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Full Raw spoilers

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From PWI:


Wrestlers are surrounding the ring, and Vince McMahon comes out. Vince McMahon says he was shocked last week and said he doesn't remember who this woman was or what she looked like. He says that he won't be intimidated. Crowd chants "Who's Your Daddy". He says he takes solace that all the WWE superstars are supportive of him as are his family. He asks for the fans' support and they booed. He demands they support him in his time of need.


Stephanie comes out and says she's glad nothing bothers him, and she would have said what she's supposed to say in private, but last week he accused her of being duplicitous. She went to the plaintiff's lawyer today and found out the illegitimate child is standing around the ring right now. She tells him his bastard is a WWE Superstar and leaves the ring.


Vince looks around the ring dumbfounded then walks out. As he leaves he stops and stares in Ken Kennedy's face. Big pop. He then stares at Mark Henry before finally exiting.


They air a video feature on Lashley's surgery.


Sandman vs. Ken Kennedy. Kennedy mocked the crowd and bragged about taking out their hero Lashley on the mic. Crowd chanted "Let's go Sandman". Kennedy hits a facewash then his rolling Samoan Drop for the clean pin.


Backstage, Vince is upset that his child is someone on the roster. Jonathan Coachman suggests they go through the roster and all their ages. He asks what age Vince was sexually active at. It turns out to be 12. Coach says that means it could be anyone. Behind them, Ric Flair "woooos" at them.


Randy Orton video feature.


Later tonight...William Regal's WWE Idol.


Backstage, Regal dressed as Simon from Idol. Michael Cole and JBL are dressed as Hall and Oates and sing "Private Eyes" ...badly.


Maria and Ron Simmons show up. Regal says Maria will be a judge and next week she and Ron go on their date. Santino shows up and says tonight he will sing a song so romantic Maria won't go out with Simmons. He leaves and Maria follows. JBL and Cole start singing "Rich Girl" and Simmons stares at them. JBL tells him that the 80's are retro and that's back in.

Simmons stares at them and says....Wham!


Cryme Time come out and are over like crazy because they are from Brooklyn. They say tonight they are going to sell Lillian's Garcia's seat. They start the bidding and come up to rapper Bow Wow in the crowd. They eventually sell the seat for $1000 to a fan.


Cryme Time vs. Cade and Murdoch. Cade and Murdoch by DQ. They hit the high low on Shad, then JTG nails Trevor over the back with a chair (the one they sold to a fan earlier) while making the cover.


HHH return video.


After a clip of Snitsky squashing one Highlander last week, it's Snitsky vs. the other Highlander. Snitsky wins in 30 seconds.


Backstage, Vince is trying to go over all of his past experiences. Coachman says to give him the list of his past indiscretions and Coach can have an answer by SNME. Cody Rhodes shows up. He says not to worry because he knows who his father is. He says he has something Vince needs more than him. It's a condom. Vince tells Coach to remind him to sue Trojan. Vince wonders who it could be. Boogeyman comes up from behind singing "Cat's in the Cradle". Coach says "He does have your eyes"


WWE Idol. Todd Grisham is host. Judges are Regal, Maria and Mick Foley. Big pop for Mick. Maria judged Grisham's intro of her.


First contestant is Jillian Hall. She sings a screeching version of "Memory" from Cats with WWE-specific lyrics.


Second is Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff with Howard Finkel. Finkel asks everyone to rise for the Russian National Anthem. He sings.


The third was Lillian Garcia, who sang "New York, New York". She was stopped by Santino Marella. He says Lillian's outfit makes him think Times Square is missing a prostitute. He sings "That's Amore" to Maria. Foley says the singing is almost as painful as watching him wrestle. Marella tells Maria they are going to Little Italy now. She refuses because she's a judge and he demands she goes now. Ron Simmons comes out and Marella tells him "what are you going to do, rhyme like Sesame Street"? He calls Ron "Cookie Monster". Simmons lays out Marella. Regal says that's music to his ears and declares Ron the winner.


Cody Rhodes vs. Charlie Haas. Crowd is down for this. Lots of boring chants. Haas on offense a lot early. Haas gets a 2 count reversing a flying bodypress. Cody gets the pin with a small package.


Coronation segment. King Booker and Sharmell come out. Sharmell says the true King will be crowned tonight. Booker thanks all his loyal subjects and says that in the history of Kings, there has never been one so majestic and loved. He says last week he proved that King Booker is the one true King. He demands Jerome Lawler to humble himself and place the crown upon his head. Lawler picks up the crown. He doesn't want to do it and Booker demands he do it now, losing the accent in the process. Crowd chants for HHH.


Lawler says Booker claims to be the only King but that's not true. He says that before he got in the ring he was given a note and Booker will have a match at Summerslam against "this man." They play HHH's music but he doesn't come out. An enraged Booker attacks Lawler and begins screaming and ranting at Jim Ross. Crowd was deflated with no HHH appearance. Crowd chants "Booker sucks". Lawler is walked out by officials.


Randy Orton comes out and says Cena is one of the longest reigning champion in almost 2 decades but that will end in two weeks. Orton says he ends careers and Cena is going to get a small glimpse of what will happen to him at Summerslam. Orton says he's going to be the hero to those who hate Cena whether they like it or not. Orton says he's going to be the worst nightmare for Cena's fans and that nothing can stop him from becoming WWE champion.


Main Event: John Cena & Umaga vs. Ken Kennedy & Carlito. Cena and Umaga win. Cena played Ricky Morton. Umaga got the hot tag and the place went nuts for his offense. Cena pinned Carlito with the FU. Really really strong match live. Crowd was 50/50 love-hate for Cena.


Backstage, Vince McMahon says he's so glad tonight is over. Coachman asks Vince if he's given him the complete listing of all his discretions. Vince starts telling a story about being with two flight attendants when Linda McMahon shows up behind them. He tries to explain but she insults him and walks off. Raw ends.

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You kidding me with this American Idol junk? Jeez.


That is their answer to rating problems....expect atleast 1 segment like this every week.

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So I assume they are taping SNME after RAW is taped? I figured they'd just do what they did in Toronto a while back, and tape SNME first, and then have RAW live.

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Guest Smues

The Idol segment sounds worth a watch. I would assume HHH is returning on SNME and they wanted to save his pop for that. HHH squashing Booker T at Summerslam, oh what fun!

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I don't get the HHH swerve.


I do, probably a Saturday Night's Main Event Return. When was the last time something big happened there?

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of the longest reigning champion in almost 2 decades but that will end in two weeks. Orton says he ends careers and Cena is going to get a small glimpse of what will happen to him at Summerslam. Orton says he's going to be the hero to those who hate Cena whether they like it or not. Orton says he's going to be the worst nightmare for Cena's fans and that nothing can stop him from becoming WWE champion.


Main Event: John Cena & Umaga vs. Ken Kennedy & Carlito. Cena and Umaga win. Cena played Ricky Morton. Umaga got the hot tag and the place went nuts for his offense. Cena pinned Carlito with the FU. Really really strong match live. Crowd was 50/50 love-hate for Cena.




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