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At least with MEM, Angle has a real reason to wear a suit to the ring all the time. I hate when guys wear dressy clothes to the ring for no reason in relation to their gimmick. At least now, all MEM members wear suits so it makes sense to me.

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Usually it is the heels who dress up and I think it adds a sort of cockiness. Also reminds me of the NBA where at the All-Star festivities the where they would announce the players and they'd all be wearing suits except for the white guys like John Stockton who would come out in their uniforms.

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This Sarah Palin thing really annoys me. Did these fools learn nothing from WCW? Rodman, Malone, Arquette. Each one of them hurt the company. Palin was set to become one of the most powerful women in the country, and her consolation prize is 50K to go to a backwater wrestling company and be in a stupid angle that makes everyone involved look like complete morons? This is one time where I was hoping the media slams TNA and tells them to fuck off, but when Fox Sports is putting Palin's head on Beth Phoenix's body, it's almost like they are encouraging this shit. Stop it, now.

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At least with MEM, Angle has a real reason to wear a suit to the ring all the time. I hate when guys wear dressy clothes to the ring for no reason in relation to their gimmick. At least now, all MEM members wear suits so it makes sense to me.


:huh: Are you new or something?

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The Sarah Palin deal makes TNA look second rate in many ways. First, they're trying to associate with a generally unpopular loser who even her own party are knocking for being a hotheaded idiot. Second, when they get knocked back, it makes TNA look second rate when even a highly publicized loser wants nothing to do with them. Third, these kind of attempts at publicity only make the company look desperate for attention, and that's not how you want people to view your company. TNA should have made a play for Obama to do something, even if it is just a video message. Obama would turn them down just like Palin will, but at least then they'd be trying to associate with a winner and not a loser.


Hands up if you think Joe's ever getting that win back!


The fact that some people, even those who should know better, are giving Nash the benefit of the doubt on this one is mind boggling.

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I don't know, Nash has been kinda working his ass off lately to help make others look good in his matches. Not only that, but Nash is really high when it comes to good business and if putting Joe over in the future using the old "I'm ducking you now because I have already beat you!" story might be really good business for TNA, Nash, and Joe.


Also with the way Nash has been doing his matches as of lates, I can't really see him all of a sudden just going "fuck it, I'm done!" any time soon.


Are you being sarcastic?


Working his ass off? He's had one basic high profile match all year, the one against Joe, and even though it was impressive to see Joe kick out of all of that offense, the fact that he then couldn't kick out of a low blow and Nash's feet on the ropes kind of, at least to me, made Joe look weak by the end of it. I will admit Nash worked as hard as one would expect him to in that match, but by no means did he really make Joe look good in there as a whole. He was getting there, but then that finish ruined alot of it.


Really high when it comes to good business? I dont get that part at all when he really has, more than anything, devalued any opposition he's worked against for years, and now this officially includes Joe as well.


The apparent storyline of Nash avoiding Joe for an extended period of time is just furthering proof that Joe will never fully get his heat back from Nash in the long run....chances are there will be a convenient parting of ways for Nash and TNA when this time comes for the bookers to say to Nash that the angle (probably streamrolled by Nash himself to the creative team) needs to come to a head and Joe needs to be put over strong. It just seems like he's working the bookers in this situation, trying to put himself over more than Joe, and then when the time comes for the Joe/Nash rematch to occur, he will fight it because in between the first match and the rematch, Joe will probably continue to lose heat in general because he continues to be chumped and buried, and Nash will start to get more and more over because of being in the hot new faction that is being booked as uber dominant and overcoming the odds.


Something is seriously wrong with this picture.

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Wow, Salinas has been living under a rock.


Poached by wrestlingtruth.com:


-It seems Shelly Martinez doesn’t know who’s on the current WWE roster as during negotiations with AAA in Mexico she asked to be put in a team with Beth Phoenix, who is obviously a WWE Diva. She recently left TNA where she played Salinas, after disputes with money and the fact that she wanted to go and do a movie.

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At least with MEM, Angle has a real reason to wear a suit to the ring all the time. I hate when guys wear dressy clothes to the ring for no reason in relation to their gimmick. At least now, all MEM members wear suits so it makes sense to me.


:huh: Are you new or something?


Lol, not to life, but this board? Yes.


