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Call Of Duty 4

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Gamespot has been giving away tokens to the COD4 beta this week and me and my friends got one. It's pretty cool so far, basically feels like COD2 with updated weaponry and some cool "perks". The perks include more stopping power, shooting through certain walls, better aim, last stand (before you die you are on the ground and can use your pistol) and other various upgrades.


Anyone else play this yet? I think this may give Halo 3 a run for its money.

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I saw you post about the tokens in the 360 thread last night (thanks by the way), so this morning I got up and got myself the code and downloaded it. It's really fun and easy to get the hang of. The perks are fun and add something different to the rest of the online MP shooters. I don't know about giving Halo a run for it's money, but it did cement itself as a buy for me.

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personally I get bored of Halo pretty quick, so a more realistic game like this is my choice. I won't be buying Halo 3, I dont care how much (over)hype it gets.

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You die fast (which is good and bad), the ragdoll death is amusing, the killcam is cool and educational, and the upgrades seem pretty badass. I'll be playing this one until they take it from me.

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I'm really starting to like this game. The only issues I have are with the random respawn and lack of protection (even 3 seconds will stop from getting air strike x2) also there is a huge difference between even 4 bars and 3 bards (connection). You'll notice if you watch the kill cam that is is not totally like you saw on your screen, that is usually do to lag. On your screen maybe you got several shots off and they shot only a few, but in the replay they get a lot off and you barely get a shot off.


One tip I have for people, once you get a silenced M4 use it, because it makes it so that you don't show up on the radar when you fire. Also it seems to have a lot less recoil and muzzle flash, it's very easy to put a clip in someone quickly. If you're decent with the metal sites then I highly recommend it.

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finally DLed it and gave it a quick run thru..


I like the speed of it, not too fast but not too slow


The "rank up" system, I've always been iffy on it due to how it sets an unfair balance for those that are able to get the game the day of and spend a day or so just playing it against those that might wait a little while to pick it up and aren't able to access better weapons.


Other than that, it seems to be pretty good. A little laggy here and there but that's to be expected with a beta trial.



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I don't think there are any more beta's keys out right now. Gamespot had a bunch though but I think it's over.


Regarding the upgrades, it doesn't take super long to rank up though which is nice and the team balancing seems to work fairly well.

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I'm wondering if that's something they're going to keep for CoD4 when it comes out (the ranking)... and if so, what would the chances be of them allowing those who were in on the beta to keep their rank?

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I should have upgraded my computer by the time this comes out, hopefully. Looking forward to Multiplayer how how all these perks etc. work.

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I'll post this here since it's the only COD4 related thread.


I had never played a Call of Duty game before I picked up COD4 on Saturday. In fact, I had never played a war related FPS. The only FPS titles which I have played (albeit to a great extent) are GoldenEye, Perfect Dark, Bioshock, and most of all, the Halo trilogy. Fuck, I didn't know what I was missing.


I haven't even delved into the multiplayer game yet, but single player (on Normal) was just an amazing experience. I can't wait to run through it again on a higher difficulty, even though I know I'll be cursing the game's very existence due to the difficulty.


As I said, the entire game was incredible, but the last level had me getting emotional, and the


was an unexpected yet very enjoyable surprise. I'm tempted to go out and buy every other COD game on the 360.

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I'd personally avoid COD3, compared to COD2, it's plain fucking awful.


Yeah, since it wasn't developed by Infinity Ward. Though I do miss vehicles.

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Wow, I was looking for a topic like this. Didn't realize it was so damn far back.


Anyways, I enjoyed the game. The Call of Duty franchise has always had a lot of potential, even though I thought they got a little too muddled in "INTENSE!" gameplay rather than intelligent or logical stuff. But the overly huge set-piece battles always had a charm to them, so I forgave them for their shortcomings.


I'm glad that Call of Duty 4 has finally pushed a more tactical and realistic shooter towards the forefront of console gaming, where things like Halo have dominated for way too long. It's not a Rainbow Six (And I'm referring to the original series with Rogue Spear and the like), but it shows that pushing in more realism doesn't decrease gameplay.


NOTE: I'm not going to make much use of Spoiler Tags, but I'm not really revealing much more than the Commercials already have. I'm also not going to spoil the ending.


SINGLE PLAYER: The game has the advantage of having the best story in the series, where all the missions are connected even though they are taking place in different spots. The multiple viewpoints actually drive the story rather than simply putting you in a different place with a different gun to kill "Bad Guy A". Most impressive was the Arab Opening Sequence, which really got me into what was going on, and was done with great cinematic skill.


