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Impact Spoilers

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*Robert Roode and Ms. Brooks came to the ring. Roode said that he's not a happy man and he wants Eric Young to come to the ring and listen to their offer. Kurt Angle comes to the ring and tells Roode to leave, headbutting him. Roode leaves the ring. Angle says that he's been thinking about the Turning Point match against Samoa Joe and that his career has now been blemished. Angle said that he can't believe he lost a match to Samoa Joe. He says that he offered Joe a chance of redemption with their rematch and now he demands the same from Joe. Samoa Joe appears on the video screen and points out that Angle said the Turning Point match would be the final match they would ever have, win, lose or draw. Joe says there will be no rematch. Angle gets frustrated and goes to the announcing table, attacks Don West, and puts him in the Anklelock. West is taken to the back.


*NWA champion Abyss pinned Ron Killings in a non-title match with the Black Hole Slam in a good match. Mike Tenay did commentary alone.


*Backstage in a hallway, Leticia interviewed Christian Cage and Tomko. Cage says that Abyss owes him a title match and says that Abyss has until the end of Impact to accept that match or they will reveal Abyss' secret. The camera then catches Ms. Brooks trying to get Eric Young to sign a contract with Robert Roode Inc. so she doesn't get fired. Kurt Angle appears and asks them if they know where Samoa Joe is. Angle decks Young and leaves.


*Petey Williams pinned X-Division champion Christopher Daniels in a non-title match. Chris Sabin interfered, bringing the X-Division title into the ring. That brought out Jerry Lynn, who took the belt. Daniels spotted Lynn with the title belt Daniels had words with Lynn, finally hitting him with an enziguiri. Williams scored the win. Jim Cornette joined Mike Tenay on commentary from this point.


*Backstage, Kurt Angle had referee Slick Johnson in an anklelock as security tried to pull him off.


*Kurt Angle returned to the Impact Zone and pulled SoCal Val into the ring. He called out Joe, saying that if Joe didn't come to the ring, he was going to snap her leg. Joe didn't show but Jim Cornette got into the ring. Cornette told Angle that he's better than this and asked if Kurt had lost his mind. Cornette said that he wants to see a rematch as much as everyone else does, but because of a clause in Joe's contract, he cannot force them into a one on one match. He then said that he can put Joe in a tag match and announced they would face each other in a tag setting next week. He said that if Angle can convince Joe to give him a rematch, Cornette will sign it.


*Backstage, Jeremy Borash interviewed America's Most Wanted. Chris Harris had his eye taped up. Harris said it was embarrassing that they had to hear the Mexican national anthem at Turning Point, and that his integrity was questioned by James Storm. He said they had a heart to heart conversation and are a unified duo again. James Storm said that they are the best tag team in wrestling and the only way they will disband is over his dead body.


*In a match where AMW would split up if they lost featuring Konnan locked in a penalty box to prevent interference, NWA Tag Teams champions LAX defeated AMW after James Storm purposely smashed a beer bottle over Chris Harris' head to set up the pin for Homicide. Petey Williams confronted Storm on the ramp and had words with him. Williams and Gail Kim checked on Harris.


*Christian Cage and Tomko came to the ring. Cage said that Abyss had until the end of Impact and now time is up. Abyss and Jim Mitchell come out. Tomko and Abyss end up brawling. Abyss gets the better of Tomko, clotheslining him out of the ring. and starts battling Cage. TNA's referees hit the ring. Cage and Tomko left the ring. Abyss lays out the referees. Cornette comes to the ring. Abyss goozles his throat and the lights go out. Sting comes to the ring and tries to talk sense into him. Abyss lets Cornette go and grabs Mitchell by the throat. Sting grabbed the NWA title and headed for the back. Abyss realized Sting had the title and let Mitchell go, staring at Sting.




*Robert Roode pinned Jay Lethal after Ms. Brooks distracted Lethal. A good match.


Impact for 12/21:


*Sting (who had the NWA title with him) pinned Frankie Kazarian. After the match, Sting took the mic and said that Abyss has something Sting wants, and now Sting has something Abyss wants as well. He said he wants to give Abyss the title back, but wants a rematch, so Abyss has until the end of Impact to come to the ring without Jim Mitchell and grant that rematch.


*They did pyro for the opening, following by several X-Division babyfaces tossing gifts to the crowd.


