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Big Ol' Smitty


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It's fucked up and all he's getting raped but people know what prison is like.


This argument, used by many in this thread, could be used to fit any punishment for any crime.


Let's say we make the penalty for jaywalking death by stoning...


"Well, it's fucked up, but you know that's the penalty so if you jaywalk you have it coming."

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Guest Oedipus Rex
Nobody is arguing that drunk driving isn't stupid.

Well, I can see that, I just objected to the "victimless crime" writeoff. I'd argue that just having a drunk driver on the road is encroaching on the well-being and safety of other drivers (which I can vouch for; sharing an expressway with a guy with his headlights off swerving between lanes is a pretty obvious sign that you need to get off the expressway), and as Ripper said, it's just a matter of luck as to whether or not you really fuck up.


We're just arguing that the sentence for it shouldn't be years of coerced anal sex.

I agree. There's a lot wrong with our penal system, and I don't have the first idea of how to steer it in a more rehabilitative and less anal-raping direction. I do object to Mecca claiming that locking up thrice-convicted drunk drivers is just some veneer of crime crackdown to placate suburbanites. Come on, you know better.

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Hee hee.


Penal system.


Hey, you all sound pretty stupid.


"If you don't want to get fucked up the ass, don't smoke pot!"


As if that were part of the sentance.


It's not. As the guy in the article stated, it might as well be a death sentance from AIDS. You see? The problem is that society does not care about its criminals, at all. This should absolutely not be happening whatsoever, because it is more than "just" ass sex, although that would be more than enough as it is. This is spreading diseases, etc. I suppose prevention would just be too expensive?

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Cops drink and drive...judges drink and drive...


but yeah, 3 DUIs is a tad much...not sure if it warrants going to "federal fuck you up the ass prison", but certainly some kind of jail time is necessary. Time in county for sure.

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Well this thread isn't really for sentancing for DUI.


Its about the lax attitudes in prisons countrywide in regards to rape.


The guard recommended prostitution.


Come on.


Is rape not a crime? Are criminals supposed to go to jail to commit their crimes? And don't you think that this behavior is learned?

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It's not. As the guy in the article stated, it might as well be a death sentance from AIDS. You see? The problem is that society does not care about its criminals, at all. This should absolutely not be happening whatsoever, because it is more than "just" ass sex, although that would be more than enough as it is. This is spreading diseases, etc. I suppose prevention would just be too expensive?


It's not even so much the disease spreading, it's clearly showing the failures of the corrective system to rehabilitate it's prisoners, which SUPPOSEDLY is it's purpose.

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Nobody is arguing that drunk driving isn't stupid.

Well, I can see that, I just objected to the "victimless crime" writeoff. I'd argue that just having a drunk driver on the road is encroaching on the well-being and safety of other drivers (which I can vouch for; sharing an expressway with a guy with his headlights off swerving between lanes is a pretty obvious sign that you need to get off the expressway), and as Ripper said, it's just a matter of luck as to whether or not you really fuck up.

Sure. But it is a victimless crime, simply by definition. If there is no victim--and the mental anguish or anxiety of someone witnessing a drunk driver swerving around is legally not enough to make someone a victim--then it is a victimless crime. I guess large concepts like "society" and "safety" are the victims, and I certainly don't know enough about law to know all the intricacies.


Whether or not a drunk driver hits someone is certainly tied to luck (and level of inebriation), but whether or not you commit manslaughter or assault when you fight someone is tied to luck too.


(I swear I'm not trying to Superjerk myself off here with a semantics argument--drunk drivers should be punished, but punishment has to be scalable. Carte blanche for getting American History X'd every day isn't appropriate. That said, the focus of this discussion really isn't drunk driving so much as the prison system--it's deficient in that it yields penalties greatly in excess of the judgments handed down to criminals. As Smitty said above, a judge and jury don't say "We sentence you to daily rape and AIDS!" They say "you're losing several of your personal freedoms for 8 years.")

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Guest Oedipus Rex

Yeah, Eric.

He suggests I find a man I would/could willingly have sex with to prevent these things from happening.
is pretty bad. I know nothing about how prisons work, so I can't fathom how things can be this bad.

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Guest Oedipus Rex

Yeah, I was gonna say. I'm not feeling well either. I should be getting rest and drinking orange juice, not arguing over what a victimless crime is. But while I'm here, I'd say smoking pot in your apartment is one, while drunk driving isn't.

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My point is disagree with the laws all you want. But you can't complain when punished for breaking them. The speed limit on the expressway in atlanta is 60mph. I will be damned if I drive 60 goddamn mph. But if I get pulled over, calling the speed limit unfair is a crock of shit. I saw the speed limit, disagreed with it and decided of my own free will to break it. SO I have to deal with the consequences. Same thing for weed smokers. Do i think smoking weed in your home should be a crime? No. Is it? Yes. So either break the law or don't but don't whine when you get caught breaking the law. There are places in the world where it is legal for you to light up. Move.


You want to change the law, go about it the right way. Sitting on your ass and smoking weed and complaining isn't going to do anything.


The only thing I see when I see the first post is a guy that should be in schools speaking to kids and being as graphic as possible. And colleges.


3 DUI's isn't rape worthy but I believe that it is prison time worthy because you have a complete disregard for other people. Looking back I am willing to bet that he thinks those drinks aren't quite worth it.

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Guest Dope Priest Prophecy

It's driving under the influence, but it's tougher to prove unless the driver is visibly intoxicated. If you're so blazed you're swerving and shit, you deserve to get pulled over.

