everyone does it from time to time. Sometimes, because of the nature of the situation, the news' link post, etc. not all of the information is known.


Personally I don't care, I had (in order) an NES, Genesis, N64, PS, Dreamcast, PS2, X-Box, then a GC before getting a 360. Yeah I'm a total fanboy, you got me.


1. fanboy


A passionate fan of various elements of geek culture (e.g. sci-fi, comics, Star Wars, video games, anime, hobbits, Magic: the Gathering, etc.), but who lets his passion override social graces.


I loved NES, loved N64, hated GC (cause I have hands larger than a 12 year old Japanese Girl's) and like the Wii, but I don't go into a PS3/360 thread and rag on those consoles and leave your preferred the better by elimination.


I was saying what disappointed me about PS3, with my 360 gripes being some things unlikely to change soon, if ever.


I can rag on the consoles all I want. It's a message board. You're feeling some desperate need to DEFEND the console with the manners of a chimp because by me attacking the console, you feel I'm attacking you. That's fanboyism. If you have a problem with it, kindly go to hell. I hate the 360 game library, too.


hated GC (cause I have hands larger than a 12 year old Japanese Girl's)


Seriously? The size?


I'd think it would be the terrible button layout and the miniscule d-pad size. I thought the size and feel were just fine, and my hands aren't small.

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When are the PS1 titles from the Playstation Store going to be playable on the console? Around launch time I heard January, and well, here we are.


I don't think Sony ever committed to any date or month.


They just said "soon."

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Guest Smues

Ok enough of that, now get this thread back on topic.


Has Sony said yet when you won't need a PSP to playthe old games?\


Edit: And the exact same question is asked before I hit post. Damn you Misawa. Damn you!

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And I would have gotten away with it too, if not for those meddling kids!!


All I'll say is that Sony better release Final Fantasy Tactics in the PSStore, otherwise they can expect a stern fist-shaking from me.

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Awesome. Guess I'll have to use my silly 3 foot HDMI cable which means the PS3 will have to go in one of the shelves of my TV desk, and hopefully the thing won't overheat (there's opening on the front and back but not the sides). Either that or use my PS2 component cable, heh.

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Just use a twist-tie or a paper clip. And if you don't have a receiver, HDMI has better sound than analog.


Some people say there isn't a difference between HDMI and component, but I can see a difference.

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I passed by a Gamestop store on 86th St. & Lexington Ave which is pretty much the only remaining decent sized video game store within a couple of miles on either side and they had signs up telling people that the PS3 was in stock. The reason this struck me as odd was that same store didn't have that luxury of advertising that they had additional units for sale until the June after the PS2 came out, which is incidentally when I got mine. Given that the PS2 came out earlier in the corresponding year than the PS3, and it was almost impossible to get your hands on one until 4 or 5 months later, I'm guessing that most people are waiting on a price drop which can't come soon enough for Sony.

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I doubt we'll see Sony drop the price anytime this year, or maybe the year after that. Has Sony dropped the price of the PSP, even with the DS kicking it's ass?

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The guy who posted the above picture went back to the same store tonight, and took another picture of the very same spot:




I think it's funny that since stores have PS3s in stock, sometimes a lot of em, people make light of it and laugh (like me, I admit it). However, if they didn't have any in stock, people would be complaining about Sony not shipping enough.

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I doubt we'll see Sony drop the price anytime this year, or maybe the year after that. Has Sony dropped the price of the PSP, even with the DS kicking it's ass?


The PSP probably wouldn't sell any better if they dropped the price marginally. The $600 price tag is pretty much the only thing that's causing the backlog of PS3's. When is the last time a notable/anticipated launch system couldn't move almost all of its available units 6 weeks after it came out?

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There's no question that the price is holding back a lot of people from buying a PS3. I just don't think Sony cares right now and they wont drop the price because of it. I'm sure that they're sitting back thinking that as soon as some more games are released, then more people will start to buy.


Not sure what I think about that though, since I don't think third party games will do it, no matter how great they are. They need exclusives now, more than ever. It's going to take some damn good exclusives also, in order to get people to drop down $500-$600 for a PS3.


I think that the PS3 numbers this Christmas were about the same as the 360 numbers last year. The only difference is that the 360 didn't have two brand new systems to deal with. It's going to be much more of an up hill battle for Sony for much of 2007 and into '08.

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You can't sell software without selling the hardware. If they stay at $600 into 2008, they'll be dead last by a wide margin and their "reign" as the dominant console will be over.

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Guest Princess Leena

Sony won't have a choice, unless they want to continue being ridiculously stubborn.


Especially when Microsoft drops the 360 price (which will likely force Nintendo to drop the Wii's, as well).

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