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Guest Princess Leena

American Idol

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Most of those chicks in those two groups came off as being pretty bitchy in that episode last night.


Gina Glocksen is kind of a local favorite around here...she is from a town in Illinois not too far away, and is in a rock group called Catfight that does shows around here.

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Do they like have a person hand picked to win this year, because they are picking some crap over some good singers.

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I got really sick of the "I'm sorry...............but you're gonna see us some more!" stuff. I was just waiting for them to get so buried in negatives that they can't tell if they made it.


"I'm sorry, but you haven't not gotten not chosen for not un-failing to go through!"

".....so, did I make it?"

"We have no idea."

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These 24 seem as if they were picked in that "Which has Taylor "it" and who can we push out the door in the middle of the thing despite being the obvious winner, so we can have two big money makers" mode of thinking.


None of the girls have Katharine levels of beauty, so these girls will have to get by on talent.

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I got really sick of the "I'm sorry...............but you're gonna see us some more!" stuff. I was just waiting for them to get so buried in negatives that they can't tell if they made it.


"I'm sorry, but you haven't not gotten not chosen for not un-failing to go through!"

".....so, did I make it?"

"We have no idea."


haha man I JUST said something like that to my wife!

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"You're going to see a lot more of us" was repeated far too many times.


I can't believe Sundance was picked. His group singing was just... screechy shouting. And what he said to the guy who lost. "Hey, you can be my bodyguard!" ...Fuck, what an ass.

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The last two cuts were ass backwards. They're really reaching this year since the truly talented people don't have the looks and the ones with the right look have no talent.

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That tall girl had the worse voice of the two and screwed up her lines. I really don't see how they let her through. And that other dude's name was Sundance. I would have eliminated him just for his name.

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I really wanted that Hot Blonde Country singer we saw on Tuesday show to go far. But she was cut far too soon for my liking.


I think this year its all about the boys.

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No rockers this year, that sucks.


I can't believe Baylee already got eliminated.


SUNDANCE HEAD?! WHY!?? He looks like a guy who works at a porn shop during the day and hits on underage girls at Myspace by night. I cannot for the life of me see why he's still there.

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I knew they were keeping him by the way they set it up. They showed other dude being all cocky the whole time, him being praised and Sundance being criticized. That's a dead giveaway their keeping the criticized guy for some reason.


So, are there more judges eliminations, or does voting start now?

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I knew they were keeping him by the way they set it up. They showed other dude being all cocky the whole time, him being praised and Sundance being criticized. That's a dead giveaway their keeping the criticized guy for some reason.


So, are there more judges eliminations, or does voting start now?


They also always save the "13th" person (so to speak, as in the one people actually buy as a contender) to go in last. AI has so many patterns that it's almost a waste of time to bother worrying about who'll be voted off since they already told us who will.

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Baylee was eliminated due to a truly horrendous group outing where she totally forgot all the words to a song. I guess being commercial with a Capital C doesn't involve knowing the words.


I KNEW they would keep Sundance Head. Ever since his original good audition they have had a hard on for him and seemingly are giving him every chance to do something decent. Is there any actual rhyme or reason to the final cuts, or is it just "We like this guy so we're keeping him?"

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I was really surprised about the tall girl, and liked what she said,


"Wow... you're going to cut me? I really didn't make it?"


"You didn't have the best voice?"


"I know I didn't have the best voice, but it's not about that. Besides, it's one that can improve over time... plus there ain't no one like me. I'm shocked."


I know those were not the exact words, but pretty damn close.

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Guest Queen Leelee

First guy was yawn. Probably good enough to advance, but that was some uninspired, boring tone.

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Sundunce must go. The guy had 1 good audition and has followed that up with horrible performance after horrible performance ever since. Please cut him.

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Guest Queen Leelee

Yeah, this Sundance blows.


That first audition wasn't that hot either. He sounds off tone constantly.

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