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Superman: Doomsday

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So did anyone go buy this movie today? I had a wild experience trying to find a copy of this DVD. Every place I went to was either sold out or they did not sell it. I had to drive half way through town just to find it. When I got to the Walmart, there was a guy looking at the last copy. All I could think was "Please put that down you stupid asshole, put it fucking down!". And he did. And I got it.


After this experience, this movie better be on par w/ Phantasm and ROTJ.


Just kidding, that may be to high for expectations.


I'm looking foward to watching this.


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I work at a video store so I saw it last week. I liked it enough, though they it would of done much better if they went with the whole "Reign of the Supermen" thing instead of what they did do. I was also a little disappointed that Doomsday was only in there for a few minutes. All and all it was a good entrance into the animated direct to DVD market.

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I picked it up today and had no problem finding it. I went to Best Buy and there were plenty of copies, including the free give-away of a little copy of the first two chapters of The New Frontier (I guess they included that seeing as that is the next DC Animated Project).


Really wanted to watch it today, but was too busy, so will probably sit down and watch it tomorrow.

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Is this one of those movies that is seperate from DCAU continuity and uses a different voice cast? I ask because I'm pretty sure in DCAU continuity, Doomsday already showed up.


You are correct. Adam Baldwin plays Superman this time around. The animation style is very similar to the DCAU, though, with a few tweaks to make it look more "mature/gritty" - this is what was said in an issue of Wizard, anyway.

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Guest Smues

I'll probably pick this up soon. How far does it go though, do they just end with Superman dying, or do we get the whole multiple superman thing where he comes back too?

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I watched it today and I really liked it. Everything worked from the animation to the voice casting to the story as a whole. Yeah, it didn't follow the whole Death of Superman storyline from the comics and they added a few things, but Iyou have to remember that Timm and company had about 80's minutes to cram this stuff in. There are many shocking moments (ala Phantasm and ROTJ):

Doomsday killing a dear, crushing a man's head in, and well, he just kills alot of people in many graphic ways


Superman throwing up massive amounts of blood


Toyman murdering a 4 year old girl (you see her body underneath the covers when she is being carted out)\


Superman dropping Toyman to his death which leaves bloody results


Dark Superman carving a kryptonite ball out of his brain infront of women in a hair salon


Lois injecting a needle into Luthor's neck to drug him (actualy that didn't shock me to be honest but it may shock some)


Many curse words are used (Okay maybe that didn't shock me either but it's the first time in a DCAU movie where someone has said something other than "Oh my God!")


It was a great movie though. I enjoyed it. And I was not to picky since I'm a comic fan. It may rank among Phantasm and ROTJ in years to come.


8.5/10 at the moment

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Well I am buying it now because if it rules like Phantasm, then it must be good.


But if it isn't....


*shakes fist*

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I have to say I didn't really enjoy it. It just felt too rushed. There was like 20 seconds of mourning Superman before they moved onto the next stage of the storyline. His death hardly felt like the massive deal it should do.


Oh and what was with Superman's face...he looks like an old man. Weird.

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Were there any significant cameos?


Meh. I had my doubts when it was announced, thankfully they kept it as violent as it should be, though I still think they should've just went for the full storyline across two DVDs.

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I've only watched 40 minutes but so far, I like it.


Kevin Smith's Superman vs Robot Spider joke was a hilarious reference

as was the "What is your real name?" / "Kal-El!" joke (and callback shortly after).


I had accidentally read

about Luther murdering Mercy in her wikipedia entry

, but even knowing it was coming didn't make it any less surprising to see.


Edit: And

Cloneman turning heel and going nuts on Toyman and the police ("watch your language")

is awesome.

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I passed on it because of how lousy Brainiac Attacks was, but I guess now I'll rent it unless Cartoon Network shows it within the month, like they did with BA.

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I didn't like it. There was a lot of bullshit involved.


The Good:

- The fights were epic, DBZ level clashes, at least compared to the usual Superman fight fare from the TV shows.

- Lex killing Mercy for no reason lol

- Clone Supes owning the shit out of Lex. Big Brother Superman was comedy throughout.

- It looked good (despite the inexplicable Superman wrinkles)

- Didn't go overboard with the HARDCORE PG-13 RATING thankfully. Bodies were getting dropped everywhere but it didn't feel forced at all. It felt a lot like the PG-13 version of Return of the Joker (except um not as good)



- Anne Heche does the worst Lois ever. Seriously ruins every emotional moment she's in, and her voice doesn't fit the character at all. Who the fuck thought it would be a good idea to replace the original(perfect) Lois cartoon voice with this washed up bitch? Actually none of the new voices were great, but then again the script didn't help much either.

- The title is misleading as fuck, Doomsday is damn near a cameo in the grand scheme of things.

- The blatant homosexual undertones during the scene where Lex wails on the clone Superman while screaming "WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME WHY WHY" like a nagging housewife, then, get this, MOUNTS the clone Superman and says "Who's your daddy? ;)". I'm not making that up.

- Explanation for Supes' comeback was even worse than it was in the comics. In here, it's literally just "Superman is immortal"

- No Justice League?

- No Cyborg Superman


I hope they realized that D-list celebrities are a bad idea and stick to the original voice talents for the JL/TT movies. Anyway this was worth watching for the most part, but I'm glad I didn't waste any money on it with a purchase. This was such a disappoinment.

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They didn't get Dana Delany for this? WTF. Her returning was one of the only good things about BA, even if it emphasized all the more how shitty the writing was.


IMDB gives Bruce Timm a writing credit, so I assume this being better has a lot to do with him helping to save Capizzi's script.

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I rented this off Amazon Unbox for .99 and it was good for .99, but not good enough to buy. Really was underwhelming and paint by numbers.


BTW, the .99 price on this is good through Sunday.

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The reason they used different voices was because they wanted this to fall outside the normalanimated continuity. They're going to have another person voice Superman in the next movie they're doing as well.


As for Heche, her voice was very distracting for a while, but I eventually got used to it.

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They didn't get Dana Delany for this? WTF. Her returning was one of the only good things about BA, even if it emphasized all the more how shitty the writing was.


IMDB gives Bruce Timm a writing credit, so I assume this being better has a lot to do with him helping to save Capizzi's script.

According to the featurette about the voices, they wanted to have a completely new cast to do the voices, so they could react differently than if someone who had already done the voices would be able to.


That's also part of the reason they have a different set of actors for the upcoming "New Frontier" movie.


...one of which surprised me...which was Lucy Lawless as Wonder Woman.


D'oh...beaten to the first part.

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I have to say I didn't really enjoy it. It just felt too rushed. There was like 20 seconds of mourning Superman before they moved onto the next stage of the storyline. His death hardly felt like the massive deal it should do.


Oh and what was with Superman's face...he looks like an old man. Weird.

Pretty much agree with everything said here, old partner. Also found the guest-star voice acting very distracting. I just couldn't stop picturing William the Bloody Spike facing off against Jayne Cobb, plus it didn't help that Baldwin just plain seemed like he was phoning in his entire part. One thing that amuses me is imagining the legions of horrified parents who might buy this as apparently harmless entertainment for young kids, only to stumble onto the cussing and violence and sexual overtones and so on.

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Baldwin rocked as Superman. Marsters rocked as Luthor. Heche sucked as Lane.


The fight scenes were Awsome(expecially the Doomsday one). Overall I liked it.

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My only really complaint about the movie was Anne Heche as Lois. To me her voice just didn't quite fit the character. However that could be because I am so use to associating Delany with Lois.


Was anyone else pumped up for the New Frontier after seeing the preview? Looks freaking awesome.

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