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Shooting at Virginia Tech Campus

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Guest Richard McBeef

MSNBC had some piece with a line along the lines of

He then photographed himself pointing guns at the camera, likely the very pose his victims saw before they met their untimely doom.

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Jesus Christ I can't even go to log in for my email, without seeing photos of this piece of shit in the main news section...

I guess if there was ever an instance of "feeding the troll," this is it.


I'm swearing off 24 hour news. If something is truly important, the networks will break into regular coverage. Otherwise, it can wait for me to digest it from more civilized sources.

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Some FBI agent or profiler said during a interview "He wanted to be famous. He got his wish. We shouldn't be showing these videos" and Anderson Cooper or whatever jackass it was stared at the camera for a second and had this Yeah, sure look on his face and muttered "We thought about that, but let's take another look at the video and see if you can extract anything else from it, a deeper meaning perhaps".


The circle jerk from the networks is just sicking.

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Guest Richard McBeef
Some FBI agent or profiler said during a interview "He wanted to be famous. He got his wish. We shouldn't be showing these videos" and Anderson Cooper or whatever jackass it was stared at the camera for a second and had this Yeah, sure look on his face and muttered "We thought about that, but let's take another look at the video and see if you can extract anything else from it, a deeper meaning perhaps".


The circle jerk from the networks is just sicking.

Remember the SNL sketch where it's just Chris Elliott showing the clip of Jeff Daniels taking a shit over and over and over? It's kind of like that, but tragic instead of funny.

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Some FBI agent or profiler said during a interview "He wanted to be famous. He got his wish. We shouldn't be showing these videos"


Yeah. Someone said on the Today show something to the effect of: "Most people will be disgusted by this video, but people just like this kid will view it and decide that they, too, can be famous by doing the same thing."


That is probably what will happen, too. Already, this has dominated the news all week. It will likely have enough legs to be talked about for another week or two. Not to mention the fact that the media will bring it up every year on its anniversary or whenever there is another school shooting. If you're some suicidal nobody, it's easy to see how this could be your ticket to immortality.


The scary thing is that some kid will eventually succeed in killing more people in one of these attacks than in this one and Columbine combined.

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Yeah, I couldn't believe that supposedly reputable networks actually showed this idiot's rambling bullshit video. It actually lends credibility to his crazed ranting and it can't do anything but cause other lunatics to think "Hey, they played his video on TV...if I make a tape and shoot a bunch of people they'll play mine too!"


I could see this footage eventually turning up on the net somewhere, but there's no way networks should be playing it. If it was up to me I wouldn't even mention the guy's name on TV period.

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I agree with all of the people who say that this guys video should not have been put on NBC. It's just disrespectful to the victims and seeing the media try to justify it makes me sick to my stomach. However, you can expect more of this kinda stuff because last night NBC pulled in a monster rating according to Drudge due to showing the footage so once again $$$$ triumphs over doing what's right.

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Another faux Rambo:


Neal Boortz, whose syndicated radio show is heard on hundreds of stations, said on Tuesday, “How the hell do 25 students allow themselves to be lined up against the wall in a classroom and picked off one by one? How does that happen, when they could have rushed the gunman, the shooter, and most of them would have survived?" You’ll notice here that Boortz is simply making things up to support his attack on the murdered victims at Virginia Tech.



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Guest Richard McBeef

Didn't someone here ask why they didn't try to take him out? They make it sound so easy.

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Virginia Tech Killer Inspired by Oldboy?

Among the numerous photos Cho Seung-Hui mailed to NBC on Monday, the one that is really piquing a lot of people's interest is one featuring Cho, brandishing a hammer. The New York Times has an interesting theory about the inspiration for that photograph: it's Cho's psycopathic homage to Park Chan-wook's Oldboy.


I can see why the theory would be compelling. In Oldboy, the protagonist, Oh Dae-su, is kidnapped suddenly and locked in a small room for over 10 years, without ever being told why. Then, just as inexplicably, he is released. In the famous hammer scene, Oh Dae-su finds his way back to the prison where he'd been kept and in a long panning shot single-handedly defeats about twenty or thirty thugs, using a hammer as a weapon to unyieldingly plow through them.


It's an incredible scen — for my money, one of the greatest fight scenes ever filmed — but I can see why people would imagine there to be parallels. After all, the scene is about a South-Korean loner inflicting vengeful physical violence on about thirty people at once.

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If I can be serious for a minute...


Today is the 12th anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing, an act of terrorism that claimed 168 lives, and is the deadliest act of domestic terrorism in our history. Tomorrow is the anniversary of the Columbine Massacre. Given Monday's events, I feel it is important that we continue to remember the students and teachers that lost their lives that day. The Oklahoma City Bombing, the Columbine Massacre, and the murders in Virginia earlier this week share a common thread, because they were acts of senseless violence in which the lives of our young were lost. As an educator, I feel an obligation to help our next generation. It is incomprehensible to me that the lives of the young, those with so much potential and the whole world before them, could be snuffed out so recklessly. There is no way to measure the potential that has been wasted by these events. These were not just crimes against our children, but crimes against those who will come after them. We will never know what we really lost on those days, because the futures of those who died can never be written, their potential never fulfilled. Let us also not forget the brave teachers who died both at Columbine High School, and in Virginia. They cared so much about their students that they willingly sacrificed their own lives. Let us not forget the employees at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, who had dedicated their lives to public service, and were killed because of this service. We often hear the words "never again" when tragedies like this happen, but they still happen anyways. I have no new ideas or solutions that would make this a reality. All I can do is continue to serve our children to the best of my ability, and be vigilant in trying to help them reach their own, hopefully better, future.

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C-Bacon: Don't fucking ruin this thread, like you do every thread in CE. Just keep your fucking trap shut.

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I can empathize with any and all Americans who feel that the loss of 32 of their own is a horrible thing but I don't think it should be downplayed that, ya know, tons of Iraqi's are dying. Even though that's more or less the case.

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All the copy cats popping up now are pathetic. I watched the news tonight and they literally went through about 10 minutes of the threats that schools all over the country have been getting over the past couple of days.

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All the copy cats popping up now are pathetic. I watched the news tonight and they literally went through about 10 minutes of the threats that schools all over the country have been getting over the past couple of days.

It happens all the time. It's just that every time something like this happens, every other instance of a threat is reported on national news. You see the same thing with child abductions.

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Someone called UMD and said that they had planted a bomb in a book in one of the libraries on campus......


Reminds me of that Speed 2 spoof from the critic (before the actual Speed 2 came out)


"If you read less than fifty words per minute, this book will blow up!"

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