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The 2008 Royal Rumble Thread

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WWE.com says Batista, Undertaker, and Kane have all qualified, but doesn't say when or how.

Actually WWE.com just says they were added to the match. It doesn't say they had to qualify or anything.


See, that would be all fine and dandy, except the headline at the top of the page listing the entrants reads as follows:



2008 Royal Rumble Participants


Not just anyone can enter Royal Rumble. Superstars must qualify for the coveted honor to battle for a World Title opportunity at WrestleMania. Here is a list of who has qualified for the 2008 Royal Rumble so far:

Oh, well I was just reading the box next to their picture and name.

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Nope I'm not high. Well that wouldn't be a very good idea with a 'super champion' like Cena was in his last run. But a more vulnerable Cena or another champion could enter Rumble at 30 and get a huge reaction from the crowd and then win it and the announcers wouldn't know what was going on. Now many are gonna say "that's a russo idea". Now that may be if you're doing stuff like that all the time. But if you show some reserve and restraint when doing those sorts things and don't do those all the time you won't run into any trouble. That's Russo's problem in that he does crazy stuff like that all the time. If you only do it a few times a year it's a good thing do for a wrestling product.


Then you have that guy fight for the undisputed title at Wrestlemania. They only used have one big title match at that show why not anymore?



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Nope I'm not high. Well that wouldn't be a very good idea with a 'super champion' like Cena was in his last run. But a more vulnerable Cena or another champion could enter Rumble at 30 and get a huge reaction from the crowd and then win it and the announcers wouldn't know what was going on. Now many are gonna say "that's a russo idea". Now that may be if you're doing stuff like that all the time. But if you show some reserve and restraint when doing those sorts things and don't do those all the time you won't run into any trouble. That's Russo's problem in that he does crazy stuff like that all the time. If you only do it a few times a year it's a good thing do for a wrestling product.

The crazy stuff still has to make sense for it be a good thing. Your idea is lacking in that department.

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I don't agree with putting a midcarder over in the Rumble. You're gambling the biggest storyline push of the year and the biggest main event on the biggest card of the year in order to potentially pop a bigger buyrate ten months later for the next Royal Rumble. If it works, great, but I can't think of many midcarders I'm dying to see step in there with Orton, Edge, Punk, Jeff, Batista, Taker, Chavo...

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There's a poll in the ECW section of WWE.com asking whether you would like to see CM Punk in the Rumble match. Considering his feud with Chavo is already overdone (they're having another match this upcoming Tuesday, for anyone who wasn't aware), and Shelton (his other logical challenger) seems to be set to enter the Rumble as well, I think they'll probably just end up throwing him in. Besides, the undercard for the Rumble is already stacked with four big matches.

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I don't agree with putting a midcarder over in the Rumble. You're gambling the biggest storyline push of the year and the biggest main event on the biggest card of the year in order to potentially pop a bigger buyrate ten months later for the next Royal Rumble. If it works, great, but I can't think of many midcarders I'm dying to see step in there with Orton, Edge, Punk, Jeff, Batista, Taker, Chavo...


CHAVO? No chance he'll get the belt.

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I don't agree with putting a midcarder over in the Rumble. You're gambling the biggest storyline push of the year and the biggest main event on the biggest card of the year in order to potentially pop a bigger buyrate ten months later for the next Royal Rumble. If it works, great, but I can't think of many midcarders I'm dying to see step in there with Orton, Edge, Punk, Jeff, Batista, Taker, Chavo...


CHAVO? No chance he'll get the belt.

My point proven. The odds of picking a midcarder at random, throwing them in the title picture and having them be a believable threat to one of the top guys in the company are slim to none, regardless of how they acquire that #1 contendership. An established name wins the Rumble this year, and I think it'll be Flair from a relatively high number (something in the 20s).


It just makes sense for his next opponent to be offered a Rumble spot for that added incentive to beat Flair, it's such a perfect dick heel move for Vince to say "Well, the Rumble is technically you versus opponents, so since you have no partners in the match it falls under the 'Win or retire' stipulation" after he qualifies, it's guaranteed to snag at least some buys in that "Will this be the last time we see Ric Flair wrestle?" sense, and it sets up Flair v Orton, the Ultimate Legend versus the One Man Dynasty/Legend Killer in the "Title vs career" match everybody seems to think Taker is destined for when his time comes. It might even be used as a feeler to see if it's something that works so they know whether or not to use it with Taker.


It's how Flair should go out. Putting over a main eventer on the grandest stage of them all for the richest prize in the sport, not in some nostalgia match against somebody he's faced a few dozen times over the past 20 years just for the sake of saying they're the only two men who wrestled each other at Wrestlemania and Starrcade.

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This is why I hated that they axed King of the Ring immediately after coming up with the great idea of having the winner face the WWF champion at Summerslam. That way, you could elevate a mid-carder by having him win something just as important and not have to put him in the main event of WM.

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There's a poll in the ECW section of WWE.com asking whether you would like to see CM Punk in the Rumble match. Considering his feud with Chavo is already overdone (they're having another match this upcoming Tuesday, for anyone who wasn't aware), and Shelton (his other logical challenger) seems to be set to enter the Rumble as well, I think they'll probably just end up throwing him in. Besides, the undercard for the Rumble is already stacked with four big matches.

Given there's no need to put a real 'world' champion IN the Rumble match itself, this shows just how low they view the ECW title.