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Okay, again, this is not about DUI's.


This is about the governments of this nation doing exactly fuckall to protect the people who are ENTIRELY dependant on them for protection.


Prisoners are specifically disallowed any means of protection, and rightly so. Therefore it is entirely the responsability of the guards who work there to prevent this kind of thing from happening.

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Okay, again, this is not about DUI's.


This is about the governments of this nation doing exactly fuckall to protect the people who are ENTIRELY dependant on them for protection.


Prisoners are specifically disallowed any means of protection, and rightly so. Therefore it is entirely the responsability of the guards who work there to prevent this kind of thing from happening.


No one cares......no one cares about prisoners rights. Listen to people talk they think criminals have to many rights. Everyone has the attitude of "they get what they deserve"

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I've gotten hit by a drunk driver before. Boy was I lucky, a couple of more inches left and I might not have a left leg right now. Someone who's gotten THREE DUIs?


Rape away convicts, rape away.


I'm only being semi-seirous. Looking at it objectively, you'd need to overhaul the *guard* system. It's also not feasible to have a judgement system (ie. rapists and child molesters can be raped, people in there for weed shouldn't, etc etc), so you either overhaul things to give prisoners (*all* prisoners) some protections, or you continue to ignore it.

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Okay, again, this is not about DUI's.


Stop saying that, just STOP...DUIs are relevant in this particular arguement because the dude is in there getting his ass blasted thanks to his DUIs. There are several issues here including: why are the rapes being allowed to happen and why is this guy in an environment where he would get raped?

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Marijuana users aren't going to prison. If you get caught with a lb of weed the fuck ya.


What makes weed smokers so special anyway? Its against the law. Get over it. Just because you want to do it and don't agree with the law, who the fuck cares? Is it worth the risk of ass rape? If you are willing to risk ass rape for weed, can you honestly tell me you don't have a problem? I want attractive women to no longer wear clothes...like...ever, but there are laws preventing it. You don't hear me bitching about it.

That's a totally circular argument. Saying, essentially 'Since the consequences are known, they're justified.' I mean, in the Old Testament, women were sentenced to death by stoning if they weren't virgins on their wedding night. It was widely, known, but not justifiable.


Judges don't sentence people to forced sodomy, and it obviously shouldn't be allowed.


why is this guy in an environment where he would get raped?


And if he were bigger and more able to defend himself, he'd somehow be deserving of better treatment? I'm sure most of the rapers are in there for worse than the rapee. People who shank others in prison can get extended sentences, or even the death penalty.


I don't think you people are actually thinking this through. Actually think about how incredibly violent and painful ass-rape is. It can freakin' kill you. How does he 'deserve' that?

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I've gotten hit by a drunk driver before. Boy was I lucky, a couple of more inches left and I might not have a left leg right now. Someone who's gotten THREE DUIs?


Rape away convicts, rape away.


I'm only being semi-seirous. Looking at it objectively, you'd need to overhaul the *guard* system. It's also not feasible to have a judgement system (ie. rapists and child molesters can be raped, people in there for weed shouldn't, etc etc), so you either overhaul things to give prisoners (*all* prisoners) some protections, or you continue to ignore it.


I think people who get DUI's are retarded don't get me wrong but I also think there are "circumstances". You can be considered drunk when you aren't the level is so insanely low. I can drink 2 beers and be over the limit when I have to drink 8 to feel a buzz.


If you are getting well over the limit and you are majorly fucked up you should get a harsher sentence that guy who had a beer.

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the question then is, how fucked up was this guy everytime he got busted? I mean if he's blowing 2 or 3 in the breathalyzer, then yeah, he's obviously headed to the clink.

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Rapist coming, don't get raped.

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No, screw you all, there is no pertinance in this DUI talk.


I don't care why he is in jail in the first place, it has absolutely no bearing on this case.




I am not bickering at all about his prison sentance. I, in fact, abhor drunk drivers as attempted muderers etc. But this should be fixed. Because, as stated, if he snaps and kills a guy with a shiv because he was trying to stop his asshole from being torn up, again, he gets more years. That's fucked up.


Prisoners should not have to protect themselves because they legally cannot.

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That is a false argument and you shouldn't make it.


This is not part of the judgement and you know it. This is not their fault, nor is it their responsability. If sodomy is part of the price to be paid for breaking a law, then legislate it, put it in writing. If getting AIDS is part of the repercussions for going to jail then you're going to have to reduce the mandatory minimums on a LOT of crimes in this country, because that is a death sentance.

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This is about the governments of this nation doing exactly fuckall to protect the people who are ENTIRELY dependant on them for protection.


Prisoners are specifically disallowed any means of protection, and rightly so. Therefore it is entirely the responsability of the guards who work there to prevent this kind of thing from happening.

I refer you back to this:

I'm only being semi-seirous. Looking at it objectively, you'd need to overhaul the *guard* system. It's also not feasible to have a judgement system (ie. rapists and child molesters can be raped, people in there for weed shouldn't, etc etc), so you either overhaul things to give prisoners (*all* prisoners) some protections, or you continue to ignore it.

...which is not a federal decision, so write your own representatives.


You can't pass sweeping legislation on even a state level- shit like this needs to be handled on a case-by-case basis, b/c for everyone one fuckhead that gets his ass raped for having feminine features and doesn't get help from the guards, there's a worse fuckhead who gets his ass kicked for being a child molestor and gets transferred to a minimum security facility.

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