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Raw Thread For December 4th

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Revenge on Rated-RKO?

December 4, 2006


One night after ECW’s December to Dismember, Raw rivalries heat up in North Charleston, S.C.


Team DX-tremes

The Hardys soared to victory over MNM at December to Dismember, but Joey Mercury & Johnny Nitro plan to turn up the heat several notches on Raw—by teaming up with Edge & Randy Orton. Rated-RKO is still gloating about their heinous actions last week, leaving Ric Flair lying in a pool of his blood, plus leveling The Hardys and getting themselves disqualified during their World Tag Team Championship Match. Matt & Jeff won’t be alone against this fatal foursome, however; in their corner will be very pissed-off D-Generation X members Shawn Michaels and Triple H, who want revenge on Flair’s attackers at all costs. Will they succeed, or do MNM and Rated-RKO have a plan that will leave The Hardys and DX in the same condition as the annihilated Nature Boy?


Champ vs. Bulldozer

Last week, Umaga challenged John Cena to a WWE Championship match, a challenge that The Champ quickly accepted. He looked ready to go right then and there, but Armando Alejandro Estrada kept Umaga from going after Cena, saying the match would happen when they want it to. Will we find out exactly when that will be?


Revenge is a dish best served Raw, live Monday night at 9/8 CT on the USA Network.

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Okay, it's time to decide which brands the members of MNM and the Hardyz are going to stick on. It's killing the kayfabe brand boundaries by having them appear on all three brands like this.

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RAW gets all the guys, Smackdown and ECW are relegated to their own wrestlers...except for the three world champions, who can appear on any show.


At least that's what I gather from how WWE has been booking lately.

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WWE.com reports Vince McMahon "sent Paul Heyman home" before the Raw/ECW tapings, citing slumping ECW TV ratings, a pissed off locker room, and poor D2R results, along with "Heyman being depressed at the D2R" results as the reason.


It's kayfabe, but they actually blame the shitty ECW ratings on Heyman. Hilarious.

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Melter says that Monty Brown is at Raw, so he might be on Raw or ECW.


It'll be RAW. Remember, they need a black man.

..poor Shelton.

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Considering Lashely started out as WWE's own version of Monty Brown and just became ECW Champion, I highly doubt they're going to want Brown on the same show as him. I actually don't really expect Brown to debut tonight (though it would be cool if he did) but Raw is the show that makes the most sense for him.

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why am i planning on watching Raw tonight? Why?


I don't know. Potential Monty Brown debut? Potential on-air burial of Paul Heyman? The possibility of a quality wrestling show with interesting angles and compelling matches?


Hell, why am I going to be watching it...?

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So are they going to open Raw with Vince K. McMahon yelling "YOU'RE FIRED!"?


I wonder if he's pissed that TV Land chose that as one of their top 100 sayings ever, but Donald Trump saying it and not him even though Vince was saying it on TV before Trump was and at least Vince puts a little something into his version..

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Well..Cena vs Umaga is obviously going to happen at NYR, which is like right after the all important Cena/KFed New Years Day match..


Id wait to debut Brown at the RR as a mystery entrant..

You run the risk of 'Who's that' heat for Brown though, if a surprise entrant.


& as for people asking why we watch tonight.. Raw's different, it's got a thing about throwing the unexpected out there, and as its live, anything really could happen.

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Without sounding sad, Chris - Quick recap of the Vader intro?

Basically, just show a bunch of video packages after announcing he's an entrant. Show Monty training hard, fighting hard, that stuff.


Then, in the rumble, he's a brutal fighter, and after a sneak elimination that takes him out, he beats everyone up illegally.

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If they do debut Brown or a new talent in the Rumble they need some moment in the match where its two Raw guys in a corner, two SD guys in a corner, two ECW guys in a corner, and the newcomer in the last corner, trying to figure out what the hell to do.

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My God...Im at the Student lounge watching RAW..Im so glad other people are here watching too....Id be embarassed as Hell by myself...

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