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MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

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From the review I posted at UFC:




Round 1:


They start out circling with no strikes being thrown for first 20 seconds or so. Ricco then throws a decent legkick before charging in for a takedown. Arlovski sidesteps away from Ricco while throwing a punch at Ricco's head, and Ricco goes headfirst into the cage. Ricco turns around and begins circling away from the cage as Arlovski loads up a big right hand that Ricco shoots under. Arlovski sprawls, but Ricco continues driving and pushes Andrei against the cage. Andrei holds Ricco in a front headlock w/an underhook as Ricco is looking for a single leg or high crotch, with not much action going on.

Finally, after about a minute of inaction, Ricco pulls Andrei away from the cage and converts on a high-crotch slam, but Andrei rolls with it a bit and they both scramble to their feet. Ricco paws at Andrei with some jabs, and gets a 1-2 in return, though neither land that cleanly. Ricco immediately responds with a shoot, and Andrei sprawls again. As Ricco begins to stand out of the shot attempt, Arlovski throws a huge right which misses and sends Arlovski slipping to the mat momentarily. After Andrei regains his feet, Ricco lands another nice legkick. He tries an inside leg kick, but Andrei responds with some punches whizzing mostly over Ricco's head, so he backs off. Ricco tries to throw a big right hand, misses and gets countered by Arlovski. Ricco throws another right hand as Arlovski loads one up as well, this time Ricco landing and Arlovski missing. Ricco shoots in for a single, and Arlovski sprawls. Ricco moves into the clinch and gets double underhooks, and pushes Arlovski against the fence. Nothing much happens as Ricco seems to try and pull guard but only gets half. However, Ricco quickly gets up and drives forward, reversing into AA's half guard against the fence. Ricco moves AA away from the fence and begins looking for an opprotunity to pass, but Arlovski has his leg trapped well. Finally, Ricco spins into a tight kneebar. However, Arlovski squirms and toughs it out for a bit until he finally wiggles his leg free and Ricco goes back into AA's half guard. Ricco mounts with seconds left in the round, but the round ends before he can land any G&P.


Nothing much happening again to begin the 2nd, until Arlovski throws a low kick that has Ricco pulling his leg away momentarily. Ricco misses with a slow high kick attempt and equally slow right hand. Andrei backs Ricco against the cage. Ricco shoots under another right hand, but he gets sprawled & brawled continually, so he simply starts charging in & looking for double underhooks. He tries a knee to break Arlovski's barrage, and Arlovski misses on a right hand as Ricco retreats outside of striking range. Ricco throws a lazy left hook. Ricco shoots under another Arlovski right hand, but gets stuffed again by Andrei's sprawl. Arlovski stands as Ricco's still on his knees and lands a nice right uppercut, and Ricco rolls to his back before the ref stands him up. Ricco begins backing up before squaring up, charging slowly forward and firing a left-right-left-right combo, the middle two catching Andrei and seemingly causing him to half-shoot/half-fall, and Ricco sprawls on Andrei. Ricco looks to move around to Arlovski's side, and eventually moves around to Arlovski's half guard. Ricco using sparse G&P, yet with a few strikes landing well. Ricco gets mount with less than a minute left, and begins moving up, seemingly looking for an armbar. However, Andrei gives up his back and Ricco gets his hooks in, but Andrei quickly rolls around again and Ricco is now mounted on him once again. Ricco begins unloading with some punches, but all miss as the round ends.


They both come out throwing single shots in the 3rd before Arovski shoves Ricco to the ground and misses a punt attempt on Ricco's head. Arlovski is breathing heavily as Ricco lands a clean right on Andrei's face, backing him up, then follows with another big right hand, and Arlovski just lowers his head as Ricco closes in with a knee that doesn't land cleanly, but the right hands hurt and Andrei just DROPS to the mat as Ricco front headlocks him. Ricco tries to spin around as Arlovski turns to his back, giving Ricco sidemount. Ricco throws some weak knees to the body before easily mounting AA, and moving up on his chest once more. He begins landing some right hands to the side of AA's head, and then sits up and begins firing lefts & rights, as Andrei just moves his head back and forth yet failing to avoid many of the blows. After a few moments of this, the ref jumps in and stops the fight at 1:23 in the 3rd.

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Not to discount your efforts, but I really don't want to know what happened since I would like to watch it myself, but in your opinion, is it worth searching out?


Thanks for the review anyways, it's always good to get another perspective. I just want to be surprised for the fight, even if I know whose going to win.

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In the latest Rolling Stone magazine (the one with J Hova on the cover, holla) there's a feature with Chris Rock listing the top 25 hip hop albums. At number 3 is Rap Phenomenon II, this is what Rock has to say about it...


"...So you hear Tupac rapping over the "hate me now" beat. It's the best shit in the world. It's ultimate fighting music. You will kill somebodu listening to this shit."


"Ultimate Fighting"????



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Aight, here's my on-going review of Bushido: The Tournament. This is my first time watching it since the show aired, despite having the tape for months. Let's see how it stands up.


So far...


Filho vs Sakurai


- Sakurai gets in some good strikes early, but Filho is just a pitbull and manages to take it to the ground. The finish is a sweet armbar as Paulo goes from Sakurais back, catches and arm, and sinks it in. To his credit, Ryuta didn't tap out, but it was clear that arm was fucked. Ended about 4 minutes into the first round, but that was a pretty action-packed, so I'll give it about **3/4. But then again, I like armbars. When the title is awarded and the champion decided, Filho should be in contention.


