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A plea to WWE

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80,000 people. Biggest grossing event ever. And it hasn't even happened yet. It's going to do 1,000,000 buyrates, even if at this point they have jobbers on the entire rest of the card. It's going to get huge publicity across the world due to the Battle of the Billionaries. The title matches are the right booking decisions and the right matches to do at this point. It looks like they are going to have a solid Money in the Bank match as well. But we all know something is missing from making Mania that much more special.


I just finished watching Smackdown for the first time in months, possibly a year. Granted I feel asleep during most of the shitty parts, but I thought the show was good. It was paced decent, wrestling was fair, and the storyline advancement going into Mania was ok. It could of been a lot worse. The main reason I watched it because I read the spoilers about the Vince/Rey stuff and wanted to see how it came off on TV. It felt a little forced (maybe because the ridiculous editing splices on this show) and not enough about Rey in the segment, but it was fine none the less. Again, it could have been worse.


Everyone knows it’s Lashley vs. Umaga with Austin as the ref. It’s all over the news, in the papers, on TV, etc. It’s going to be a lousy fucking match. Donald Trump doesn’t even KNOW who Bobby Lashley is, why the fuck would he pick him? Sure you can say “Well Trump just turns on the TV and sees Lashley being dominate” or whatever, but it’s totally illogical. None one cares about the match. No one cares about Bobby Lashley. He lost over a half a million viewers on RAW a couple weeks ago. No one cares about Umaga, and they are making the only entertaining part about him (Estrada) seem like nothing anymore because he got too over. Everyone wants to see McMahon/Trump. Everyone wants to see Austin. The match itself is a mute point.


I’m making a plea, a beg to WWE to do something about this as there is still 72 hours until Monday Night RAW. I know that people say certain scenarios and situations are impossible and blah blah blah, but put everything else aside…when it comes down too it, sometimes everyone needs to just fucking nut up and do the right thing.


Somehow, someway on Monday night, have Donald Trump announce on RAW that the Rock is going to be his representative and end the show with Rock coming out and giving Rock Bottoms to the world. It would be cousin vs. cousin, it would be the best match that anyone would get out of Umaga, it would make perfect sense for Trump to pick an actual star now Hogan’s gone, and Austin/Rock have so much history that could just be another selling point to the match. It's not a dream match. And it's not something I want to waste on a return with the possibility we'll never see him in the ring again. But for the love of god at this point something like this would make me feel whole again as a wrestling fan.


It won’t happen, never will. But WWE has disappointed me for so long that in one move I would forgive them for a lot of shit they’ve done lately. And that’s generous.

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If they were going to bring the Rock back why not have him face Cena in a who is the better Hollywood actor match! Umaga and HBK would be in the Money in the Bank match....hey if Kane, Flair, Finley can be in the match why not the Samoan Bulldozer, haha!

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Lesnar vs. Rock for WM - book it!


By the way, it is "moot point" not "mute point."


Anyway yeah that was silly. Everyone wants the Rock - not happening. That has nothing to do with WWE.

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Also, why would Rock want to come back anyway? Wishful thinking is one thing, but don't rant and rave about it HartFan.


There are probably better choices then Lashley, but this will give him a big rub. People bitch about making new stars, and they're about to make Lashley look huge here. And Trump picking Lashley makes perfect sense- why not pick the guy who has been unstoppable since December and is a world champion?

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You had a pretty good build up. I was actually interested in what you had to say...but then you decided to make this a plea for Dwayne.


In the words of Ozzie Guillen: "Pshh, please."

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Oh lord, that's great. Trump picking a guy when he can't even say his name. At any rate I might be one of the few looking forward to this match. We all know Austin will stun someone, maybe Vince or Estrada (or both). The match itself will be crazy overbooking and it needs it. Vince will get his head shaved. It'll be fun, so chill.

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When asked who his wrestler was, Trump said it was a guy named "Lindsey", in reference to Lashley. Trump said that "Lindsey" is a black gentleman who is the strongest person he’s ever seen.


Vince picked Umaga. Who should Trump pick instead? Carlito???


The match will be hopefully be a short power match, Austin will stun people, Trump will get to lay out Vince, everyone drinks beer- the end. It's not a big deal

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When asked who his wrestler was, Trump said it was a guy named "Lindsey", in reference to Lashley. Trump said that "Lindsey" is a black gentleman who is the strongest person he’s ever seen.


Vince picked Umaga. Who should Trump pick instead? Carlito???


The match will be hopefully be a short power match, Austin will stun people, Trump will get to lay out Vince, everyone drinks beer- the end. It's not a big deal


Yeah, it's only Wrestlemania. Who cares.

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But who should Trump pick then, if not Lashley?


Yeah, it's only Wrestlemania. Who cares.


Totally missing the point. The match isn't supposed to be some classic. It's to have a bunch of moments to pop the crowd and get Lashley over

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There are probably better choices then Lashley, but this will give him a big rub. People bitch about making new stars, and they're about to make Lashley look huge here. And Trump picking Lashley makes perfect sense- why not pick the guy who has been unstoppable since December and is a world champion?

Bob hits the nail on the head, again.


