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Lt. Al Giardello

What kinda weapons do you own?

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I also have a bulletproof vest...



Has anyone EVER shot at you?


Once... But I don't really want to talk about it.



So why the fuck do you need a bullet proof vest....


Just for the fuck of it... I didn't even pay for it.

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Seriously, I find a woman carrying a gun for protection to be monumentally retarded for many reasons. (Unless she happens to be Marney, who probably doesn't even need it) There are better ways to go about it. Tazers, mace, etc... they will take somebody down. Carrying a gun is just going to get you hurt.

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Unless you live in the kind of neighborhood where the street criminals tend to carry guns, too. If they've got a firearm and you've got a tazer or pepper spray, I don't like your chances. Plus there's the intimidation factor. How scared are you of someone who menacingly pulls out a can of mace? It's a bit different looking down the barrel of a gat.

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Unless you live in the kind of neighborhood where the street criminals tend to carry guns, too. If they've got a firearm and you've got a tazer or pepper spray, I don't like your chances. Plus there's the intimidation factor. How scared are you of someone who menacingly pulls out a can of mace? It's a bit different looking down the barrel of a gat.

Wrong on all counts. Whether it's a tazer or a gun, the winner is whoever gets a shot off first, it's not like you're throwing hadokens. And they're not for intimidation, they're to use. If you've ever been maced or tazed, you would be scared of it. Shit hurts. And I don't mean to disappoint you, but it's not like I've never had a gun pointed at me before. It's actually less intimidating. 1) You can tell if the person pointing it at you has never shot anyone and/or doesn't know how to use it. 2) You know full well they will mace or taze you, whereas a lot of people can't even go through with shooting someone.

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gotta agree with Milky on that one. EVERYONE would tase or mase someone. A precious few is prepared to just shoot someone.

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I been tazed. I know it hurts. I still don't understand the reasoning that you'd be more frightened of a non-lethal weapon with temporary effects and a very limited range than you would be of a gun. Even if they don't have the knowledge or the will to use it, they could still just jump at a sudden movement or something and shoot you anyway.

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Guest College Party

Jingus, how did you run afoul of the law in order to be tazed?

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Not police tazer, one of those civilian stungun thingies. One of the wrestlers used it as a gimmick, and in the locker room they were constantly sneaking up on people and zapping them. Plus my brother and his various cop/security/military buddies would often get drunk, pull out the hardware, and proceed to become menaces to society.

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I been tazed. I know it hurts. I still don't understand the reasoning that you'd be more frightened of a non-lethal weapon with temporary effects and a very limited range than you would be of a gun. Even if they don't have the knowledge or the will to use it, they could still just jump at a sudden movement or something and shoot you anyway.


It's very simple. Range is unimportant, as I don't think anyone is expecting to snipe their mugger/rapist. I don't know if you've shot guns or not, but it's challenging. I'm actually a pretty good shot, but I wouldn't be confident enough in myself to hit my target if my life depended on it from farther away than the range of a can of mace. Jumping at a sudden movement is actually a decent way to miss... and here just some of the trouble starts. You pull a gun on a hardened criminal and you don't incapacitate them, you piss them off. They might have just wanted your money/ass, but if you take a shot at them, be prepared to finish the job.

It like what you were saying about street criminals... if you want to arm yourself like them, be prepared to fight like them too. It's the same principal as when I was in middle school and they let girls join the football team. I wouldn't normally go around body checking girls, but if she puts herself in that situation, well... If anything, I hit them harder to teach them a lesson about gender equality.


That's a lot of what it comes down to. If you mace me, I won't like it, but it'll be like "Well, I was going to rape you, it's only fair." You pull a gun on me, I'll fucking kill you.


For the home, guns are fine, but just carrying it around is asking for trouble.

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It's very simple. Range is unimportant, as I don't think anyone is expecting to snipe their mugger/rapist. I don't know if you've shot guns or not, but it's challenging. I'm actually a pretty good shot, but I wouldn't be confident enough in myself to hit my target if my life depended on it from farther away than the range of a can of mace.

