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Gary Floyd

The Mist

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If Stephen King is a hack, I'd like to know who isn't. That isn't a comment either meant to start an argument, I'd really like to know what Authors are so good that they make Stephen King's work look horrible because I must be missing something.

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Don't even start that with Edwin, you could be talking about Chaucer or Byron and he'd be all like "ah, you wacky kids and your mainstream literature". (That being said, even as a guy who is often exhasperated by King's novels, I REALLY liked the original Mist short story.)


And Edwin, how dare you call Darabont a hack. This man is more than just Shawshank, he's got an entire lifetime of quality work behind his name! Like... um... Green Mile, yeah, and... uh... well, let's check IMDB... he apparently cowrote The Blob remake, The Fly II, some of the crappier Young Indiana Jones episodes, and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. So don't fuck with Frank. Even the cinematic greats like Andy Sidaris bow down to his genius.

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Heh, there was a running joke on The Onion A.V. Club about Frank Darabont's original screenplay for Mary Shelley's Frankenstein being way better than the final product.


That's all I have to add to this thread.

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... he apparently cowrote The Blob remake

You know, terrible as it is, I actually really like the remake of The Blob, and in fact one of the reasons I agreed to see The Mist was because Jeffrey DeMunn was in it. He was the sheriff in The Blob and in this he was the older guy who came running in with blood on his face yelling about the mist. But, uh, yeah. That says enough about Darabont right there.


I just want my kids back.


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I just saw it tonight. Good shit, and oh man what a fucked up ending.

That ending...yeah, that was great. Probably my favorite ending to a horror movie this year.

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Someone spoiler tag it and write it, I want to know if it was anything like the books ending

David Drayton and co. see that their car has run down, and that the gun only has four bullets. Knowing they won't survive if the stay, he puts them (including his son) out of their misery. He then steps out the car, waiting for one of the creatures to get him...only to find the army, who have rolled in with survivors, handling the situation.

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What was the book's ending?


Just saw it today and quite the film, was paced real good, some strong performances too, and yeah, that ending, WHOA. I didn't really know much of the story beforehand, so was pretty blown away by the creatures in the film.

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What was the book's ending?

It's been a few years since I read it, but as far as I can remember:

The dad escapes in a car with his kid and one or two other people, while the supermarket burns down behind them. They drive through an apocalyptic wasteland filled with destruction and Cthulhu-sized critters. They never find any other survivors, and hole up in an abandoned hotel. Listening to the radio one night, the dad thinks he hears someone say the word "Hartford", a nearby town. Basically it ends kinda abruptly with them apparently planning to go there and hoping they find more people.

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Wow, this movie sucked pretty hard in my book.


I always thought the King story was decent for all its short comings, if not just for the Lovecraft invades suburbia concept, the atompshere, and the bleak hope of the ending. I knew the story but I thought I'd least see some cool monsters but the effects and designs were pretty bland and the changed ending was just bullshit irony. As in the story, the characters were never strong but the performances were weak and sometimes very campy(even the reliable William Salder phoned this one in). Bland direction as well, never really felt as dreadful or supsenseful as it should have; the pacing was just off.

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Well just saw this movie, and I thought it was pretty good. They had that sense of urgency going throughout the movie at the right times, and I thought some of the characters were well done. The ending was a little dreadful, but I understood why he did it. It was almost heroic, but then when the ending rolls around you get that knot in your stomach where you just got punched. The movie was good and the ending was good. It was just reallymorbid.

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Well just saw this movie, and I thought it was pretty good. They had that sense of urgency going throughout the movie at the right times, and I thought some of the characters were well done. The ending was a little dreadful, but I understood why he did it. It was almost heroic, but then when the ending rolls around you get that knot in your stomach where you just got punched. The movie was good and the ending was good. It was just reallymorbid.


Yeah, it is a double-whammy of an ending. I mean first when the hero shoots his son, we all know why he did it, and we kind of sympathize, but we are still left feeling down and dejected, and then to make it even more painful 30 seconds later the calvary arrives to save the day, it reminds me of Buster Douglas knocking out Mike Tyson, the hook was enough to drop him, but the uppercut sealed the deal and ended someone's night.

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That is a perfect way to put it, and I think it accomplished what they wanted as I fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

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Do any of you remember me bitching about how much I hated The Village and The Day After Tomorrow? If not, just go back and read my thoughts on them both.


The reason I mention that in this thread is simple - in my opinion, The Mist is right up there with the aforementioned pieces of shit. I don't know how anyone can actually call this a great film, unless they only mean "great" in that it's great to mock and to make fun of from beginning to in. Now that, I'll agree with. I saw it with my cousin, and it was just us and a group of three other people watching. We all thought it was horrible, and mocked it all the while. Hell, me and my cousin basicly wrote the film as it went along. After one scene, we'd guess what we thought the next horrible moment, cliche would happen next, and sure enough that's pretty much exactly what would happen.


I'm not even going to bother going into details, but my God, this was one horrible picture. One of the most unintentionally funny horrible movies in quite a while.

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Finally got around to seeing this. It was based off of a novella by Stephen King and it is amazing.



I can't really say anything else about it without giving too much away for those who haven't seen it.

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People keep saying that but seriously, are you suggesting there was a better option there?


I loved the movie myself. my only problem was:


They didn't have to have the mist and the military show up 3 minutes after he killed everyone. that was just silly and over the top way of saying "IF ONLY HE HAD WAITED!! Perfect way to end the movie would be for him to faint after killing his kid, then waking up later and the mist lifting or better yet it ending with him in the mist, yelling for the monsters to come on, pull back, fade to mist.


I will say that when i heard some kid say that it ripped off Halflife, I wanted to punch him in his stupid little throat.

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I didn't read the story, so if it's authentic to the story, then kudos to them for doing it. But the ending just left me very depressed about the whole thing. The whole movie was built towards the father sort of saving the son from the whole ordeal. I guess his solution was realistic, but wow, morbid.

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It sucked for me. It's an opinionated statement. Hardly factual.


edit: I should also mention I got in the doghouse with my wife, because she watched it with me, and she hated that she had to see that ending.

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