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I thought I read somewhere (wikipedia, probably) that WWE stopped calling it the ECW World Title, always just calling it the "ECW Championship". Of course they call their top world title "WWE Championship" so that means nothing.

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Punk being in the RR is a slap in the face to the ECW title. However if he went in saying he wanted the ECW title to main event Wrestlemania I think that would be a good cover for his inclusion in the match. Also you could start the Benjamin/Punk issue in the Rumble as well.


What are the odds that Killings or Harris debut(or re-debut in Kilings case) in the Royal Rumble?


I don't necessarily want an out of the blue midcarder to win, but somebody like MVP wouldn't be a bad choice. Any upper card guy not named HHH, Undertaker, HBK, Orton or Batista is fine by me. I think a midcard guy should be put over by being the last 3-4 in the rumble and it being a storyline throught out. Burke, Dykstra, Benjamin, Santino, Paul London would all be good Final Four push candidates.

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They usually put a guy like that in the final six (MVP and Carlito, for the last couple of years for instance) anyways but since they're inducing the second chance EC match for No Way Out, I'd say it's less likely now. They could place a guy in the EC just to fill a spot but the best you can probably hope for is someone like Finlay, and that wouldn't be a stretch.


Punk could just throw his usual "I crave competition and what better to quell that then a Royal Rumble, with 29 others in that ring" as a cover. Having Punk in the Rumble would be interesting given the crowd support he's likely to have. Whoever eliminates him will get some considerable heat. So, it should be Shelton to get that build going.


Hornswoggle is going to be #1 or #30. If Hornswoggle is #1, I can see him outsmarting a few low card guys until Khali comes out and clears the ring except Hornswoggle. Finlay comes out next and chops Khali down and over, I'd love for Finlay to toss Hornswoggle right after that just to be the asshole he is.


As for debuts/re-debuts? I don't expect anything outside of Lashley's return.

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Flair is already wrestling MVP at the PPV. He will not be in the Rumble.

It's happened before that a guy wrestles a match and is in the Rumble. I mean...well, if he wrestles right before the match itself I don't think he'll be in, I agree, but if Flair/MVP is one of the first few matches I don't see how either man couldn't be rested enough to go out there 3 hours later midway through the match.


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Flair is already wrestling MVP at the PPV. He will not be in the Rumble.

It's happened before that a guy wrestles a match and is in the Rumble. I mean...well, if he wrestles right before the match itself I don't think he'll be in, I agree, but if Flair/MVP is one of the first few matches I don't see how either man couldn't be rested enough to go out there 3 hours later midway through the match.

It's happen a lot actually.

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Flair is already wrestling MVP at the PPV. He will not be in the Rumble.

It's happened before that a guy wrestles a match and is in the Rumble. I mean...well, if he wrestles right before the match itself I don't think he'll be in, I agree, but if Flair/MVP is one of the first few matches I don't see how either man couldn't be rested enough to go out there 3 hours later midway through the match.

It's happen a lot actually.


It's no big deal if the wrestlers involved in a tag match don't participate in the Rumble, but when high mid-carders like Jericho and MVP don't participate, it really annoys me. Of course it gives the Rumble match more star power, but from a logic stand point, why wouldn't someone not want to enter? Especially in Jericho's case since he was screwed out of the title the previous month.


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In Jericho's case, he's more determined to get revenge on the guy who cost him the title on two seperate occasions and tried to hang him. MVP knows retiring Flair would be the biggest accomplishment of his career and would sacrifice a spot in the Rumble to accomplish that. Flair already proved he can win the Rumble, beating a champion (even if it isn't a title match) at this stage in his career would be a chance to prove he's still the man.

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Jamie Noble defeated Chuck Palumbo on Smackdown to win a spot in the Royal Rumble...despite the fact that there was absolutely no mention of their match being a Rumble qualifier on the Smackdown broadcast. WWE.Com has listed Noble as an entrant now by defeating Palumbo tonight.


It's been over a week, and WWE.Com still has not listed Jimmy Wang Yang and Shannon Moore as entrants into the Rumble, so it looks like their qualifying win will be ignored, which I'm sure makes the fans in Canton, Ohio feel very important.

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Way ahead of you. Infact I added Jamie Noble to the list a few hours ago.

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And of course, Finlay is in as well as of Smackdown.


Also, Cody Rhodes beat William Regal at a house show Friday to qualify. WWE.com hasn't confirmed it yet, but since Holly's in already, this one's likely true.


And at the bottom of the page that lists the entrants: "There will be a Royal Rumble qualifying match this Saturday at a Raw live event in Tallahassee, Fla. Stay with Raw, SmackDown, ECW and WWE.com as more Superstars compete for entry into the Royal Rumble match. "

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I'll add Cody to the list after WWE.com offically puts him on the list. Which I assume will be on Sunday.

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I don't mean Chavo Guerrero wins the rumble anyway. He's too low in the midcard for that to work. I mean a guy like MVP or Jericho win the Rumble. Do that one year have it out of nowhere. You could argue Mysterio win was like that but that was built up too much before.

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Y2J / JBL should be fun, but I wish they would've saved it for WM.


Who is to say they won't? These two could keep the promo wars hot for another 8 weeks, easily. The set up of Jericho being dragged and nearly hung up, would suggest they could do a strap match at RR with a non-finish leading to the blowoff at WM. Otherwise, Jericho's lost in the shuffle.

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