Yeah, I've fired guns. Not a whole lot, but enough to get the point. I don't understand the range arguement either; yeah, you might miss firing at someone that far away, but if you had a different weapon you'd have zero chance of hitting them anyway.


Plus, stuff like mace is useless under certain conditions. A heavy wind or rainstorm turns it into a glorified hairspray can. Also, depending on what kind you use, some people can take a full dose of the shit right in the face and keep coming for you. And with a tazer/stungun you have to be close enough for them to grab you, hit them just right, and hope it's enough to take them down. And if there's multiple attackers, well, ya fucked. Way too many variables. That's the difference with a gun: it works pretty much anywhere, on pretty much anyone.


Jumping at a sudden movement is actually a decent way to miss... and here just some of the trouble starts. You pull a gun on a hardened criminal and you don't incapacitate them, you piss them off.

General rule of thumb: never point a gun at anyone within arm's reach. Or even slightly further away. I call it the Bruce Lee theorem: "if Bruce Lee was standing that far away, could he kick the gun out of my hand?" Up close, guns are only useful for intimidation if you're aiming at the kind of person who freezes up under pressure and wouldn't try anything. And of course you can't ever guarantee that someone will be like that, so, generally, if you're gonna draw down on someone close, try to take a couple steps back.


It like what you were saying about street criminals... if you want to arm yourself like them, be prepared to fight like them too. It's the same principal as when I was in middle school and they let girls join the football team. I wouldn't normally go around body checking girls, but if she puts herself in that situation, well... If anything, I hit them harder to teach them a lesson about gender equality.

That's one reason I try to avoid fights. When it comes to an actual physical struggle with intent to cause harm, I have no sense of "fair play" whatsoever. I'm an eye-gouging, nut-stomping, fish-hooking, extremity-biting bastard. If someone is really trying to hurt me, I have no problem with picking up the nearest heavy object and smashing it over their head as hard as I can. Til they stop moving. I see no reason to get involved in some kind of "friendly barfight" or something similar. Fuck that bullshit. Don't fight unless it's worth killing for.


They might have just wanted your money/ass, but if you take a shot at them, be prepared to finish the job.


That's a lot of what it comes down to. If you mace me, I won't like it, but it'll be like "Well, I was going to rape you, it's only fair." You pull a gun on me, I'll fucking kill you.

Okay, but there are plenty of nutcases out there who'll kill you for any kind of fighting back. Or because they think you might fight back. Or because they hate people of your gender/race/age/class/size/whatever. Or because someone specifically planned ahead of time to murder you. Or because you just happened to be in the wrong place when someone decides to go postal. There's all kinds of reasons someone might decide to kill. If someone tries to carjack me, I can't read his mind and tell if he's the type of guy who just wants the car and will let me go unharmed, or that other type.


For the home, guns are fine, but just carrying it around is asking for trouble.

Don't the majority of shootings involving legally registered guns tend to be accidents in the home?

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General rule of thumb: never point a gun at anyone within arm's reach. Or even slightly further away. I call it the Bruce Lee theorem: "if Bruce Lee was standing that far away, could he kick the gun out of my hand?" Up close, guns are only useful for intimidation if you're aiming at the kind of person who freezes up under pressure and wouldn't try anything. And of course you can't ever guarantee that someone will be like that, so, generally, if you're gonna draw down on someone close, try to take a couple steps back.


Except in the rape/mugging situation being discussed in this thread the person you'd be pointing the gun at would, in fact, be right next to you. People don't usually declare that they intend to rape you while standing at a safe distance.

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Of course. And in that situation, the game plan changes to "pull out gun, empty it into their torso at point-blank range". If someone's already got their hands on you, it's way past time to try and warn or scare them off.

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What are you even arguing about anymore? Weren't you the one who said his father saved the family by shooting somebody who broke into your house? I'm sure if everyone carried guns, there'd be a lot more accidental shootings.


Your idea has devolved into absurdity.


So you're walking down a dark alley in a heavy rainstorm, multiple attackers are approaching you, and your solution to this scenario is to carry a gun?


