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Craig Th


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fuck...I hate season finales! fuck this waiting til fall shit!


so the Petrellis blow up together (perhaps?)


Sylar escapes (it seems?)


and now we'll finally see the significance of the eclipse...well this fall anyway.


Hey, not sure if you guys had heard, but Masi Oka (Hiro) was on MTV the other day and he said that Origins show is supposed to be 6 episodes introducing new Heroes and we vote on which one we would like to see in the next season.

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Hiro going to Samurai Japan (was that lone warrior guy Kensei?) was hilarious. I'm guessing the Eclipse somehow bestows or activates the powers somehow.


Though the show didn't quite follow their own rules by having Peter suddenly turn good... however, one could make the case that Hiro calling Nathan a bad man might have been the extra pebble - he only knew that because he time traveled and was thus "out of the timeline"

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Meh, that wasn't a great season finale. They had way too many corny one liners.


I guess I had my hopes too high.

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Cool stuff. Honestly not as balls-out explosive as last week's episode (the Peter/Sylar showdown was pretty lame, and Hiro just killing Sylar by running straight at him was weird too), but still pretty cool. I've been imagining that Nathan might fly Peter away ever since we first saw the vision of the bomb, but it was still a weepy little moment. If the show has any balls at all, Nathan will be dead. Love the character, but just having him be fine would be pretty lame, considering that they already pulled pseudo-fakeouts with DL and Parkman.


Great job setting up next season already, especially the person who can see Molly when she looks for him. It'd be totally awesome if George Takei played Kensei too. As for Sylar, I think he's dead--to me, that's what the eyes showing everything that happened and then going white indicated--but I think he'll be back. Whoever dragged his body away probably has plans to resurrect him in some fashion, as comic books villains always do. I imagine then is when we'll get a real big Peter/Sylar blowout. The cockroach on the manhole cover was a nice touch.

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Didn't quite have the punch that I thought it would, but a good wrap to the season nonetheless. If D.L. and Niki are still alive and are coming back, they'd better do a hell of a lot better job with their story next season.

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The only prob I had with the episode is with the Sylar end, but Mollys foreshadowing of the Season 2 Big Bad has me fucking GIDDY. Hiro going back in time with SULU is fuckin killer. SHAFT still hanging around in the spirit realm was dope, specially since Peters dreams have been a constant from the first episode- certainly plausible that he sent Peter the dream of blowing up to get him involved in the process. ANDO saying "You look badass" and Hiro going all fanboy. EVERYBODY teaming up to take on Sylar. Of course, it wasn't enough and I really wanted them to go all out with the super powers - I understand restraint and not numbing the audience, if you can't do it in the finale, when the fuck can you do it? Anti-climatic and they pussed out with Sylar after having killed off Linderman in the previous eps. Speaking of which, maybe Sylar just lost his powers?


They mentioned that the Eclipse represents a unifying moment.

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Not a blow away type finale, but it closed the bomb storyline nicely. I prefer full season awesomeness instead of mediocrity for 20 episodes and a guns blazing end. This ain't Smallville. I was really hoping Nathan would stay heel, and I really wanted them to tease the guy Molly was talking about. I thought for sure we'd see Candice's true form when Nikki knocked her out.


The big dissapointment was no real confrontation between Sylar and Peter. I would've been pissed had they killed off Sylar. There's hope for the real fight they teased in "Five Years Gone".

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That was so average, especially compared to the episodes before it. Everything seemed so haphazard, and the best part (Sylar vs The Heroes) was also the shortest. The Hiro in the past thing was funny, but I got a 'Let's send the X-Men to Space' vibe from it. Hopefully it only lasts a few eps in Season Two. I'm slightly pissed that Nathan died, but his re-use of 'Save The Cheerleader...' was pretty sweet.


I wouldn't call it disappointing, but I don't think it really lived up to the build.

