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Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

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Oh my God, Debra just completely and totally buried/damned WWE and Steve Austin, holy crap.


She said that did steroids, she saw him do it, and had roid rage. She said there were three times when he had roid rage and beat her, and the last time he pushed her to the floor, put his knee in her back, lifted her head up and beat her face over and over again.


She once again said that she was lucky that she got out, and didn't get killed, and she wishes that she had said something before now and maybe Nancy would be alive, and when she heard about the Benoit story she had to finally speak out.


She claimed that WWE put a gag on her for a year, they covered for Austin, and when they saw her bruises they'd just cover them up with make up.

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That Wikipedia deal is really weird, and I believe one of us here at TSM (cant remember who though) posted that stuff WAY before media reports leaked about it, actually on Monday night IIRC.


I do like how investigators waste their time connecting the dots while disregarding the remainder of this inane shit. Spammers are now plugging their wares on its talk page while others post random crack-pottery & junk. Dynamic IP, oho~.


Though the Wiki conspiracy theory carries more weight than anything Geraldo's put into this issue.


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What channel is Nancy Jones on? I'm gonna catch the replay. Want to see that Jericho interview.

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My gaaah!!ISN'T ANYONE WATCHING IMPACT???????????!!!!!


I am.

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What channel is Nancy Jones on? I'm gonna catch the replay. Want to see that Jericho interview.


Nancy Grace is on Headline News, the show replays at 10.

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Oh my God, Debra just completely and totally buried/damned WWE and Steve Austin, holy crap.


She said that did steroids, she saw him do it, and had roid rage. She said there were three times when he had roid rage and beat her, and the last time he pushed her to the floor, put his knee in her back, lifted her head up and beat her face over and over again.


She once again said that she was lucky that she got out, and didn't get killed, and she wishes that she had said something before now and maybe Nancy would be alive, and when she heard about the Benoit story she had to finally speak out.


She claimed that WWE put a gag on her for a year, they covered for Austin, and when they saw her bruises they'd just cover them up with make up.


I hope Austin and WWE sues her ass for slander - I dont like AT ALL that she's using this tragedy for her own agenda. This is the same shit she mentioned a few days ago (and was posted here) but now has added that WWE put a gag on her for over a year, covering for Austin, etc. The interview she did before said Austin himself forced her to shut up about the beatings somehow (she didnt specify).


So she is saying he always because overly violent while he was on roids only? It doesnt make sense really.

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I enjoy the posts here that seem like they pretty much wish for there to be no more wrestling. Over the last few days my concerns have gone to what is the future of wrestling, what will occur.


Bravo for wishing the death of wrestling on a wrestling board though....Nothing amazes me more than when the Vince haters now see this as their way to wish his company and the entire industry to be no more.


It's pretty senseless to take this horrible horrible event and turn it into how Vince and the WWE are evil and should be put out of business by the government.

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Does anyone remember about when Jericho shows up on Nancy Grace? The less of this show I have to watch the better.


I'm guessing the middle since they have a story on a kidnapped girl.

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If that Wikipedia entry was indeed just some goober posting it because of a rumor, I bet whoever did it is totally freaking out right now and worried about being tracked down and being brought into the criminal investigation. :lol:

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Jericho was great on Grace. Way to clear things up, Chris (if you didn't see it, he explained that going to ECW to win the world title was not a demotion and Benoit loved the idea of helping younger talent).

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He was great. Chris is EVERYTHING that someone should be when giving an interview.

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Chyna looks high as shit right now. At least drunk. Or can't tell. But i don't see why anyone would listen to a goddamned thing she says.

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Wow, they really should have Jericho appear on all the major news/talk shows that are covering this story. He is explaining thing about the industry that even the common person can understand.

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Wow that was brutal watching Chyna. She was fucked up as hell. That was like watching anna nicole smith right there. She made absolutely NO sense and wasn't it well known at the time she did steriods herself? of course through her babbling she denied it.

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I hate that they lump Yokozuna and Joey Marella into these death lists.


I saw a list that also included Owen Hart in it. Even worse, they listed the year of his death as 1996.

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