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Smackdown Vs Raw 08

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Yes it will, but I doubt they'll have Roster updates - as where would the incentive be to buy next years 'roster update' of SDvRaw09. It'll more likely be things like extra legends to buy from the Marketplace.


Where did you get this info? So far, I haven't seen it confirmed anywhere. It'd be great if it were true. Give me a few more legends, and maybe some new moves to download, and I'll be happy.

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Yeah, right. You might get 1 or 2 legends right at the start, then it'll just turn into wasting money on alternate costumes.

Alternate attire is a lot better than legends...


At least if there's no alternative for 'new superstars'.

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Yeah, right. You might get 1 or 2 legends right at the start, then it'll just turn into wasting money on alternate costumes.

Alternate attire is a lot better than legends...


At least if there's no alternative for 'new superstars'.

You misunderstand THQ's definition of "alternate". You're thinking like, Classic Undertaker, 1992 Shawn Michaels, etc. What they're going to give us is HHH in a suit and Rey Mysterio with the exact same design but with a color palette swap and anything else that takes under 30 seconds to throw together and upload to XBLM servers.

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I mean..


Why is alternte costumes so hard with these Next Gen systems...


N64 had them..at least for the WWF/WCW AKI games on Nintendo....


Blue Blood Hunter and Taker with the Purple Gloves can't be that hard to add

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I mean..


Why is alternte costumes so hard with these Next Gen systems...


N64 had them..at least for the WWF/WCW AKI games on Nintendo....


Blue Blood Hunter and Taker with the Purple Gloves can't be that hard to add


I used to complain about this very thing. Now I bitch about other concerns and am a little more understanding about this.


Simply, No Mercy's simplicity made it possible. Basically just because it's new doesn't mean it's better or easier to work with.


First, we're at seven years and two generations later, and the technology involved has risen. The limitations then both held No Mercy back and made it better, honestly. Emphasis was placed on ease of use by providing swappable parts and only a few body types were spread across the entire roster, and there was zero difference between a CAW and an already existing wrestler. Now you have specialized models for all wrestlers, more detail, higher demands, etc., and even when taking, say, two models for Triple H, it still takes work and time to provide any variance in his look, even just color changes. I know CAW is cited as to how this could work, but a created wrestler also has much less detail than those in the game. I don't believe it really is as easy as just changing the hue in the development process.


Either that or Yuke's really are just a bunch of lazy bastards, at least to the point where they hit the bare minimum, at which point they spend their time needlessly fucking around with ALL NEW CONTROL and polishing Triple H's bulge instead of attacking what really, really matters. TL;DR. In short, it's a fault of Yuke's in how overly complicated their shit and their way of doing things is in an effort to please reviewers and your common graphics whore.


I could be talking out my ass on these theories, but as long as we're talking about looks and presentation. I would, honestly, rather have time spent on proper entrance attires across the roster than pointless shit like Triple H in a Suit and shit. Things like throwback attires would be cool, but, personally, I can't see myself fucking around with that much. Again, speaking on presentation, it takes me out of it when I have, say, Blue Blood Triple H coming out to Motorhead. It's actually similar to my gripe on so-and-so missing a jacket during his entrance. If Yuke's and THQ are gonna put the PR spin on having the best presentation and being the most realistic, then do it.

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Are there really higher demands for graphics in the WWE games, though? I mean, every review you read contains the phrases "compared to previous Smackdown games" and "not as good as/not quite No Mercy". Of course graphics are important, but if you've got something as well-balanced and playable as No Mercy I'd gladly take a supreme sacrifice of graphics in order to play it.


I don't need the wrestlers to be ultra-defined in where their pectoral muscle's tendons attach to the third quadrant of the second rib. The only time I get any kind of look at them is during cutscenes, in which case I'm paying too much attention to what's being said because I probably spent two and a half minutes waiting for it to load to really notice much anyway. In the match I'm more worried about not losing rather than "Wow, Randy Orton's tattoo is three scale inches off center! HORROR!".


Give me HCTP again...except with the CAW teeth. Good god that was creepy.


EDIT: An advantage of reversing the 'progress' of the graphics is that with luck they won't have time to mess with the controls AGAIN.

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Yeah, but they seem to repeat themselves alot. Sometimes it even ignores what choice you make when it gives you an option.


So far I've had -


McMahon Family ganging up on Superstar

Stephanie McMahon leading a Diva Revolution

Diva's tricking Coach to get Carlito a Title Shot

Too Many Contenders

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Mr. McMahon is actually pretty good in this game. I was playing online and used him as a joke and ended up winning against two guys who were double teaming me the whole time.

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the ps2 versn sucks so far. I dont like the control changes, I finally got used to the new controls and then they change them again (and these stupid superstar types annoy me, I want to be able to remove turnbuckles with everyone, not just heels)


I keep forgetting how to run, and whip people. the whole "simplifying" process, has done the opposite and made it harder


I do like the weapon wheel though, to bad its only in extreme rules matches, which you cant select the arena for, its always ecw. how do you put someone thru the flaming table its so difficult?

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I picked it up on the 360 Tuesday night. The controller changes aren't as awful as I was anticipating. It is fine so far, although it seems a bit easier than I was expecting, I haven't lost yet. Some changes I could've done without, but it is average. Not a huge fan of 24/7 mode so far... although I did enjoy seeing Matt Hardy wield a gun.

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For those playing on 360 who want to know what some of the Secret gamer score achievements, I've unlocked two so far:


Suplex your opponent off the ladder set up in the ring to the outside of the ring for 20 points


Another one called "Send 'em back to Louisville" where you lose to your opponent even though your opponent has more limb damage to you. This gets you 10 points. I thought it was strange because I was playing as Punk vs. Cena in a Hell in a Cell and was trying to do the complete limb damage on him to get the GamerScore points that is listed already. As soon as Cena beat me on a fluke, it flashed "Send 'em back to Louisville"

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I can't back it up, but one of my friends tells me that Cena blatantly blows his line in one of the phone calls ("The champ is at this location" without inserting the location, or something like that), and then promptly asks for a do-over because he botched the line....and the sound was not only left on the game disc, but USED in 24/7 mode.

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Guest bushwickray

I love CAW in this game mainly because I can use custom soundtracks for my guys.


Quick question: Am I only limited to 30 CAWS? Because I wanna create everyone at work for our x-mas party and that means 50 people. Is there a trick to get more? What's the point of having an 11 gig hardrive if i can't go nuts with it!

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I have nothing to add, other than thank God I merely rented this piece of shit.



I got it for the 360 and I cannot put into words how I hate the controls.


I am very fortunate that I also bought Fire Pro Wrestling too.

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I just returned my copy back to Gamefly. 24/7 mode is really annoying. I have fatigue. If I want to rest, I lose all my popularity. Stupid.

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