Weapons trigger the self preservation instinct... guns trigger the survival instinct. That's the other thing about criminals. They've had guns fired at them before. Some of them have even been shot. They know all about guns. They know how they work and what they mean. You're not going to scare them.


There aren't plenty of nutcases who will kill you for any kind of fighting back. That's rare. Bringing lunatics into the equation is insane. You might as well barricade yourself at home and wear a bulletproof vest 24/7. If someone tries to carjack you, newsflash: he wants your car. Give it to him.


I don't even think you believe this anymore, you've been forced into defending yourself because you have some kind of fetish for women with guns.

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I actually agree with Milky on this one. If you're going to carry a gun, be absolutely fucking CERTAIN that you're prepared to kill another human being. Don't screw around on this.

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What are you even arguing about anymore? Weren't you the one who said his father saved the family by shooting somebody who broke into your house? I'm sure if everyone carried guns, there'd be a lot more accidental shootings.

No, my dad just finally got to his shotgun and the guy ran away. After he shot my dad five times. And the guy came to the house specifically planning to handcuff, torture, and murder my father, stepmother, and younger brother. (And the only reason I wasn't on the list is because my mom and stepdad had primary custody of me and I lived with her.) The attacker had written his plans down on paper and everything. After an something like that, do you blame me for wanting to go armed?


So you're walking down a dark alley in a heavy rainstorm, multiple attackers are approaching you, and your solution to this scenario is to carry a gun?

Plan A is to not be in the dark alley in the first place. Plan B is to run away. And if forced into any Plan C, I'd way rather have a gun than a wimpier weapon.


Weapons trigger the self preservation instinct... guns trigger the survival instinct. That's the other thing about criminals. They've had guns fired at them before. Some of them have even been shot. They know all about guns. They know how they work and what they mean. You're not going to scare them.

A gun isn't for scaring people. It's for shooting them. That's my point. You keep going back to the "intimidation" or "scare 'em off" factor, which isn't even something I'm talking about here. If I happen to be in an unlikely situation where I could frighten away a possible attacker with a gun, well then yippee, I got out of it without having to try to kill someone. But that's not what weapons are primarily for.


There aren't plenty of nutcases who will kill you for any kind of fighting back. That's rare. Bringing lunatics into the equation is insane. You might as well barricade yourself at home and wear a bulletproof vest 24/7. If someone tries to carjack you, newsflash: he wants your car. Give it to him.

Yes, I know that the odds that I'll ever be in a situation where a gun is useful are pretty damn low. But it's the old "rather have it and not need it" point that I'm making here.


I don't even think you believe this anymore, you've been forced into defending yourself because you have some kind of fetish for women with guns.

No, the comment I made to Kristianna was a facetious joke. The truth is, the idea of other people having guns makes me terribly nervous. I don't like the idea of being unarmed when other people aren't. I'm not even trying to say that everyone should carry a gun, or that they're a magical happy cure-all for street crime, or any of that shit. My point is that, if it came to the point where I needed a weapon to defend my life, I'd way rather have a gun than something less effective.

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You keep going back to the "intimidation" or "scare 'em off" factor, which isn't even something I'm talking about here.


You brought it up.


Plus there's the intimidation factor. How scared are you of someone who menacingly pulls out a can of mace? It's a bit different looking down the barrel of a gat.


But apparently we can agree that this isn't true, so that point is resolved.



I think the resolution here is that you are edgy and paranoid, and, as you say, that's even understandable to a point, and I contend that carrying a gun is more likely to cause you problems than save your life. You really underestimate non-lethal weapons. If you really want to kill the person, stomp on their neck a couple times after you incapacitate them, which mace and tasers will do in one hit.


I mean, not for nothing, your dad was still able to get to his shotgun after he'd been shot five times...


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You brought it up.


But apparently we can agree that this isn't true, so that point is resolved.



I still maintain that it's more frightening to have a gun pointed at you than a can of mace. Beyond that, I wasn't trying to say anything else.