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The Moment that has me most excited for season two: Molly's description of the man she can't find who can see her when she looks for him. I swear I got chills when she described him. Even Parkman, Mohinder, and Bennet looked nervous when she described this mysterious man.

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Sendhil Ramamurthy was on Regis this morning, and if I remember correctly, he said they may end up doing a 30-episode season, with the Origins episodes airing during a mid-season hiatus.


That has already been confirmed.


I was horribly disappointed with the finale. This whole season had been excellent, and the finale was just ahuge letdown. And it takes a LOT for me to be let down. I've never once complained about lost, and I watch Raw and ECW every week.


Some moments were cool, but this was, by far, the worst episode of the season. Bleh.

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though it was very brief, it was cool seeing a team battle against Sylar. I don't want a full fledged team or anything, but it's cool to see it from time to time.

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I watched that ep for the first time with someone else, and someone who hadn't seen it before.


1) I spent the whole time explaining everything

2) The whole ep just wasn't as good as some other ones :(


Oh well.

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Sendhil Ramamurthy was on Regis this morning, and if I remember correctly, he said they may end up doing a 30-episode season, with the Origins episodes airing during a mid-season hiatus.


That has already been confirmed.


I was horribly disappointed with the finale. This whole season had been excellent, and the finale was just ahuge letdown. And it takes a LOT for me to be let down. I've never once complained about lost, and I watch Raw and ECW every week.


Some moments were cool, but this was, by far, the worst episode of the season. Bleh.


Clearly you didn't see any of the early episodes focusing on Nikki and Jessica. Because if you did you wouldn't be calling the finale the worst episode of the season.

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I had that thought for a second as well, but I think they "resolved" that when they had him facing the T-Rex in the museum no? Either way it would've been cool. :P

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I just caught up with the series on NBC.com and watched the finale, and I don't think it was THAT much of a letdown. They know they'll be around next season, so they can have this first season set up the next season without it being a big blowoff to everything. And the episode where Nikki/Jessica was going after the guy Parkman was protecting was definately worse than the finale.

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Random prediction when it comes to the 'super evil mystery man': What if its Papa Petrelli....unless I'm missing something they never really explained what exactly happened to him. Maybe he was the one that turned his back on the original 'Heroes' (Linderman, mama Petrelli, the older black man in the chair). Unless I missed an explanation on what happened to the eldest Petrelli it might make some sense.

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I totally spent the last three days watching the entire run, after having missed out on it when it first started coming on and then never having time to sit down and watch all the episodes on the 'net. I'm glad the finale wasn't just balls-to-the-walls craziness. Unlike other series shows (specificially ones that come on Monday nites on Fox), it really seems like Kring et al. have a specific, well-thought out plan of where the series is headed both within the season and as a whole. So, I liked the way the first season finale wrapped up (for the most part) the first story arc and built to the second story arc. I can imagine that the series finale, at the end of the fifth season, is going to be the one that's balls-to-the-walls crazy, and that's fine. Just as long as they keep bringing out the awesomness and build logically on storylines and really make the characters interesting and compelling, I'm fine with delaying the super-epic. And next season's gonna be all kinds of awesome. And BPK, the elder Petrelli killed himself six months before the first season's events began, but, that certainly doesn't mean he's dead dead.

And possibly I'm just reading too much into things, but I wonder if there's supposed to be some significance to the characters that had specific Biblical names. They had Peter, Micah, Noah, Gabriel, Matthew, Isaac...maybe more. I'm not a Bible scholar, but I'd be willing to bet that is somehow significant.

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Given how ruthless and smart Sylar had been, it was kinda lame to see him just stand there while Hiro ran at him. I suppose you could say he was groggy, or something, but still.


And did I miss something in a previous episode where it was established that Peter couldn't use any other powers whilst going nuclear, or something like that? What was to stop him flying himself out, or taking the bullet and then healing?

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After Molly mentioned the mystery guy, for something I started to think of Charles as that person since he knew Peter was standing there but as I think about it, I don't think it'll go that route.

