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Craig Th


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If Ari doesn't get the position, I expect Dana Gordon to be the #1 and Vince will get the roles.


However, what should break down is that Ari gets the position ala Michael Ovitz being lured away to run Disney in the mid-90's but it's a short-lived run, but probably won't end as nastily as the Ovitz/Disney relationship.

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He seemed very close with Mark Wahlberg, like he is with Vinnie.


Early in the episode, Ari told his wife "There's only two clients I care about, one of them being Vince". I suppose Wahlberg is the other.

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Minor spoiler/reveal about the Smokejumpers saga....


I guess some people who have episode guides (or checked out Wiki) says one of the upcoming episodes deals with Vince being intimidated by Jason Patric on the Smokejumpers set. No specifics on what role Vince has but I'd venture a guess that he doesn't get the one he wanted.

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They showed her flirting with Turtle and giving him her number.


Also, E got into a fist fight with some other guy and such. Man, I can barely remember the preview.

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Good episode but nothing stood out until near the end where it picked up. Drama was over-the-top annoying in this one, I really wanted Turtle to clock him.


Oh please... Drama had me pissing myself laughing.

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I like it when E gets tough with people. He's kinda believable for a lil fella. Probably the best move with Dana Gordon and Ari and whatnot. Next week looks good with the start of Smoke Jumpers

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Ahh man, gotta love Drama there.


And the whole Ari/Dana thing was better than I thought it would be. Now Vince is pretty set for a year or so. Until Ari pisses Dana off again.

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I like Jason Patric, but why are they playing it up like he's a big star? He hasn't had a serious hit in forever.


Although the "Tell'em he got molested in 'Sleepers'." line killed me

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They made that clear though and made it obvious he was only there because that director thought he was a good fit for that role. They aren't playing it up like he a box office slam dunk or anything.

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I'm loving Seth Green being back next week and telling E to have Sloane call him and ask him what's up. I can sense another midget brawl a-comin'.

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