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Funniest/Best Indy Moments You've Seen

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Since there is a thread for "Worst Indy Show", I figured I'd ask what are some of the best moments you've ever seen or been a part of at an indy show?


One of the funniest indy moments I remember was when I helped set up the ring for a Robert Gibson led promotion. Tommy Rich and Terry Gordy were in town to take on Gibson and Morton. One of the guys helping Gibson run things looked at us on the ring crew and said, "We have a standing rule... no one gives Tommy Rich an open mic." It was also the show where Gibson and his assistant got pissed at my friends and I for cheering Rich and Gordy. They had Sensational Sherri as a manager, and they did a hair pull/referee ask the crowd spot. We of course were agreeing with Gordy and Rich. Sherri actually got the referee to look our way and try to take our word for it.

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New Jack calling me a Micheal Jackson looking fucker when i went to go check up on him after a cage match...and yes he was on a live mic in front of a big crowd.

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So on this show I was working one time, we were doing a special Halloween show with "creature feature" matches like Freddy vs. Jason. One match was The Zombie (two long years before ECW did it), and his opponent was The Wolfman. Well, at the end of the match, the Wolfman whipped out a box cutter, and chopped off the zombie's fingers and ate them.


(One of the boys happened to know this one wrestler who had a deformed hand, he was missing some fingers. So we made a prosthetic hand with a rubber glove, with hamburger and ketchup packed inside.) And then the referee shoot forgot the finish and DQ'd the Wolfman for using a foreign object.

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I attended an NWA-Midatlantic show several months ago. One of the funnier things from the show involved former ECW wrestler Chris Hamrick vs Ricky Morton (who looks like HELL). Morton ended up giving Hamrick about 3 or 4 lowblows, back-to-back, while coming up with some rather creative and humorous ways to keep the ref from noticing. One of which involved putting his arm around the refs shoulders, and getting him to look at how big of a turnout they had for the show. When Hamrick tried to come up behind Morton, (while the ref was still "looking at the crowd"), he was mule-kicked in the balls. After the 3rd or 4th lowblow, Hamrick finally fell out of the ring, crawled about half-way back up the entryway, got a mic and screamed "Mr. Referee, I want you to disqualify that guy! He keeps kicking me in the ding-ding!". It got a good response from pretty much everyone there.

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About 6 or 7 years ago at an LIWF show in Brooklyn, our group decided to cheer for the main heel at the time, Jay Lover. This guy sucked big time and never got real heat, he just got some "this guy sucks" heat. That night we rooted for him HARDCORE anytime he came out, I think he cut about 3 promos that show. By the time the main event came, the whole building was cheering him on and he was defending the belt against Homicide, the number one face and the owner of the company. Jay Lover was getting Hogan circa 88 pops from everyone. Homicide was fucking PISSED. He couldnt believe it. Maybe he was just working us but he was cursing us out and it totally came off as legit at least. Either way it was hilarious. The week after everything was back to normal but oh man, that was a night to remember.







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Joe E. Legend, shortly after his very short WWF run as Just Joe, was wrestling for a local promotion. During his promo, I started a "rumour has it *clap clap clapclapclap*" chant. A minute or two after it died down, Joe said something to the effect of "Because you see Kingman, RUMOUR HAS IT..." while looking in our direction. It was awesome.


I dunno if this was the same night, but we also once got him to do a Mexican Hat dance around a sombrero one of my friends brought. Then it got signed by half the roster.


I didn't actually see this exchange with my own two eyes, but I heard about it through a friend who was in the match. Some fan was bad-mouthing Flex Falcone, and Flex said something about the kid's mom.


"My mom's dead, asshole!"



Holy shit, did that dude ever shut up.


But the best thing I've ever seen in an indy show was something I personally witnessed, first-hand, from about 3 feet away. I was reffing, and it was a Last Man Standing match for the promotion's title. There was a couple of neat bits in the match, such as a ceiling tile being knocked down (the roof was pretty low for a wrestling ring). That in and of itself wasn't neat, but when JDL managed to counter a powerbomb by actually reaching up into the hole in the ceiling and grabbing some pipes, preventing him from being powerbombed, that was.


