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Exslade ZX

TSM Superhero Draft

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You never really said... What happens if somebody doesn't pick within 12 hours? Do they just get passed and gone back to later, or do they miss their pick completely?

The same as the others, the next person immediately becomes eligible to pick. The person that missed can make it whenever.

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I find it funny that this draft has already caught up to the hot bitches draft that started a week ago. Hopefully the pace keeps up!


The hot bitches draft was a big mistake on my part. If it continues for another week, I'll be amazed.

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That Hot Bitch draft is sucking hard right now


Pick two was much harder than pick one, cause I didn't have a clear favorite to go with.




The Silver Surfer


As a kid this was one of my all time favorites, just a cool character all around. Powerful, dude surfs in space, and looks cool doing it

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Thanks Exslade for taking over. Full results on first page.


Because I have nothing better to do, and am a big fan of visuals, I made thumbnails of the teams. I will update them as picks are added. If a mod can move this post to be the second in the thread(is that possible?) that would be cool.


Brooklyn Zoo:








Exslade ZX:






















spiderman.jpg cyclops.jpg


Mr. S£im Citrus:


wonderwoman.jpg capmarvel.jpg


Twisted Intestine:


venom.jpg magneto.jpg


Mystery Eskimo:


ironman.jpg doomsday.jpg




thor.jpg fantastic.jpg




pheonix.jpg humanrocket.jpg


Youth N Asia:


daredevil.jpg silversurfer.jpg




hulk.jpg flash.jpg

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That's awesome. I wanted to do something similar with the NBA draft but couldn't think of the right way of getting all the pics together. This is good.


Btw, I really wanted Silver Surfer.

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I will need some power for my team, so who better than...


Sorry, couldn't resist.


Anyways, I thought about this, and two names kept coming up for my second pick. I felt that my other pick had alternate choices that would be as good (or better), so with my second pick I choose...



Nova, the Human Rocket


The Nova Corps was meant to be Marvel's answer to the GL Corps, and as such Rich Rider's origin has some parallels to Hal Jordan's, although it's more like Kyle Rayner's (so I guess Kyle was modeled somewhat after Rich?). For a while, Rich was just one Nova Prime among the corps. He lost his powers, but they were reactivated and he became a core member of the New Warriors. During the Annihilation Wave, he becomes the last surviving member of the Corps and joins with the Xandarian Worldmind to become even more powerful, helping to defeat both Annihilus and the Ultron/Phalanx invasions.


Oh yeah, and you should really be reading Nova if you're not already. DnA has written the best Nova since Fabian Nicieza.

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Ok, this round I figure I'd choose somebody who is a leader, somebody who's smart enough to get out of any trap laid in front of them and could also command the respect of the heroes around him. I really wanted Captain America, but since he's gone, I'll take Mr. Fantastic



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I like that pick. Reed isn't one of my favourites but you can't go wrong with a guy who has the ability to McGyver a cosmic thingamajig out of popcorn and a thumbtack.

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Well, my team will need some raw power to go against the likes of Thor, Hulk and Superman. And who better than the being who killed the Man of Steel?




Not everyone's idea of a cool villain perhaps, I've always found the sheer relentless of Doomsday appealing. You somehow find a way to kill him? Best vacate the area, because he won't be down for long.

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We'll go with another super villan...





Magneto, one of the most powerful mutants alive, and the only person I can think of who would be able to manipulate Venom into working for him... A perfect leader for my team.

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I really like that pick. As I actually forgot all about him. For some reason whenever I think of superheroes, Captain Marvel rarely ever comes to mind. (even though he's one of the more powerful)


And also, on behalf of Nate, for his second pick in the draft:






Cyclops produces powerful "optic blasts" from his eyes, forcing him to wear specialized glasses at all times and a specialized visor in combat. His powers may have led to his inhibited, meticulous character. These same qualities, however, have made him an ideal leader for the X-Men.


(Unlike myself, >_> Nate actually has a job, as to why I've posted for him so far.)

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The picture is an uncannyxmen.net banner, is that what it's supposed to be? So I found something else for the thumbnail... Just tell me if you want it changed to a different picture.

Nah, that's cool.


Changed it with a picture from Wikipedia, so that should work. I didn't know it was a banner, because I could still see the picture.

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Rowe's second pick



I don't mean to fill my team up with mutants and X-Men, but I can't help but draft:




Kitty Pryde



Kitty is a great "ace in the hole." She surprises her enemies with her clever solutions and attacks. Her phasing ability lets her disrupt machinerary and weapons, which makes her a valuable asset. Most recently, she proved just how heroic and powerful she is in the pages of Astonishing X-Men. I'd be proud to have her on my team.



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With my second round pick, I will take:







Captain Marvel



I thought for sure he would fall to me.

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Man it really sucks that I missed out on taking part of this thing. I guess the moral of the story is don't skip out on TSM for three weeks.

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So, I've got Hal. There are some others I wanted (was going to take Hulk, but noticed he was taken..so.. pfft)


With my second round pick.. I choose Kyle Rayner's alternate role as Ion.



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God damnit. That was my first round pick. :angry: Even as far as choosing Ion. (Although I preferred the white suit version) But I couldn't pass up Supes. Kyle Rayner being my number 1 hero ever...Yea, I got into comics in the 90s obviously.


I knew he wouldn't make it back. Considering he was name dropped in this thread about 3 or 4 times lol. But it seemed so close.


Edit- And a mod changed the list to pictures, so it'll take a little bit longer to update the list. (Not by much, but now it's more then just writing in the name.) So you might have to look at the last page of the thread see the last few picks. I'll add pics for the recent ones in a few.

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With my 2nd round selection I choose......the Spectre (Jim Corrigan)






The Spectre is the most powerful human spirit on Earth. The Spectre is intangible, can fly, turn invisible, inhabit and animate inanimate objects, and sense the intentions of people in the place where they plan to carry those intentions out. The Spectre knows many secrets of the universe and its inhabitants, though even he is not omniscient. The Spectre can sometimes get glimpses into the future, although this is not without great difficulty. The only time he was given a long, vivid glimpse into the future was when God granted him one in order to warn the JLA and prevent universal destruction.


When the Spectre takes his vengence, the expericence is often more violent then the crime.

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So, I've got Hal. There are some others I wanted (was going to take Hulk, but noticed he was taken..so.. pfft)


With my second round pick.. I choose Kyle Rayner's alternate role as Ion.



So, should we leave Sinestro for you? :P


Rowe, I like your pick (I'm a fan, hence I'm disappointed with Whedon's AXM conclusion), but in my opinion you probably could've waited until next round to get her.


With that being said, I've always hated picking in the middle in fantasy drafts. I always find it to be the hardest position to go from.

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