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The OAO Raw Thread for 1/1/07

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Like I said...Cena beats up four (five counting K-Fed) guys all alone, to make up for the j-o-b earlier.




Shit is absolutley ridicuous, and then we'll have people like HAWK claiming that it's perfectly fine.

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Like I said...Cena beats up four (five counting K-Fed) guys all alone, to make up for the j-o-b earlier.




Shit is absolutley ridicuous, and then we'll have people like HAWK claiming that it's perfectly fine.


Go back to where I said earlier in the thread, this was a horrible decision to do for the main event that'd fail to keep the casual viewers involved.


Go ahead.

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Damn, they should have had Umaga no-sell those chairshots like he was Meng.



I was thinking the same thing. It would have at least cut down on him looking like a punk there.

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Like I said...Cena beats up four (five counting K-Fed) guys all alone, to make up for the j-o-b earlier.




Shit is absolutley ridicuous, and then we'll have people like HAWK claiming that it's perfectly fine.

3 of them are non-wrestlers, and another (Nitro) is a midcarder. It is fine.

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Like I said...Cena beats up four (five counting K-Fed) guys all alone, to make up for the j-o-b earlier.




Shit is absolutley ridicuous, and then we'll have people like HAWK claiming that it's perfectly fine.


Go back to where I said earlier in the thread, this was a horrible decision to do for the main event that'd fail to keep the casual viewers involved.


Go ahead.



lol......I knew you'd come back right away. I'm messing with you, relax.

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Cena going over 3 non-wrestlers, a mid-carder that he has already gone over and using a chair to take the other guy out isn't exactly offensive as the days of when Austin, Taker or HHH would lay the entire roster to waste.


Just a typically generic main event.

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Poor Shaq could have been doing something better than being at this shitty show tonight.


Not JR. Poor guy. He's gotta be crying right now.

I have no doubt he was getting updates during the commercial break.


Funny every time they'd come back he'd go.."And we're here..! in uuhhhh Miami.." Sounded totally clueless. But then again...that happens most of the time.

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Poor Shaq could have been doing something better than being at this shitty show tonight.


Not JR. Poor guy. He's gotta be crying right now.

I have no doubt he was getting updates during the commercial break.


Funny every time they'd come back he'd go.."And we're here..! in uuhhhh Miami.." Sounded totally clueless. But then again...that happens most of the time.


Knowing Vince, he probably had some staffer who knows nothing about football updating him, adding to JR's rising frustration.

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At least we'll never see Kevin Federline after tonight...






Right? RIGHT?

I hope not. This shit is gold.

He's off to shoot Celebrity Big Brother in the UK.


WWE should sign him as soon as he gets back in the States. Bring up some dudes from OVW to wrestle as his posse tag team.

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What I don't understand is why they would even job Cena out to Federline at all, especially if K-Fed isn't going to be back on Raw again. There's no way in hell I'd job my world champion out to a rapping non wrestler like that. It's like David Arquette if that thing was non title.


I...I..can't believe I'm going to say this but I'm actually quite amused by the antics of Edge and Orton (or as I like to call them, Team Sausage). In case anyone is wondering why I call them that, it was a flippant remark I made when Kenny was desperate to join them a few weeks ago: "Why would Kenny want to join this sausage fest?"


The biggest single mistake WWE could make right now is to try and push Orton again as a singles contender. He's actually getting over with Edge, but I can assure everyone if he suddenly went solo again and went after the title he'd have zero heat once more. Teaming with Edge has masked a bunch of his weaknesses.

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So, Scroby? K-Fed really needed that training?

Not for that bullshit, that was seriously the worst opening I've seen to a Raw in a long time. They had built so much hype on that and that bullshit happens. A perfect chance to draw and hook people and they fucked up with that. Typical WWE, I guess.


Edit: I just saw the ending of Raw and the FU Federline took, yeah, someone needs to show him how to bump correctly.

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Not for that bullshit, that was seriously the worst opening I've seen to a Raw in a long time. They had built so much hype on that and that bullshit happens.


That's exactly what I was thinking. It was SO crap.

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I also love how Lawler and Ross were screaming about all the "controversy" and things being "controversial" before showing the footage of Rated RKO beating up Flair and DX. What is this, ECW in 1998 or something? Just one of my pet peeves in pro-wrestling.

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Guest Princess Leena

The acting in wrestling must have gotten really bad in the past year for you guys to be praising Federline...

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Yeah, no shit. And it is beyond me how some people here think Kevin Federline, a guy who wasn't able to sell his own music, a guy who had to hand out free tickets to his own concert, is going to bring in fans. Let's be serious here and stop being pop culture marks who think any interaction wrestling has with it is a huge positive for WWE. No one is going to give a shit Vince called Rosie fat, and people are going to find Kevin Federline wrestling just as stupid as Umaga having face paint on. It's Kevin Federline: he's a joke!

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Umaga is already looking to be another lost oppurtunity. Not that I like or even want to see Umaga as a major player or anything, but up till tonight (last night on Raw, I mean)he had somewhat of a shred credibility as an unstoppable monster, but tonight the sight of him fleeing from the ring, is the nail in the coffin for this "monster" as I am sure once his match with Cena is over, they will find either nothing for him to do, or he will land a nice mid-card feud before he is sent down to OVW to be repackaged as "Make-A-Difference"-Umaga. Of course that is one problem with these types of gimmicks, especially when they are thrusted into the ME scene to soon, because once they are beaten, they lose the "unstoppable" aspect IMMEDIATELY, which is the meat and potatoes of their gimmick in the first place.

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It's funny you should mention the whole "making a difference" angle that (Rikishi) Fatu did in 1995. I actually thought about that whole angle the other day and realized what a missed opportunity it was. It was the sort of angle that was beyond the booking style of mid 90s WWF. Fatu was too goofy and carefree, wore gaudy neon clothes, etc. That's a common problem the WWF had back then, no concept of how society had changed. This still apparently thought guys like MC Hammer were cool in 1995. It's the sort of angle that Paul Heyman could have booked in his sleep in ECW: Street thug tries to forget his violent past, but maintains some of his old ghetto look. Maybe has a protege or younger relative that he's trying to keep off the streets. His old gang buddies show up (someone like the Gangstas) and you take it from there.


Repackaging Umaga into a similar storyline might not be a bad idea. The whole savage gimmick will wear thin fast, especially once Cena beats him and ends his undefeated streak. Changing him back into more of his original Jamal character (except tougher) is really the only way I can think of to keep his career going.

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One last thing, they showed the ugliest de-roided picture of Masters ever during his match-up screen with Flair for NYR, classic.


Props to the Miami crowd, they were red-hot for most of the show. Awesome DX promo, too.

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I was kind of fast forwarding through the DX promo, was it Kurt Angle that HBK was taking a shot it when he referred to the "supposed Greatest In Ring Performer of our generation curtain jerking somewhere else" ?

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I was kind of fast forwarding through the DX promo, was it Kurt Angle that HBK was taking a shot it when he referred to the "supposed Greatest In Ring Performer of our generation curtain jerking somewhere else" ?



I thought he was referring to the Rock, because after he said "supposed Greatest In-Ring Performer of Our Generation" he followed it with "... I'm still waiting to get in the ring with THAT guy." Rock would fit there, because by all accounts, he refused to work with Shawn Michaels.

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