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EVIL~! alkeiper

2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

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Hey, did anyone ever figure out if that DirecTV/MLBEI deal starts this season, or do those of us with digital cable get one more year?


It would start this year, altough Tim Kurkjian said today in his chat that he didn't think the agreement was necessarily a done deal yet. I know MLB likes to backpedal when they upset a large amount of people, so maybe we'll get another year.


In other news, Barry Bonds finally signed his contract today.

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Did anyone hear about the particulars of the JD Drew contract? Beyond the ability to void years 4 and 5 of the deal if he hurts his shoulder again, if Drew misses any significant time due to injuries they can defer the guaranteed money off the back end of his deal until 2030! In addition, the limited no-trade clause that he got is quite hilarious. How limited is it? The Red Sox get to choose up to 28 teams that cannot be voided. Wow, Boras got raked over the coals on this one. I guess it's karma for the whole Philly nonsense all those years ago.


While I like Drew as a player, I also read that he is on a special diet where he only eats foods that were mentioned in the Bible. He also has a hyperbaric chamber and has had special implants in his cellphones and other electronics to block radiation. I kid you not. What a nutjob.

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Guest Oedipus Rex

Kerry Wood slipped in his hot tub and bruised his chest. Commence pissing yourself laughing...now.

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Guest Oedipus Rex

Should've saved that one for when Mark Prior stubs his toe in a week. I don't know when he'll even start his season due to his genetic looseness.

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If Barry Zito can get $126 million, I shudder to think what Carlos Zambrano might get. He might get $150.


And if he gets 150 that would have to put Johan at about $500 million


Zambrano, if he has a 2007 similar to his 2006, will likely get a $200 million deal. Santana would be in line for the same if he were a free agent.




Yeah and if Santana has a year like the last 3 years will be WAY more than Zambrano

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If Barry Zito can get $126 million, I shudder to think what Carlos Zambrano might get. He might get $150.


And if he gets 150 that would have to put Johan at about $500 million


Zambrano, if he has a 2007 similar to his 2006, will likely get a $200 million deal. Santana would be in line for the same if he were a free agent.




Yeah and if Santana has a year like the last 3 years will be WAY more than Zambrano


Not exactly sure what point you are trying to make. Yes, if Santana makes it to free agency in 2008 he will get a boatload of money and it will probably be the most ever for a pitcher as long as current contract inflation holds. What exactly does this have to do with Zambrano, who will be a free agent next offseason?

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Kerry Wood slipped in his hot tub and bruised his chest. Commence pissing yourself laughing...now.



MESA, Ariz. -- Oft-injured Kerry Wood is out again -- this time because of a flub in a hot tub.


The Chicago Cubs pitcher is not expected to throw off the mound for a few days after he slipped this week getting out of a hot tub at home. Wood landed on his stomach and chest.


"It was just a little spill," Wood said Thursday. "I didn't think anything of it. Nothing's wrong. It's just going to be a few extra days. My arm feels great. My body feels good."


Wood said he probably would not have thrown off the mound until Friday had he not gotten hurt. He participated in most drills on Thursday when pitchers and catchers worked out for the first time.


Bothered by an injured right shoulder the past three seasons, Wood is being converted to a reliever after being limited to four starts last year.



The Associated Press News Service

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Marvin is really trying hard to flammbait Czech with this Wrigley stuff.


The OF bleachers litterally cant support a huge HD Video scoreboard as its one of the areas of Wrigley in biggest need of renovation..and plus the bums that sit across the street on the tops of the buildings would have their precious view blocked.


and..I dont understand how Cubs fans can sit around and whine because of 2 ads on the OF wall..there were more ads on the walls 70+ years ago then there are now, and

Id say fans of every other major league ballclub are accustomed to them. Get with 70 years ago already..


and the part about a new ballpark..Wrigley is 90 years old and at some point the cost for a new ballpark will be less than the cost to keep the current one in shape to hold games.

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I believe they already blocked off the view of the people across the street with some form of dark mesh fencing.


I can't see the Cubs playing anywhere else. I like Comerica Park but it still doesn't feel right to not have the Tigers playing in old Tiger Stadium (which I believe was torn down last year or is about to be torn down). I don't like the whole new Yankee Stadium thing either.


I'd be a happy man to never see Wrigley, Fenway, Yankee Stadium, Skydome, or Kauffman Stadium ever closed in my lifetime. Those stadiums are the best in the league as far as I'm concerned.

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If Barry Zito can get $126 million, I shudder to think what Carlos Zambrano might get. He might get $150.


And if he gets 150 that would have to put Johan at about $500 million


Zambrano, if he has a 2007 similar to his 2006, will likely get a $200 million deal. Santana would be in line for the same if he were a free agent.




Yeah and if Santana has a year like the last 3 years will be WAY more than Zambrano


Not exactly sure what point you are trying to make. Yes, if Santana makes it to free agency in 2008 he will get a boatload of money and it will probably be the most ever for a pitcher as long as current contract inflation holds. What exactly does this have to do with Zambrano, who will be a free agent next offseason?


Well at first it was kind of just a thought seeing as how Zito got 125 and some were thinking Zombrano was worth 150 so i was just thinking if Z get 150 Johan would have to get dump trucks of money on top of what Z would get, wasnt really attacking you or Z.


So i guess if you need a point from all this its Johan is clearly the best pitcher in the game and it seemed like you were kind of saying Z was at least as good as Johan so i guess correct me if i didnt hear you correct.

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Guest Oedipus Rex
The OF bleachers litterally cant support a huge HD Video scoreboard as its one of the areas of Wrigley in biggest need of renovation

Which is why they just renovated them last year, you doofus.