*Johnny Devine and Matt Bentley dragged Kazarian to the ring, where he was caned by Raven.


*Team 3D defeated The Naturals in a Tables Match after Brother Ray powerbombed Andy Douglas through a table for the win. After the match, Shane Douglas took the mic and told the Naturals that he had warned them before, so now the experiment is over.


*Ron Killings did a Christmas rap. Brother Runt (dressed as Santa Claus) came to the ring.


*NWA Tag Team champions LAX came out. Konnan had a small artificial Christmas tree with him. Konnan said that Jim Cornette's plan backfired yet again as LAX won last week even with Konnan locked in a cage. Konnan said that they are the best tag team in TNA and can defeat any gringo tag team. Konnan ripped on Santa Claus, saying LAX is still waiting for gifts they never got as children. That brings Runt back to the ring. He says it's the holiday season so he's got a gift for LAX, warning Konnan to shut his mouth. LAX jumps Runt. Hernandez gives Runt the Border Toss. A bunch of babyfaces hit the ring to check on Runt.


*Abyss comes to the ring. Sting comes out with the NWA title. Sting says that Abyss has potential to be a great champion as long as he's not worried about his past. He tells Abyss that you can't change the past, so don't worry about it, but you can change the future. Abyss is about to shake Sting's hand when Christian Cage appears on the videoscreen, in front of a jail. Cage brings up Abyss' past, saying that Abyss did something that was unforgivable. He says Abyss can look to the future all he wants, but his past cannot be forgotten. He says they have something that belongs to him, the NWA title. Sting calls Cage a punk and says Abyss can determine and control his own destiny. Instead of shaking Sting's hand, Abyss attacks Sting and they fight until security separates them. Tomko comes out on one of the ramps. One of the security guards turns out to be Cage in disguise, so he attacks Abyss with a nightstick. Tomko and Cage knock him out of the ring and turn their attention to Sting. Mitchell drags Abyss away from the ring but he grabs Sting's bat and chases off Cage and Tomko. Abyss hands Sting the bat. Sting left the ring, leaving the NWA title with Abyss. Mitchell began berating Abyss.


*AJ Styles and Samoa Joe defeated Rhino and Kurt Angle after Styles pinned Rhino with a rollup. After the match, Rhino and Styles brawled to the back. Angle put Joe in the Anklelock. Security tries to get Angle to let go. He releases it, then puts Joe back in it. He finally lets Joe go. Joe has to be helped to the back by security.




*Petey Williams pinned Alex Shelley with the Canadian Destroyer in what was the best match of the night.


*Eric Young pinned Chris Sabin. Young had the lamp from "A Christmas Story" with him and nailed Sabin with it when the referee wasn't looking.

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Guest samoapunk
Those don't look too bad. But there's way too much stuff happening.



Agreed. Hurry up and bring up the 2-hour Impact!

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Don West gets his ass kicked by Angle? Almost goes crazy on So Cal Val? Consider me interested. These spoilers sound alright but I just know its all going to be extremely rushed on TV. Russo is now clearly having the "shades of grey" in full effect on top with alot of guys with Sting almost sounding like he's heeling a bit at times. They are giving layers to Abyss, which is at least intruiging compared to the same old character with him. Angle and Joe are both tweening back and forth as heels and faces week to week as well, case in point week one here it sounds like Angle is in heel mode, and the next week he is teaming with Rhyno? Hmmmm.


Getting a strong vibe they are doing Angle/Joe III at Final Resolution though and thats a huge mistake.


Would have liked Harris going heel instead of Storm on this eventual AMW breakup though, figured there was going to be a typical Russo swerve there, guess not.

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Would have liked Harris going heel instead of Storm on this eventual AMW breakup though, figured there was going to be a typical Russo swerve there, guess not


I don't know...I think Storm could play a pretty good drunken obnoxious cowboy heel.

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I know it's a rhetorical question, but is there a good reason they're giving away that AMW vs. LAX match with no hype, 30 minutes of lead time, and not even putting it in the main event? That sounds like a match that might actually sell some PPV buys.

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Guest samoapunk

I really hope they do something with Truth. Giving him a title shot and letting them put on a decent match is a good start. I'd just hate to see him go back to the WWE where his talent will just get lost into the mix there again.

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Guest heat
I really hope they do something with Truth. Giving him a title shot and letting them put on a decent match is a good start.


