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Big Ol' Smitty


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So whats your point?


That child molester shouldn't be getting his ass kicked either, especially if it leads to him getting transferred to a minimum security facility. Again, if sodomy is part of the judgement, put it in there. Have it ... administered by state paid officials.


What a position.

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Rapist coming, don't get raped.
Hello, Larry's my name, insurance is my game!..... Raping was another game of mine.....




That is a false argument and you shouldn't make it.


This is not part of the judgement and you know it. This is not their fault, nor is it their responsability. If sodomy is part of the price to be paid for breaking a law, then legislate it, put it in writing. If getting AIDS is part of the repercussions for going to jail then you're going to have to reduce the mandatory minimums on a LOT of crimes in this country, because that is a death sentance.


Hit the nail on the head, there. As I said, people get harsher sentences for shanking someone, why not raping someone? Prisons are supposed to attempt to rehabilitate people if possible, not ruin them for life.

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So whats your point?


That child molester shouldn't be getting his ass kicked either, especially if it leads to him getting transferred to a minimum security facility. Again, if sodomy is part of the judgement, put it in there. Have it ... administered by state paid officials.


What a position.

My point is that bitching about it is useless b/c there are flaws inherent in the penal system that cannot be solved by some sweeping legislation.


And fucking read, dude- don't put words in my mouth. I never said sodomy should be part of the punishment. I said the problems will only be solved on an individual basis. Don't be that guy that looks for arguments.

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Don't be that guy that looks for arguments.


Boon doesn't know Eric very well.


By the way, I think they do have condoms in prisons but come on...what guy wants to wear a rubber :lol:

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Two of the most discussion-provoking threads I have ever started (other than ones on big issues like Iraq) have been about school lunches & prison rape.

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I'm not in favor of anal rape


That's a bold position you're staking out there, I3K.


Well, some posters seemed to be going towards the line of "Well, you got in prison, it's your own fault if you're gang raped and contract HIV."


snuffbox, using forced prison labor to construct the Wall could solve multiple problems at once. Heck, if they escape into Mexico, it could be considered a fair trade to boot.

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Sorry, Invader, America is not some middle ages Communist nation. Your Siberian workcamp ideas were shown to be disgusting and wrong long ago.

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My aunt and uncle work in a prison up north. My aunt investigates the rapes (when they actually look into it), drugrunning and murders, and I don't know what my uncle does, probably regular guard shit. ANYWAY, my aunt told me that as long as you have general population, rape is unpreventable. The only way to prevent it is by killing somebody, then you'll get left alone.

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Sorry, Invader, America is not some middle ages Communist nation. Your Siberian workcamp ideas were shown to be disgusting and wrong long ago.


I'm not proposing communist or socialist ideas. I'm proposing America abandon this failed system of "restorative" or "rehabilitative" justice. As America's population continues to grow, it will be inevitable and imperative that we be harsher on criminals.

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My aunt and uncle work in a prison up north. My aunt investigates the rapes (when they actually look into it), drugrunning and murders, and I don't know what my uncle does, probably regular guard shit. ANYWAY, my aunt told me that as long as you have general population, rape is unpreventable. The only way to prevent it is by killing somebody, then you'll get left alone.


I knew a guy that did 5 years in the state pen here and he said he would purposely get in fights so they'd place him in solitaire in order to avoid getting his BUTT pumped.

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Sorry, Invader, America is not some middle ages Communist nation. Your Siberian workcamp ideas were shown to be disgusting and wrong long ago.


I'm not proposing communist or socialist ideas. I'm proposing America abandon this failed system of "restorative" or "rehabilitative" justice. As America's population continues to grow, it will be inevitable and imperative that we be harsher on criminals.


You just proposed a failed communist idea.

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No, it really is unpreventable. When they go out and investigate, it's he said-he said. Nobody else says anything, so the guy that reported it just gets it worse.


You can go and put everyone in solitary, but then people need to have some sort of human contact. It's a two way street.

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See that is a backwards system.


Don't tell me preventing rape is "too expensive"


Its not that its impossible, its not...its not that its too expensive, its not...


The prevention wont happen until people demand it. And, judging by the putrid views espoused here, that mindshift switch isn't happening anytime soon.

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There are various problems.


Mixing non-violent(mostly drug offenders, for yes, mere possession) that are there for mandatory minimums(which is an entire other level of bullshit)with violent criminals convicted of rape, murder etc.


Prison guards that look the other way.


Another one is the fact that prisons are now starting to be privately owned and they get contracted out to companies like Microsoft to put together microchips and airlines to book flight reservations. Not only is this crazy because you are sharing private secured information with convicted felons, but also it means the Prison or better yet the owner of the Prison(Barbara Bush for example) has a VESTED INTEREST in keeping prisons full of cheap labor for the corporations to make profits off of.


If you are a lifer, or on a 20+ year sentence you are in an entire other category, but lets say for instance you are there on a 2 year sentence. In that case, prison is supposed to be the place to rehabilitate you to make you a better person for when you return to society, not a place to get raped, beat up, and harassed on a daily basis in order to make you a colder person when you get out of there. Living in a cell, without your freedom is plenty punishment enough. I don't think Chocolate pudding, or Cable television makes up for living in a cell for a couple of years of your life. People wonder why there are so many repeat offenders.

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