I found the game was much better in using intelligent enemies rather than sheer mass, though it still feels like they are using way too many guys. Of course, it does still fall back to the Call of Duty standards with a "BELEAGUERED DEFENSE AGAINST A THOUSAND GUYS" and "MANDATORY CAR CHASE SEQUENCE", but this time I felt they were a little more bearable, especially the latter.


Where the single player really succeeds is in smaller actions (Like the first few missions), the feel of the "Arab" missions (Despite my feeling that I'm fighting WAY WAY too many guys at once), and the specialty missions. I think we've all seen screens and videos of the AC-130 mission, and man is that a blast. It's not just blasting the guys, but the communication going on between the ground and the air crew that makes the missions than just a turkey shoot. Probably the best mission is the Ghillie Suit Sniper mission: The dynamic of the mission is so completely different from just about any other I've played; it's not just a standard "Snipe Guys All Day" affair, but actually shows what these guys can do in real life. Outside the very end of the mission (Which was a disappointment, really), it's one of the best-designed levels I've ever played.


The worst part of the game is probably the end, where it starts to devolve into more and more "Acton-Movie" stuff rather than the great tactical feel that it's been building up throughout the game. Along with the incredible troop reserves of the enemy, it feels a bit anti-climactic. Another problem is that while the enemy AI has had a major upgrade (And they are a LOT smarter and tougher this time around), the Friendly AI comes up lacking. It's a little too scripted at times and not reactive enough to the situation at hand. But overall, it isn't enough to ruin a really fun game.


MULTIPLAYER: I've played only a limited amount of it on the console at a Buddy's house (I haven't had a chance to try it out on the PC), but it's absolutely fantastic. The perks (Which are a Radar granting UAV at 3 Straight Kills, an Air Strike at 5 Straight Kills, and a Hind/Cobra Gunship at 7) are actually much better balanced than I thought they would be. The Air Strike, in particular, requires a bit of skill and team support (You really need the UAV to make it work effectively), and while the Helicopter can dominate, it's easy enough to avoid after you've played the game a few times.


My best experiences were actually within the small group of buddies I was playing with in-house, as communication was much easier and this sort of gameplay really requires it to have an effective team. The realistic bent on gameplay was great, with bullets being able to realistically penetrate flimsy cover giving birth to a whole new breadth of strategies to multiplayer. I didn't much like the play online, but mostly because communication with console gamers is both limited and often useless, as you always have guys who will just run off and do their own thing. I haven't yet played it on my computer (I'm having trouble keeping a stable connection right now), but I expect it to be much better as PC versions tend to have a lot better options for communication and (I say this with guarded words) players that are a bit more cooperative.


Overall, it's probably one of the best games of the year. It suffers from some of the things that previous incarnations did, but the presentation and design, along with fantastic multiplayer, really made this game for me.

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I haven't seen official confirmation, but everyone says it's just for the weekend.


Also, thanks to 909 (presumably) for changing the title. I was going to ask about that.

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Yeah, it's only on the new maps. On the bottom of the list of game types there's three Variety Pack choices: Variety Pack Team Deathmatch, Variety Pack Objective (Sabotage, Domination, etc.) and Variety Pack Hardcore. You get double XP only on those modes.


I like Broadcast and Chinatown (though Chinatown is tiny compared to the other maps). It's too hard to see anything in Creek and you can get lost easily. Doesn't help that the all-day losers have already found all the nooks and crannies.

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I should get back into it, playing the same maps was getting tiresome.


Along with copping airstrike after airstrike.

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The new maps are good. Killhouse is only for Free-for-All and the occasional Team Tactical game, which is bullshit, but that's my least favorite of the new maps, so I'm not as incensed as I could be.


The rest are all solid, though. Creek is fun, but hell to play if enemy snipers have the high ground. Chinatown is a lot more fun than it was made out to be with the previews, especially playing Domination or HQ on it. Broadcast is probably my favorite map - a huge fucking map, and great to play S&D and HQ on.

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Continued double XP? I may be playing this game some more tonight, then. I want to get further along on my second prestige.

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Same. I went from a 1st prestige, level 45, to a 2nd prestige, level 23 by playing Friday and Saturday. I want to get through a good portion of that 2nd prestige if at all possible.


EDIT: I played a lot late Friday/late Saturday (technically Saturday and Sunday morning since it was after midnight), did not play at all from 10 A.M. Sunday through midnight Monday, and then played through 7-ish Tuesday morning, and few more hours the next night/morning.


In all, I went from 1st Prestige, Level 45, to 2nd Prestige, Level 47. So 58 levels.

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