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I'm surprised more games haven't gone multi-platform already (even though many have). Even if XBox 360 is slated to be #3 world wide, if a publisher releases the game on all three consoles, they obviously have a larger pool of potential buyers than if they were to release it on one system. The only advantage that staying exclusive has is if they get a big payoff by the console developer to stay exclusive. But I'm sure that's only the big-name publishers/studios who get those deals. And even then, I'm sure they must carefully weigh whether the money they're getting through those contracts is enough to make up the loss of possibly upwards of a million extra sales. Maybe that's why Rockstar moved the GTA games to simultaneous releases for the PS3 and XBox 360, considering they'll likely sell well over 1 million on the XBox 360.

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I am pretty close to giving up on PS3. The price makes it unattainable for me without specifically saving up for it, the HD compadability issues will fuck me over because I have 1080i not 1080p, and the last resort for PS3, was the exclusive games it had, and now that isn't even going to hold true anymore......I really don't want to have to go the next five or so years without playing Ratchet & Clank, but it looks like that is going to happen.

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Is it just me or is Motorstorm a bad choice to use in store demos to show off the power of the PS3? The game looks good enough but the framerate is horrible.

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Guest NYankees
Is it just me or is Motorstorm a bad choice to use in store demos to show off the power of the PS3? The game looks good enough but the framerate is horrible.



My friend who has a PS3 is dying to get Motorstorm just based off of what he saw on display at Best Buy. As for NoCalMike, just wait a year or two for when the price drops 40-50 percent. By then the library of games will be much better, the technical flaws should be tweaked and the must buy games like FF13, RE5 and GTA 4 should be out. I love being able to play Fall of Man but there isn't any single reason that I could think of for wanting a PS3 right now.

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Is it just me or is Motorstorm a bad choice to use in store demos to show off the power of the PS3? The game looks good enough but the framerate is horrible.


Plus the game isn't even out (except for Japan), and they don't bother showing off a playable Resistance.

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I guess the Motorstorm demo you can download on PS3 is newer then the one on display and is much better.

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"Two demos have been made available to the public. The first is only available on Playstation 3 retail kiosks. The second is only available for download at the Playstation 3 Online Store. While both feature the same two tracks, the kiosk demo allows the player to switch vehicles on the grid before the race starts. The downloadable demo has a smoother framerate but at the cost of visual detail. Both demos allow the player switch on SIXAXIS motion sensing for steering."

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Is it just me or is Motorstorm a bad choice to use in store demos to show off the power of the PS3? The game looks good enough but the framerate is horrible.



My friend who has a PS3 is dying to get Motorstorm just based off of what he saw on display at Best Buy. As for NoCalMike, just wait a year or two for when the price drops 40-50 percent. By then the library of games will be much better, the technical flaws should be tweaked and the must buy games like FF13, RE5 and GTA 4 should be out. I love being able to play Fall of Man but there isn't any single reason that I could think of for wanting a PS3 right now.


I dunno, I still would feel ripped off if I am unable to play my games in HD, where as with the 360 I could.

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So, my friend got a PS3 and is willing to sell it to me at cost. I've got a TV that supports 480i and 1080i. Should I bother, or just tell him to sell it for whatever he can get for it? Purely opinion people. Reasoning would be appreciated but is not required.

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Sony will likely add "upscaling" support for 1080i. I don't really think it's a big deal anyway. You can still play the games if you don't have an HD-TV. And it's not like you'll be able to play FFXIII on the PS2 or something. You should get a next-gen console if you want to play the next-gen games. HD is just an added bonus if you have a TV capable of it.

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Sony will likely add "upscaling" support for 1080i. I don't really think it's a big deal anyway. You can still play the games if you don't have an HD-TV. And it's not like you'll be able to play FFXIII on the PS2 or something. You should get a next-gen console if you want to play the next-gen games. HD is just an added bonus if you have a TV capable of it.



Well the thing is, if neither the 360 or PS3 could be compatible with 1080i then that would be one thing, but I have seen what games look like on my TV when my friend brough his 360 over, and the gaming experience when playing in HD is truly amazing, and I'd hate to have a next-gen system and not be able to take full advantage of it.

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This just in from our Tokyo bureau: according to an interview conducted by Japan's Impress, Sony's Ken Kutaragi has gone on record with a "promise" for what he's calling an AV-centric PS3. In other words, audio and video capabilities first, gaming second (if at all), in a device built around the Cell-processor platform. Ken says that the device would certainly be more expensive, reflecting the prices and margins expected on high-end consumer electronic devices such as TVs, Blu-ray personal video recorders, etc. -- not the relatively cheap, but powerful gaming rigs sold at a loss under Sony's Computer Entertainment division. Impress speculates that the device could cost as much as ¥300,000 or about $2,500. The new Sony-branded living room box would, in Ken's (translated) words, "be a standard AV component sized box with a more powerful, power supply unit, anti-shake insulator, twice the main memory, and 2x HDMI to split sound and video output." More Cell-processor devices in the living room? We say bring it, Sony.



