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All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

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With the next pick of the draft, I've decided to select my heel tag-team to feud with the Rock and Roll Express. Of the tag-teams left, I'm kind of surprised these guys are still here considering they are one of the most decorated and respected teams in history. They won every place they visited, and they had a great gimmick... not to mention they were both legitimately tough individuals. Oh yeah, they are also the heads of one of the most prominent wrestling families out there.


Yup, you guessed it...






Afa and Sika...


The Wild Samoans!


They'd be the team that could kick Ricky and Robert all over the arena before the R&R made the big comeback.


Plus, if I ever decide to turn Jimmy Snuka heel, I have an instant stable.

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Before the day started, I had Wild Samoans rated as the top tag team on the board to carry a promotion. That was a great pick. Good round here, for the most part.

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This is a guy I feel I should have drafted ahead of Lawler, but i'm glad i'm getting him. One of the most underrated guys of the 1980's.



It's a shame Vince never made him world champion. I still insist he hit the floor before Hogan in that cage match.

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I guess I was foolish to think Mr. Wonderful would slip to the next round. I had Paul ranked extremely high based on the fact he could be an awesome face and heel. He would have definitely been a centerpiece of my promotion.

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This is a guy I feel I should have drafted ahead of Lawler, but i'm glad i'm getting him. One of the most underrated guys of the 1980's.



It's a shame Vince never made him world champion. I still insist he hit the floor before Hogan in that cage match.


I can see every selection that you have made so far main eventing.

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My dinner break came at the perfect time!





Jinsei Shinzaki and Hayabusa


Two high flyers who aren't afraid of shedding blood. Perfect fit for what I'm trying to build as an over all division, I almost took my heel team here, but I think they'll still be around when I pick again, and I have a back up plan for them anyways.



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I'm such a Jinsei mark I named my cat after him. :headbang:



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My next selection will be the man to challenge John Cena for the World Heavyweight Championship. His style will compliment the main event scene very well and will bring a sense of competitiveness to the World Heavyweight Championship.


A star who made his mark on the industry working for FMW, ECW, WCW and WWF. My fourth-round draft selection is:


Mike Awesome




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FUCK! I was sure Mike would slip another round or so. :angry:


I was pretty nervous that I would have barely missed him, not only from a personal standpoint (as I am a huge Awesome mark), but I think that he would have as good of a match with John Cena as anybody. Awesome and the Eliminators are the most critical picks I have made thus far, and I am relieved that I got them both.

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I actually gave Hakushi a thought. Figured he would have slipped MUCH farther. Great pick.


Individually he would have, but with all the great tag teams going in such a short span I had to rethink my whole division and they fit my game plan. Also I love Hayabusa as well.

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I know i'm filling this up with useless commentary, but this is the most fun i've had in a single thread since joining. I also realized there's one guy I cannot believe hasn't been picked yet, and i'm totally kicking myself in the ass for not thinking of him. He would have been my 3rd round pick. If he's still available by the time i'm up, i'll be the happiest motherfucker in the entire world.

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There's one guy out there who I'm really, really, really surprised hasn't gone. I thought for sure he'd be a 3rd rounder at the latest. I'd have grabbed him, but I needed a team before I was left with picking Random Indy Pairing 3 as my focal point.

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New unofficial rule: whenever somebody mentions a person that they are surprised hasn't been selected yet, they have to let the cat out of the bag once the person has been drafted.


Right now, I have a few guys lined up who I hope are left, but won't be surprised if they are taken before my opportunity comes. I will name them if and when they are chosen.


With 600 wrestlers left, the most shocking thing will still be who doesn't get chosen. You'll be surprised how many good talents will be left out. Then again, if need be, there's always extensions.


Also, useless commentary is not useless. We can talk about what is going on as much as we want, so long as we do not drop names who have not been selected yet.


Also, new rule: Using the spoiler tags to drop names who have not been drafted is prohibited. Please do not do this anymore. Some people could very well want Pez Watley on their roster, so stop fucking with their heads.

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New unofficial rule: whenever somebody mentions a person that they are surprised hasn't been selected yet, they have to let the cat out of the bag once the person has been drafted.


The great thing about this is that I'm pretty sure everyone is thinking of a different person. It's all about perception.

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New unofficial rule: whenever somebody mentions a person that they are surprised hasn't been selected yet, they have to let the cat out of the bag once the person has been drafted.


Don't worry. I will, because the guy I was thinking of before is still there. My top tag team left on the board may not even be drafted, because both guys have had other partners (which isn't a spoiler since that could describe pretty much every team that ever existed).

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I can't count how many tag teams I still have left, and several guys that should have been taken by now over other picks. I understand it is individual tastes and such, but you would think one of the 16 guys picking would have taken on of these guys I am thinking of by now.

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Even tho I said that the team(s) that I wanted are gone, I'm not too worried as there's about 3 other tag teams that I have in my mind, 2 of which I don't think anybody is going to draft.

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Sorry guys, I'm waiting on an answer from a PM before I make a pick..hopfully it should come before my 12 hours are up.


(Also, sorry for the general perceived apathy towards the draft. Work's been a bitch lately and having to get things ready for a huge sale next week has drained a lot out of me)

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