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2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

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I can't buy Theriot. He had a .337 career slugging percentage in the minor leagues, and he's already 27. Derosa's a better player I think. Murton's good enough to start. He had an awful first half, but posted a .912 OPS after the break.

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DeRosa's not exactly a spring chicken, though (31 years old), and he's about as clear-cut of a platoon player as you'll find. (.260/.316/.366 career line against RHP) And I'd hesitate to consider last year's otherworldly performance to be indicative of a new level of performance. I'd like to pair him up with Jones for a RF tandem, as Le Jacque shouldn't even be allowed in the building whenever a southpaw is taking the mound.


Theriot's young and relatively inexperienced, but his contribution in 2006 wasn't all that different from his minor league track record - he's certainly no slugger, but he doesn't have to be in the No. 2 hole. He's got a knack for getting on base (look at those K/BB ratios from the minors up) and he certainly puts the ball in play. I wouldn't expect him to hold that same SB/CS percentage, but he certainly has enough speed to put pressure on the defense and give Piniella some flexibility whenever he would need to implement a one-run strategy.


As for Murton, Theriot's inclusion in the lineup doesn't really steal away his spot, as there's not really room for him in the outfield anyway, thanks to Cliff Floyd's acquisition. He's certainly got a stronger bat than Jones, but I'm not sure how either of them would compare at the corner spot defensively. Murton would be an ideal No. 2, if they managed to stuff him into the everyday lineup somehow.

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I think we all know who Chicago needs to sign...




Get rid of Jones, stick Juan Gone in RF, bat him 2nd. That gives the Cubs:











Hell yeah!

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Cincinnati signed Harang to a 4 year, 36.5 million contract.

What I don't get about the extension is this part


The Reds have been working on an extension for Harang, their last player available for salary arbitration. Harang made $2.35 million last season, and asked for $5.5 million in arbitration. The club had countered with a $4.25 million offer in arbitration.


He was asking for $5.5mill, they countered with $4.25mill and then somewhere along the lines they just said to hell with it and gave him an average salary of $9mill and change?

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Maybe they're figuring he'd have another good year, wise up, and ask for a fortune for the 2008 season or beyond.

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don't think he could ask for a fortune next season. The FA crop of starters is much better than this year's. As of this minute some starters available next year in free agency are Bartolo Colon, Curt Schilling, Mark Buerhle, John Smoltz, Carlos Zambrano, Freddy Garcia, Jake Westbrook, etc.

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He was asking for $5.5mill, they countered with $4.25mill and then somewhere along the lines they just said to hell with it and gave him an average salary of $9mill and change?


I imagine the contract is something like $5 Million for 2007 and then $10.5 Million a year the next three years. How many people realize this guy led the NL in wins AND strikeouts last year? That even surprised me.

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don't think he could ask for a fortune next season. The FA crop of starters is much better than this year's. As of this minute some starters available next year in free agency are Bartolo Colon, Curt Schilling, Mark Buerhle, John Smoltz, Carlos Zambrano, Freddy Garcia, Jake Westbrook, etc.


It could be argued that the only guy on that list who is better than Harang going forward is Zambrano.

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A roation of Bedard/Benson/Cabrera/Wright/Loewen is really good, possibly the Os best rotation they've had since they started that 9 year slide given the upside of Bedard/Cabrera/Lowewen.


I have some hope for at least a winning season..


Unfortunately Marv, this is probably the year that the O's fall into last place, where they will probably reside for the next few seasons. There is just too much talent in Tampa Bay for them to keep throwing up 60-70 win seasons. The Orioles' rotation might be good, but they don't have the talent to compete in that division.


Given that Tampa played a decent first half last year and fell apart down the stretch..I Dont see TB as a threat. And eventually they'll lose all that talent to FA because they wont resign them.

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Just a note. Be sure to check out the players' game logs at Baseball-Reference.com. One of the neat new features is that it will tell you how a team fared with a certain player in the game. For example, the '87 Cardinals were 76-55 when Jack Clark played (19-12 without him). For hitters it gives the number of RBI opportunities he had. For pitchers, the number of times a pitcher started on short rest, as well as his run support. It's all quite interesting.

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To say that Tampa hasn't ponied up to bring a big free agent to the bay is unfair, considering that they've been the drizzling shits since they were created. What free agent in their right mind is going to say "You know what? I know that I'm being offered more money, but I'd really like to go play in a crappy part of town for a team that hasn't won anything ever." They need to develop their players, create a competing team and THEN they can start looking at more than C+ level free agents.

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Anybody been following this A-Rod opting out business? It's a little crazy to think that he can play well enough to get an even bigger contract. Certainly not saying he isn't capable of playing that well, but where is the limit?

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Anybody been following this A-Rod opting out business? It's a little crazy to think that he can play well enough to get an even bigger contract. Certainly not saying he isn't capable of playing that well, but where is the limit?


