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Cheech Tremendous

WWE Folder sucks dick

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Guest LME
I was amused by the fact that dustinbeaverton's idea of improving was to simply not post. A lot of posters could learn from him.

Here, here.


Oh, wait.

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UT isn't an entirely bad worker...as long as he's paired with the right people. HBK, in that instance.


I will give him credit, however, for having a good match with Nash at WM12.


Taker is a good worker when motivated... He never has to be carried to have a great match.


Don't forget the great matches he had with Batista of all people.

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UT has come a looooong way...I don't know if it was just the gimmick hampering him back then or what, but the UT from today is not the same as the UT from 97. I'll meet you halfway and say he's an OK worker.

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UT has come a looooong way...I don't know if it was just the gimmick hampering him back then or what, but the UT from today is not the same as the UT from 97. I'll meet you halfway and say he's an OK worker.

I'd say it was at least 50% the gimmick. His match against Lex Luger at the 1990 Bash wasn't bad at all, he was greener then and wrestling Luger.


He also didn't exactly have the opponents. From his inception his singles opponents were Jimmy Snuka, Hulk Hogan, Jake Roberts, Kamala, Kamala again, Giant Gonzalez twice, Yokozuna, Brian Lee, Yokozuna again, Irwin R. Schyster, King Kong Bundy, Mabel, Kama, Mabel again, and finally he got Bret Hart at the '96 Rumble.

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Apparently, I have some clout in the WWE Folder like I could suspend or ban people. Maybe I could keep this charade up with The Truthiness.

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Apparently, I have some clout in the WWE Folder like I could suspend or ban people. Maybe I could keep this charade up with The Truthiness.

I was surprised when someone said they were sorry to you.

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That's happened to me at least twice in that folder. It's weird to be in the middle of a budding flamewar when suddenly the other dude is all like "I'm sorry, you're right". I thought the internet was supposed to mean you never have to say you're sorry?

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What I thought was weird was I wasn't even in the discussion. I was being facetious about not wanting their flaming ruining the WWE Folder, and then The Truthiness apologizes to me.

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I could see someone justifying spoilers for house shows since they tend to run the same show for weeks and maybe somebody else is going to a house show with the same lineup in a week but fantasy booking!?

That's just stupid

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I really didn't want to post in this thread anymore (because I'm tired of being called a fucking grouch) but the opportunity to use spoiler tags proved far too attractive.

I didn't mean it in that fashion really. There's just something odd by running to a different folder to complain about another one.


Here's an honest question though. Establishing that the WWE folder sucks, how do we set about improving it? I notice there is a distinct lack of topics in that forum. If you feel you're an intelligent poster (speaking to the board at large here), start some more intelligent topics.


What is the board's consensus on the General Wrestling folder?

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Guest Beastalentier

In the event that I want to read about wrestling nostalgia, it's there and serves me well enough. I don't really post in it or anything, but it's probably the least bad of the three.

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General Wrestling is probably my 2nd or 3rd favorite folder in the entire forum and is by the far the best out of all of the wrestling ones. It has its fair share of idiots like any folder but the discussion seems to be dominated by intelligent posters (Cheech, Al, Venkman, etc.) I can even tolerate cabbageboy in that folder.

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Just a suggestion, but I think due to the decline of the popularity of wrestling on the board, we should combine the wrestling folders into one?



That sounds like a sensible idea given the lack of activity in those folders, but logistically I'm not sure how you'd pull it off. Maybe just have one General Wrestling folder, with sub-folders for TNA and Old School?

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I really didn't want to post in this thread anymore (because I'm tired of being called a fucking grouch) but the opportunity to use spoiler tags proved far too attractive.

I didn't mean it in that fashion really. There's just something odd by running to a different folder to complain about another one.


Here's an honest question though. Establishing that the WWE folder sucks, how do we set about improving it? I notice there is a distinct lack of topics in that forum. If you feel you're an intelligent poster (speaking to the board at large here), start some more intelligent topics.


What is the board's consensus on the General Wrestling folder?



Well I never expected this to become the 20-page lumbering monster that it is. Originally I was just having a particularly bad day with the WWE folder and decided to lump my complaints into this thread. Bringing all this stuff up in that folder would just derail discussion and get me into internet pissing matches that I'm not really interested in.


As far improving said folder, I'm not sure that it's something that will happen organically. The board's best posters have all moved on and I think WWE plays such a small role, if any, in their everday thoughts that there's little that could bring them back to posting there. Honestly, as was suggested in the previous couple of posts, combining all the wrestling discussion into one folder may be the only way to keep it trafficked.

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I'd be seriously unhappy if The Truthiness and dustinbeaverton were running amok in General Wrestling. I know established posters like to rag on the wrestling folders (and rightfully so for the most part) but they're still pretty popular.



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I know established posters like to rag on the wrestling folders (and rightfully so for the most part) but they're still pretty popular.


People say this a lot, but is it really true? On any given day if you pull up the "Today's active topics" on the main page almost none of them are WWE/TNA/Indies related. It seems most days there are maybe two active topics in the WWE folder. Just doesn't seem like it gets the attention that people say it gets.

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Just a suggestion, but I think due to the decline of the popularity of wrestling on the board, we should combine the wrestling folders into one?

If we did that, Cena's Torn Pec would complain about how theres to many threads or how a certain thread is getting to many pages and we need to close it and make a new one once a month, which is already fucking retarded on how that happens already, but anyways.


The best thing I could suggest is just stop trying to regulate the thread to much and let people freely talk about the WWE without having to worry about getting in trouble or having someone say "Well we already talked about this comments don't warrent a thread area, so I'm going to go ahead and close this out." or "This should go in another thread" then the thread gets closed.



Or it'd also help if people stopped acting like they were always right about something.

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Maybe put the General Discussion thread on hiatus and see if it opens discussion up a little more? Seems like every story gets buried in that mega-thread. Maybe there would be more discussion if people started topics more often.


I like that Dandy took some initiative with the TSM Town Hall thread. Yeah it's just a rip off of "Let's Talk About...", but that's a good thing, not a bad thing.

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Maybe put the General Discussion thread on hiatus and see if it opens discussion up a little more? Seems like every story gets buried in that mega-thread. Maybe there would be more discussion if people started topics more often.


I like that Dandy took some initiative with the TSM Town Hall thread. Yeah it's just a rip off of "Let's Talk About...", but that's a good thing, not a bad thing.

I like the idea of turfing the General Discussion thread, at least temporarily. The issue are the posters who would make pointless topics but let's face it, the forum is generating less than one new topic a day. Things need to be opened up a bit.


Scroby, I was the one who suggested making monthly threads to ease up on the page counts. I do agree with the "this belongs in the other folder" thing as that gets tiresome in a hurry. The CTDWAT trolls were bothersome in their time, we hardly see them nowadays because few people start new topics.


I like the idea of a WWE Folder reclamation project. It might do well to come up with a list of bad posting habits that people can avoid, though I see that getting out of hand in a hurry.

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But in all seriousness, I'm down for a WWE Folder reclamation project. As it currently sits, it's a blight on the board.


To reiterate what I've said before, I think the CTDWAT threads need to go, and I'm still down for a merging of the WWE/TNA/Indies into one large folder. Established posters taking their time with "TSM Town Hall" and "Let's Talk About" would go along way towards righting the ship as well.


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