- Acacio vs. Gono was a great stand up fight. Both guys landed some sweet-ass combination and they never let up throughout the entire fight. Great legkicks and bodyshots by Gono, Acacio landed some multi-punch combos to Gonos face. ***3/4, maybe a **** if I'm feeling especially technique happy. It lacked a certain amount of aggressiveness and emotion, that always seemed to be bubbling underneath the two fighters' cool exteriors. Most of the exciting moments came from Acacio rushing in and throwing combos while Gono blocked effectively at times with his hands and at other times with his head.


I should note that the commentary has been very good and they really got into a good production groove in this one.

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My Bushido: The tournament, review CONTINUES.


I should note that the production on this show is first-rate. The Black and White UFC-style interview is done really well, and the background music gives the words weight. So many good promos - Baronis is great, Pulvers is great, HANSENS is awesome.


I remember watching Hendo/Chonan at the time with LOTC and I say "look for the Big Right Hand and Hendo DElivers. GOODnight. **1/2


I watch Baronis promo several times, I don't watch the match. Great promo, not so great match.


Busta/Suda was quick, but explosive. Suda lands a spinning back fist/forearm/elbow which knocks Busta down, but he recovers and breaks Sudas arm. Fuck yeah. **3/4


Mishima/Bennett is great. Fucking great. I love this. Bennett cuts the creepiest promo you will ever hear. Awesome stuff. Bennett/Mishima face off with Krazyhorse mugging for the camera, right before they break, Mishima mugs and the crowd laughs. The crowd chants Mishima and Bennett does the typical Gaijin move by cupping his ear and letting them cheer on, and Mishima follows in-kind and panders to the audience. Awesome awesome awesome. Very active fight, Mishima out-grapples Bennett but Bennett fairs well and manages to slam Mishima rampage style. He taps to a heel hook shortly after. Very fun. ***


Sakurai/Pulver - Pulver gives a great babyface promo beforehand, which leads into Sakurai destroying him with kicks. Sakurai dominates, but Pulver manages to get in a few good shots which stuns Sakurai. Finish was from a combination leading to some poundage on the ground for a ref stoppage. Fast paced, really freakin good. ****


Hansen cuts a promo about his... GLORY... man, I'm loving this.


To be continued.

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Big Nog or Little Nog?


If Big Nog, was it in PRIDE? Or the one in RINGS?


I might as well put it here, does RINGS really deserve to have the status of official MMA bouts, as there's not even any striking on the ground. What the hell do guys like Couture and Hendo do once it gets to the ground?

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Big Nog or Little Nog?


If Big Nog, was it in PRIDE? Or the one in RINGS?


I might as well put it here, does RINGS really deserve to have the status of official MMA bouts, as there's not even any striking on the ground. What the hell do guys like Couture and Hendo do once it gets to the ground?


They could strike to the body or work for submissions, which is what they mostly did. Hendo actually won a Rings tourney over Babalu back in 2000.


I listed some top Rings fights earlier this year, if I can find the thread, I'll repost them.

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Ah, here we are that was quicker than I thought.


Tamura/Yvel from the 4/20/2000 Rings show is probably the best Rings match ever and Fedor/Arona is also really good. Come to think of it, Yvel has a lot of good to great matches from Rings, including his 4/23/99 match against Kohsaka and his war with Dan Henderson in the Rings KOK 2000 quarterfinals.


More good Rings matches:

Henderson vs. Kanehara (10/28/99)

Henderson vs. Babalu (2/26/00)

Couture vs. Horn (10/9/00)

Nogueira vs. Tamura (10/9/00)

Nogueira vs. Volk Han~! (2/24/01)

Couture vs. Kohsaka (2/24/01)

Nogueira vs. Kanehara (2/24/01)

Valentijn Overeem submitting Randy Couture in less than a minute (2/24/01)


If you ever get a chance to see Frank Shamrock vs. Tamura from the 4/23/99 show do so. It's a worked shoot, but still very entertaining in its own right and pretty interesting to boot.

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Oh I saw that one, and I was surprised he won, I'm still amazed that he managed to do it by beating Yvel, Nog and Babalu in one night. I don't think a mw has ever beaten three heavyweights of that calibre, let alone on one night. That's what made me a fan of Hendo pretty much.

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That was one of the first events I saw, so I remember being impressed more than being analytical. I'm not gonna watch it again, that would be like telling me Santa Claus isn't real :( Of course that's not true.




Edited by Your Paragon of Virtue

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The JD over Minotauro was complete bullshit, though I figure that's well known.


It pretty much was. Nogueira won the regulation AND overtime.


Also, at one time, Rings also had this weird rule, where if one judge ruled the fight a draw, they would have to go an extra round, regardless.

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Who's Hendo?


One badass motherfucker.


Andrei vs. Hendo would be a slugfest for all ages.



For about 6 seconds, before Arlovski knocks Henderson's head clean off onto a horrified Matt Lindland's lap.

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Who's Hendo?


One badass motherfucker.


Andrei vs. Hendo would be a slugfest for all ages.



For about 6 seconds, before Arlovski knocks Henderson's head clean off onto a horrified Matt Lindland's lap.


I guess he's not taking into account the fact that Andrei outweighs Dan by about 50-60 pounds either.

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