Kinetic 0 Report post Posted May 15, 2008 I remember having the option of signing up for a Music Theory class in, like, 7th grade. I honestly believed that this would entail discussion such as "My music theory is that I like to rock." When I discovered that it wasn't so, I opted out. I've come to regard this as a mistake. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
naiwf 0 Report post Posted May 15, 2008 7th and 8th grades were the two worst years of my life because I went from a public school in an urban environment where I was pretty much just like everyone else (except for the fact that I had the highest grades) to an elitist private school full of people who were nothing like me. On top of that, the campus was 75-90 minutes away from where I lived so I had to be up at 6 to make an 8:30 class and got home at 4 on an early day since we got out at 2:30 on Fridays, 3:10 on Tues/Weds and 3:40 on Mon/Thurs. So between the three hours or so spent going to and from school, the 6-7 hours of mindnumbing torture that was my schedule and the minimum of 2-3 hours of homework every night, I pretty much grew to hate everyone and everything in my life at that point. By high school (which I also did there because I didn't want to transfer and have to start over with a new set of rich, snobby assholes) I was numbed to the point that I honestly don't remember too much about those 4 years except tearing up my knee and breaking my wrist in separate basketball injuries. Looking back on it, if I had just gone to the school my parents wanted me to go to I probably would have enjoyed the ages of 12 to 18 a lot more, I'd have gone straight to college and I'd probably be making at least $75,000/year by now, but I'd also probably be bald(ing), have high blood pressure and ulcers because I'd have gone straight to Wall Street and become the kind of guy that I absolutely hate now. I guess 6 years of a shitty experience on the front end kind of evens things out in the end because 22 to death is a hell of a lot longer to be miserable, and I know that I was on the fast track to that kind of life because everyone I knew was pushing me in that direction from the time I was about 9 or 10. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Niggardly King 0 Report post Posted May 15, 2008 I remember like in the 6th grade getting put in a slow class after 7 weeks in regular classes since all I did was class clown it, sleep, and act like a fucking prick to the teachers. Nothing really happened in slow class... we got the schoolwork equivalent of maybe what I did in 3rd or 4th grade. I got in A in every course that year except gym, which was a C since I never liked running on mile days. I'd just walk it with about 20 other kids, but then we started getting detentions as we would slow down the whole track for everyone. 7th grade was like nothing really. I can't remember shit. Except one time this ghetto black chick in art class beat the shit out of the retarded deaf mexican girl. She had two handfuls of her hair and kneed the holy hell out of her face for a good minute before anyone tried to break it up. Oh and my best friend future huge stoner thought the best class end project for us to do would be to make a giant green lego for the art class. So we paper mache'd this giant wreck, about four of us. He became a little bitch since it looked like shit and he was obsessed with legos. So I threw it down and stomped on it a few times since he was treating everyone like shit. we made some changes, said it was a turtle and got B- for it. 8th grade was the worst. I knew things would be interesting as on the 2nd day I almost pissed on some kid, but like on accident. See since May of 7th grade, my routine for lunch was to bring my CD player and just have my favorite song or two at the moment on repeat. Well, I'm jamming to Bittersweet Symphony while pissing and then I look down and to the right and I see like two 7th graders shoving a small new kids head towards the urinal. I zip quick and freak the fuck out, and I haven't been able to enjoy that song in quite the same way ever since. 8th grade was also the time I got rejected by every girl I asked out... all 39 of 'em! In fact it's how many of my friendships started with a bunch of people in different crowds as basically I became known as the "Nigga with no game!" by the ghetto crowd, and "Fuck, dude's got balls!" by the popular crowd. Interesting time. Also, first drinking and weed experience was in 8th... the first time I smoked weed though it was a big mistake. It was a rainy April day, and my best friend got some from his brother's stash for school and hid it in his lunch cooler. We smoked it at lunch by the baseball diamonds all the way on the other side of school, since no one goes out there during the rain. That was fun, but the one thing I forgot to think about before this is that I had PE right after lunch. So I'm freaking out since Rainy Day means one of two things... it would be a free gym day, hang out, shoot hoops, throw a football around the gym, whatever you want, or dodgeball. Yup, we played Dodgeball. Another thing I forgot while being high, is to never go where your picked on... always find what side Donte was on and go on that side, cuz Donte was supposed to be a Junior in High School by now, and he fucks people up in Dodgeball. So yeah, about five minutes into it, I'm like staring at the wall not paying attention and I hear my gym teacher shout my name. I turn around and I get met with a fastball right to the fucking face and the back of my head smacks against the wall. I go