Maybe a gun would cause more problems. I dunno, I've never had the disposable cash to buy one. But I don't see exactly how, since I'm serious about not willing to pull the thing out unless I was really in a situation where I needed to shoot someone. I wouldn't be one of those redneck assholes who causes trouble by constantly showing off his gun at the drop of a hat.


I mean, not for nothing, your dad was still able to get to his shotgun after he'd been shot five times...

Practically for nothing. Pure luck. He caught one in the stomach and one in the back, and somehow neither shot hit anything important. Worse, he got three bullets in the head. Pure luck that none of the bullets penetrated into his brain. According to simple biology and ballistic probability, he should've died.

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That's one reason I try to avoid fights. When it comes to an actual physical struggle with intent to cause harm, I have no sense of "fair play" whatsoever. I'm an eye-gouging, nut-stomping, fish-hooking, extremity-biting bastard. If someone is really trying to hurt me, I have no problem with picking up the nearest heavy object and smashing it over their head as hard as I can. Til they stop moving. I see no reason to get involved in some kind of "friendly barfight" or something similar. Fuck that bullshit. Don't fight unless it's worth killing for.



this i totally agree with. especially the eye-gouging, nut-stomping, fish-hooking, extremity-biting part. whenever i hear of a woman getting raped, i always ask myself "is there a good reason she couldn't get a ball shot in?"


one of the only useful things my mom ever taught me, was if a man tried to attack me, go for the balls.


and maybe this is the 'i watch too much wrestling' thing, but i pity the fool that jumps me in a dark alley, as i have a pretty mean DDT.

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That's one reason I try to avoid fights. When it comes to an actual physical struggle with intent to cause harm, I have no sense of "fair play" whatsoever. I'm an eye-gouging, nut-stomping, fish-hooking, extremity-biting bastard. If someone is really trying to hurt me, I have no problem with picking up the nearest heavy object and smashing it over their head as hard as I can. Til they stop moving. I see no reason to get involved in some kind of "friendly barfight" or something similar. Fuck that bullshit. Don't fight unless it's worth killing for.



this i totally agree with. especially the eye-gouging, nut-stomping, fish-hooking, extremity-biting part. whenever i hear of a woman getting raped, i always ask myself "is there a good reason she couldn't get a ball shot in?"


one of the only useful things my mom ever taught me, was if a man tried to attack me, go for the balls.


and maybe this is the 'i watch too much wrestling' thing, but i pity the fool that jumps me in a dark alley, as i have a pretty mean DDT.



thats not good advice. Balls are too small of a target and men instictively will protect their balls at all cost. they won't even think about it. As the shot towards the balls come they are going to avoid it...then get pissed off.


You are better off with the eye gouging, fishhooking and bitting.

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That's one reason I try to avoid fights. When it comes to an actual physical struggle with intent to cause harm, I have no sense of "fair play" whatsoever. I'm an eye-gouging, nut-stomping, fish-hooking, extremity-biting bastard. If someone is really trying to hurt me, I have no problem with picking up the nearest heavy object and smashing it over their head as hard as I can. Til they stop moving. I see no reason to get involved in some kind of "friendly barfight" or something similar. Fuck that bullshit. Don't fight unless it's worth killing for.



this i totally agree with. especially the eye-gouging, nut-stomping, fish-hooking, extremity-biting part. whenever i hear of a woman getting raped, i always ask myself "is there a good reason she couldn't get a ball shot in?"


one of the only useful things my mom ever taught me, was if a man tried to attack me, go for the balls.


and maybe this is the 'i watch too much wrestling' thing, but i pity the fool that jumps me in a dark alley, as i have a pretty mean DDT.



thats not good advice. Balls are too small of a target and men instictively will protect their balls at all cost. they won't even think about it. As the shot towards the balls come they are going to avoid it...then get pissed off.


You are better off with the eye gouging, fishhooking and bitting.


Yeah, plus most guys had gym in junior high where much surprise nutshots were common. We have training in protecting the goods, at least much more than a scared woman who is being attacked would have going for the goods.


The eyes are the thing.

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maybe i'll change up my attack stradegy then. seems like dropping on the head and/or taking out kneecaps is the way to go.

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