The match was non-title.

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Guest samoapunk
I really hope they do something with Truth. Giving him a title shot and letting them put on a decent match is a good start.


The match was non-title.



Ahh. I must have missed that part. Well he still got to face the champ.

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It sounds like a lot in the ME scene, but I like the way they're going with the three guys, and Abyss as a tweener with influences of Cage, Sting & Mitchell could be good as its getting better every week.


iMPACT! seems stages and stages better than Raw.

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I know it's a rhetorical question, but is there a good reason they're giving away that AMW vs. LAX match with no hype, 30 minutes of lead time, and not even putting it in the main event? That sounds like a match that might actually sell some PPV buys.
Well *IF* that match on it's own sold any PPV buys then I'm sure it already did that when they actually ran it on the Sunday PPV - a mid-card rematch ain't going to really add much to a PPV - besides if they had that philosophy then we'd see a very meager, one sided Impact where all the "Big" matches are saved for the PPV.

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Hm. Sounds like a little too much Angle in that first show. I am, however, really enjoying Sabin as a heel and the AMW/LAX/Williams thing that's going on.. or was going on, I guess I should say now.


I agree with having Storm as the heel, though. Harris, he's too much of a pretty boy baby face type to be an effective heel. I always thought that Storm had the heel down pat with his beer bottle and especially when he really put some more "hick" into his accent. Now here's hoping they DO something with him and not fuck him up/over like whatever the hell Bobby Roode's been doing... ugh.

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I wonder how Vince feels about his 'wwe cast-off' destroying the whole of the TNA roster as soon as he comes in.


Didn't help that the first thing he did was end Joe's streak.



I haven't seen the rematch yet, did Joe look equal? I've seen mixed reactions.

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Vince sent Angle to destroy TNA just like he sent Hall and Nash to destroy WCW. I think we all know this as fact.

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I know it's a rhetorical question, but is there a good reason they're giving away that AMW vs. LAX match with no hype, 30 minutes of lead time, and not even putting it in the main event? That sounds like a match that might actually sell some PPV buys.


Well it's something to complain about, and I don't think they wanted to wait another month to split them up.

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I know it's a rhetorical question, but is there a good reason they're giving away that AMW vs. LAX match with no hype, 30 minutes of lead time, and not even putting it in the main event? That sounds like a match that might actually sell some PPV buys.
Well *IF* that match on it's own sold any PPV buys then I'm sure it already did that when they actually ran it on the Sunday PPV - a mid-card rematch ain't going to really add much to a PPV - besides if they had that philosophy then we'd see a very meager, one sided Impact where all the "Big" matches are saved for the PPV.

You don’t think a match between the company’s longest surviving tag team putting their existence as a team against the titles held by the hated Latino anti-American heels would have sold any PPV buys? The heels already scraped their way to victory in a match that forced the American’s to have to hear the Mexican national anthem played. AMW going for revenge and vowing to split up if they lost would absolutely have sold PPV buys, especially with some strong promo packages built around the strong anti- American angle of the storyline.


...besides if they had that philosophy then we'd see a very meager, one sided Impact where all the "Big" matches are saved for the PPV.


Because making people have to pay to see big matches is a bad thing?


If the point of putting it on Impact is for ratings, they're not even going to get that because it's getting zero hype and, at most, maybe 30 minutes of lead time. The least they could have done was shoot an angle in the first week of Impact to build to the next week, but they don't even have the patience for that.

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1) I doubt that THAT tag-team match would have made much difference buy wise, not like it was a big surprise what the outcome was or anything else


2) Yes I TOTALLY said that it was bad to make people pay to see big matches, yep that's SO what I said - or maybe, maybe I was saying that if you don't put ANY "big" matches on TV then you're back in the early 90ties with a series of jobber matches and then a nail biter as we wait to see how long it takes Tito Santana to lose to say Razor Ramon or Shawn Michaels. You have to have a mixture of top liners and lesser matches in this day and age or you definitly won't draw shit all ratings.


And while that match doesn't get THIS Impact ratings it signals that "TNA gives you big matches on Impact - maybe you should tune in in the future to see what else we'll show"


I think that definitly beats "Tune in and see what jobber Samoa Joe can squash followed by a tag-team match where one team hasn't won in a year" when you're talking about apealing shows.