down, gym clears out, people think I'm dead... and I get wheeled off to the hospital where I'm met with my dad's sage old advice, "Gotta move, dumbass!" I'm out of school for one week, when I come back everyone looks at me like a zombie, friends say they were ready to send me a get well box of doughnuts, and Donte apologizes for some reason. We smoke a blunt after school, and then he tried to hook me up with his hoodrat friend who was 19, nothing happened and then we were friends for like a year. Oh and they banned dodgeball for 3 years at the school. The conclusion of 8th grade was the fact that I could pass as long as I didn't have more than one F. Even if the rest were all Ds. I had like 3 Fs 10 weeks away from graduation. School panics, creates new program for students like me where we go off campus, for last 140 minutes of school, and go to a tutoring center all the way in the ghetto. It meant you got two classes dropped, which for me was Art and History. I was pissed because I had an A in art, and I had to keep Algebra which I never gave a damn about and Science which sucked because I didn't have access to a computer at the time which means every report would get 30% knocked off them even when I used my old ass typewriter. But yeah, I got moved to a different Algebra class, which was more of a basic math class as that's all we would do in there. But yeah tutoring place in the ghetto sucked. I had to quit wearing my nice blue, red, and gray shirts just like everyone else for fears of being shot or something. And all we did in there was talk. It was cool because I had my best friend in that bitch, and there was one cool tutor who was pretty hot who would always sneak out back and we'd share a joint or blunt with her and talk about life. One of the things I didn't like though was the bus driver. We had a tv/dvd player in the bus and all he would play is fucking Tigerland... which I think is what started my hate for Collin Farrell. I saw that shit 42 days in a row. But yeah thanks to this new program and wiping off two classes, I was able to pass, just like everyone else in that program did. Damn, I didn't mean to make this bitch a TL;DR post, but fuck I was able to finally remember this and not just try and repress it like usual. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Desensitized Report post Posted May 15, 2008 I remember having the option of signing up for a Music Theory class in, like, 7th grade. I honestly believed that this would entail discussion such as "My music theory is that I like to rock." When I discovered that it wasn't so, I opted out. I've come to regard this as a mistake. I don't think you'd like music theory. I don't. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tzar Lysergic Report post Posted May 15, 2008 I got as far as 7th chords. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
A Happy Medium 0 Report post Posted May 15, 2008 Junior High School was decidely awful in my suburban Chicago town. 6th was the worst because I had no clue what was going on, was miserable with my classmates, got really fat, and generally kept to myself outside of my friends. However, I got into a fight at the end of sixth grade. I blacked out, won the fight, and got a three day weekend through an early morning suspension. I've actually been piecing it back together for about ten years now. All I know is that I started throwing knees and eventually had him off of his feet with two hands around his neck. I agree with Annie that it can be pretty fucking scary to go down that road. Lets see. Nothing happened in 7th and 8th grade. The only memorable thing is that I had this cunt Mrs. Kish for Math lab in 8th grade. I already had her for sixth grade Math. I was good in Math before that class before her terrible job. Oh, in eighth grade I moved to DFW, which was strange. I go from being one of the bigger kids in the school to this new school with kids that are the some age, but are somehow 6'4" and have goatees. I believe these kids were those jocks that were being fed growth hormones. High School was a better time. It wasn't much better, but it was bearable. No one bothered you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kinetic 0 Report post Posted May 15, 2008 In 9th grade, I was permanently ejected from my English class for writing some fairly sexually suggestive things about the teacher in my class journal. To this day, I have no idea why I did it. I mean, she was probably about 25 and not unattractive, but the idea that I was attempting to seduce her never entered my mind. I just thought it was funny, I guess. I was really into Howard Stern at the time. In any event, I was moved to a Reading class, which was some sort of remedial thing that I breezed through. But word got around about the whole thing, and I was well into 10th grade before any girl would have anything to do with me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dr. Zoidberg 0 Report post Posted May 15, 2008 Middle School suuuuucked. -It was RIGHT across the street from my house, yet I was always late. -The girls picked on me for being chubby, then for some reason thought I was hot two years later in high school. Don't know why. -The school dickhead asshole pile of shit cunt Nick was in every one of classes. He's selling drugs to middle school students now, so...HA! -my "girlfriend" at the time looked like a squirrel. -that same girl, in high school, sucked off ten people from the same group, and they all said she was horrible at it, so...I'm stoked I got out of it. -Not about me, but there was this girl who was partially blind who tried to get off scott-free for everything. Like, a teacher passed out an assignment, and she was like "Do I have to do it?" Yeah, idiot. You're partially blind, not dead. And THEEEEEEEEEEEEN there was high school, which only sucked until Senior Year...YAY! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maztinho 0 Report post Posted May 17, 2008 I got as far as 7th chords. After that it's just a clusterfuck of dissonance anyways. Yeah, I'm looking at you Minor 11th. KOAB's Dodgeball story reminded me that I was a school legend for like a week because I guess I got KTFO with a headshot while I was leaning over to grab a ball that was rolling back off the bleachers and I got up screamed some non-sense and threw the ball up in the air across the gym which went in the basketball hoop on the other side of the gym and then I fell down on the ground again. That's what everyone was telling me anyways. All I remember was leaning over to pick up the ball, a teammate yelling my name, and then the female gym teacher (I dunno where my teacher was, likely jerking off in the shower) leaning over me asking me how many fingers she was holding up. Also my shirt had a cool ass bloodstain on it from my bloody nose the rest of the year. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Smues Report post Posted May 17, 2008 Also in middle school my Amazonian councilor didn't want to let me into Pre-Algebra eventhough my math teacher said I was too advanced for the class I was defaulted into because I mismarked something on my sign up. She did this based purely off of one semesters grade in Math from the 4th grade, which was a C+. I got fucked out of pre-algebra myself. I was told in 6th grade if I got all 1's in math all year (I think there were 8-10 math grades) then I'd get into pre-algebra in 7th grade. I got 1's in every math grade all 4 quarters, and was excited for pre-al, then they fucked me and tossed me in normal 7th grade math. It was depressing once I got into 8th grade being in pre-al and seeing the 7th graders that got in. On the other hand being in 7th grade math and seeing 8th graders was pretty funny so I guess it balanced out. I somehow got even more fucked over in math in high school, but that's a story for another thread. In 7th grade P.E. there was a kid who apparantly discovered fire that year because most every day he was either spraying his cologn and lighting it like a blowtorch, or pouring it on the concrete floor and lighting it. We all just oooo'd and aaahhhhh'd because it looked cool. Then one day after a month or two of this (and trying to burn the net on the tennis court but failing) some kid finally ratted him out. The funny part was the P.E. lady couldn't remember who had told her, so she just said to all the guys "Whoever saw him starting fires come out to the gym please." The one kid who told her walked out, then the rest of us all looked at each other, kind of realized there was no way we could deny having seen it and we'd probably get in trouble if we didn't come forward, so we all at once walked out as a group, everyone except the deaf kids. Which also reminds me that my jr. high was the one with all the deaf kids in the district. So I had several classes where there would be an interpreter up front doing sign language. Nothing notable came of this, except the time I got mad at one of my teachers and mouthed, MOUTHER, the word bitch. The deaf interpreter saw me do it and gave me a double infraction for bad language. Bitch. Oh and one of the deaf kids worked on the year book staff and oddly enough was in the book a zillion times. Odd! And THAT reminds me that in our 8th grade band yearbook picture some girl in the front row is flipping the bird. As an almost graduated 8th grader I thought that was the coolest thing ever. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tzar Lysergic Report post Posted May 17, 2008 I was the fucking executioner at dodgeball. I'm no athlete, but I can whip a rubber kickball hard enough to split lips and break glasses. High school gym class was incredibly violent. One of my favorite classes, except for gay shit like soccer. I ditched class to smoke most of the time that week. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Kamala 0 Report post Posted May 17, 2008 I was never particularly bad or good at dodgeball but my favorite mundane sports achievement happened at the sport. So one day in 7th grade, we were playing and my team was stinking on ice that day. I was employing the strategy of hanging in the back and chucking any ball that came way. Eventually, everybody on my team is eliminated except me and there's still about 12 kids left on the other team and they have all of the balls. Somehow I manage to dodge three or four of 'em and then manage to catch one to let the rest of my team back in the game and we proceed to kick ass and take names. I also ripped my shirt off on a dare in middle school P.E. I was an odd kid. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maztinho 0 Report post Posted May 17, 2008 Another Dodgeball story, we had a substitute teacher that was 7 foot plus. I guess he rode the pine for UCLA or something and then became the world's tallest substitute teacher. Anyways he was pretty cool, and some of the smart ass punk kids talked him into joining in at dodgeball thinking he'd be an easy target. Well for whatever reason they goaded him into throwing a ball as hard as he could and the kid ducked and popped up laughing only for the richocet off the bleachers nail him directly in the back of the head and send him face first to the hardwood. And at our school the ball was still in play until it hit the floor, so Vroman got the kid out. We also would only get one person back in at a time for a catch, but if we could hit a jumpshot on their hoop (they always left the hoops down in the gym, I think we'd play soccer or touch football like once and then basketball every other day) our whole team could come back. We also had a British sub who would regale us with sarcastic remarks about everything in the room and swear alot, which to a 7th grader in Utah was like the funniest thing ever. "Where's Waldo? Who the bloody `ell cares?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cran Da Maniac 0 Report post Posted May 18, 2008 I was a beast at Dodgeball. If you could peg me with a ball then either I let you or you caught me off guard. Tho I did get injured in a dodgeball like game one time. We were playing a game called Assassination (tho the Christian Councelors at the Y changed the name to Elimination), the rules being that it was a free range dodgeball, and the only person who could not move is the one holding the ball. Well we were doing 2-Ball Assassination, with a kickball and a beach ball. This one kid throws the beach ball, everybody holds back except me to get the ball. I bend down to grab it, he throws the kickball. It hits my thumb, instantly jamming it. The only other thing I can remember about middle school was that in intramurals (played between homerooms) I won the 7th grade volleyball tournament, serving 13 straight points to the other team. I was on FIRE! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AboveAverage484 0 Report post Posted May 21, 2008 Middle school wasn't THAT bad. The work was still fairly easy and we went outside every Friday afternoon and played dodgeball or kickball ("Fun Friday"). I also met a lot of my closest friends for the first time in middle school. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corey_Lazarus 0 Report post Posted May 23, 2008 6th grade: I was a total fucking tool. Even more so than I am now. I had this lame crewcut, was the fat kid that everybody picked on (which was funny, because I wasn't even the biggest kid in most of my classes), and was just generally a punching bag for everybody. Then I flipped out, ran down the corridor after some kid that was giving me shit all day, and just punted the back of his knee. He limped for about a week afterwards, so people stopped fucking with me to the extent that they were. Outside of that? Not much really happened in 6th grade. It was bliss compared to 7th and 8th. 7th grade: I started getting an attitude, starting growing out my hair, and really got more into heavy metal and wrestling. Somehow, since wrestling was HUGE and I was regarded as the biggest fan in the school, I was kinda popular. I never understood it, considering I hated everybody but the five people or so I hung out with (one of whom decided to try a sex-change procedure and then died of cancer, one who is a pretty damn successful college grade working for EMC, one who just does construction and gets high, one who is a total art fag and allegedly moved to Texas to be with some 16-year-old chick he met online, and one that I still hang out with now and then but don't really like), but whatever. I remember getting an ISS for getting into a fight with somebody because they were giving me shit, and then getting another one for making a joke at a teacher's expense during lunch. The latter pretty much came about because the teacher told us all to quiet down, I just mocked how he said it, and then he got in my face and asked me if I thought I was funny, and I said that I did. Bam: in-school suspension. Fun times. 8th grade: Oh my...I made a list of people I just did not fucking like one bit. Some were teachers, some were other school faculty, some were kids, and some were people who didn't even go to the school but lived in my neighborhood (older/younger). A substitute found it after it fell out of my pocket and turned it in, since this was following the Arkansas school shooting with the two brothers and their grandpa's hunting rifle. 1 day ISS, and a conference with my parents, and the whole situation was debugged. Then Columbine happened, and I was given these weird stares from students and faculty alike. Probably because I wore all black, hand long hair, and carried a duffel bag instead of a backpack (because I had it and I liked it due to the increased carrying size). So me and my friends (the one who went to Texas and the one who was transgendered) made this newsletter about a month after Columbine, the "Firebrand Times," with the agreement that none of us would have our real names on it. The "editor," Sean (dead tranny), decided to put our names on it anyway, and then we put three copies on every table in the lunchroom (about 20-25 tables). The principal started yelling at us and came close to pushing one of us before the vice entered the room, explaining that he could have us thrown in prison for a federal offense (something about disruption of the school learning environment). 1 day OSS, 2 day ISS for me, 2 day OSS for Jason (who "moved to Texas" in the last year), and 3 day OSS for Sean. The last day of 8th grade, the principal asked me if I liked middle school right before I left to head to the bus, and I just shook my head and said "hell no" before walking out the door. High school...pfft, high school didn't really matter. Freshman year was tight, senior year was great, but the other two sucked balls. Friends/family died, lame fucking teachers who didn't know how to do anything but act like a puppy (literally), drama with girlfriends/close friends, and just shit in general. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NoCalMike 0 Report post Posted May 23, 2008 Yeah I think I was generally regarded as the "go-to guy" for wrestling questions/information in jr. high and highschool. These asian kids looked at me as a god once because I came to school wearing an ECW Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alfdogg 0 Report post Posted June 1, 2008 Like most of you, middle school sucked for me, and I'm thankful it was only two years. Seventh grade was easily the worst year of all of school for me. I was suspended three times in the first semester, twice for fighting and once for calling my reading teacher a dumb bitch. I was on the football team, but it was a pretty horrible experience and I never tried it again. My CO2 car went undefeated in the races in Industrial Arts, but since I didn't have the fastest overall time I didn't get the automatic A for winning. Bullshit. In eighth grade, I joined the band, for the free trip to Kings' Island at the end of the year. I played the bass clarinet, and was in a class with all seventh-grade girls. I was a prominent member of the chess team, placing third in the school tourney, second in the city and seventh in the county, and played in the state finals on the B-team, first board. My Industrial Arts teacher was a drunken asshole who was busted by a student with vodka in his mug, which he claimed was "coffee." He sent me in the hall once for sliding across the sawdust-covered floor. He was fired the following year for either hitting a student or throwing a block of wood at one, I can't remember which. I've heard both stories. I skipped class for the first time, successfully, but was later ratted out by someone who overheard me discussing it with a friend. I was given a Saturday detention, and I kicked his ass following the eighth-grade dance. It's the only time I was ever caught skipping. Anyway, the only times I ever went back to that hell hole was for the yearly county chess tournaments, and driving my brother to-and-from. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SamoaRowe 0 Report post Posted June 1, 2008 Fifth grade = alright. Sixth grade = miserable. Seventh grade = somehow even more miserable. Eighth grade = actually pretty great. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Epic Narcissism Report post Posted June 5, 2008 I won the geography bee in 7th and 8th grade. When I won in 7th grade, it was considered an upset because I was only known for being the spelling bee guy, and I outlasted a bunch of really smart 8th graders. When I won in 8th grade, everyone resented me for winning it again because that meant I had won the 5th grade spelling bee, 6th grade spelling bee, 7th grade spelling bee, 7th grade geography bee, and now 8th grade geography bee. I was like Tom Brady with less-than-sterling cheekbones and flat feet. Everyone was a jerk to me for a while. I mean, lots of people were a jerk to me for years, but in this case, it was specifically because I won a second geography bee. It was odd how everyone seemed to care about this total dork pursuit for like two weeks of the shallowest materialistic years of our lives. It was like the essay contest in I Accuse My Parents. When I took the test to qualify for the state level, everyone went back to thinking I was cool again. I never understood the whole thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Smues Report post Posted June 5, 2008 We had a 7th grade vs. 8th grade baseball spelling bee contest every year. I didn't get to participate in 7th grade, but I made the team in 8th grade. I only got to the plate once, and I drew a 'single' word which I think was surface, so I nailed that one and got on base, and I know someone drove me home. So I did my part, no matter how small it was. The key thing I remember about the game was this girl whom I couldn't stand and had plenty of problems with got up to bat. What you were supposed to do at your first at bat was say your full name, spell the last name, then repeat your last name. She got up there and said her name, but spelled out pyscho, then repeated her last name. So now of course she's drawn the attention of everyone in the room, and not just those of us unfortunate enough to know her. She draws a single word, which turned out to be quarter. I'll remember that it was quarter, because she spelled it 'quater' I'm not sure if anyone else failed to spell a single base word. And if they did, none were as embarassing as that one. Another incident with this girl: I nicknamed her 'The Wildabeast' for a number of reasons. One day the band director called me into his office and reamed me for that and I was going to be in big trouble, until he asked 'what could she have done to you to deserve all this ridicule?' and I pointed out that just before he had called me into his office she walked by, made some wierd wildabeast noise (maybe elephant noise is more accurate) and spit all over me and a friend of mine. The fact that she'd done that got me out of a shitload of trouble. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Epic Narcissism Report post Posted June 5, 2008 Pyscho, wildabeast, embarassed? Looks like someone is playing spelling baseball below the Mendoza Line. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Smues Report post Posted June 5, 2008 Small sample size baby. 1 for 1 with a run scored. MVP! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites