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Guest Anubis

Who should win the Royal Rumble 07?

Who should win the Royal Rumble 2007?  

162 members have voted

  1. 1. Who should win the Royal Rumble 2007?

    • The Undertaker
    • HHH
    • Edge
    • Randy Orton
    • Shawn Michaels
    • Mr. Kennedy
    • King Booker
    • Carlito
    • A legend from the past (e.g. Jericho, Rock, Austin...)
    • Someone different (please post)

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You know there was rumours of Austin coming back for a breif run. AUSTIN in the RUMBLE IN TEXAS. HEAT GALORE!!!!!!!! UT/HBK/AUSTIN in the finals in Texas would go over gangbusters.I know it doesn't help the younger guys, but I wouldn't pass up what could be the hottest finish in Rumble history. So, I guess X-Pac in DX makes sense. Hossan against Hogan in his last match would be a good story since they like to pretend Hulkamania started with Hogan vs. Shieky at MSG. Jericho I have to see to believe, but the countdown clock would be awesome and shocking.

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Guest pith
I'm not down with Taker taking the match.


The Royal Rumble is traditionally used to do one of two things: Make a new star, or cement a star. That's it's primary function. In the history of the traditional rumble, it's only been used as a plot device or used for no gain only a handful of times. You can trace the Rumble and see that it's main focus has been to do one of those two things.


I mean, look at the traditional PPV history (Duggan emitted):


Big John Studd - Cemented for a future main event run, that had to be nixed due to his illness. Whole point was to re-establish Studd.

Hogan - No real gain. Although it does cement the legacy of the Rumble by having a huge name win it.

Hogan - No gain.

Flair - Cemented as WWE main eventer.

Yokozuna - Skyrocketed to the top.

Bret & Luger - Arguably both cemented. Also used as a plot device for Luger.

Shawn - Skyrocketed to the main event.

Shawn - Cemented as maineventer.

Austin - Skyrocketed to the top.

Austin - Cemented as top guy.

Vince - No gain.

Rock - Arguably no gain.

Austin - No gain.

Triple H - Re-established, therefore re-cemented.

Brock - Cemented as main eventer.

Benoit - Skyrocketed to the main event.

Batista - Skyrocketed to the main event.

Rey Mysterio - Sky rocketed to the main event.


You can't cement Undertaker as a main eventer, nor can you "skyrocket him", so he basically becomes like Hogan's wins, and Austin's third in that nothing is gained by it ultimately, although granted not as bad as Vince's win. A Royal Rumble win will not help sell Wrestlemania, and doesn't even make a whole lot of sense since Undertaker shows between little, to no interest in the title right now. It would just be another accomplishment for him, that's about it. If it were my choice, I'd go with who I already selected, Nitro, or I'd give it to Edge to give him more credibility. Orton's actually not that bad of a choice either if you keep the historical significance of the Rumble in mind, he'd be cemented as a main eventer. WWE should think about more then the now, and what will benefit them the most six months a year down the line. Undertaker winning the Rumble has no long-term benefits, only short term.


i read somewhere that undertaker is a part timer so he can't challenge for a title or sumthing like that

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They already announced all 30 people last night. Sure that change the night of (Foley entering at 21 a few years ago to attack Orton) ...but I don't see that happening.


According to wwe.com, only 29 are mentioned. Khali is in, and now so is Helms. Crazy and Eugene were are not in, says wwe.com.

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Useless Rumble 2007 stats (reposted from CTDWAT):


Of the 29 announced names, only 8 have not tasted gold in WWE (Chris Masters, Miz, MVP, CM Punk, Sabu, Sandman, Khali, and Kevin Thorn). That number can be lowered to 6 if you retcon Sandman and Sabu as holding a title currently active in the WWE.


There are 12 former world champions (WWE/ECW) in the Rumble.


There are 4 current title holders in the Rumble.


There are 3 former Rumble winners involved this year (way up from 2004's zero, but down from 2006's four).


