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All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

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Selecting on behalf of Crandamaniac.


With his initial appearances in WCW during its last days, he became one of the most talked about high-fliers in the North American wrestling landscape. His affiliation with ROH gave him the opportunity to showcase his all-around wrestling ability. Many would say that, of all of their homegrown talent, he is the franchise player in Total Nonstop Action.


The 77th selection...


The former NWA Heavyweight... X-Divison... NWA World Tag Team... ROH World Tag Team... ROH Pure Champion...


The Phenomenal...


A.J. Styles!





Noooooooooooo. The first pick that hurts.

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I would have taken Styles next...but I knew there was zero chance of him getting back to me.

I'm going to stop whining now about other people taking my picks.. Jeff Hardy and a tag-partner, and AJ Styles were definately going to be among my next three picks.


I had AJ especially in mind.

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Thanks mellow for making my pick for me.


I was intially going to go tag team last round, but when I saw Mysterio was still out there, I had to go for him. And obviously if you're going to take Mysterio, you need somebody who can hang with him to pair him up with, and I felt that somebody was Styles. So I'm happy.




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I came to the realization that, no matter who I wanted to draft, I needed to find a top babyface. After much searching, I came up with...


No top babyface. Honestly, I can't think of a single babyface I'd draft right here that would fit in my company. So, instead, I'm going to go with one of the most popular tag teams of all time. And if you just take into account short-term, maybe the most popular.






Plus, I wanted to break the 80's trend. They probably won't feud with Demolition, unless I can't find two good heel teams to feud with both. Popularity's the reason for drafting both.

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How can you say that TheFranchise when

Men at Work

are still available?


In all seriousness, that was the other team I was talking about when I was talking about my Strike Force pick. I figured Strike Force would be a slightly better fit with what I'm trying to go for. The New Age Outlaws is still a damn good pick there, King.

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I did not plan on taking the Outlaws until I logged on. I guarantee the pick I would have taken otherwise will go in the next five.

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I'm off to work for most of the day. I PM'd my pick to mellow... or will... there might be a little debate on the validity of the team, but I think it should work, unless someone gets really antsy about it.

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It better not be "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan and Super Crazy. THEY'RE MINE!


Maybe on the way back up. :headbang:

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Oh wait. I missed a team.


None you will have the balls to draft them.


The American Males!


I actually have them on my draft board as a mid-low level tag. :lol:

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You guys are spoiling people to be drafted, whether as singles or tag teams. Please don't.


It's a 100% certainty that Duggan gets drafted, so...

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Go on 909, you take Duggan next if that's the case.


*wait and sees*


Also.. are you *really* interested in them as a lower-card tag?


Because if you are, I take back my joking of it.


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I'll just mention

"Pistol" Pez Whatley

before I stop doing this lame joke.


That's another guy that some will joke about, who definitely will be drafted.

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In all seriousness, I will stop joking about potential draft picks


But I have a feeling that

we're going to need all the help we can get around the 20th round or so.

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Urgh. The timing for my last couple of picks hasn't been great. I see that i'm almost up, but i'll be leaving in a few hours. Hopefully I get the opportunity.

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Urgh. The timing for my last couple of picks hasn't been great. I see that i'm almost up, but i'll be leaving in a few hours. Hopefully I get the opportunity.


You are aware that you can leave your selections with me if you think that there's a chance that you are going to miss your opportunity, right?

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