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Guest Vitamin X

NFL Week 2 Grizzled Cheese Chat Thread

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Guest Vitamin X
because I know the Redskins defense is a hell of a lot better then Green Bays


burgandy & gold blinders


Well my comment on Washington's Defense compared to Green Bay was based on more then Week 1 performances. Two out of the last three years Washington has had a Defense in the Top 10, and in the offseason they added London Fletcher, Fred Smoot, Shawn Springs and Marcus Washington got healthy, and they drafted Laron Landry(who is one of the favs for rookie defensive player of the year)who has become an immediate starter.


I hate to say this because I've also used it as an excuse in the past, but what your defense has done in the past, even dating back to one season ago, doesn't mean much in this era of free agency and the salary cap. Green Bay's defense now is COMPLETELY different from the one they fielded in the Mike Sherman years. Back then, they always had some offensive power, mostly with Ahman Green, and the now terrible Bubba Franks, but the defense always had some sort of Achilles heel, alternating between a terrible run and good pass defense and vice versa. I'd been saying for years they needed to draft a defensive lineman, even if it meant losing picks in the later rounds, and then this year, when they finally take a defensive lineman, is actually when they needed to draft on offense!


Washington's defense will be good because they have a good running game, but they also lost a lot of things in the past couple years that necessitated them picking up Fletcher (who has been pretty much invisible since his Rams years), Smoot (who left and just came back), and Springs (who was there to replace the departing Champ Bailey). If Jason Campbell can keep going at a good pace, I think they are very likely to win the NFC East this year. But they'll be benefitting more from the fact that the Giants are already riddled with injuries, the Cowboys defense is awful, and that the Eagles don't seem to have much going for them in the way of offense, and McNabb's due for his yearly injury which would usher in a rookie QB to play the rest of the way.


Man, am I ever happy the NFC North got the NFC East and AFC West this year, well except for the Chargers.


Either way, you'll find out for yourself October 14th at Lambeau.


When he hasn't been hurt, he's always gone to the playoffs. If it weren't for Doug Brien, they would've gone to the AFC Title game a few years ago. The dude wins. And it wasn't his fault we got beat down by New England either (last Sunday, or in the playoffs/he didn't look lost, he actually had a good game, with no running game).


A couple seasons ago, especially during the Doug Brien playoff run, I actually felt that Pennington was a top 5 quarterback. He had/has incredible vision, a great zip on the ball, and fantastic accuracy- if not for his injury problems, he could very well have been this era's version of Troy Aikman.

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Falcons Jaguars. Well, lets see. The Falcons Secondary looked good last game, the middle of the D line and the Middle of the Linebackers (Fucking Keith Fucking Brooking) was weak, Abraham gave a decent rush on the end and if Jamal Anderson did play, i didn't notice him.


The offense was horrid, but I don't expect the Jags to have the same ability to stop the run that the Minnesota D had. Joey Harringtons inability to throw down field completely negates all the speed we have on the recievers, although it was a joy watching them run more than two routes and getting open.


They NEED to use Jerious Noorwood more often. he only had a few runs last game and most of them were impressive. That kid is just an incredible mix of power and speed that I haven't seen in a long long LONG time....(okay, adrian petterson last week...but but before that....)


If the Jags run it up the middle it could be a long game for the falcons of watching Jimmy Williams and Lawyer Milloy having to make tackles that Brooking should be making (did I mention how much I dislike that guy?) If Jacksonville tries to pass then they could be in for a long day.


On offense, they should run and run the ball often.


Either way, i see the jags taking this in a close game unless they use Noorwood more who is a big play waiting to happen.

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The Vikings pass defense is going to be tested against Detroit. Can they put enough pressure on Kitna to slown down the Lions passing game? Adrian Peterson might run for 200 yards this week.

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Guest Vitamin X
and if Jamal Anderson did play, i didn't notice him.


Wait, Jamal is still playing with the Falcons?!

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Oh, sorry.


Jamaal Anderson - DE


Not Jamal Anderson - RB


Jamaal was the 8th pick in the draft this year and came out last week with a monsterous one takle one assist game.


I am still looking forward to what he can do. I am intrigued by a 6'6" guy that could go from playing Wide Reciever to playing defensive end.

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Guest FaSho

Interesting thing brought up on the radio today. If Clemens fails big time for the Jets this weekend, do they turn to Leftwhich?

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Guest Vitamin X

Ohhhhh. Well, that's different. 1998 Jamal Anderson was one of my favorite running backs to watch, ever. But yeah, I know who you're talking about now.


I think Leftwich would be huge for the Jets. Imagine if they both end up getting the wildcard this year and playing.


Also, for Czech- I dig the idea, but I figure the title every week should reflect a TSM favorite team. I don't know why I thought it, but I liked "Grizzled Cheese", particularly when I saw Brett Favre with the scruffy look last Sunday.

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because I know the Redskins defense is a hell of a lot better then Green Bays



Washington's defense will be good because they have a good running game, but they also lost a lot of things in the past couple years that necessitated them picking up Fletcher (who has been pretty much invisible since his Rams years), Smoot (who left and just came back), and Springs (who was there to replace the departing Champ Bailey). If Jason Campbell can keep going at a good pace, I think they are very likely to win the NFC East this year. But they'll be benefitting more from the fact that the Giants are already riddled with injuries, the Cowboys defense is awful, and that the Eagles don't seem to have much going for them in the way of offense, and McNabb's due for his yearly injury which would usher in a rookie QB to play the rest of the way.


Man, am I ever happy the NFC North got the NFC East and AFC West this year, well except for the Chargers.


Either way, you'll find out for yourself October 14th at Lambeau.



London Fletcher was signed because there has been a void at the MLB position ever since Antonio Pierce went to the Giants, and I would hardly call Fletcher invisible, as he has been a tackling machine. Shawn Springs is a quality #1 corner, but he is old and has injury issues, and the coaching staff has already talked of resting for small periods during the game to keep him fresh. Smoot, well Smoot is Smoot, he has his ups and downs. He is not nearly as good for as much trash he talks, but he is still solid for a #2 CB. Laron Landry will likely shore up a secondary that suffered last year because Sean Taylor at FS was not being used like a true FS due to our rotation of SS's sucking ass. Now Taylor will be free to play the mid and deep zones to ball hawk, the way he was used in 2004/5. The D-line is solid at stopping the run, but still might have issues at getting to opposing QBs without the help of LBers. Andre Carter came on strong during the last quarter of the season in 2005, and picked up right where he left off, getting a sack on Trent Green and collapsing the pocket consistently. I don't expect the defense to be at it's 2004 level, but it can definately repeat 2005's performance.


Oh and as far as the game @ Green Bay.....at least it is in October and not December B-)

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The Vikings pass defense is going to be tested against Detroit. Can they put enough pressure on Kitna to slown down the Lions passing game? Adrian Peterson might run for 200 yards this week.

I seriously doubt that. When Shaun Rogers is on his game (and he was last week), him and Cory Redding are a top 3 DT tandem. Ernie Sims is solid playing the weakside. Where the Lions can be exploited is in the secondary, but the Vikings have a suspect passing game, so I'm not sure they can do that.


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Guest Gym Class Fallout
Also, for Czech- I dig the idea, but I figure the title every week should reflect a TSM favorite team. I don't know why I thought it, but I liked "Grizzled Cheese", particularly when I saw Brett Favre with the scruffy look last Sunday.

No, because to keep things in proportion to TSM's favorites, the next 15 would be Patriot-themed. I say we resume hangouts. And resume the Gangout.

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Guest Vitamin X
Also, for Czech- I dig the idea, but I figure the title every week should reflect a TSM favorite team. I don't know why I thought it, but I liked "Grizzled Cheese", particularly when I saw Brett Favre with the scruffy look last Sunday.

No, because to keep things in proportion to TSM's favorites, the next 15 would be Patriot-themed. I say we resume hangouts. And resume the Gangout.


