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Guest Kinetic

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Guest evenflowDDT

Dear Kinetic,


I feel left out because everyone everywhere seems to talk about football all the time. Is there any easy way to "fake" knowing about football so I can get in on the conversation?

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Guest Leena

I can help you on this, since I was in the Crossface on this fine site, despite not watching a lick of wrestling in 2 months.


Die HHH. Die. Errr... yeah.


No, ummm... make fun of people's favorite teams. When you see Kingpk, tell him the Pats suck. Kotz, the Pack suck, and insult them a lot.

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I knew that would come up, but the Pack has a solid one. You're probably referring to the Bills, and yes, it's odd considering how good their defense was for the past few years. I'm still disappointed in the fact that they barely beat the Texans, yet outplay the Broncos. It's mindboggling. At least their offense provides for some exciting games...

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Guest Kinetic

I'll admit to the Bucs having had a soft schedule so far, but it's not like you could tell that before the beginning of the season. For instance, they've already beaten two out of the last three Super Bowl champions. Sure, both teams were playing like shit at the time but there's no telling that when schedules are made. Particularly with the Rams. The only game they've lost this season was to a pretty talented New Orleans team and that was in overtime when the punter threw an interception in the end zone. The thing with the defense these last several years is that they've been completely responsible for any success the Bucs have had. Their offense has been, as a rule, quite bad. They're still not great, but I really think they have what it takes to help the team post a good record and hopefully play well in the postseason.

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Guest Kinetic
Dear Kinetic,


I feel left out because everyone everywhere seems to talk about football all the time. Is there any easy way to "fake" knowing about football so I can get in on the conversation?

Watch some pregame shows and repeat whatever the intelligent-sounding guys say verbatim. You might want to avoid that Fox pregame show, though. If you really want to get in on the action, I'd suggest actually watching football. It's a fun and rewarding hobby.


Let me just say this: Regional coverage sucks. And it sucks even more for me now that Houston has a team again, so there are TWO phases of coverage for two subpar teams. It was kind of fun watching the Cowboys stumble backwards into a victory over Carolina this week and I was hoping and praying for the Texans to beat the Bills, but I can't expect that sort of thing every week. Going to a sports bar is all right, but you can't hear the TV and the food is potentially lethal. Fucking Texas.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Dear Kinetic,


What's wrong with the Fox pregame guys? I love that group! But I'll admit to loving them less since Cris Collinsworth went to do broadcasts.


Fo sheez,


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Bah, my brother wanted them to lose too. But he makes up piss-poor excuses, instead of, you know, actually admitting he doesn't like the Bills anymore. His main excuse:

" I want the special teams to do bad, so they can fire their special teams coach. I only want them to improve." bullshit, sez I.


About the Bucs Defense, I know that they are the heart, but they generally do breakdown near the end of the season, and when they are finally worn down, what do the Bucs have? The worst QB depth chart in the league, the most underutilized star wide receiver, and an overrated coach. This leads to an first round playoff exit, almost guaranteed.


I always thought that the Fox guys generally don't know what they're talking about, except for Howie Long. Than again, Terry Bradshaw just ignores him to praise Doug Flutie and hype shitty 1800 Collect commercials. That's what I'm guessing anyway. I like ESPN as there are so many different guys, and so many different perspectives from people who actually sound like they know what they're talking about. That's just my opinion though...

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
Let me just say this: Regional coverage sucks.

Oh, hell yeah. I'm a Dolphins fan living in the Philly area. Practically the only time I get to see them play is on Mon. or Sun. night.

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Guest Kinetic
Dear Kinetic,


What's wrong with the Fox pregame guys? I love that group! But I'll admit to loving them less since Cris Collinsworth went to do broadcasts.


Fo sheez,


I enjoy humorous banter but I have a big problem when banter replaces actual observations and information. The only guy there who actually wants to talk about football is Howie Long and he can't get a word in edgewise with Terry Bradshaw and Jimmy Johnson making hair jokes the whole time. CBS is a little better but they seem to be attempting to create that Fox chemistry between Deion and Boomer and...it sucks. It's not funny. Dan Marino's voice grates on me, too. I can't explain that one. The ESPN show really is the best pregame show out there, so I'll usually watch that one. That unfortunately requires me to get up at 11 (central time zone) on a Sunday but one must be willing to make certain sacrifices during football season.

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Guest Kinetic
Let me just say this: Regional coverage sucks.

Oh, hell yeah. I'm a Dolphins fan living in the Philly area. Practically the only time I get to see them play is on Mon. or Sun. night.

