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Just John

New Year's Revolution

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I thought it was hilarious when HHH pedigreed Edge, Orton ran in with a chair but... instead of hitting HHH, he hit an invisible force-field and ran to the other side of the ring




That was a great bit

This needs to be youtubed!

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So the only eventful things about this PPV from the sounds of it was...


1. Cryme Time winning a tag team title shot


2. A trainwreck.


Well i'm glad I saved my 40 bucks, but i feel bad for those who paid to see the show weather it was on tv or live.

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So.........with HHH possibly out, and Umaga's character killed after jobbing to a roll-up, what does Raw do for it's WM main event?


Something fresh, new, and exciting, like Cena vs. Edge?

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Now that its over with, I'd like to know the following...


1) the buyrate. If nobody in america is watching, and we in England didnt pay for it, who bought it?


2) Triple H's injury. He walked out and posed so i suppose its not THAT bad. But what if it is?

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How is Umaga's character killed with a roll-up? Would you have rather he tapped out? If anything the roll-up keeps him stronger like Cena won on a fluke.


Because he was made to look like a bitch on this past RAW, so the only acceptable way for the PPV match to end was by making Umaga look strong. Maybe have Cena win because Umaga gets DQ'd or something, but it already looks like Vince is tired of his "Savage from Samoa" gimmick and Umaga will soon dissapear back to purgatory.

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How is Umaga's character killed with a roll-up? Would you have rather he tapped out? If anything the roll-up keeps him stronger like Cena won on a fluke.


It depends on the context of the roll-up. All I know is he got pinned by a roll-up. Weak ass move to get pinned by in most situations.


I would have had either a double-DQ or have the match go no-DQ, and have Cena destroy him with a chair to get the pin. Attempting the pin a few times after the first few chair shots, to show that he needed that many to keep Umaga down. Ala Austin/Rock at WM17, but without the heel turn.

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Man, I actually thought HHH truly tore up his leg tonight, but since Edge/Orton worked it a bit I thought it might be the storyline of the match for a second. But then HHH couldn't get up properly for moves and then realized either 1) He was fucked or 2) He was doing amazing selling. Turns out he was actually hurt.


The way things are going they almost have to keep HBK around for WM now. Cena/Orton won't work for shit, Cena/Edge is played out, and Cena/Edge/Orton gives us no one to truly cheer. I say make it a 4 way and add HBK.


Tonight's main event basically exposed how ludicrous it is to push a guy with a goofy savage gimmick to the main event. I think it was the ring intro tonight with Umaga being announced from "The Isle of Samoa" a la Samoa Joe that made it worse. Here's one guy from Samoa who is articulate and seems like any other civilized man....here's another guy from down the street who is a raving savage. Honestly, why do they expect anyone to think someone from Samoa is an uncivilized savage? Kamala had the excuse of being from the darkest part of Uganda....but Umaga? The guy is from a US territory.


Second, they are trying to push the guy like another Yokozuna but he's not nearly fat enough to make those impact moves look serious. When Yoko hit you with that fat ass, it was OVER. Umaga needs to gain another 100 pounds.


Third, why in the fuck has no one thought of simply breaking his hand? The guy comes to the ring with a taped up thumb and hits you with it, so here's an idea: Break his fucking thumb!

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I thought that this was an alright show. Nothing horrible, that's for sure.


Yes, the ending to the DX/RRKO match was stupid, but what do you expect? I can only recall one time where someone was seriously injured in a match with Edge, and I can't recall it ever happening while Orton was in there. I can't blame them for not knowing what to do in that situation, or for being frazzled and doing something dumb and nonsensical.


Cena/Umaga was done very well, which isn't something I can usually say after a big guy/little guy match. They played up the "Cena can't lift Umaga" bit well, and having it almost cost Cena the belt a few times only added to the build. I also liked the ending, as it kept the belt on Cena without making Umaga look weak.

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So.........with HHH possibly out, and Umaga's character killed after jobbing to a roll-up, what does Raw do for it's WM main event?


Something fresh, new, and exciting, like Cena vs. Edge?



How is Umaga's character killed with a roll-up? Would you have rather he tapped out? If anything the roll-up keeps him stronger like Cena won on a fluke.

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THey should redo the original DX breakup from 98 but swapping places..have HBK turn heel, claim that this time HHH dropped the ball, declare himself the greatest wrestler ever and have Cena v. heel HBK at WM.

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I think it proves why Randy Orton is such an overrated piece of shit.


Someone should make a tron of all his fuckups



Seemed to me just as Trips was going for a Pedigree on Edge, Orton came in the ring with a chair to hit HHH's knee went out in the middle of the Pedigree and fell down before Orton could hit him with a chair so it was a total whiff. Orton freaked out and ran outside. Not 100% his fault.

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That Orton spot was truly weird as hell...I didn't know what to make of it. I honestly thought he just decided not to get himself DQed or something, but then it became more apparent that HHH was really hurt and the match was going to hell from there.


The storyline of the main event with Cena incapable of heaving Umaga was ultra silly, considering JR mentioned Cena had FU'd and slammed the Big Show! If the guy can lift an actual giant, I think he can slam Just Another Fat Samoan.

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The storyline of the main event with Cena incapable of heaving Umaga was ultra silly, considering JR mentioned Cena had FU'd and slammed the Big Show! If the guy can lift an actual giant, I think he can slam Just Another Fat Samoan.

I think the idea was to tease Cena being unable to FU Umaga so they can rematch the pair with the idea that Cena can't FU him. The finish to their match certainly wasn't one that indicated the program is over with.

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It does seem silly that he can't FU Umaga despite having FU'd many others his size or bigger. I know wrestling is all about illusions but that one is pushing it. I think the idea of not keeping Umaga down and his high tolerance for pain which prevents tapping to the STFU works more then Cena simply being incapable of actually FU'ing him.

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Don't you love how they've spent so much time booking "big man" matches the wrong way that when they finally do it right, it looks like they're fucking it up?

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I was there tonight and it was obvious HHH getting hurt made them to go some smozzy finish that wasn't planned and Orton totally choked what he was suppose to do. It was as if HBK decided fuck I should just hit the ref and end this thing.


Pretty much everyone around me other than kids knew he was hurt.....I don't know if they showed it on TV but several people helped HHH up the ramp. they moved away so he could pose with HBK for the camera. Then immediatly helped him to the back, he had his arms over their shoulders like when he tore his quad the last time.

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I knew something was up originally when HHH covered Orton strangely after that spinebuster. The wild nature of it was that Edge had in fact done some leg work earlier so I wondered if it was just selling. Then HHH stayed down and took that ugly RKO, and I knew then that he was legit hurting.


I have no idea what Orton was doing with that attempted chair shot, haha. That was just bizarre.

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I knew something was up originally when HHH covered Orton strangely after that spinebuster. The wild nature of it was that Edge had in fact done some leg work earlier so I wondered if it was just selling. Then HHH stayed down and took that ugly RKO, and I knew then that he was legit hurting.


I have no idea what Orton was doing with that attempted chair shot, haha. That was just bizarre.


I'm not really sure the Orton chair thing was his fault.........HHH's leg gave out when he was setting up for the Pedigree so he didn't stay up long enough to take the chair shot, him and Edge basically fell to the mat. Then Edge had to kick out of a botched move and Orton was like "uh WTF do I do"

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