If Gregory Helms can last more than 2 minutes and 2 seconds, he will have outlasted his entire ring time from his last 3 Rumble matches combined.


On the flip side, Benoit has twice gone from the opening of the match until the #30th entrant has come out (1:01:30 in 2004 and 47:26 in 2005) as well as putting in a good 30:31 showing in 2006. However, each year seems to be shorter by approximately 15 minutes. What will 2007 bring?




Any chance a mod can downplay the poll aspect (the reason I ignored this) and rename this the OAO Rumble thread?

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Michael Cole does an in-crowd interview with Vladimir Koslov, who says he will eliminate 29 men in Rumble Royal. Double Double E. No brand attachment yet.


Nope. Super Crazy is now on wwe.com as being in it, so we have our 30 listed. I mean,


could take someone out backstage for their number, who knows. But it doesn't look like he's planned to be in it. That segment might be cut out of SD.

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You do realize that Hogan was champion for years despite being a "part timer", right?


:asshole2: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Seriously, I see the booking theory with Taker winning. He becomes focused after not getting his title shot at the Rumble by winning the Rumble for the first time ever. Crowd erupts and they pimp Taker's winning streak a la Andre at WM 23 and also pimp the high percentage of RR winners winning the title at Mania and THE ANVIL drops and Taker loses just like Andre. Great idea, BUT BATISTA SUCKS NOW and doesn't deserve this storyline. Maybe if he kept his heat from the HHH feud it would be a different story.


Well, I'm surprised they didn't do this with Superman from RAW, but they know EVERYONE will BOO the hell out of their merchandise golden goose. With HHH it would be a different story. I won't be surprised if HBK wins since they are downplaying it so much in the sheets. Sounds like they put that out there on purpose. Did anyone see the super Rumble at the wwe website where they put all the greatest RR contenders in one match and fans decide who gets eliminated. Vince and Bushwhacker were first two to go.

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Anyways. How you people see this going as far as entry/elimination order and such? Here's how I see this going as I put down in another board



I’m hesitant to say Punk gets the #1 spot but given how he is treated right now, having him come out first gives McMahon and his lackeys the cover for why he got such a pop (“the first man pop”) and doesn’t risk having to admit Punk got a pop during the match. I still think despite how they are treating him in the back, they still want him to be a viable face for ECW, so I’ll predict a 25-30 minute run for Punk here although lasting less then five minutes wouldn’t shock me.


I have Masters at #2 for the contrast and put Carlito in at #3 and Crazy at #4 given their issues with Masters which would set up a Masters beat down ending with the Raw faces double teaming him out. Thorn comes out to no real reaction and is paired with Punk right away. Dreamer waddles out with weapon in hand but it never comes into play. Chavo comes out to some heat as he mocks/tributes Eddie. Benjamin @ 7 does the casual walk around the ring waiting to get in until Sandman comes out through the crowd and by the time he even gets to the ring, Viscera is already coming out. Sandman blasts everyone with a cane during the segment but gets shoved out by Thorn to get heat. The Hardyz/Nitro deal refuels and ends with Jeff eliminating Nitro and Matt for the annual “partner eliminates partner” spot.


Then Kane comes out and does his cleaning house spot. Goodbye Crazy, Thorne, Dreamer, Benjamin, Chavo, Viscera. Punk smartly dodges out of the ring. Jeff/Kane stare down until Holly comes out and Punk attacks him right away and they brawl ringside until they get back in and Hardy pushes them over. This keeps heat on Holly/Punk and prevents Holly from having to work much.


Orton @ 16 arrives to see a pissed off monster and a confident Jeff Hardy waiting for him . Benoit comes out to make it worst for Orton. Kenny comes out with Flair right behind him. Booker comes out followed by Sabu, whom flies around. Miz @ 22 cuts a annoying promo towards the ring and everyone beats him down. Undertaker’s music hits and lights go out. He appears on the ring steps right behind a confused Miz and chucks him over. Sabu follows suit via a missed cross body press attempt. Through the match, Kenny and Flair are out-cheating each other trying to eliminate them.