If you're talking about what I wrote, I'm saying that I hate it when guys who really have no reason to dress up for promos, dress up for them. If you're a Horseman or Evolution or a rich guy, or a McMahon or there's just a special segment, it makes sense. But if you're gimmick is that you are a unstable olympic gold metalist, wearing a suit does nothing for you. What's wrong with wearing your gear or a t-shirt? Everybody wears suits, so it has no meaning anymore. Now, when Angle was GM of Smackdown and when he had the group with Reigns and Jindrak (which came off as a fake SD version of Evolution), the suits were fine. With MEM, it's fine because that's a style that they all have in the group, it makes sense. Dressing up used to add a prominence to a wrestler, and because it was rare, it added personality. It's like bleeding in a match; it used to add so much to the matches, now it's done so much, it isn't that special.


If I'm not making sense lol, sorry. I wish there was a way to speak on here, it's easier.

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The Sarah Palin deal makes TNA look second rate in many ways. First, they're trying to associate with a generally unpopular loser who even her own party are knocking for being a hotheaded idiot. Second, when they get knocked back, it makes TNA look second rate when even a highly publicized loser wants nothing to do with them. Third, these kind of attempts at publicity only make the company look desperate for attention, and that's not how you want people to view your company. TNA should have made a play for Obama to do something, even if it is just a video message. Obama would turn them down just like Palin will, but at least then they'd be trying to associate with a winner and not a loser.


I don't know the deal with Palin. Has it been confirmed she actually IS showing up, or is it just speculation? Because if they don't even know if she will show up, it makes TNA look very dumb for having the Beautiful People talk about her on the air.

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At least with MEM, Angle has a real reason to wear a suit to the ring all the time. I hate when guys wear dressy clothes to the ring for no reason in relation to their gimmick. At least now, all MEM members wear suits so it makes sense to me.

And then you have Steiner, who couldn't be bothered to shower and change in the next 45 minutes. and because of that simply put a jacket over top of his wrestling gear while Angle chastised Christian for not wearing a suit. Seriously, did nobody think to tell Scott "Change into your suit so the angle might make sense"?

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But that actually makes sense. It's SCOTT STEINER. Steiner doesn't give a shit, he's there to beat the shit outta people. They're lucky he even put the jacket on. Besides, Angle being a hypocritical dick is what heels are supposed to do.

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At least with MEM, Angle has a real reason to wear a suit to the ring all the time. I hate when guys wear dressy clothes to the ring for no reason in relation to their gimmick. At least now, all MEM members wear suits so it makes sense to me.

And then you have Steiner, who couldn't be bothered to shower and change in the next 45 minutes. and because of that simply put a jacket over top of his wrestling gear while Angle chastised Christian for not wearing a suit. Seriously, did nobody think to tell Scott "Change into your suit so the angle might make sense"?


Chastising Scott Steiner isn't gonna work. I think it's more of "Scott Steiner does whatever the F he wants, and we deal with it". Christian can't do what Steiner can do.

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I don't know, Nash has been kinda working his ass off lately to help make others look good in his matches. Not only that, but Nash is really high when it comes to good business and if putting Joe over in the future using the old "I'm ducking you now because I have already beat you!" story might be really good business for TNA, Nash, and Joe.


Also with the way Nash has been doing his matches as of lates, I can't really see him all of a sudden just going "fuck it, I'm done!" any time soon.


Are you being sarcastic?


Working his ass off? He's had one basic high profile match all year, the one against Joe, and even though it was impressive to see Joe kick out of all of that offense, the fact that he then couldn't kick out of a low blow and Nash's feet on the ropes kind of, at least to me, made Joe look weak by the end of it. I will admit Nash worked as hard as one would expect him to in that match, but by no means did he really make Joe look good in there as a whole. He was getting there, but then that finish ruined alot of it.


Really high when it comes to good business? I dont get that part at all when he really has, more than anything, devalued any opposition he's worked against for years, and now this officially includes Joe as well.


The apparent storyline of Nash avoiding Joe for an extended period of time is just furthering proof that Joe will never fully get his heat back from Nash in the long run....chances are there will be a convenient parting of ways for Nash and TNA when this time comes for the bookers to say to Nash that the angle (probably streamrolled by Nash himself to the creative team) needs to come to a head and Joe needs to be put over strong. It just seems like he's working the bookers in this situation, trying to put himself over more than Joe, and then when the time comes for the Joe/Nash rematch to occur, he will fight it because in between the first match and the rematch, Joe will probably continue to lose heat in general because he continues to be chumped and buried, and Nash will start to get more and more over because of being in the hot new faction that is being booked as uber dominant and overcoming the odds.


