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Smackdown Spoilers twelve days before No Way Out

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By Stevie J of AngryMarks.com


Dark matches


1. Chuck Palumbo d. Shannon Moore.

2. Chavo d. Johnny decent (some jobber) via frogsplash.


Fri. Night Smackdown


1. Miz brags about beating V1 to the divas.

2. Announcers to JBL's music.

3. Pyro

4. Taker v. Miz~! Miz gets owned. Old school, snake eyes, last ride, tombstone, pin. WINNER: DEAD MAN. Chokeslam through announce table after and Miz was DEAD~!

5. Rey promo - returns in TWO WEEKS.

6. Batista v. Kennedy promo.

7. Deuce & Domino (w/ Cherry) v. London & Kendrick (w/ Ashley) - non-title. Kendrick takes a beating from Domino then Deuce, London breaks up pin, finally gets the hot tag and cleans up with kicks. Top rope for finisher, Kendrick goes over the top to block interference and crashes. London comes down the hard way for the pin. WINNERS: THAT 50'S TEAM.

8. Maryse video.

9. Booker recap and promo. He wants Teddy to suspend Kane but he makes the Kane v. Booker match for No Way Out instead.

10. Matt Hardy v. Mercury. Matt dominant early, splash to Mercury outside. Mercury owns the mid-match and works Hardy's leg. Comeback by Matt leads to a series of near falls. Leg drop, Twist of Fate blocked, roll-up for the pin. WINNER: MERCURY.

11. WM23 in 51 days.

12. Kennedy promo. "I am the buzzkill!" He vows to take Batista's title and WM spot. Says he pinned him at the Rumble but got robbed and "IT MAKES ME SICK" plus he'll make sure tomorrow Batista's baggage is a little lighter. Big Dave interrupted the promo and beat him up.

13. Divas video for both Raw & SD to "Are You Gonna Be My Girl."

14. Slam of the Week - Boogeyman interference in Benoit match.

15. Boogeyman v. Finlay. Longer than almost any other Boogey match. He babyfaces and Finlay beats him up. Big comeback, Little Bastard interference leads to Finlay using the shilelagh on his leg and a cover. WINNER: FINLAY.

16. Taker 'n Miz recap.

17. Daivari~! v. Helms (non-title). Helms roll-up Daivari reverses it for a pin. WINNER: HELMS

18. WM recall - Pete Rose.

19. Krystal strips for Long, Jillian sings badly. Long makes a Diva Talent Contest for all brands at NWO.

20. No Way Out promo.

21. Kennedy v. Batista for the title. Big Dave taking a beating with several near falls. Kennedy worked an arm/wrist. Kennedy herked up for a fallaway slam with Dave still on top but no count. Belt shot by Kennedy, Dave up at 2.9. Facewash on Dave and another near fall. Spinebuster by Dave, long delay to pin, Kennedy kicked out. 3 demon bombs and one BIG one for the pin.WINNER: BATISTA Lights out, music, Taker stares down Dave from left side of ramp then walked out to close.

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Rey's coming back already? I figured he'd be out until around April or May but I guess the promise of a big Wrestlemania payoff can lure you back early.

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Where is Jimmy Wang Yang?


Mysterio back in two weeks? That was quicker than I expected - where does he fit into WM? Chavo should have had the US Title this whole time, Benoit doesn't need it.


I would LOVE for Mysterio to say that while Chavo was the one who put him out, that it was constantly wrestling wrestlers who were a foot taller than him and 200lbs heavier than him that broke down his body and that he proved what he wanted to prove by becoming world champion but now he wants to focus on establishing the Cruiserweight Division as his legacy. He could even mention David Beckham coming over to play US Soccer eventhough he could still play Euro Football as an analogy. He could then put over the talent in the division, Greg Helms, Jamie Noble, Chavo Guerrero, Jimmy Wang Yang, Daivari, Joey Murcury and the Tag Champs London and Kendrick. Yeah, I'm dreaming...


"I am the Buzzkill!" is a killer line from Kennedy. Three Demon Bombs to put out Kennedy - Somebody is getting a huge push. Where does he fit into WM? I assume it will probably be in the Money In The Bank match, especially since they are blowing their TLC 4-Way match at NWO.


Deuce and Domino win again? Why not have Regal and Taylor get involved causing a non-finish?

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Daviri is now on Smackdown? He's got to be the most moved around guy in the company. Sounds like Kennedy vs Batista was a good match, I'll be looking forward to seeing it again.

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They seem to be setting up some sort of sexual harassment/lawsuit angle with Krystal/Vickie/Long which is going to be lame on many levels.



Plus, Deuce and Domino get clean wins over the champs two weeks in a row and aren't in the tag title match at NWO?


And looks like Finlay is doing the JOB for Boogeyman at the PPV.

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they need more tagteams on this show since they've already run out of guys to pin London and Kendrick in nontitle matches. Actually once Idol Stevens and Casey James get a win it'll be a clean sweep. Sounds like theyre copying the 'Rey Mysterio title push' that was so successful. They just added a ladder rematch for the ppv since everyone forgot to include the champs at the Rumble. Odds of them retaining?


