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Exslade ZX

TSM Superhero Draft

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With an overwhelming 22-4 vote, the idea for a Superhero draft has been approved! (La Parka means yes in 3 countries.) I'm not an expert with these drafts, but with the amount currently going on, I assume majority get the jist of it.


The Rules are as follows:


1. There will be 15 posters, selecting 10 heroes each. 150 heroes should be more then enough. If there aren't 15 responses, then anywhere between 10-15. Any heroes are available spanning across the Marvel, DC, Vertigo, Wildstorm, Image, etc. universes. Since this is the comic forum, let's try to keep them comics based, and not just any random superhero from television or other sources.


2. As far as selections, both heroes and villains are eligible. No teams are. For instance, if you want the Wonder Twins on your team, that's two separate picks.


3. There are to be no "duplicates". Ex. Superman, as he's probably the biggest violator of this, once selected, cancels out all other versions. No Earth 2, Earth 3, Kingdom Come etc. In the case of Marvel, the Ultimate universe falls under this rule as well. However on that same note, if you prefer an alternate version, you are able to select them as the one pick. (So, if KC Superman is selected, he's the sole Superman in the draft.) Considering the amount of 'similar' heroes there are, there may be some iffy situations, so just PM me any questions.


4. Please include a photo of your selection and a description of why they were chosen. Include what version of the hero as well, if you do happen to be taking an alternate version. These alternates may not be amalgamated ("to unite in or as if in an amalgam; especially to merge into a single body") versions of characters. As this essentially takes multiple picks from the board.


5. Once you are up, you have to make your selection within 12 hours. Please send a PM to the next person in line once you have made your selections. Serpentine rules apply, so be sure to PM the person after you on the way down, and the person before you on the way back up the list. If you think there is a strong chance that you will not be around to choose within the twelve hour window, feel free to send a PM my way with your top three (or more) choices and I will post your first available selection on your behalf.


Selection Order


1. Brooklyn Zoo

2. CandyColoredBlues

3. Exslade ZX

4. Steviekick

5. Vampiro69

6. Broward83

7. TheManErnieRowe

8. Nate

9. Mr. S£im Citrus

10. Twisted Intestine

11. Mystery Eskimo

12. crandamaniac

13. starvenger

14. Youth N Asia

15. LivingLegendGaryColeman



Brooklyn Zoo:


batrr0.jpg apocgt7.jpg deadpoolad3.jpg bboltoj5.jpg warlock2xa6.jpg

cablevm6.jpg ghostrideryu9.jpg lukecagedk5.jpg colosgi1.jpg odintx1.jpg




joker.jpg gambitlw3.jpg carnagemn6.jpg profxpo7.jpg blkwidofm4.jpg

darwinfu5.jpg tymaryrt1.jpg rhinouw5.jpg 77818763lj1.jpg visionra4.jpg


Exslade ZX:


superman.jpg luthorpz2.jpg blackadamix9.jpg deathsrokejp1.jpg mxyxj1.jpg

firestormoz0.jpg loph1.jpg invincex0.jpg vixenyk2.jpg ladyshivaln2.jpg




capamerica.jpg oriongy6.jpg sandmanyq0.jpg spiderwomoj1.jpg sentrbt6.jpg

moonknightkf7.jpg madycc1.jpg superboyprvw0.jpg franklinerichhz2.jpg supergirlaj0.jpg




martian.jpg spectrevu1.jpg darksefk6.jpg namoruv8.jpg zatun3.jpg

captaincoldbb9.jpg nightwwt6.jpg guygardkp6.jpg wintersolne9.jpg miraclemanyi5.jpg


Draft Results 6-10

Draft Results 11-15



Results: In regards to results I think the best way to do it, is to take notes from the NBA draft, where everyone will rank the teams 1-15 once the draft is done. (1-14 in the case of those participating.) The top will receive 15 points, the bottom receiving 1.


Although it's been debated, the rankings will determine TSM's "Favorite" super hero team. Not necessarily the strongest. As this is just for fun, the goal is simply to draft a team that's...cool. ;) One that's better then the others in all overall aspects. The goal is to come out with the greatest collection of Heroes and Villians. And we'll see which of the 15 can draft, TSM's Best Superhero Team.

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I think we should rank the teams based on which we think would win a battle. That way we're all picking/ranking on the same criteria. We can also make arguements for our picks based on why we think they're a strong character.

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I'd say the strongest team even though there are some cool characters that are humans because if not, it'll be just a random team winning based on who likes who instead of who's better than who, which is easier to draft.


Eh, I'm not sure after thinking about it.

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Let's not complicate this too much. I think we'd probably have the most fun with this if we were picking our favorites and not what we think others would think we should pick.

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Alright, as like others I want to get this moving along, all participants have been chosen, and I'll shuffle the names up shortly.


As far as how a winner is determined, this is just supposed to be fun, and as someone said no need to get complicated, and seeing as the winner doesn't actually win anything...the point is just to draft the best of superheroes, and come up with your own dream line up.


As best as you can, as others will likely steal your picks, which is the whole fun behind a draft anyways.


So in a moment I'll finalize the order, and we can start.


edit- Did as I said, and just wrote the names on pieces of paper, shuffled them up, and determined our drafting order. And the number one spot goes to Brooklyn Zoo. And once he's made his selection, the Superhero draft can start!

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This pick IMO was a no brainer because no one else combines intelligence, fighting skills, a shitload of gadgets, fear into the hearts of enemies, and toughness into one character like the one and only..






"Besides being a master of fighting styles, the Batman is a legendary escape artist and the world's greatest detective. His utility belt is stocked with a wide array of tools and armaments, including batarangs, grapnels and zip-lines, gas and smoke capsules, and remote controls for his fleet of Batmobiles."




If you look up the word "badass" in the dictionary, you'll find that picture. He'll kick your ass and send you to jail all day.

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