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*Smackdown Spoilers*

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- Teddy Long comes out and announces that due to injuries that Vicky Guerrero suffered at the Royal Rumble that he is in charge. He announces that Smackdown will also have an Elimination Chamber match at No Way Out, featuring the Undertaker, Batista, MVP, Finaly, the Great Khali and Big Daddy V. The winner goes to WrestleMania to face the World champion. Long also announces a re-match of Edge defending the World Title against Rey Mysterio. Edge refused the match, saying that he would not face Rey and would defend against anyone else, but Long said the match was official.


- In a Royal Rumble re-match with his career on the line, Ric Flair defeated MVP via DQ. MVP had the figure four reversed but Flair was under the ropes. The referee counted to five, and MVP didn't break the hold. After the match MVP laid out Flair with the ring steps.


- Ric Flair is seen getting medical attention.


- Chuck Palumbo comes to the ring and cuts a promo about the recent events with he, Noble and Michelle McCool. He says he never meant to hurt McCool and that is was all Noble's fault. Palumbo then asks McCool to come to the ring so he can apologize. McCool comes out and tells him that she is sick and tired of his actions and slaps him. He vows to take it out on Noble, and that it will be all her fault.


- Rey Mysterio and CM Punk defeated Chavo Guerrero and Edge


- Hornswoggle and Finlay defeated Deuce and Domino


- 2007 Diva Search winner Eve interviews Batista. He says that he has been in the chamber before, and says he will win and go onto WrestleMania and win the title.


- Jesse cuts a promo and says that Festus is a new man and that they will return to Smackdown next week.


- The Edge Heads defeated Shannon Moore and Jimmy Wang Yang


- The Undertaker and Kane defeated Big Daddy V and Mark Henry when Taker made Henry tap.

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Here's an idea, although maybe it's too "TNA". Rather than have two separate EC matches, combine the two by joining the Raw & SD guys for six teams. The match follows regular EC rules, and the winning team is their brand's No. 1 contender. It might be too much of a clusterfuck, but I'd rather watch that than two separate matches.

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Raw's Elimination Chamber match has:


Jeff Hardy, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, JBL, Umaga and HHH.


Smackdown's Elimination Chamber match has:


Undertaker, Batista, MVP, Finlay, the Great Khali and Big Daddy V.


I can see the logic in loading up No Way Out with two Chamber matches, but that Smackdown line-up is murder. With the Raw EC, people can buy or be happy with at least four people winning it (Hardy, Shawn, Jericho and Hunter). But with the Smackdown Chamber match your choices are limited to Undertaker and Batista. This really highlights how limited Smackdown is in terms of accepted main event talent, and I'd be tempted to try and find a way to put Rey and/or even Edge in there. Big Show is probably going to Raw, but Smackdown needs him more at this point. Even though he wouldn't win the Chamber match, it needs some kind of depth to it.

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I like Aero's idea of having teams in the pods rather than two separate matches. Makes it 10x more interesting; do you cheer for a Jeff Hardy if you know that also puts Khali in a Wrestlemania title match?

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AS someone who saw an elimination chamber match up close in Albany, Ny, I can't think of anything worse for people actually attending the event than to see, or actually not see, two elimination chamber matches. All the chains obstruct your view of the wrestlers/ the match, and worse the cameramen are constantly in your viewing range (I was 3rd row from the ring). Really, the elimination chamber has to be the worst match to see in person (well, maybe hell in a cell is bad too, I don't know).

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I like Aero's idea of having teams in the pods rather than two separate matches. Makes it 10x more interesting; do you cheer for a Jeff Hardy if you know that also puts Khali in a Wrestlemania title match?


Jeff Hardy teaming with Khali is a horrible idea. Still, two Elimination Chambers in one night is too much.

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AS someone who saw an elimination chamber match up close in Albany, Ny, I can't think of anything worse for people actually attending the event than to see, or actually not see, two elimination chamber matches. All the chains obstruct your view of the wrestlers/ the match, and worse the cameramen are constantly in your viewing range (I was 3rd row from the ring). Really, the elimination chamber has to be the worst match to see in person (well, maybe hell in a cell is bad too, I don't know).


The Kennel from Hell was worse.


The cell and the cage weren't lined up correctly, therefore the crowd saw NOTHING going on. Literally NOTHING.

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I didn't catch much of Raw and now after reading these spoilers, I have a question: If Cena won the Rumble meaning he gets a title shot at WM, what are they fighting for in the Raw EC? Is Cena getting his title shot early? Fill me in, fellas...

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I didn't catch much of Raw and now after reading these spoilers, I have a question: If Cena won the Rumble meaning he gets a title shot at WM, what are they fighting for in the Raw EC? Is Cena getting his title shot early? Fill me in, fellas...


Cena decided he wanted to go ahead and cash in his title shot at No Way Out. The purpose of the RAW EC is to determine a number 1 contender to the winner of the match between Cena and Orton.

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I wonder if the EC matches will book-end NWO. They definitely won't do them back to back, although now that I think about it... it would be easy in terms of production (Getting the chamber in place), but it would definitely deflate the crowd.

