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Open the Muggy Gate

You're a goddamn piece of useless shit Vanhalen

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COMEBACK OF THE YEAR! Look at the great comeback by this wonderful poster! My God, if I ever get burned like that again, I may have to check myself into the burn ward for 3rd degree burns!


Die fucker.

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Two Vanhalen threads in three days. Whatever else you wanna say about the guy, he's a hot topic right now.

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Four years from now VH is going to bump the hell out of this thread

You think he will not be banned in four years time?

It won't matter. He will find a way

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a: Payday yesterday and my quartly bonus

b: I have lots of beer tonight

c: Promoted last week

d: had good sex last night with a cool goth chick from The Brickyard


All four reasons why I truly do not give a fuck what a web forum says about me.


Also, I dont know if the picture Matt Young posted was of the actual Super Muggy Kart but if so, jeeez. I can see why you come across as so aggressive, you look like a light breeze would blow you over, at least get some muscle definition in those arms, and use some clearisil for those spots. How old are you anyway? You look about 15 in that picture, if you are 24 and younger don't bother sending those pm's to me again as I dont deal with kids.

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BL, when did 2003 qualify as "new"?


In one of those odd hypocritical things, VH's constant pimping of ways to violate copyright and be a dirty pirate (the youtube thread which I use, PPV stream, the shoot interviews) are one of the things that bother me about him despite the fact I could see myself taking advantage of things. Of course, as pointed out, it's not like he is personally hosting any of this.

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BL, when did 2003 qualify as "new"?


In one of those odd hypocritical things, VH's constant pimping of ways to violate copyright and be a dirty pirate (the youtube thread which I use, PPV stream, the shoot interviews) are one of the things that bother me about him despite the fact I could see myself taking advantage of things. Of course, as pointed out, it's not like he is personally hosting any of this.


Jesus, what a load of shite, dont be a sanctimonious prick.

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BL, when did 2003 qualify as "new"?


In one of those odd hypocritical things, VH's constant pimping of ways to violate copyright and be a dirty pirate (the youtube thread which I use, PPV stream, the shoot interviews) are one of the things that bother me about him despite the fact I could see myself taking advantage of things. Of course, as pointed out, it's not like he is personally hosting any of this.


Jesus, what a load of shite, dont be a sanctimonious prick.


all of your responses are formulaic:


[exclamation], what a [noun] of [expletive], [subject] a [faux-scholarly adjective] [expletive]

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I like Vanhalen, because he likes me. But, as it says in the Bible:


For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them.


And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye? for sinners also do even the same.


And if ye lend of whom ye hope to receive, what thank have ye? for sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again.


But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and the evil

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a: Payday yesterday and my quartly bonus

b: I have lots of beer tonight

c: Promoted last week

d: had good sex last night with a cool goth chick from The Brickyard


All four reasons why I truly do not give a fuck what a web forum says about me.


Also, I dont know if the picture Matt Young posted was of the actual Super Muggy Kart but if so, jeeez. I can see why you come across as so aggressive, you look like a light breeze would blow you over, at least get some muscle definition in those arms, and use some clearisil for those spots. How old are you anyway? You look about 15 in that picture, if you are 24 and younger don't bother sending those pm's to me again as I dont deal with kids.


Alright, the pic was taken in I'd say, early 2006. I don't know why I still have it up myself. I'm not a big guy, but oh fucking well. The spots are gone, so don't even fuck with that shit. Doesn't really matter to me. I'm 22, not 15 like your mind thinks. Yeah, I look young, so what? Lotta people don't look their age these days. And good sex with a goth chick? Is that even possible? I bet she was still thinking about cutting her wrists even more after doing that with you.

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Guest This Thread Is Ghey


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