You'll hear no arguments about them being impatient, blowing their wad early and not using a bit of logic to set it up - I agree with that. But I got no problem with them putting such a match on Impact.

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1) I doubt that THAT tag-team match would have made much difference buy wise, not like it was a big surprise what the outcome was or anything else


AMW are TNA's longest surviving tag team, and are pushed and presented as such and we always hear about how they're multiple time NWA tag team champions. I would think a match where they would have to split up if they lose deserves to be on a PPV. If they really do want to give it away for free, surely it should get some hype before taking place?

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I know it's a rhetorical question, but is there a good reason they're giving away that AMW vs. LAX match with no hype, 30 minutes of lead time, and not even putting it in the main event? That sounds like a match that might actually sell some PPV buys.
Well *IF* that match on it's own sold any PPV buys then I'm sure it already did that when they actually ran it on the Sunday PPV - a mid-card rematch ain't going to really add much to a PPV - besides if they had that philosophy then we'd see a very meager, one sided Impact where all the "Big" matches are saved for the PPV.

You don’t think a match between the company’s longest surviving tag team putting their existence as a team against the titles held by the hated Latino anti-American heels would have sold any PPV buys? The heels already scraped their way to victory in a match that forced the American’s to have to hear the Mexican national anthem played. AMW going for revenge and vowing to split up if they lost would absolutely have sold PPV buys, especially with some strong promo packages built around the strong anti- American angle of the storyline.


...besides if they had that philosophy then we'd see a very meager, one sided Impact where all the "Big" matches are saved for the PPV.


Because making people have to pay to see big matches is a bad thing?


If the point of putting it on Impact is for ratings, they're not even going to get that because it's getting zero hype and, at most, maybe 30 minutes of lead time. The least they could have done was shoot an angle in the first week of Impact to build to the next week, but they don't even have the patience for that.


You bitch when they have squah matches, you bitch when they have main events on Impact. I think you just look for things to bitch about because you can't accept that Russo is doing a good job.

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The word coming out of Orlando, FL last night was that Samoa Joe hurt his knee during a tag team match that was taped last night during TNA’s iMPACT TV tapings for Spike TV. Joe was looked at by TNA’s medical team at Universal Studios, and there was talk of him being looked over by medics at some point today.



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Robert Roode and Ms. Brooks came to the ring. Roode said that he's not a happy man and he wants Eric Young to come to the ring and listen to their offer. Kurt Angle comes to the ring and tells Roode to leave, headbutting him. Roode leaves the ring.



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*Eric Young pinned Chris Sabin. Young had the lamp from "A Christmas Story" with him and nailed Sabin with it when the referee wasn't looking.

Did he poke his eye out :lol:

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1) I doubt that THAT tag-team match would have made much difference buy wise, not like it was a big surprise what the outcome was or anything else


AMW are TNA's longest surviving tag team, and are pushed and presented as such and we always hear about how they're multiple time NWA tag team champions. I would think a match where they would have to split up if they lose deserves to be on a PPV. If they really do want to give it away for free, surely it should get some hype before taking place?

And it STILL wasn't a big surprise that they were breaking up, why not present a PPV match for the tag-team titles where 90% of the fans don't already know what the finish is going to be?

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My only beef with these spoliers is the Mitchell/Sting angle.


I dont want Abyss to beat up James Mitchell and turn face, he wont work as a face. Hes awesome with James Mitchell as his mouth peice.


As for the AMW split, im dissapointed its happened on free TV, but im more dissapointed its happened full stop. I like AMW.


You bitch when they have squah matches, you bitch when they have main events on Impact. I think you just look for things to bitch about because you can't accept that Russo is doing a good job.


You sound surprised, i sometimes look at the spoilers just to see what HTQ will bitch about.


And im sure Joe will be fine.

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I cannot think of a more bland match that Harris Vs. Storm.


Wait a second...BEER BOTTLE ON A POLE! We ARE wrestling.

I bet the finish will be Gail Kim hitting Storm with the handcuffs!

I think you just look for things to bitch about because you can't accept that Russo is doing a good job.

Short matches suck!

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Those don't look too bad. But there's way too much stuff happening.


Agreed. There's a lot going on, hard to keep up with TNA right now. They seem to change focus/feuds every week. Not too long ago it was Cage/Rhyno, now it's Styles/Rhyno and Cage/Abyss/Sting. I want to see Angle / Joe III though.

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