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Why the hell are Khali and BDV in the Elimination Chamber over Kane, who finished 4th in the Rumble? I'd actually want to see this match if either of them was replaced by Kane, but now I'm not so sure.

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I didn't catch much of Raw and now after reading these spoilers, I have a question: If Cena won the Rumble meaning he gets a title shot at WM, what are they fighting for in the Raw EC? Is Cena getting his title shot early? Fill me in, fellas...


Cena decided he wanted to go ahead and cash in his title shot at No Way Out. The purpose of the RAW EC is to determine a number 1 contender to the winner of the match between Cena and Orton.


Which begs the question, why did he win the Rumble?

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I didn't catch much of Raw and now after reading these spoilers, I have a question: If Cena won the Rumble meaning he gets a title shot at WM, what are they fighting for in the Raw EC? Is Cena getting his title shot early? Fill me in, fellas...


Cena decided he wanted to go ahead and cash in his title shot at No Way Out. The purpose of the RAW EC is to determine a number 1 contender to the winner of the match between Cena and Orton.


Which begs the question, why did he win the Rumble?


Just to further hammer-home the point that we all already knew. Orton was just keeping the belt warm for him. Now, why they feel they have to take the belt off Orton and put it back on Cena right away is still up for debate. Maybe there was truth to the rumor that Cena is going to film a movie. Maybe they'll do the title match, orton will give him the concussion kick, allowing him to be out for 4-5 weeks to film the movie, and let someone else have the belt for a short transitional run. Though, with it being Wrestlemania time, I don't see Cena getting any time off anytime soon. It's all tough to call right now.

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the Rumble has lost it's gimmick.



edit: now the question is....will there be a money in the bank match at mania

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the Rumble has lost it's gimmick.



edit: now the question is....will there be a money in the bank match at mania


There pretty much has to be. There are way too many guys that need to be on the card and not enough time to fit in more than 9, maybe 10 matches.

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I do agree with Kane being left out of the SD chamber match. That's bullshit. He finished 4th in the Rumble and had a quality outing in it, yet Khali is in and he lasted all of 1 minute? Is Big Daddy V even an actual SD guy? I thought he was still ECW but did guest shots on SD along with the other ECW guys who pop up there.


As much as I've badmouthed Orton on this board over the years even I don't think he deserves being jobbed out to Cena in such dubious fashion. It reeks of such desperate booking as in "Hurry, we know Orton sucks and can't draw at WM, so we'll put it back on Cena so HHH can beat him!" It's like WWE knows Orton/Cena is a shitty WM main event and moved it up to No Way Out, but brought Cena in because Orton/HHH also blows and won't draw.


And let's face it, HHH is winning at WM. Frankly I don't think he can even afford another WM main event loss. Besides, they have the ready made excuse that Cena wasn't 100%, etc.

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Cena getting the boot to film a movie is bullshit. The whole movie idea is bullshit. They're dumb, but not dumb enough to bring Cena back "6 months" prematurely to get him kicked in the head for a month. The BFK2TH buys you 3-6 months...conveniently, the exact amount he was supposed to need.

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Guest dustinbeaverton

I like the idea of combining the two EC matches and making teams... do any of you remember a really old WCW (I think) PPV where they had all of the wrestlers names in a drawing, similar to the Royal Rumble, but it was "randomly drawn" tag teams... they had probably 15 of these matches, and all of the winning tag teams went on to the next round, which was a battle royal with two rings... I barely remember the PPV, it was probably WCW, but I was pretty young and didn't follow whatever promotion it was. BUT... yeah, I think a Lethal Lottery (which is what I think they called it) would be good for this, precisely for the reason mentioned above... that you could have team combos that leave the fans conflicted (HHH/BDV for example, or Jericho/Khali) for who they want to win.


Regarding the WWE Title at WM... I'm personally a big Orton fan (which I'm sure isn't a popular choice here, ha), so I want to see him keep the title until WM. Have a controversial ending at NWO and then HHH win the EC and have a Triple Threat at WM. That way HHH can pin Orton, because I'm sure WWE would rather have Orton take the fall than Cena.


And I also hate that Cena was allowed to cash in his WM Title match early... just as much as I hated it when the winner would put his #1 Contender spot on the line in a match, or when Kennedy put up his MITB win against Edge, or when they have the Survivor Series without traditional matches... All of those things are supposed to mean something. I hate when WWE basically takes all of the heat off of those events by letting wrestlers lose it anyway.

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I almost wonder if Cena is a red herring, as in everyone thinks he is going to waltz back in and win the belt back but the NWO match will go to a double DQ or something (or a double pin). Then we get the 3 way with HHH at WM. Cause I honestly have no idea what Orton would do at WM if he wasn't in the title match.

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And let's face it, HHH is winning at WM. Frankly I don't think he can even afford another WM main event loss. Besides, they have the ready made excuse that Cena wasn't 100%, etc.


I seriously doubt that they'd bring back their biggest star from injury and have him win the world title only to job it one month later to HHH. That doesn't make any sense.

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