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EVIL~! alkeiper

The Al "Shoot Interview" Thread

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Been meaning to do this for some time. Since most people here know me only for my sports posting, I'm opening up the field a bit. Everything you ever wanted to know about me, modding at TSM, or whatever.

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How bad do you hate being under Mole's regime?

The only thing that becomes a problem is overall lack of direction. We post at different folders, so disagreements never seem to come up.

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Do you think my wrestling reviews are good.

Yeah. Your reviews fit the cardinal rule, which is that the play by play is easily skippable so we can read the star ratings and bitch.


What do you find so enthralling about baseball?

Probably the history. Baseball has a million good stories behind it. I don't want to say the stats, but it's a game that is really quantifiable, it is much easier to break down and analyze than any other sport.


It also helps that baseball in my region is so accessable. There are literally over a dozen teams within a two hour drive, most of whom charge less than $10 a ticket. For five months, it's great live entertainment on any night. Instead of working your schedule around it, you find which day you have free, THEN make plans.

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Let's say you moved out here to the west coast. Would you still be a Phillies fan?

Somewhat. But I'd likely have no problem switching my allegiance to the Oakland A's (Philly connection). It's difficult to cheer for a club you are utterly distanced from. One advantage though, 4pm start times!

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What's your favorite flavor of Doritos? This is assuming you like Doritos.

Oddly, those Blue Cheese ones in the flavor mix bags, but those don't come separately. Cool ranch, they taste well and you don't need napkins to eat them.

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What jobs or revenue streams do you currently have?

Primarily I manage a cafe. I also do part time work for Baseball Info Solutions as a stats stringer, that involves going to Scranton/Wilkes-Barre games and marking hit locations and such. The perk there is prime seating rather than pay, though it's nice side money.

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Is Marvin going to recieve any sort of punishment for winning the Worst Poster tournament? Can't we at least give him a silly name or subtitle or something?

I still want to run "Marvin Free Day" at some point in the near future.

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It's difficult to cheer for a club you are utterly distanced from.


Not really.


Cream Soda or Root Beer?

Cream soda, diet from A&W. Birch beer owns both of them though, I don't know if it's popular other places or if it's just a Pennsylvania Dutch thing. Store brand Diet White Birch Beer is the shit.

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Guest Beastalentier
It's difficult to cheer for a club you are utterly distanced from.


Not really.

Yes it is. If you're not immersed in the local coverage of the team, or around many fellow fans, it'll never be the same. Of course, you're a Mets fan in Jacksonville, so that's different, but I mean adopting a team that isn't in proximity to you at all nor of any relevance to your family. That's just cherry-picking.

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Do you examine other men's penis' in the gym shower and wonder why yours is so small, or it just me?

I'm never in the shower with other men, nor was I ever in such an activity in my school days.


Do you know who I am?

Not beyond that you post here.


Why is baseball doing so poorly in Canada?

Heh, this isn't quite the Ask Al your baseball questions thread. In this case though, I think it's that canadian baseball owners haven't figured out how to make baseball into an entertainment destination like here in the states. In the case of the Expos, the owners flat out shit on it.

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Why do the esteemed members of the Pit insist that the only thing you're capable of is googling (what a verb!) baseball "stats"? How do you feel about this?

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