In the ring are Jeff Hardy, Orton, Benoit, Kane, Flair, Kenny, Booker and ‘Taker. That’s a little face heavy there, so Helms and Finlay balances it out. Finlay does a heat segment knocking everyone down and Little Bastard makes a cameo running in the ring biting ankles and kicking shins leading to a “catch the pig” moment with Kenny missing LB. While everyone is running around, Orton grabs Jeff and tosses him over.


Shawn comes out to the big pop and promptly dumps Booker and Helms. Sends Kane packing. Orton escapes and hides on the outside Khali arrives with good odds. I think it’s better to present the danger of him winning by drawing such a late number then giving him the mid-match multiple elimination spot, especially since he already did that last week. Can’t risk giving him that Diesel heat like he was getting as well. I would set up a UT/Kane/Khali face-off leading to Khali knocking Kane out.


I wanted to put Edge at #30 but since no one buys #30 ever winning and Edge is a “favorite”, I gave him a slight chance with #28. RVD, next is basically the last hope for ECW as well since everyone else is long gone. MVP gets the final entry.


That leaves

MVP (30)-Edge(28) -RVD (29)-Khali (27)-Shawn(26) -Kenny(18) -Benoit (17)-Taker(23)-Finlay (25) Flair (19) Orton (16) as the final men in the ring.


That’s a little heavy, so MVP gets the quick exit by ‘Taker. Flair finally outsmarts Kenny and gets him out but his moment of celebration is ended by Rated RKO. Benoit misses a charge and Finlay gets him out but RVD is on the spot and kicks Finlay over as well. This brings the match down to Rated RKO, Shawn, ‘Taker, Khali and RVD.


RRKO take one corner, Shawn and RVD on the opposite with the monsters across each other for the annual corner stare down pose spot. Everyone eyes Khali. Will 5 men be enough to eliminate Khali?


Similar to 2004 with TBS, they all gang up on him but he fights them off. RVD is tossed over but he hangs on. Shawn gets bounced like a beach ball. RRKO back off but ‘Taker is still standing tall. He unleashes a hail of strikes on Khali but nothing phases him. RVD goes up top and hits a high drop kick and that slightly budges him and he starts wobbling. Edge, being smart realizes if he falls down, they can’t pick him up and throw him out so he protests them to stop hitting him but they ignore his wishes. RVD goes for a running wheel but Khali catches and hurls him over.


Down to Five. Shawn goes on the top for a cross body press but gets caught and Khali goes to dump him but Shawn slips out of his grasp and that takes Khali to the ropes where RVD is still ringside and he pulls down the ropes and the rest of the ring nudges Khali over (taking a very minimal fall). Khali is very angry and destroys RVD and Shawn.


This pleases R-RKO very much as Shawn is basically dead meat now but there’s still the Undertaker stalking around. To set up the WM match, Batista comes out while Taker has R-RKO on the ropes and pulls out ‘Taker to big heat. This leaves the predictable final 3 with R-RKO against Shawn. They pick Shawn up and hurl him over but of course, Shawn grabs the ropes and pulls himself back in. He marches back and shoves Orton out. Leaving Edge against Shawn to finish. Orton tries to get involved by he eats a SCM.


Crowd is hot and popping for Shawn. In my world, I’d have Edge stun and send Shawn out of the ring for the shock factor but this is WWE and the moment is too good to pass up. Shawn and Edge fall over the ropes but hang on and climb back onto the apron and slug it out ending with Shawn missing a SCM attempt and getting back dropped back into the ring with Edge trying to suplex him over and out. Shawn goes over with a sun-set flip and keeps one foot from touching and sends Edge to the floor first. Shawn wins by a split hair and it’s a different finish then the usual.