I go to my local sports bar to watch the Bucs. Otherwise, I'd never get to see them play. I've watched every game this year other than last week's Browns game (vehicle problem) and the second half of the Saints game (work). The best place I've lived in terms of coverage was overseas, because there is no local team. AFN then just shows whatever games looks best for that week, which is really the best way to go about it. Plus, you got a total of FOUR games every Sunday of the regular season, plus the ESPN game. It was like football paradise, except we were six hours ahead over there so the late games most definitely lived up to their name. I had to get up at 2 to watch the Super Bowl. Other than that, it was perfect. AND they showed every episode of "The Simpsons" in sequential order, starting from the very beginning and in their originally broadcasted form, i.e. nothing cut out like they do in syndication. So, yeah, my favorite part of living in a beautiful foreign country was the TV. Sue me.

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Guest Kinetic

You know, just because Dan Marino was a great football player doesn't give him any right to talk.

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Directv is your answer. A wide variety of free football, movies, and wrestling is your ticket out of Cowboys/Texans hell. It's probably cheaper than whatever fee you're paying for cable now anyway.


On a side note, you basically echoed my feelings expressed in a previous post about football broadcast coverage. Except I insulted Terry's shitty acting gig, not his quips about hair. Meh.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
You know, just because Dan Marino was a great football player doesn't give him any right to talk.

You should have just quit while you're ahead.


Dan can talk all he wants, and you'll sit there & listen. And like it.



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Guest Kinetic

How many Super Bowls did Dan Marino win? Now, John Elway...I could listen to his angelic voice all day long.

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Guest Kinetic
Directv is your answer. A wide variety of free football, movies, and wrestling is your ticket out of Cowboys/Texans hell. It's probably cheaper than whatever fee you're paying for cable now anyway.


On a side note, you basically echoed my feelings expressed in a previous post about football broadcast coverage. Except I insulted Terry's shitty acting gig, not his quips about hair. Meh.

I'm moving to North Carolina in a month, so I'll soon be able to replace "goddamn shitty Cowboys/Texans" with "goddamn shitty Panthers." Not much of a consolation, but at least they play the Bucs twice every year. I think my grandparents have some sort of satellite and I'm going to be living with them for a bit, so maybe it'll turn out all right. As it is, I sort of enjoy going to the sports bar. Those wacky Raiders fans and everything.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Dear Kinetic,


Can you fix John Elways face so he doesn't look like a kid that just came off the short bus every time he expresses some kind of joy?


Fo sheez,


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Guest Spaceman Spiff
How many Super Bowls did Dan Marino win? Now, John Elway...I could listen to his angelic voice all day long.

::breaks stuff::

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Guest treble charged



How do you feel about ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail of Dead's video for Relative Ways being played on MuchMusic in the same block as videos by Lifehouse (Spin), Our Lady Peace (Innocent), and Foo Fighters (All My Life)?


Do those bands 'fit' them?

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Guest Kinetic

I dislike all of those bands, first off. Lifehouse is godawful tripe, Our Lady Peace does nothing for me, and the Foo Fighters peaked on their first album before becoming another hopeless mainstream entity. That said, I couldn't give a fuck who Trail of Dead's videos are being played next to, just so long as they're being played. They're a band that with the right sort of exposure could hit it big, plummet into mediocrity, and became yet another hopeless mainstream entity. My final answer here is "No, it doesn't bother me" because MuchMusic is based in Canada and Canada has no bearing on anything. Getting regular rotation in Canada is kind of like the old "if a tree falls in the woods" thing.

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Guest Anglesault

Hey Kinetic, how does it feel to be more ESTABLISHED~! Than everyone in this thread?

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Guest Cancer Marney
Do you think the Buffalo Bills have an honest chance of winning the division?

I couldn't care less. What I don't want to see is the Bills winning the Super Bowl. As long as I'm alive, that doesn't happen.

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I couldn't care less. What I don't want to see is the Bills winning the Super Bowl. As long as I'm alive, that doesn't happen.

So does that mean you're not a football fan, and just enjoy the running joke that are the Buffalo Bills? Or you just enjoy a particular team that has no association (As in rivalry I suppose) with Buffalo?

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Guest Cancer Marney

Slow boy.


"Internationally, Bosnia and Herzegovina is set for a February vote on independence from Yugoslavia."

"America couldn't care less."

"I'm working on next month's Oscar nominations. Any preference?"

"I couldn't care less. What I don't want to see is the Bills winning the Super Bowl. As long as I'm alive, that doesn't happen."

"Could be tough, sir. Buffalo wants it bad."

"So did the Soviets in '80."

"What are you saying, you rigged the Olympic hockey game?

"What's the matter? Don't you believe in miracles?"

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