Hes jealous of David Beckham. Beckham's gonna make 90 dollars a second to kick balls around the field..

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Anybody been following this A-Rod opting out business? It's a little crazy to think that he can play well enough to get an even bigger contract. Certainly not saying he isn't capable of playing that well, but where is the limit?

He'd give up money per year, but his new deal would run several years longer.

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Q. How about your relationship with owners - have you seen it improve?


A. With owners, basically, in the end they do not mind paying market value for a player as long as it works and the player produces. The one thing I tell owners is ‘Don’t sign a player and think you’re going to win a world championship.’ That one player can never represent that. If you’re signing a player for what he can do - it’s just like, I get asked about the A-Rod contract all the time. (Rangers owner) Tom Hicks is now building an emporium around his stadium, with shops, the whole thing, the value of that property went through the roof. The football arena is being built right near there, he got a $ 100 million Ameriquest signage contract. His TV contract once he signed A-Rod went from $4 million to $ 35million a year there, the property value’s increasing, the franchise value increased, and then literally he paid for that contract in a short period of time, the 160 acres of land went through the roof, the value of the TV contract, the whole thing. Then he moved the contract. He made money off Alex Rodriguez. So, not a lot of people realize that but end-wise, it turned out to be a very smart business move. Alex won an MVP there and had three great years there.


This was from an interview conducted the other day with Scott Boras. Of course everything he says has to be taken with a grain of salt, but this does give an alternative perspective on the famed A-Rod contract (and timeley, as we are now hearing that A-Rod might opt out of this deal at the end of 2007).

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ESPN.com is reporting that Shannon Stewart will be signing a one-year deal with the A's for $2.5 million. I suppose it's not a big risk and essentially is replacing Jay Payton although it makes the effort to get Ryan Goleski in the Rule 5 draft kind of pointless as they is no roster spot for him now unless they trade someone.

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Bronson Arroyo will be with the Reds through 2010 now. He signed a $25mill 2 year extension. So now over the next four years he'll be paid...


2007: $4.125mill

2008: $3.95mill

2009: $9.5mill

2010: $11mill

2011: Club Option for $11mill or $2mill buyout


he also got a $2.5mill signing bonus


The Reds certainly do like to overspend on players they already have the rights to.

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Guest Princess Leena

I'm glad to see my Alexander being a team player. He's not all about the money. Of course, with his amount of production, he should be making $200 million per year. Double the amount of Beckham.

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Bronson Arroyo will be with the Reds through 2010 now. He signed a $25mill 2 year extension. So now over the next four years he'll be paid...


2007: $4.125mill

2008: $3.95mill

2009: $9.5mill

2010: $11mill

2011: Club Option for $11mill or $2mill buyout


he also got a $2.5mill signing bonus


The Reds certainly do like to overspend on players they already have the rights to.


So much for that whole "I miss Boston!" sentiment.

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Bronson Arroyo will be with the Reds through 2010 now. He signed a $25mill 2 year extension. So now over the next four years he'll be paid...


2007: $4.125mill

2008: $3.95mill

2009: $9.5mill

2010: $11mill

2011: Club Option for $11mill or $2mill buyout


he also got a $2.5mill signing bonus


The Reds certainly do like to overspend on players they already have the rights to.


That's a lot of money for Bronson Arroyo. Interesting that he signed an extension. There was an interview last year around the All-Star break where he said that when his contract ended he'd like to go back to Boston. $25 million will change your mind quickly, I guess.

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does he do any work for the Cinci community? I only ask because he's still very involved in the Boston Community charities (including the yearly Hot Stove/Cold Music concert).


He has a charity here and does do alot of public appearences including his own concert series with local musicians and has quickly become a routine endorser for local companies.

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I wish him the best because he seems like a nice guy and he got sort of a bad break near the end in Boston. I worry that last year was more of a fluke season and that the decline he was experiencing in Boston was real. Maybe he's turned the corner. Nonetheless, that $25 million will heal a lot of the bad feelings towards the "hometown discount" contract he got last year.

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I think last season was more just a decent pitcher moving from the AL East to the NL Central. There are loads of decent pitchers that could move from AL to NL and improve greatly. I can't wait to see what Zito does in the NL now.

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I think last season was more just a decent pitcher moving from the AL East to the NL Central. There are loads of decent pitchers that could move from AL to NL and improve greatly. I can't wait to see what Zito does in the NL now.


He also seemed to benefit from just being new to the league. The same thing happened the first time he showed up in the American League. If you look at this 2006 splits, he was getting hit hard by July which indicates that teams figured him out after the first time through the league. His K/BB rate declined throughout the year, just as it had in 2004-2005. His September/October was very good, but he was aided by a ridiculous .220 BABIP. I'd expect an ERA of 4.00 - 4.50 with a solid 200 innings.

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