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OAO 11/19 Raw Thread

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What the Hell is the uproar over the hair? There has been pictures like my sig that have been posted of him for months now online. Also, most seen him all over the news back in the spring thanks to Benoit.


Did you expect him to grow hair down to his ass in 5 months?

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Jericho's return didn't exactly light the world on fire after the initial pop, but to be fair, he wasn't exactly playing off of a captivating personality or someone with great mic skills. I also think they deflated some of the impact by showing him on camera before he actually came out in the arena. Jericho's return definitely didn't have the bang it could have had, but it's early days yet. It should hopefully be better next week.

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The question I have is this: Where do they go with this? Do they go right into a Jericho/Orton feud? I don't really think I would. It's too hyped at this point to waste on some lame PPV like Armageddon (perhaps a returning Flair could face Orton on that show, or just do a tag match). I would play it like this. Don't give it away right now, but also don't make it look like Orton is flat out avoiding Jericho. Being afraid of Jericho doesn't make any sense with Orton's current character...I mean why fear Jericho when Orton has taken out Michaels, Van Dam, etc.? Do a simple angle where Orton tells Jericho that if he wants a title shot he has to get in line, that he's been away for 2 years. Even have Jericho agree with him on that point, and then spend the next few months building it.


Then we get to the Rumble and either Jericho can win it or Orton can do something to screw him out of it. Either way it ends up with Jericho vs. Orton at WM. If only they can keep HHH and HBK away from all this.

Well seeing how Jericho ripped into Orton and said he was here to save us from Orton and take the title off of him and save Sports Entertainment, then yes a Jericho vs Orton feud has started.

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on some lame PPV like Armageddon


You don't get it yet do you...


All PPVs are equal now. There is no "big 4". Great American Bash had the 2nd biggest "big feel" card of the year. Lashley/Cena was hyped more than SSeries Batista/Taker or SSlam Cena/Orton. There are no "crummy" PPVs. At least there aren't any PPVs where title matches are specifically avoided, save for No Way Out.

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That's not entirely true. Yes, they're all tri-branded now, but Rumble, SummerSlam, and Survivor Series still have some name recognition / attachment to them. SummerSlam's value seems to slip by the year, but you still have the Rumble at the Rumble and an elimination match at Survivor Series.

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on some lame PPV like Armageddon


You don't get it yet do you...


All PPVs are equal now. There is no "big 4". Great American Bash had the 2nd biggest "big feel" card of the year. Lashley/Cena was hyped more than SSeries Batista/Taker or SSlam Cena/Orton. There are no "crummy" PPVs. At least there aren't any PPVs where title matches are specifically avoided, save for No Way Out.



So WrestleMania and Cyber Sunday are equal?

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It's not like he doesn't have a point - Armageddon and SummerSlam could now essentially have the same card - but yes, the $50 price tag and 4 hour run time (among other things) certainly set Mania apart as not being the same as the rest. I already mentioned similar issues about the Rumble and Survivor Series.

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Personnally I get a certain feeling when I watch Wrestlemania, the Royal Rumble, SummerSlam, and the Survivor Series, and I don't get that feeling when I watch the other ones. The feeling that I'm watching something differant, something unique, something that I get excited for. Cyber Sunday could maybe up there as well, but Wrestlemania, Royal Rumble, SummerSlam and Suvivor Series are still the big 4 and always will be.


Fans get excited when one of the big 4 PPV's come around, they get hyped for one of the big 4 ppvs. For some reason I don't see fans really getting excited when one of the other ppvs come around unless their excited for a certain match. None of the other ppvs could come close to exciting a fan like the Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania, SummerSlam, and Survivor Series.

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Jericho looks weird with his haircut (he only did it to advance his adventures in Hollywood), but its something you'll get used to in time. I mean look at Christian when he first got the Buzz Cut. I'm glad Y2J is back though. Hopefully, he'll be better used this time around.

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Guest christophemagnifique
Jericho looks weird with his haircut (he only did it to advance his adventures in Hollywood), but its something you'll get used to in time. I mean look at Christian when he first got the Buzz Cut. I'm glad Y2J is back though. Hopefully, he'll be better used this time around.


I was disappointed.


For about ten seconds.


Then he opened his mouth - he's absolute fucking gold. Orton played to it pretty well too. If they do it properly, it'll be good.


I'd hold it off until Jan/Feb though - let Jericho get on the mike and kill him with armbar threats. 1000+ holds versus a headlock - good luck randy

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I don't get excited anymore for any of the PPVs except Mania and maybe the Rumble if the outcome of the match is in doubt.

Exactly. When the hell was the last time the Survivor Series big? Even when you think odd pairings might be interesting (CM Punk and Dx?!?), the matches themselves just suck.

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I don't get excited anymore for any of the PPVs except Mania and maybe the Rumble if the outcome of the match is in doubt.

Exactly. When the hell was the last time the Survivor Series big? Even when you think odd pairings might be interesting (CM Punk and Dx?!?), the matches themselves just suck.


2001 was (in theory) a really big deal. 2002 had a first time main event that was unique for the time.

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Looking at the Raw Rating of 3.5 maybe if they actually said Jericho would appear, would that instantly give them a 4.0 rating?

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