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What was to stop him flying himself out, or taking the bullet and then healing?


I wondered that as well...why would Nathan have to sacrifice himself? Maybe he felt a certain responsibility to his brother and the situation he was in annd it was his only chance at redemption?

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And did I miss something in a previous episode where it was established that Peter couldn't use any other powers whilst going nuclear, or something like that? What was to stop him flying himself out, or taking the bullet and then healing?


Has Peter ever used more than one power at the same time? I can't think of an instance off hand, and if that's the case than maybe he can only use one at a time, therefor he wouldn't have been able to fly with the nuke power going.

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And did I miss something in a previous episode where it was established that Peter couldn't use any other powers whilst going nuclear, or something like that? What was to stop him flying himself out, or taking the bullet and then healing?


Has Peter ever used more than one power at the same time? I can't think of an instance off hand, and if that's the case than maybe he can only use one at a time, therefor he wouldn't have been able to fly with the nuke power going.


He used his telekinesis while invisible in the future episode.

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One power at a time would make sense, although Peter was able to heal later despite being "killed" whilst invisible, so I'm not sure why Claire wouldn't shoot him...I guess you could say it would have to be a head shot to be sure of putting him out, which could splinter the skull into the brain or something and be incredibly hard to fix as opposed to just being a piece of glass to pull out.

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Must have missed the Petrelli's father suicide. There are still so many questions that I have about this show and I love it. I have no idea where they are going with the Hiro storyline in ancient Japan with the eclipse. I agree with whoever said that I think it has something to do with how the 'heroes' obtained their powers. I just found it interesting how Dr. Suresh in his last narration said something to the effect of 'no matter what you think we are not alone in this world.' I have a feeling that is going to play into the whole eclipse factor. Also do you guys think the new evil guy that the little girl spoke of is someone we have seen before or a new character?

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Whether or not Peter absorbed Ted's power seemed kind of irrelevant to me, and I wondered why they focused on that these last few episodes, except perhaps that Ted's power was particularly volatile. Peter was in danger of overloading/exploding even before he met Ted (remember, during training, when Claude just cold-cocked him to "shut him down," for lack of a better term?), simply from absorbing too much and not knowing how to handle it. Nathan had to fly him away, because whenever Peter's gotten in a situation where he's started to OD on power, he's either passed out, been knocked out, or just barely gotten himself back to stable. I don't think he was in any position to exert control over his powers at that point, and certainly in no shape to focus enough to fly himself out of there.


Also, on Sylar: while I'm still of the theory that he is dead and someone else took his body down into the sewer, him not dying would wrap up the one big loose end in "Five Years Gone": that Sylar apparently managed to regenerate when FutureHiro stabbed him, despite the fact that Claire was alive at the time and he couldn't have taken her power. It's entirely possible that this was a point where Sylar realized the extent of whatever powers he'd taken now, and perhaps sewed himself back up telekinetically or done something we haven't seen yet to mitigate his wounds. In that case, the real impact of saving the cheerleader to save the world takes on an entirely different meaning, one that Nathan hinted at before saving the day: Claire not dying, meeting Nathan, and railing on him about the future not being written, what he's doing being insane, etc., changed his mind from helplessly following Linderman's plan to stopping the bomb (not to mention Peter getting his own invulnerability, which has helped him out quite a few times).

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I think that Peter absorbing Ted's power was relevant. Whereas before, when he was overextending himself using his powers, he was a danger of exploding/overloading himself, with Ted's power, him overloading himself would cause him to explode more than just himself. And also, there's the fact that Peter was still having difficulty harnessing his powers, especially after he just acquired them. And I like the take on the 'Save the Cheerleader' thing; it's more poetic and interesting if saving the cheerleader meant that she was there to remind Nathan of his humanity as opposed to just being around to allow someone else to survive by virtue of her ability.

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