But that wasn't the best part. The BEST part was the finish, which saw a double-underhook piledriver onto the title belt which, I shit you not, BROKE THE RING. It didn't collape like Lesnar/Big Show, but there was a very audible crack. When I moved into position to make the count, I realized I was actually standing in the hole. Fucking insane. There were some funny comments made backstage as well.


"You're not getting paid. You should pay me! You broke my ring!"

"I didn't break the ring! It was HIS head!"

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Nikki Strychnine vs. Jack Adonis in a match that was nothing but increasingly creative ways to deliver low blows. The commentators kept a running tally and Strychnine finally won after hitting Adonis in the groin with a barbed-wire-wrapped cross(which he had carried to the ring like a warped Antichrist).


A very young Matt Sydal backs OuTtKaSt into the corner and turns to the fans to say "I'm not gonna hit him if you don't cheer!"


Ryan Ash takes some sick chops from Chaz Wesson, nonchalantly rolls out of the ring, sticks his head under the ring apron, and screams in pain.


GCW did a short-lived character called Mike The Mime. He did spots like "mopping the floor", inciting the opponent to charge at him and "slip" on the "wet floor". After the character's first match, promoter Big Bad Ben(who was doing the ring announcing) got in the ring with the mic and said "Wow...that was so much funnier when we thought of it."


I'll come up with some more.

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I went to a show at the Elks Lodge and the match was Lo-Ki vs. Sabu. Lo-Ki went to dive through the ropes at Sabu and his leg got caught and he fell. Lo-Ki then got up and DID THE EXACT SAME SPOT and hit his leg again and fell again. It was so funny.

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Delirious hiding under the ring and attacking Patrick Smalls[referee]after event was over at GCW Wrestling Inferno. Also at Wrestliing Inferno when Tiffany Lafane told my friend he hadn't hit puberty yet.

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Guest WWE247FanaticSeries

When The Honkytonk Man was over at the side signing autographs, then in the main event, he literally SLAMMED his guitar into Leatherface's head!

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What, we're not allowed to name ourselves as part of the story?


-One time James Storm hit me with a superkick that was SO bad I wasn't sure exactly where on my body he'd made contact, so I didn't know what to sell. (I went with the "man I just got knocked 90% the fuck out".)


-I blew a spot while managing and grabbed a Harris Brother's leg from the outside before I was supposed to. He gave me the "oh shit, son" look, and I realized I'd fucked up just as the bottom of his boot was coming rapidly towards my face. And then, poof, nothing, somehow this 6'6" behemoth kicked me right in the fuckin' face but worked it so perfectly that I never felt a thing. I was so shocked that for a second I forgot to sell or bump or do anything, I just stood there, before going "oh shit, monster just kicked me, sell!" and I turned into Out-On-His-Feet Sandman mode of selling.


-Me and a couple idiots I managed were jumping the ring on two local guys and Bobby Eaton. Well, my Mensa-level wrestlers went after their local buddies, leaving me (in a chickenshit maybe-gay clueless heel manager gimmick) to take down the Former World Tag Champion by myself. Well, I thought "better make it look good", and I charged in and WHACK gave him the stiffest forearm this side of Misawa hitting Kawada. Despite thirty long years of aching injuries, Bobby actually bumped for that one. And on the way down, I heard him mutter "Damn brother, I owe you money?"

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"New Jack calling me a Micheal Jackson looking fucker when i went to go check up on him after a cage match...and yes he was on a live mic in front of a big crowd."


:::cough::: Mark. :::cough:::

yeah I'm a mark because I got to work with New Jack and had a great/fun time while working with him. If that makes me a mark, oh well.


Oh and I forgot about afterwards, after the match (Cage match that got extremely bloody) Myself, New Jack, and Terry Bull were laying in the hall way laughing our asses off about things that just happen and I look at New Jack and say "You know how to do more than just one wrestling move" and he says "I now know 2, a Suplex and a belly to belly.".

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No, you're a mark for using a worker's status to put yourself over on a message board, actually. And you know better. Or maybe you are untrained, I don't know.

Right.....if you read my blog, you would know that I've talked about working with New Jack and other workers as well and no I am not using someone who is considered a big name to help put me over, the subject of this thread is your "Funniest/best indy momnets" and New Jack calling me a Micheal Jackson looking motherfucker in front of a live crowd, on a live micaphone and the crowd along with me laughing at it, was a funny moment for me.