I have no idea why Daivari is here again. Why not move all the cruiserweights to ECW? Ive forgotten what Jamie Noble looks like. And there were several times when it seemed like Nitro was on all 3 shows in one week so I dont think they even bother explaining how guys jump anymore.

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Where is Jimmy Wang Yang?
Daviri is now on Smackdown?


Plus, Deuce and Domino get clean wins over the champs two weeks in a row and aren't in the tag title match at NWO?

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I would LOVE for Mysterio to say that while Chavo was the one who put him out, that it was constantly wrestling wrestlers who were a foot taller than him and 200lbs heavier than him that broke down his body and that he proved what he wanted to prove by becoming world champion but now he wants to focus on establishing the Cruiserweight Division as his legacy. He could even mention David Beckham coming over to play US Soccer eventhough he could still play Euro Football as an analogy. He could then put over the talent in the division, Greg Helms, Jamie Noble, Chavo Guerrero, Jimmy Wang Yang, Daivari, Joey Murcury and the Tag Champs London and Kendrick. Yeah, I'm dreaming...

Well, first off...I don't think Joey Mercury would fit in the Cruiserweight Division.


Secondly, basically what you're saying is you want Rey to be to WWE what AJ Styles was in TNA...going back to the X-Division after he won the World Title a while back.

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I was thinking since they have so many people on the roster that probably won't get a spot on the show, they'd go back to a battle royal and use that to have Mysterio return ala LOD @ WMXIV.


No real excuse not to have Benoit Vs Rey at Mania for the US Title (unless they feel Kennedy/Benoit is a better route) Although given how many face/face matches we're already looking, possibly not although Benoit could easily go tweener here. It's another shot at exploting Eddie's death!

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I would LOVE for Mysterio to say that while Chavo was the one who put him out, that it was constantly wrestling wrestlers who were a foot taller than him and 200lbs heavier than him that broke down his body and that he proved what he wanted to prove by becoming world champion but now he wants to focus on establishing the Cruiserweight Division as his legacy. He could even mention David Beckham coming over to play US Soccer eventhough he could still play Euro Football as an analogy. He could then put over the talent in the division, Greg Helms, Jamie Noble, Chavo Guerrero, Jimmy Wang Yang, Daivari, Joey Murcury and the Tag Champs London and Kendrick. Yeah, I'm dreaming...

Well, first off...I don't think Joey Mercury would fit in the Cruiserweight Division.


Secondly, basically what you're saying is you want Rey to be to WWE what AJ Styles was in TNA...going back to the X-Division after he won the World Title a while back.



Well they had Benoit winning the US title which I dont really like but they dont see him as a world title guy anymore and he doesnt seem to mind. And Rey as a crusierweight champ didnt do much for the division anyway. Most of the cruiserweights are put in tagteams anyway, so if one division is big the other suffers for it. But they manage to find a way to make seem both unimportant, having tv tapings and ppvs where neither title is defended or mentioned. I think it'd help the show having more emphasis on the 3 singles titles and the tagteams instead of focusing so much time on getting the Miz, MVP, and Vito on tv.

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Was Benoit even on the show this week?


Admitedly, I am a Benoit mark, so I could see him as a World champion again. The fans love him, his intensity~!, workrate, presence, etc is more than enough to be a champion.

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The Miz..for some reason..has been growing on me but he still sucks.

So he's like plaque?

Except instead of being the one doing the killing, hes the one getting killed..ha.


Taker is probably going to be in action more over the next 6 weeks than he has in the past year at least...

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They didn't mention in the spoilers there that Mysterio is going to be on because Smackdown is in San Diego in 2 weeks.....then JBL and Cole followed with "Updating us on his condition". May just be a 1 time appearance thing, I highly doubt he's ready to wrestle.

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I didnt think he would be ready to wrestle either.


D&D should be in the ladder match instead of Regal/Taylor...what the hell have Regal/Taylor done since Armageddon that they deserve to be in the Ladder match?


Well the smarks like them........I do enjoy how the smarky people jizz all over Regal like he's a god though.....makes me laugh.

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So which one will happen?


1) Boogeyman transforms Little Bastard into Little Boogey




2) Boogeyman introduces a new midget of his own to be Little Boogey, so they can do tags matches

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So which one will happen?



2) Boogeyman introduces a new midget of his own to be Little Boogey, so they can do tags matches




Little Booger.


and WTF were they thinking here..Helms and Davari..not only is it two heels but their almost identical in their looks as well lol.

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I didnt think he would be ready to wrestle either.


D&D should be in the ladder match instead of Regal/Taylor...what the hell have Regal/Taylor done since Armageddon that they deserve to be in the Ladder match?


WWE is promoting a rematch of the Armageddon ladder match. D&D instead of Regal/Taylor means NOT a rematch.

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