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And the good news keeps coming for Sony


Yep, and now there's more!


Virtua Fighter 5 on Xbox 360


The Virtua Fighter series has never been known as a multiplatform franchise for consoles. Outside of a forgettable port of Virtua Fighter 2 to the Sega Genesis, the series has always kept itself to one home at any given time. From its console debut on the Sega Saturn, the series made an all-too-brief cameo appearance during the Dreamcast's all-too-brief lifespan with Virtua Fighter 3tb before settling in on the PlayStation 2 for Virtua Fighter 4 and Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution.


So when Sega announced that it was bringing Virtua Fighter 5 to the PlayStation 3, many had assumed it would stay there. That changed today. Sega announced that it would be bringing the latest installment in its premiere fighting franchise to the Xbox 360 in late summer of next year. The PS3 edition of the game will still beat its new counterpart to retailers, as it is scheduled for a February 20 release in North America, and will be a launch release in Europe when Sony's system debuts there next March.


The game adds two characters to the series roster for a total of 17 fighters and brings back the ability to customize characters with new accessories. Virtua Fighter 5 is rated T for Teen. For more information, check out GameSpot's previous coverage of the PS3 version.

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Guest Smues

4 days til Christmas, with a zillion people shopping at the mall, Gamestop had a ps3 (60 gig version) for sale for awhile and it was still there when I left. Not saying that means anything, but I found it interesting.

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I've seen PS3 systems at Walmarts and video game stores quite a lot over the past week or so, and they aren't bought up instantly like the Wiis seem to be.

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It'd be bad news for Sony if they lost VF5. Another system getting it months later isn't that bad. Especially when it's just VF which is only relevant for the hardcore and the people that want to be hardcore. Smart from Sega though, it will do decently on both systems.



The important thing is that they still have Tekken. Now that's a series that will sell millions, maybe billions, of consoles.

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Looks like I won't be getting a PS3 in February. I hope Sega releases the updated version of VF5 on XBox 360, assuming there's a new version between the PS3 and XBox 360 release. I also hope they release it on time, I don't want to have to wait more than 4 or 5 months for the game.


Funny though, 2 of the 3 big, announced exclusives I wanted the PS3 for are suddenly no longer exclusive.

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I was out to Best Buy tonight and I heard something interesting:


Customer: "Do you have any Wii's?"

BB GUY: "No...BUT WE'VE GOT 2 PS3's!"

Customer: "Oh"


and he left


And the customer looked to be more apt (mid 20's guy) to want a PS3 than a Wii. I was tempted, but I've said that I want to get a 1080P capable set before I get a BluRay player..so..no PS3 for me even though they had 2. Im still pissed they dont have anything other than the $60 Wii component cables but thats for a different thread.

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The VF series is the only fighting game series that I've ever actually been able to really get into.



But have you tried Bloody Roar!?

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How is that interesting? Please no more anecdotal evidence. I could make an entire thread out of some of the dumb things I've overheard at the arcade or Gamestop.

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And the customer looked to be more apt (mid 20's guy) to want a PS3 than a Wii. I was tempted, but I've said that I want to get a 1080P capable set before I get a BluRay player..so..no PS3 for me even though they had 2. Im still pissed they dont have anything other than the $60 Wii component cables but thats for a different thread.


One of the guys on Screwattack.com said that, at least for movies, 1080i is the way to go. 1080p looked lousy in comparison.

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How is that interesting? Please no more anecdotal evidence. I could make an entire thread out of some of the dumb things I've overheard at the arcade or Gamestop.


The way the BB person yelled "WE HAVE 2 PS3s" I thought there would have been a mad dash to them but there wasn't and the guy asking for the Wii left. A month ago someone would have been shot over them. I didnt really know at the time that you can find PS3s easier than Wii's now..kinda wierd.


And I dont know how a 1080P picture would look lousy..


1080p:1080i as 480p:480i

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Yeah, a month ago. How many people wanting to buy a video game system like that are just randomly around?



You know I don't usually believe in manufactored shortage conspiracy theories but I suspect FOUL PLAY with Wii! There is no reason that hardware shouldn't be readily available no matter how big the demand is. I can't prove it but there has to be some kind of shenanigans going on here.

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