I do have others but that was one of the first ones that came to mind, but just to make you happy, when I first got into the buisness, I was working with a promotion called the ICW in WA and at the show I went to, which was a all cage match show, in the main event, one of the guys got thrown into the cage and the corner of the cage slid off the ring. There was litereally a gap between the corner of the cage and the ringpost. The gap was so big, I could have easily ducked under the cage and got into the ring myself. All of a sudden, all of the guys who were near the ring, jumped the guardrail and pushed the cage back onto the ring, as the match was going on, a few of us stood near ringside to make sure that didn't happen again.


That was my first BIG funny/best indy moment.


There ya happy, by the way, I'm kinda curious, have you ever had any in-ring training or are you one of those who are just throwing around the word "Untrained" because he thinks he's someone special? I also want to point out to you, that some of my peers, guys who I look up to and respect who help me learn this buisness, have read many of my posts, have read my blogs on this messageboard and haven't said one thing negitive about me talking about my life in pro wrestling, so I'm sorry you have such a big problem with it...but then again, who excatly are you to critacize me?



Actually, don't answer that, I don't want to stir up crap here in this thread, I don't want to get in trouble by a mod. So if you want to bait me into something, bring it up in Choc. Socket or PM Me, and say what you want to say. Otherwise quit trying to bait me into something.

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At a sparsely-attended show(to be generous), one guy delivered a top-rope powerslam on the other(I think it was OuTtKaSt and Ian Storm but I'm not positive).


Ben(on the house mic): I think that deserves a "GCW" chant!

Audience: *not much noise*

Ben(sarcastically): Thanks...

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Oh, British indy wrestling. I went to see a friend of mine wrestle at the Spa Pavillion, Felixstowe (well, I drove him there actually). The audience consisted of about thirty kids, the kids' parents, a few members of the local wrestlers' families, and me.


I was backstage beforehand where the guys were meeting each other. Jody Fleisch shakes hands with my mate.


"Hiya, Jody."

"Hi, Aidan Nathans."


Shakes hands with me.


"Hiya, Jody."

"Hi." *point at Aidan* "I, uh... I just drove him here."



Then there was the fast-paced and reasonably impressive cruiserweight match between Fleisch and some guy named Lucas Cool. But because they both presented themselves as faces the kids had no-one to cheer or boo, so it was the quietest match all evening.



I also enjoyed myself by yelling "Yo Baby Yo Baby Yo!" at PN Newsz, some twelve or so years after that gimmick deservedly died.

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Most of mine are Detroit ROH moments...


The Johnny Fairplay "celebrity appearance" at the ROH Wrestlemania Doubleshot in Detroit this year. I've never heard a crowd pop louder than when Nigel give him a short-arm lariat that nearly broke his neck.


At my first Detroit show, Dragongate Challenge, there was a huge fat black dude all dressed up like a gangsta with the fubus and the jacket 8 sizes too big and all that... he and Julius Smokes got into a HUGE shouting match at ringside during Ricky Reyes' match, like it was straight out of a Bernie Mac routine, complete with Smokes calling him "YOU BLACK SUMUMABITCH" and climbing the barracade.


The after-show party at Como's in Detroit, after Night 1 of the Wrestlemani a Doubleshot, was a ton of fun, got to talk with a lot of the wrestlers. Roderick Strong is either a total dick in real life, or playing his heel persona a little too seriously, as he shoved people out of the way to get to the buffet like an idiot. Daniels is a huge Corona whore, and had everyone buying him one left right and center. For an older dude with a family, and being in the athletic shape he is, he sure does drink like a mutherfucker.


I believe it was at Throwdown, Delirious won a match and was leaving the ring, walking up the entrance ramp and was jawing with the fans--and for some unbelievable reason, a fan took a swing at him. Barely hit him, Delirious did the right thing and just stared him down and then left. Why Delirious, of all the wrestlers, anyway? Someone sitting near him said "Delirious tried to hit his girlfriend," which sounds retarded and wrong anyway. But during intermission, he ran for his truck and was hunted down by "security," which consisted of Big Bad Bobby Dempsey and some other students. He cowered in his truck and then left. I could just imagine him doing the same thing to Joe, Strong or Homicide--I doubt they would've had that kind of restraint.

