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Obsession with celebrities

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Someone sent me this link showing an emo wailing at Britney Spears haters following the MTV VMA. Normally I would go on how can a guy would want to look like that on his own will, but I won't since that is not the subject. However, this guy of questionable fashion is looking like an idiot defending Britney Spears since, apparently, people have done nothing but bashing her for the last week.


Why do people are so obsessionned with celebrities ? I couldn't care less about Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton or any other Hollywood coked-up dumb cunt. Magazines pay millions for pictures of the baby of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, why would people want to see their kid ? Why do people buy these kind of magazines ? Are their lives so dull they have to do voyeurism on other peoples lives ?


I'm not saying you can't be a fan of someone. You can even be a hardcore fan like the guy in the video and there would be nothing wrong with that, it's your life. Maybe it's just me who doesn't buy into this whole jet-set thing. You know all those stupid list shows on VH1 like "101 biggest celebrity oops" or shows in which they criticize what X celebrity wore during X movie premiere/awards celebration, who watch this shit ? What's the point ? When somebody screws-up, Why should everyone in the community collectively point their finger and "Ha-ha!" them ? As far as I'm concerned, they're just doing their jobs and nothing else. I couldn't care less about these people even if their shit was green or whatever special trait they would have. I just don't understand why would people waste their time and money on them.


Anybody else feels like this or I'm passing for a daggum hippee who prones non-materialism ?

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Why do people are so obsessionned

Rawk, we've found our new "the room is spinning/I froze/when I was a dog/how come did" catchphrase.


Are their lives so dull they have to do voyeurism on other peoples lives ?


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Well, I do it, but I don't really care. I mean, I like to gossip about people I actually know too, but often run out of things to blab about. Celebrities are interesting. Still, I wouldn't cry over it.

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My mother never heard of Lindsey Lohan or Paris Hilton yet watched TV all the time.


My point?


The reason that you know they are "coked out dumb cunts", or have taken the time to form an opinion of them is because you are looking to do so. Stop watching shows about celebrities. Stop pausing on E! or Entertainment tonight. It really is easy.


That fact that you know the shit in your post doesn't make you any better than crying emo kid....okay....I take that back....maybe a little better. But building up anger and venom over societies obsession with the famous is just as bad as defending it so hard that you cry.

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Why do people are so obsessionned with celebrities ?

This is the typo I never get. The space before the punctuation mark. There's no reason for it, and I see it all the time.


Back on topic: most celebrities are sexy? I ask this as a question because I'm not sure if it's true. I do know that I would fuck a lot of famous people.

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I saw that video of the crying emo kid, and I swear to God I've never wanted to see someone brutally murdered more in my life. The kid is a fucking waste of life and should be ridiculed until the day that he dies.


I don't hate him because he is defending Britney, I hate him because of the way in which he is doing it.

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My mother never heard of Lindsey Lohan or Paris Hilton yet watched TV all the time.


My point?


The reason that you know they are "coked out dumb cunts", or have taken the time to form an opinion of them is because you are looking to do so. Stop watching shows about celebrities. Stop pausing on E! or Entertainment tonight. It really is easy.


That fact that you know the shit in your post doesn't make you any better than crying emo kid....okay....I take that back....maybe a little better. But building up anger and venom over societies obsession with the famous is just as bad as defending it so hard that you cry.



Being compared to an emo...ouch.


I don't watch ET or any entertainment shows and don't look out for any Hollywood gossip. The reason I posted this is because the Britney performance is all they talk about on the radio at my job this week.

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I saw that video of the crying emo kid, and I swear to God I've never wanted to see someone brutally murdered more in my life. The kid is a fucking waste of life and should be ridiculed until the day that he dies.


I don't hate him because he is defending Britney, I hate him because of the way in which he is doing it.


Him? For real? I didn't make it through the whole thing, I suppose he coulda shown his cock or something; but if we're talking the same vid...that's a guy? Fuckin emo kids.


I agree with the basic premise of the thread: I don't, nor will I ever, understand the love or fascination with celebrities. I'm ultimately indifferent to it, altogether.

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