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Cheech Tremendous

WWE Folder sucks dick

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#482. Sensei Kreese takes the time to type up Observer notes and everyone bitches that he put too much commentary into it. You know, you cheap fuckers could actually buy the newsletter instead of sitting around your computers waiting to get it for free and then bitching about it once you do.

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Guest Snoot

Or, type them for the ones who are grateful. Why should we all suffer because of a few tards :(

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
And trust me, it's better to read the notes as SJK types them up than Meltzer's typo-riffic newsletter.


No way, Meltz's typos are great entertainment.

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I just chalk it up to it being Enigma and move on, no sense in getting bent over it.

Enigma's most likely BUTT hurt because he thinks someone is taking away his gimmick or his pride or some shit like that.

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I just chalk it up to it being Enigma and move on, no sense in getting bent over it.

Enigma's most likely BUTT hurt because he thinks someone is taking away his gimmick or his pride or some shit like that.



Hey, we don't need your opinion on the shit, man! Just report the news. I know when I was reporting it, I didn't add my comments because I knew no one wanted to hear them and they just wanted the NOOZ~!

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Maybe if they needed to establish a rising star.... while I realize there might not be enough of a biography to complement a rising star, it would make more sense to do that than to just give the title back to someone who doesn't need it to be over. I think a DVD compilation of a career shouldn't necessarily mean grounds for giving that person a title.

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Has nothing to do with the quality of the folder per se, but I have hard time wrapping my head around the fact that people want Jeff Hardy to win the world title at Mania.


The last time I was watching he was the skinny drug addict with a weird look and questionable sexual preference who blew his trademark spots 90% of the time. Funny how things change.

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I think it's a yearning for something different....ESPECIALLY when Triple H champ rumors begin the annual circling.


He's not a druggy anymore (as far as we know), he doesn't blow spots like he used to, he's been working extra hard since his return (I think it's pretty apparent, so I will call that a fact), it's clear he's down with the fat chicks...


Plus, he's over enough to warrant a shitty 4 month title run, so why not?

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I still can't believe HHH gets hated on in this forum, no matter what he does. People bitch about HHH not putting Hardy over last night, big fucking deal. HHH made Hardy look great in the past, he jobbed to him clean at Armageddon, and even though going over Hardy last night, he made Hardy look even more stronger. Hardy even kicked out of the pedigree... When was the last time HHH held the world title??? WM21 I believe, when he put over Batista clean.


Sure HHH was a bitch in the past, but for the last few years HHH for the most part has been putting talent over on a consistent basis. He jobbed to Batista 3X, he jobbed to Cena, he jobbed to Hardy, he jobbed to Orton, etc.

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He won the title at No Mercy last year...albeit he didn't last the night with it.


I have no problem with him winning the title, I'd just like to see Hardy get a shot with it. Whenever someone gets insanely over like him, i think it's only right to at least give it a shot.

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I was big of a Jeff Hardy hater as anyone in '02/'03 but I have to give props to him for finally cleaning up his act and living up to his potential. I think he's earned a World title run.

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Seems like the last time HHH had a sustained run of dominance at the top of the card was 2002-03. Even when he won the belt in '04 and '05 it was just as a transition to their next babyface champ. Even counting that, it's been 3 years since he's had the world title, which has definitely made so many of the HHH cliches seem forced. It's time to drop that schtick, IMO.

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He won the title at No Mercy last year...albeit he didn't last the night with it.


I have no problem with him winning the title, I'd just like to see Hardy get a shot with it. Whenever someone gets insanely over like him, i think it's only right to at least give it a shot.


I think they're building towards to a Summerslam title win, which I don't have a problem with. I'll admit I've been hard on Hardy in the past, but he's one of the most over faces in the company right now... The only wrestler I see getting more of a pop then him regularly is Taker.

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Really, Triple H shouldn't be doing anything more than going the transitional champ route at this stage in his career. He's like UT and HBK in the fact that he doesn't NEED a title because he'll be over regardless. You can go ahead and lump Cena in that category.

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Another thing that pissed me off was the amount of hate Lashley got. I mean Lashley wasn't anything special, but he certainly wasn't as bad as this forum made him out to be. The WWE didn't use him right for the most part, but when they did use him right like in the Finlay, and Cena feuds he was very over. And he wasn't bad in the ring as well. His only weakness was his voice... Which can be solved by giving him a manger.

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Enthralling argument going on in General Discussion folder regarding the mainstream appeal (or lack thereof) of Floyd Mayweather. It really is quite unusual to see two different sides form and yet both seem wrong because of how poor their arguments are.


Apparently, some guy names Celtic Jobber thinks Mayweather has no mainstream appeal because he's never heard of him and well, he had heard of Mike Tyson. In the other corner is EHME who says Mayweather is hip hop or something and that makes him important.


Alas, I find it hard to care either way.

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