..and plus the bums that sit across the street on the tops of the buildings would have their precious view blocked.
Pointless slam. Besides, Wrigley Roof seats are expensive. Those attract the Board of Trade crowd more than the cardboard box crowd. I have a distant family member who owns one on Waveland, I think. How have I not exploited this?


and..I dont understand how Cubs fans can sit around and whine because of 2 ads on the OF wall..there were more ads on the walls 70+ years ago then there are now, and

Id say fans of every other major league ballclub are accustomed to them. Get with 70 years ago already..

Because that's what makes my team special. Wrigley Field is supposed to be the exception: pure unadulterated baseball, played at Clark and Addison for years and years, with no video boards, no mascots, no advertisements, no ancillary distractions. Just baseball and its fans. Now this just chips away at the Wrigley mystique even further. The Chicago Tribune has spent 26 years marketing Wrigley Field as the major leagues' Field Of Dreams, where busloads of fans make pilgrimages to the park to watch their Cubs at a park unlike any other. The uniqueness of Wrigley Field is worth more than the $3 million they got to slap shitty waterproof shirt logos on the doors. Without Wrigley Field, the Cubs are just a really crappy baseball team.


and the part about a new ballpark..Wrigley is 90 years old and at some point the cost for a new ballpark will be less than the cost to keep the current one in shape to hold games.
Doubtful. If you think this backlash is scary, the Elk Grove Village Cubs will cause riots.


I believe they already blocked off the view of the people across the street with some form of dark mesh fencing.

That's been worked out. The rooftop owners just have to fork over like 35% of their ticket sales to the Tribune in exchange for being an "official rooftop" and not getting sued. Sort of fair.

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Ads on the walls have been a part of baseball longer than all the other distractions that you have a problem with. Ive seen the pictures of the older stadiums where there wasn't an inch of space on the outfield wall that didnt have an add on it and that was hideous. Even these days theres usually only a few ads on the walls and its nothing like Minor League ball.


I cant imagine being so upset over an ad on the OF wall. Although I suppose the whole "tradition" thing is a really sensitive subject with Cubs fans..it took 53 years to play a night game at Wrigley because gosh darn it baseball is supposed to be played durring the day!


Im sure with the amount of uproar this has caused, the ads wont ever actually make it, and it will probably be UA who backs off, not the Cubs.


Im acutally surprised, from a personal standpoint, that Petey here hasn't sold ad rights to plaster all over the B&O Wharehouse thats visible over the out of town scoreboard at Oriole Park. That and sell the naming rights to the stadium so its something like Feta Cheese Park at Camden Yards or Oriole Park Sponsored by Feta Cheese at Camden Yards.

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Guest Oedipus Rex

It took 53 years to play night games because the light and noise violated city ordinances, since the park is in a residential area. The Tribune had to lobby hard to get night games, and lots of people in the neighborhood still don't want them. (Me, I'd like them limited to Friday and Saturday nights only.) Why should I care that other parks had ads on their walls for years? Wrigley didn't. That's all that matters here. I'd like to hope that they back off here, but they didn't back off on the backstop ad board, or the batter's eye private restaurant (which they were not completely honest about), so it doesn't look promising. Basically, Jason Marquis needs to win 20 games in order to justify CLICK CLACK, and frankly, that is not about to happen.

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Guest Oedipus Rex

Yeah, those pictures with the trees in the grandstands were cool and sad at once. They are demolishing it this spring, I think.

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Give it a few days and it'll be announced Kerry is out for the season because he'll need surgery to repair something he shattered. I'm not sure if it's poor luck or he's just really clumsy and stupid.

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Yeah, those pictures with the trees in the grandstands were cool and sad at once. They are demolishing it this spring, I think.

If it hasn't been torn down then they should put some tax dollars into maintaining it and open it up to the public as a Historical Landmark.

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I know he left on a bad note, saying he doesn't like baseball, and the infamous "Johnny from Burger King" line, but I still think it'd be awesome if they let him throw out the first pitch at opening day.

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A lot of time there are cliches thrown around about "leaving it all on the field" and "sacrificing the body", but that's what Foulke literally did in the 2004 playoffs. The Red Sox never would have won that World Series without him, and it basically ended up costing him his career. I don't have a problem with him saying he doesn't like baseball and that it was just a job. It never affected his performance on the field.


I wonder what Cleveland does now with their bullpen. Borowski probably becomes the de facto closer, but that bullpen looks a little thin. I still think they are the best team in the Central heading into the season, but the same question marks that plagued them last year appear to be cropping back up.

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Keith Foulke is retiring




I just ehard that on ESPNews after waking up. It's a shame... I really liked him when he was with the White Sox.


He was a cool guy. I jawed with him in the bullpen up in Seattle last year and he seemed intelligent and personable, if generally disinterested with the game at hand. Not like Mike Timlin, who scared the living fuck out of me.

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As far as Wrigley Field, I do think it's a bit silly to complain over a couple outfield billboards. You'd think the Cubs/Tribune could have found a sponsor with more of a historic connection to the area, though. Maybe there'd be less of an uproar, if say, Old Style was sponsoring the billboards or something.

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In an interview with local Houston TV station KRIV-TV on Thursday, Roger Clemens said that there's only a 20% chance that he'll pitch in the 2007 season. He also said that he finds it comical how everyone keeps saying they wish he'd make up his mind about where he's going to pitch this season, saying "I'm not leaving anybody hanging. I don't want to play." So, yeah, he'll be back for either the Yankees or the Astros sometime in June probably.

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