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Celtic Guardian

Alberto Gonzales resigns

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I was wondering if he would ever leave.


Excerpted from New York Times:


WACO, Tex., Aug. 27 — ­ Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, whose tenure has been marred by controversy and accusations of perjury before Congress, has resigned. A senior administration official said he would announce the decision later this morning in Washington.


Mr. Gonzales, who had rebuffed calls for his resignation, submitted his to President Bush by telephone on Friday, the official said. His decision was not immediately announced, the official added, until after the president invited him and his wife to lunch at his ranch near here.

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Man, Bush's last couple of years have been like a house of cards, the whole things coming apart.

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Can't wait to see how the right wing pundits try to spin this one. "The Democrats should be ashamed of driving this honest and decent man out of office!"

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First Powell, then Rumsfeld, then Rove, then Tony Snow, now Alberto.


So, who's next to jump ship?

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Guest Soriano's Torn Quad

Condoleezza Rice. I always thought of her to be one of the less sinister members of the administration (though left-wing cartoonists still make really racist caricatures of her all the same), so she's my pick to leave.

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Can't wait to see how the right wing pundits try to spin this one. "The Democrats should be ashamed of driving this honest and decent man out of office!"

Bush's quote sounded like a glorified version of that, but most of the righties I've seen comment on this are more like "about damn time".

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Michael Chertoff is being tossed around in the early discussions of a replacement. Yes, Michael Chertoff. That Michael Chertoff.


If the American people believe in or trust their government again within the next 25 years after this spectacular decade-spanning embarassment of policy and utter failure, on all levels, and by all estabished participants, it'll be a miracle.

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Can't wait to see how the right wing pundits try to spin this one. "The Democrats should be ashamed of driving this honest and decent man out of office!"

Bush's quote sounded like a glorified version of that, but most of the righties I've seen comment on this are more like "about damn time".

Several Republicans were actually calling for his resignation for a while now.

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Mukasey's a good choice simply because he's not Ted Olson. Olson, while an attorney competent at the level necessary for this job, is far too controversial for what's essentially a lame duck appointment this late in the term.


Lieberman would have been an interesting choice, although I'd bet his heart's still in the Supreme Court. (I'm still somewhat surprised he's not in Alito's chair right now, frankly.) My dark horse choice would have been Mike DeWine, who was essentially screwed out of his job in the Democratic takeover despite his attempts to make himself appear moderate and to distance himself from the far right that was being ousted in the election. DeWine was apparently on the short list for the Alito slot when they were still considering a lack of judicial experience to be a positive.

Edited by Ace309

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