And no one really cares about how Lashley/Umaga will be as a match. Lashley will go over. He will become a star by osmosis. Umaga has nothing to lose by doing this match. This is a no-brainer and a credit to the WWE's booking.


Yeah, I would want Rock too, but that shit ain't happening, and I wouldn't put Umaga over because he's not the guy a step away from being a mega-face.

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Some people seem to forget the Rock has this other career......and he's you know making a movie during the time that Mania is.

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It's really too bad Rey won't be healthy by Mania time as I thought, after the angle tonight, I wouldn't mind seeing him against Umaga. It would give him a nice "mainstream" rub that would probably mean more than Lashley IMO. Honestly, over and above everyone, I'd love to see him in the spot, which shocks me since Im far from a Rey fan in the first place, but they built the sympathy card good there on the show.


I'm also wishing it would be Foley instead of Lashley as well - you have a ready-made angle that would have been followed up upon if Foley returned to try to get back at Vince for "firing" him. Hell, take it a step further and squeeze Melina in there too for further backstory.


I'd also love Benoit in the spot too, it would make little sense but could give the rub to Benoit to lead to him maybe doing a post-Mania feud with a heel Batista or something. I'd like nothing more than to see him back higher up on the card on SD and this would help that cause. Plus it would be US champ v. IC champ interpromotional.


Absolutely huge longshot as well but the fantasy booker in me would love to see Jericho be brought back to face Umaga, but whatever.

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Guest Montresor
I'll invite people to list better choices than Bobby Lashley right here. Go ahead.


Chris Benoit.

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I'll invite people to list better choices than Bobby Lashley right here. Go ahead.


Ric Flair. He can cut a promo and sell the match even more But I don't have a problem with Lashley.

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Okay wait. Why would Trump pick Chris Benoit? The dude was just jobbing to Ken Kennedy and has zero momentum other than kicking the crap out of Chavo. Why would Trump pick Rey, a guy who right now is a gimp and also got his ass kicked 90% of the time before his injury? Why would he pick Flair, a washed up 58 year old who would have zero shot vs. Umaga?


Lashley has at least shown some level of dominance of late. Thus he makes sense as the pick.

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They already have made it better. It was originally planned to be Hulk Hogan and then Shawn Michaels in Lashley's spot. I like Benoit and Flair but with the kind of potential rub that is available here it has to be an up and comer. Lashley is a good choice.

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I'll invite people to list better choices than Bobby Lashley right here. Go ahead.


Ric Flair. He can cut a promo and sell the match even more But I don't have a problem with Lashley.

Why would Trump pick an old man, who the few times he faced Umaga....Umaga beat the shit out of him

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I actually like the choices of Lashley and Umaga for the Battle of The Billionaires. If it was Khali/Lashley, it'd be a disaster. I'm really starting to like Umaga as McMahon's killing machine, and Lashley is the only guy who in storyline terms could stand up to him. My second choice would be Foley with a hardcore stipulation. Michaels and Flair already lost to Umaga, so Lashley is a good idea. I just wanna see McMahon bald.

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I was hoping Trump would pick Foley as it would have made sense with Foley wanting revenge on Vince after getting fired by him during his last on screen appearance, being Trumps pick would also be a good way of getting Foley back on TV after this firing, but I guess they are saving Foley for a feud with Johnny Nitro so he can get a little revenge on Melina.

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Nevermind that Rock has left wrestling behind him and is focused on his other career, but this is the perfect match to make new stars. The Rock needs no help in that department, even if he told Vince he'd do a WM match for him for free. It's a better scenario than Hogan/Big Show, Hogan/Khali, Hogan/Shane McMahon, or Shawn/Booker in that you have two fresh commodities in the match. They might not wanna be the stars you want to see, but I find it ironic that people beg for new people and fresh talent, but when there's a few bad apples in the bunch of who's getting pushed, they turn around and want the people who have reigned supreme forever in the spot.


I, personally, am sick of Bobby Lashley. I like Umaga. Those are two guys that deserve the roles they're getting in the sense that it may get them over in the mainstream, and not guys long past their prime who don't need it.

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The only faces people cheer for on ECW are the ECW Originals everyone else will get hated on. What I don't get is on the highlights from the PPV shown it had Lashley attacking Kennedy with a chair showing a mean streak but on the tv tapings everything is forgotten and the Dudley-Do-Right babyface push continues. Ohhh Bobby hugs his smelly workout shirt......Bobby was in the Army.....Bobby is a momma's boy......Bobby was NCAA champion but nobody went to his matches boo FUCKING hoo. If a face is going to get over he has to have more character than the dumbass who smiles alot and is nice to everybody the character needs an attitude adjustment. The whole overcoming the odds deal if played out and isn't believable if nobody gives a damn about the guy in the first place. And this carries onto his matches how the hell are the fans suppose to cheer for him and his lame ass 2 step bodyslam?!?!?! Bobby Lashley is NOT The British Bulldog so whatever meaning it has does not carry over for him Lashley is what 270-ish 6'5" ish of pure muscle and you give him a move from the 80's hoping that he can get over? It hasn't happened nor will it work until he has a finisher that looks like it can kill someone.

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