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I'm think # 1 and # 2 are Shelton and Matt Hardy, with Jeff and Nitro coming in within about five spots or so. That way, they tease a Hardys/WGTT feud, and Nitro's there to pick up the MNM/Hardys feud. Punk comes in around # 8 and lasts at least half an hour, without doing anything hugely important. Sandman will enter around # 10 or so with plunder. He'll get a couple cane shots in, but will be tossed in short order like Dreamer was in 2003.


Around # 15 or so, Khali comes in and cleans house of some dead weight (Crazy, Dreamer, Chavo, Viscera). Within a number, Undertaker comes out and starts the fight against Khali. Taker along with some of the other remaining guys in the ring all work together and toss Khali. HBK will enter around # 17-19 or so.


Between # 20-30 will be Edge, Orton, Benoit, RVD, Finlay, Kane, Booker, Holly, Sabu, and # 30 MVP. Sabu will likely only last a minute or two by doing a couple highspots and being tossed. He'll probably even get the idiot elimination by missing a big move and accidently eliminating himself.


Final four are Taker, HBK, Orton, and Edge. HBK goes first by shady means, whether it's cheating by Edge & Orton, or if a freshly eliminated Booker pulls him out. Taker fights with R-RKO for a minute before managing to toss Orton. And he finally gets rid of Edge to win.

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I'm think # 1 and # 2 are Shelton and Matt Hardy, with Jeff and Nitro coming in within about five spots or so. That way, they tease a Hardys/WGTT feud, and Nitro's there to pick up the MNM/Hardys feud. Punk comes in around # 8 and lasts at least half an hour, without doing anything hugely important. Sandman will enter around # 10 or so with plunder. He'll get a couple cane shots in, but will be tossed in short order like Dreamer was in 2003.


Around # 15 or so, Khali comes in and cleans house of some dead weight (Crazy, Dreamer, Chavo, Viscera). Within a number, Undertaker comes out and starts the fight against Khali. Taker along with some of the other remaining guys in the ring all work together and toss Khali. HBK will enter around # 17-19 or so.


Between # 20-30 will be Edge, Orton, Benoit, RVD, Finlay, Kane, Booker, Holly, Sabu, and # 30 MVP. Sabu will likely only last a minute or two by doing a couple highspots and being tossed. He'll probably even get the idiot elimination by missing a big move and accidently eliminating himself.


Final four are Taker, HBK, Orton, and Edge. HBK goes first by shady means, whether it's cheating by Edge & Orton, or if a freshly eliminated Booker pulls him out. Taker fights with R-RKO for a minute before managing to toss Orton. And he finally gets rid of Edge to win.


What about Kolsov?

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I'm think # 1 and # 2 are Shelton and Matt Hardy, with Jeff and Nitro coming in within about five spots or so. That way, they tease a Hardys/WGTT feud, and Nitro's there to pick up the MNM/Hardys feud. Punk comes in around # 8 and lasts at least half an hour, without doing anything hugely important. Sandman will enter around # 10 or so with plunder. He'll get a couple cane shots in, but will be tossed in short order like Dreamer was in 2003.


Around # 15 or so, Khali comes in and cleans house of some dead weight (Crazy, Dreamer, Chavo, Viscera). Within a number, Undertaker comes out and starts the fight against Khali. Taker along with some of the other remaining guys in the ring all work together and toss Khali. HBK will enter around # 17-19 or so.


Between # 20-30 will be Edge, Orton, Benoit, RVD, Finlay, Kane, Booker, Holly, Sabu, and # 30 MVP. Sabu will likely only last a minute or two by doing a couple highspots and being tossed. He'll probably even get the idiot elimination by missing a big move and accidently eliminating himself.


Final four are Taker, HBK, Orton, and Edge. HBK goes first by shady means, whether it's cheating by Edge & Orton, or if a freshly eliminated Booker pulls him out. Taker fights with R-RKO for a minute before managing to toss Orton. And he finally gets rid of Edge to win.


What about Kolsov?


He's not in the rumble. The spoilers were wrong, he "wishes" to be in but he can't but he'll enjoy watching it.

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Guest rvd420

This HAS to be a JOKE right, I found the following at another messageboard - who says the "news" is from the wrestling observer




"Reports within WWE say management wants the winner of the Royal Rumble to be an absolute shock, so don't expect to see the Undertaker, Shawn Michaels (despite the event being held in his hometown) or even Randy Orton get the nudge.


Apparently, Vince McMahon has very high regards in working on the ECW brand in making it as strong as both Raw and Smackdown. By doing so, Vince has expressed feelings of having an ECW competitor go over this Sunday. Right now, McMahon is leaning towards CM Punk, who would come off as both a shock, and a surprise.


At this point, management doesn't feel anyone is as over with the crowd, with the exception of RVD, who has a very slim chance of gaining another major push in WWE anytime soon. Marcus Cor Von (Monty Brown) was brought up several times as a possible contender for the ECW Title, but many feel he isn't in any position to win the Royal Rumble match, and he is expected to have a lengthy build-up to WrestleMania.


Even with CM Punk getting the unexpected Rumble win, the ECW Title match isn't expected to go on as the main event at WrestleMania, but would more than likely be apart of a triple main event scenario. The plan right now is to have a fatal 4 way match with Lashley, Test, Cor Von, and Punk.


Credit:Wrestling Observer"




* I mean Ecw playing a huge part in the rumble and even one of them winning...

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This HAS to be a JOKE right, I found the following at another messageboard - who says the "news" is from the wrestling observer




"Reports within WWE say management wants the winner of the Royal Rumble to be an absolute shock, so don't expect to see the Undertaker, Shawn Michaels (despite the event being held in his hometown) or even Randy Orton get the nudge.


Apparently, Vince McMahon has very high regards in working on the ECW brand in making it as strong as both Raw and Smackdown. By doing so, Vince has expressed feelings of having an ECW competitor go over this Sunday. Right now, McMahon is leaning towards CM Punk, who would come off as both a shock, and a surprise.


At this point, management doesn't feel anyone is as over with the crowd, with the exception of RVD, who has a very slim chance of gaining another major push in WWE anytime soon. Marcus Cor Von (Monty Brown) was brought up several times as a possible contender for the ECW Title, but many feel he isn't in any position to win the Royal Rumble match, and he is expected to have a lengthy build-up to WrestleMania.


Even with CM Punk getting the unexpected Rumble win, the ECW Title match isn't expected to go on as the main event at WrestleMania, but would more than likely be apart of a triple main event scenario. The plan right now is to have a fatal 4 way match with Lashley, Test, Cor Von, and Punk.


Credit:Wrestling Observer"




* I mean Ecw playing a huge part in the rumble and even one of them winning...


It would certainly be a pleasant surprise, but this contradicts what was said in the WON thread, quite strongly.

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It's a well known fact that Meltzer leaks fake news with different versions of the Observer to different parts of the world. The Canadian version says Benoit is getting the surprise win.


Credit: Wrestling Observer


(see, now you have to believe my outrageous claim because I stamped a fake credit at the bottom. Stupid dirtsites).

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Even with CM Punk getting the unexpected Rumble win, the ECW Title match isn't expected to go on as the main event at WrestleMania


Wow, so if this is true, it has to be the dumbest shit I ever read.

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Even with CM Punk getting the unexpected Rumble win, the ECW Title match isn't expected to go on as the main event at WrestleMania


Wow, so if this is true, it has to be the dumbest shit I ever read.


It's been established that it's NOT true

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Even with CM Punk getting the unexpected Rumble win, the ECW Title match isn't expected to go on as the main event at WrestleMania


Wow, so if this is true, it has to be the dumbest shit I ever read.


It's been established that it's NOT true


And on top of that, the above situation occurred just last year anyway with no negative backlash (that mattered, anyway). A friend of mine seemed mad, but I made some retcon up where HHH and Cena won the main event / last match spot by winning the battle of the main events on SNME.

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