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OK, be straight.

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I just can't imagine it not being painful, even if the act itself is brief. For this, I suspect lushus was lying to me in the other thread.


I would never lie about that, my friend...i couldn't do that to another man...it's like eating his fries. you just don't do it.

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I just can't imagine it not being painful, even if the act itself is brief. For this, I suspect lushus was lying to me in the other thread.


I would never lie about that, my friend...i couldn't do that to another man...it's like eating his fries. you just don't do it.


A woman did mine.

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AoO is an example of a cool mod...he enforces the rules but still bullshits with everyone like he always did...Nikjohns, and, to an extent, Loss acted holier than thou and really never contributed beyond either telling people how stupid they are or getting after them about something.


I don't think Loss was really that bad about it, he just this idea that the wrestling boards should be "serious" like the DVDVR and that humor (like the sensible Randy Orton jokes) shouldn't be allowed. Also, for some reason, whenever Milky would try to post in the wrestling folders Loss would always give him shit like "STOP MAKING FUN YOU DON'T REALLY LIKE WRESTLING YOU'RE JUST MAKING FUN OF US WHO DO". But don't compare him to nikjohns.

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DVDVR is only serious about justifying their love of shitty wrestling.


Mark Henry?

They tend to be very old school and prefer psychology to workrate, preferring the big hosses not selling like Henry does to an Abyss who sells most everything

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I'll give DVDVR a pass because John Pelan (owner of Darkside Press and co-writer of "Goon") posts there.


What can I say, I liked the book "Goon." A nice piece of erotic horror, with enough gross out moments and laugh out loud moments to entertain jaded old me.

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Guest ResidentEvil

AoO is an example of a cool mod...he enforces the rules but still bullshits with everyone like he always did...Nikjohns, and, to an extent, Loss acted holier than thou and really never contributed beyond either telling people how stupid they are or getting after them about something.


I don't think Loss was really that bad about it, he just this idea that the wrestling boards should be "serious" like the DVDVR and that humor (like the sensible Randy Orton jokes) shouldn't be allowed. Also, for some reason, whenever Milky would try to post in the wrestling folders Loss would always give him shit like "STOP MAKING FUN YOU DON'T REALLY LIKE WRESTLING YOU'RE JUST MAKING FUN OF US WHO DO". But don't compare him to nikjohns.


If you take a look at the board Loss put together, you'll notice that it is a pretty serious wrestling board. I think that a lot of that is due to the posters there who tend to be on the hardcore side. From what I've seen on my visits over there, Loss does a fine job modding.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

So Czech called Vyce a fucking tool? Was it really that much of an issue?



Forums are made for discussions. Not name calling, or the usual nonsense.


This forum is made for name calling and the usual nonsense. Hence, it's within the rules.

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Guest Princess Leena

Loss was a fine mod. A real shame he's gone. That's the kind of people you need here to clean up a wrestling forum.


Not someone like HTQ who insults everyone who's "stupid" and doesn't follow the bible of Lord Meltzer.


And nikjohns was just a freak.

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Guest Vitamin X

Banky and I were suspended/sent to Whiny Bitches, ironically, because of a whiny bitch. We made fun of Slapnuts in teke184's birthday thread and teke was offended that we ruined his thread.

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teke overreacted, but I still don't think it was right that he was de-modded for that. If it happened to someone less popular than banky, no one really would have cared.

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We made fun of Slapnuts in teke184's birthday thread and teke was offended that we ruined his thread.

teke was also the mod who suspended Fridge for his "I don't care if the President dies" bit, and we know what classic TSMeme that led to.


someone less popular than banky


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Guest Princess Leena

Heh, indeed.


That says just about all you need to know on why this board is a joke.

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Guest Princess Leena

I can't know the extent of the problems here until I have control.

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People need to stop saying heh.


Loss was okay but he took everything too seriously, especially how he wanted this place to be the pinnacle of discussion. Sass was awful

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Guest Princess Leena

Why shouldn't a mod want this board to be the pinnacle of discussion. Strive for greatness.

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Guest Felonies!

We're the pinnacle that means we reign supreme and we're nototrious we'll crush you like a jely bean.

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