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Yeah, I think Rod is a dick outside of the ring as well. After the last Detroit show he was very rude to people about not signing...where as Jack Evans chatted everyone up, took tons of pics, and signed everything.


Also at the Detroit double shot, when Jimmy spat his teeth out in the cage match this big black dude next to me shot up and yelled "That mothafucka done lost his teeth!" Loved it.


Security is getting worse about kicking people out sooner and sooner, not as much fun as it used to be.


Looking forward to the show on the 14th


I nearly saw Madman Pondo kill a retarded man after the guy ran up and kicked his opponent during a brawl in the crowd (FUCK DBA!)



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lol @ teeth spot.


And ya, our 4 Corner Survival qualifier and main event look GREAT.

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At A UIWA show, during a match a referee ran out tied up and in his boxer shorts (the angle being that the heels tied him up and paid off another ref to cheat for them I guess), they had a manager whose name i cant remember right so I wont attempt it, whose gimmick was wearing a robe with a brab logo on it, an dhis foregin objetc of choice was a BIG GOLDEN CRAB that he would hit people with. the thing looked like it was made of paper mache too. funny stuff.

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At A UIWA show, during a match a referee ran out tied up and in his boxer shorts (the angle being that the heels tied him up and paid off another ref to cheat for them I guess), they had a manager whose name i cant remember right so I wont attempt it, whose gimmick was wearing a robe with a brab logo on it, an dhis foregin objetc of choice was a BIG GOLDEN CRAB that he would hit people with. the thing looked like it was made of paper mache too. funny stuff.

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Yeah, I think Rod is a dick outside of the ring as well. After the last Detroit show he was very rude to people about not signing...where as Jack Evans chatted everyone up, took tons of pics, and signed everything.


Also at the Detroit double shot, when Jimmy spat his teeth out in the cage match this big black dude next to me shot up and yelled "That mothafucka done lost his teeth!" Loved it.


Security is getting worse about kicking people out sooner and sooner, not as much fun as it used to be.


Looking forward to the show on the 14th


I nearly saw Madman Pondo kill a retarded man after the guy ran up and kicked his opponent during a brawl in the crowd (FUCK DBA!)


I think Roddy just acts that way when he's a heel because he was nice to the guys I sat with at Showdown in Motown when they asked for more backbreakers.

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Or maybe he's one of those incredibly rare human beings who have different moods at different times, and might not react the same way from one time and place to the next?


Sorry for being snarky, but I've seen so many online discussions where someone definitively stated that another person was either a great guy or an asshole based on one brief meeting.

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Oh yeah, if you can establish a pattern of dickishness, that's one thing. I was thinking more about the types of marks who met Benoit once at an autograph signing and proclaimed him an all-around nice guy, or similar situations.

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At the local indy promotion that I work at, I remember a few years, RF Video taped one of our shows. One of the wrestlers, Rob Vegas, was being chased away by another heel in the promotion, Calabin. He was chased up the entrance ramp with the entrance curtain hanging. Vegas tripped on the curtain and it ripped down. You could clearly see into the lockerroom. I was dying of laughter, but what made me laugh was that someone in the crowd yelled "DANNNNGERRROUSS!" and on the RF Video version, you heard Doug Gentry (R.I.P.) blatantly laughing at the situation. Good stuff indeed.

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lol, that's awesome that the curtain came down. At the last Devil Mountain Show the curtain we had tied up to a few posts really started drooping down after intermission, I was behind it and yelled, if the curtain falls everyone just start fighting!

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Guest Brett Wolverton

I was at a legends of wrestling show in Birch Run, Michigan in 2004 that featured Kevin Sullivan vs. Abdullah the Butcher as the main event.


After the show, Abdullah was getting ready to leave when he bumped into a little boy. The boy couldn't have been maybe 7 or 8. Abby looked down at the boy and said something to him. I noticed that the boys eyes grew very wide and he ran off in the opposite direction. As he walked past me, I asked him what he said to the boy and with a laugh he said, "I told him I was going to take him home with me"

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