Something is seriously wrong with this picture.

No I'm not being sarcastic at all. I know Nash has a horrible past when it comes to putting people over and playing other politics but at the same time we've all seen Nash when he's really making an effort on making a program/feud/gimmick work and that's what I think he's being trying to do with Joe and judging from what I heard of the Joe vs Nash match at the last ppv, was put over pretty well by Nash during the match (except from the weak finish.).


I really do think Joe will get the return win over Nash but depending on how the match is booked from start to finish is another story in itself.


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I'm liking the way the Guns are being handled right now.


Alex Shelley is such a prick, that I like him now. I always, for some reason or other, never rated Shelley, always liked Sabin, but angle has made me even bigger fans of the two.


And they have kick ass music.

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Their music is nowhere near as good as it was. And I've always really liked Shelley and been dubious about Sabin. But they are an excellent team, and criminally underused. The trouble is, right now they seem to be pulling about two turns a show and even though the fans probably know they are SUPPOSED to cheer the Originals and boo the Mafia, even if they choose not to, no-one seems to know what the hell to do about the MCMGs.

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I don't like the remixed theme either and the lyrics make it even worse.


Yes, I think the words make the song very cheesy sounding.


Foley's theme also has lyrics for some reason too.

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I saw this over at DVD.


Here's how much the TNA roster were paid this year:



AJ Styles-$350,000

Alex Shelley-$150,000

Andrew Thomas-$75,000

Angelina Love-$60,000

Awesome kong-$100,000

BG James-$250,00

Black Reign-$200,000

Booker T-$450,000

Brother Devon-$300,000

Brother Ray-$300,000

Chris Sabin-$150,000

Christian Cage-$450,000

Christy Hemme-$75,000

Consequences(Austin Creed)-$75,000

Curry Man(Christopher Daniels)-$300,000

David Penzer-$75,000

Don West-$150,000

Earl Hebner-$150,000

Eric Young-$200,000

Frank Trigg-$200,000

Gail Kim-$100,000

Hector Guerrero-$100,000




James Storm-$200,000

Jay Lethal-$150,000

Jeff Jarrett-$750,000(vice-president of TNA)

Jeremy Borash-$200,000

Jim Cornette-$250,000

Jimmy Rave-$75,000

Johnny Devine-$100,000


Karen angle-$100,000

Kevin Nash-$450,000

Kip James-$250,000

Kurt Angle-$650,000

Lance Hoyt-$150,000

Matt Morgan-$200,000

Mike Tenay-$200,000


Petey Williams-$150,000

Raisha Saeed-$50,000

Rhaka Khan-$50,000


Robert Roode-$250,000

Roxxi Laveaux-$60,000

Rudy Charles-$100,000


Samoa Joe-$350,000

Scott Steiner-$350,000

Shark Boy-$100,000


So Cal Val-$60,000

Sonjay Dutt-$100,000

Sting-$500,000(Has to make 12 Impact,8 PPV and 8 House show appearances)


Traci Brooks-$100,000

Velvet Sky-$50,000

Willie Urbina-$75,000


Kong and Kim being paid the same as fucking Shark Boy and Rudy Charles?!


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Kong and Kim being paid the same as fucking Shark Boy and Rudy Charles?!

I think they dealt with this issue with Kim already and probably will soon with the likes of Kong and the Beautiful People. As undeniably valuable as the Knockouts have been for TNA it puts them in a really difficult position financially. Raising the pay of the women will almost certainly result in the men demanding more and that would presumably destroy TNA who have only recently become profitable. Kim seemed like a very hard decision they had to make to lose her in order to keep up their basic pay structure and while I assume they'll have to pay out for Kong I could see them losing some others. The advantage is that there's probably only a few of the women who could find better deals in WWE or elsewhere, Kim being one of them. Velvet Sky may not have that same option.

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Frank Trigg gets paid more than the Guns? What the hell has he done to justify that!?

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Only recognize Sting as real estate Steve?

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