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Copper Feel

If I were to put "Kristianna" on ignore

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I don't even know who this is. But she's not as bad as that SuperSweetSextSwingingDiva or whatever the hell her name was. I swear she just showed up one day to turn the porn folder into a "I'm a woman, so ask me questions" forum. Plus, she had a ton of cleavage shots and closeups of her eyes, which usually suggests the other aspects of her are not fit for viewing. And that was exactly the case.

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Well, that's a pretty vulgar way to say it. That's like telling a woman she has "fuck me eyes". You can't do that.


I refuse to believe that you, The Great Milky, have never done this.

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I've told girls they look fit for a gangbang. Plus there's a difference between trying to hook up with somebody and just saying "Hey, you look nice."


I've gotten pretty soft lately, though. I've started hugging everybody and speaking from the heart, and telling people I care about them. These days I'd rather just cuddle, honestly.

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I don't even know who this is. But she's not as bad as that SuperSweetSextSwingingDiva or whatever the hell her name was. I swear she just showed up one day to turn the porn folder into a "I'm a woman, so ask me questions" forum. Plus, she had a ton of cleavage shots and closeups of her eyes, which usually suggests the other aspects of her are not fit for viewing. And that was exactly the case.



Wait, whoa. If I remember correctly she was actually the cute one. and she showed full pictures all the time. She just always had her breast as her avatar.


And that was another case of bitching just to be bitching too. The chick started ONE thread that was there for "ask the chicks" (if I remember correctly, it was mostly her, stardust and TSA there) And then everyone started bitching about what happed to the porn folder because of that ONE thread. Nevermind the thread underneath it was "who does the best anal scenes", nope, lets bitch about he folder that you don't have to go in.


Its like when certain posters would bitch about the amount of hip hop threads in the music folder when there were like 2 in comparison to the other 20 rock folders on the first page.

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It has sexual connotations to a far larger extent than a picture of a women's face though.



So do abs, or your fucking arm. Whats you point.

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Their breast. Its not like they are covered in boils or something. You might need to explore your issues with somewhat visable cleavage on a wrestling forum.




see there...its okay. you don't know if these are on a hidious chick or a good looking chick. but they are boobs and they are fine. They won't bite.

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I'm fine with cleavage and would like at least 100 moar tirts here, but talking about how cleavage is a cry for attention is stupid. I'm just annoyed with the stupid facial expression on her avatar and the shitty quality of her posts. There.

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I will say that I like Kristianna in every way there is to like her, although she has never attempted to talk to me about wrestling. She could, although she should know that I am only interested in brutal deathmatch wrestling.

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I really dont see what all the fuss is about, seriously.


For what its worth, in Firefox theres an extension called adblock which allows you to block specific pictures and I use it on here all the time now that I have avatars and signatures showing.



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So, the final verdict seems to be not that her mammary itself is offensive per se, but it's offensive in conjunction with y'all's projected feelings about her personal reasons for putting that pic in her avatar and the quirky pout thing she's doing with her mouth? Just want to make sure I've got it straight.

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Even for a gimmick thread, this is pretty fucking pathetic.


You dorks should be happy that a girl will post here, no matter what her looks rate to you or not.


Then again better this than all of them secretly hitting on her, I guess.

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I haven't read the whole thread but for what it's worth I, for one, approve of titties. Thank you for your time gentlemen.

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I'm fine with cleavage and would like at least 100 moar tirts here, but talking about how cleavage is a cry for attention is stupid. I'm just annoyed with the stupid facial expression on her avatar and the shitty quality of her posts. There.



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I had a dream last night in which my band was playing at a festival in Texas, and Kristianna was in the crowd. Jingus and Luke were fighting over her. Also, Rick Rude was a security guard, but that's neither here nor there.


Why the fuck was I watching your band?


Because you like me?


Oh yeah.


And I agree with Rendclaw, this has been a really bad thread. I honestly cannot see the problem with Kristianna's old avatar, it was not offesive, it was not stupid and it was not childish. Unlike Pbone and CMM by the looks of things.


and the shitty quality of her posts


Kettle. Pot. Black.

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Even for a gimmick thread, this is pretty fucking pathetic.


You dorks should be happy that a girl will post here, no matter what her looks rate to you or not.


Then again better this than all of them secretly hitting on her, I guess.


This is there attempt at hitting on them.

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And I agree with Rendclaw, this has been a really bad thread. I honestly cannot see the problem with Kristianna's old avatar, it was not offesive, it was not stupid and it was not childish. Unlike Pbone and CMM by the looks of things.


I'm not immature, you are.

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I'm immature? I just don't like her new avatar and her posts. Haven't I expressed that? Her new avatar annoys me, but I had no problem with her old one.

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