Nah, one team per week, and no re-uses. There are plenty of other teams' fans here- I don't think there are THAT many Pats fans, it just seems like there is. I think Cartman, KingPK, Boon, and Frigid. Any other ones?

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Also, for Czech- I dig the idea, but I figure the title every week should reflect a TSM favorite team. I don't know why I thought it, but I liked "Grizzled Cheese", particularly when I saw Brett Favre with the scruffy look last Sunday.

No, because to keep things in proportion to TSM's favorites, the next 15 would be Patriot-themed. I say we resume hangouts. And resume the Gangout.


Nah, one team per week, and no re-uses.

NFL Thread Title Survivor!

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Guest Vitamin X

I don't think it's conditional on if they make the playoffs. NFL.com says:

The NFL has fined Patriots coach Bill Belichick the maximum of $500,000 and stripped the team of its 2008 first-round draft pick for violating league policy on the use of video equipment on the sidelines.

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Which #1? The one they got from SF or the one they normally get?


A pretty fair punishment.


EDIT: Perhaps they'll lose the higher of the two picks, depending on how everything falls.


EDIT 2: ESPN.com says it will be a 1st if they make the playoffs or a 2nd AND 3rd rounder if they do not.

Edited by KingPK

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Guest Gym Class Fallout
If it is one team per week I want to call a mulligan on the Bears. That was a horrible week 1 title.

Paneled basements are great. I used to have myself a mighty cozy paneled family room, with green shag carpeting. That doesn't count as a Bears title, anyway.

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So what happens to the docked pick? Does it go to the "victim", or does it just disappear and one less college player gets drafted?

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The 1st round is just 31 picks, I guess.


Both Belichick (losing roughly a quarter of his salary and having his past accomplishments put into question) and the team (losing money and high draft pick(s)) get punished as harshly as the situation warrants. Sure, there's a bunch of accusations, but only this situation had actual tangible evidence to go along with it and Goddell had to just rule on that and forget everything else. Tough but fair.


Now does anyone have any questions about the Chargers?


EDIT: Belichick's statement on the ruling:


"I accept full responsibility for the actions that led to tonight's ruling. Once again, I apologize to the Kraft family and every person directly or indirectly associated with the New England Patriots for the embarrassment, distraction and penalty my mistake caused. I also apologize to Patriots fans and would like to thank them for their support during the past few days and throughout my career.


"As the Commissioner acknowledged, our use of sideline video had no impact on the outcome of last week's game. We have never used sideline video to obtain a competitive advantage while the game was in progress.


"Part of my job as head coach is to ensure that our football operations are conducted in compliance of the league rules and all accepted interpretations of them. My interpretation of a rule in the Constitution and Bylaws was incorrect.


"With tonight’s resolution, I will not be offering any further comments on this matter. We are moving on with our preparations for Sunday’s game."

Edited by KingPK

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Shoulda been 4 games for bill and let them keep their pick. Thats just screwing some kid out of his first round paycheck.

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Goodell considered a suspension, but.....


“I specifically considered whether to impose a suspension on Coach Belichick,” Commissioner Goodell wrote. “I have determined not to do so, largely because I believe that the discipline I am imposing of a maximum fine and forfeiture of a first-round draft choice, or multiple draft choices, is in fact more significant and long-lasting, and therefore more effective, than a suspension.”
Edited by KingPK

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Goodell considered a suspension, but.....


“I specifically considered whether to impose a suspension on Coach Belichick,” Commissioner Goodell wrote. “I have determined not to do so, largely because I believe that the discipline I am imposing of a maximum fine and forfeiture of a first-round draft choice, or multiple draft choices, is in fact more significant and long-lasting, and therefore more effective, than a suspension.”

Which I agree with, given the long-term damage done to the Minnesota Timberwolves through David Stern stripping them of several 1st round picks over the Joe Johnson collusion issue.



Granted, that's been exacerbated by T-Wolves GM Kevin McHale being one of the worst GMs in professional sports, but he was the one dumb enough to put Johnson's illegal contract in writing to begin with.

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