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Compare 90s WWF to 00s WWE

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With this decade only having two years remaining, how do you think it compares to the wwf matches in the 90s ? I think most will be quick to say the 90s were better but if you take a closer look you might think otherwise. Take 5 of the top matches from both decades for example.


90s gave us:


Bret/Austin wm13

Bret/Owen wm10

Shawn/Ramon wm10

Bret/Davey Boy ss92

Flair/Savage wm8


00s gave us:


Austin/Rock wm17

HHH/Cactus rumble00

Angle/Benoit rumble03

Shawn/HHH/Benoit wm20

Austin/Angle ss01


Obviously the late 90s had the best angles with Austin/Mcmahan,DX,etc but if you just look at the in ring product, I think the 00s were very good overall. Thoughts ?

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Looking at it closely, the 00's are indeed better. It's easy to say 90's cuz of nostalgia (and for me personally I started watching wrestling all the time in '91). But if you just list great matches, 00's have a lot more.



It's a tough question though, and very subjective.

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2000s by a mile. Attitude Era was h-o-r-r-i-b-l-e for match quality. In 2000 you have HHH/Foley, Rock/Austin, Austin/HHH, Rock/HHH, Angle/Benoit, HBK/HHH, Eddie/Brock. Eddie/JBL, Brock/Undertaker, Cena/Umaga, Cena/HBK, Cena/Edge, etc.

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It has to be the 2000s by a mile. If you look back, there were really only three or four years in the 90s that were any good. 1992 was the best year of the decade, and 1994, 1996 and 1997 all had consistently good matches from Bret and HBK, but the rest of the time it was pretty crappy.


The best year this decade (2000) trumps the best year of the 90s (1992), the really good wrestling has been better this decade than last, and there hasn't been one year where match quality just completely bottomed out like it did in 1990 or 1995.

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The 90s as a whole had sprinklings and spatterings here and there...everyone upped their game in the 2000s. You might have 12 100% awesome 5 star matches in the entire 1990s compared to 12 in one year in the 2000s.


Okay 12 in one year may be a stretch, but you get what I'm saying...

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Really all depends on what you're watching for. Match-wise, I don't think anyone will dispute that the 00's are better. Having "good matches" just seemed to become more of a priority around 2000 or so when before that it wasn't that big of a deal.


Story and angle-wise, I still prefer the 90's considering that we actually got something new every now and then.


EDIT: missed the subtitle...but yeah.

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There were for the most part, some more memorable storylines in the 90's, but the 00's have had better wrestling.


Austin had a great 2001, 2002 belonged the the SD 6, 2003 was Brock's year, etc. While the speed is toned-down somewhat, it seems the match quality is far better.


The 90s had the nWo & Goth Sting, the Attitude Era & Austin vs McMahon, etc. Not to say the 90's didnt have it's share of stellar matches, just the storylines seemed to stand out more.

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Guest Lee_The_Pea

I think that the 00's proved its not all about workrate. The match quility as a whole as been better still the 90's were better. Wrestling now seems too formatted with little buzz. the 90's had buzz, you never knew who was going to join the roster, ether it be a indi guy or one of WCW's who just quit. Ever year in the fed felt like a different year things moved fast, the guy on top could be history come next years mania. Things are so stale now and guys who are signed need to be sent somewhere before arriving. I hate the scripts, divas, huge video wall entrances and verything else that has robbed the fed of its feel of the ninities. I wish we could combine the 2 , 00's matche swith the ninties feel.

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Yes, the 00's by a considerable amount.


Even with the nostalgia factor and the sprinklings of great matches, a lot of them don't hold up as well; Wrestlemania 17 is still an unbelievably watchable card, as was 19, and the 03 Rumble - as one-sided as the Invasion got, it was made up for.

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It's weird, the 90's made me a fan of wrestling, and the 00's have basically made me not a fan despite better matches. Now, I mainly just download old 90's shows or watch Raw to mock it. There was something special about the 90's that is missing today, perhaps it was a great crop of wrestlers, perhaps it was the monday night war and the general competition between WCW and WWF before the war, maybe it was the prolification of hardcore matches and ECW or maybe it was wrestling finally leaving smokey gyms and going really big budget with sets and lighting. In all honesty the last wrestling feud I really enjoyed was the Mick Foley-HHH feud that ended in Feb. 2000.

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