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Craig Th

Box Office Report...

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Right now? Hellboy 2 and Hancock are direct competitors in the superhero genre. Wanted is another action movie that is out and still doing fairly well. Wall-E is doing well. And so on. This is also the 6th Batman feature film since 1989, with the last film making 205 million domestic (371 worldwide). It will be fortunate to make what Iron Man and Indiana Jones made this year, maybe slightly more.

Wall-E has a different target audience, but you'd be insane to think that little kids aren't going to beg - "BEG...like a DOG" - their parents to taken them to see another Batman movie. It could be rated R, almost NC-17, and parents would likely let their kids see it. It's fucking BATMAN, dude.

Wanted is, by most accounts, a really good action flick, but again: BATMAN.

Hellboy 2 has no choice of harming TDK much, because I think the people going to see it next weekend are either seeing it because TDK is sold out, or they already saw it that weekend and are just looking to see another movie. Ditto Hancock. Both movies look good, or at least entertaining, but neither had nearly as much hype over the last, what...YEAR (?!) as TDK has. EVERYBODY is excited for this flick.


How will it be fortunate to make what Iron Man - a good movie but an unproven franchise until this year - or the new Indiana Jones - a cap-off to a series that hasn't been touched in 20 years - made? Batman Begins did well with very little hype (really, this argument has been had many times) but the Schumacher pieces of shit definitely hurt it's release. With everybody and their mother knowing how good that movie is NOW, though, and TDK's hype being pushed to its peak, do you REALLY think it's going to be lucky to make the money flow of a second-tier superhero (sorry, Iron Man can't touch Superman, Spiderman, the X-Men, or Batman) and a "hasn't been touched in 20 years" franchise released, in part, from a man who ruined three of his most classic movies? Again: IT'S FUCKING BATMAN.


$139 million. A little too much competition to hit the $150 million that Spidey 3 did (which had nothing), but not enough to keep it from doing bad.

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How could Meet Dave with such great promotion like this:




Oh well.


Next week one of the most anticipated films of the year is coming out. You and I know which movie I'm talking about....thats right....







Mamma Mia

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I think Heath's death is going to help the movie do better. I know a few people who wouldn't see a movie like that, but now will, because he died.

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How could Meet Dave with such great promotion like this:



This really made me laugh.

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I think I'd be frightened as hell if I saw that driving down the road.



The Dark Night will come close but won't break the record because the competition is much better than Spiderman 3's was. I'll guess somewhere in the $140 million range.

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I think the reason that it will push for the record is all of the midnight to 9AM showings. One could argue that the people seeing it then would just be seeing it early, so they wouldn't be amongst the numbers that see it later in the weekend. However, history shows me that if people are so amped up to watch a midnight showing, they will be watching it in the theater again. I know I will be watching it at least twice this weekend, and a lot of people I know will be, too. After the midnight showing, a lot of people go back with their family, friends, or just want to watch an awesome movie a second time.

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TDK will make a certain amount of money.

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Corey, geez dude I didn't say The Dark Knight wasn't going to rule. I didn't say it wasn't going to make an assload of money. All I'm saying is that it will face tougher competition than Spider-Man 3 faced last year and probably won't break all time records. I could be wrong...hell I HOPE I'm wrong. Does the world need Spider-Man 3 holding an all time weekend record?

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oh man, that journey to the center of the earth really was a huge hit... whoever said that would make 40+ million and be #1 this weekend needs to be slapped.


For what its worth, I went and saw it over the weekend and even though I had the worst theater going experience ever during it (a two year old was literally crawling up my seat from the row above me and even was using my arm/shoulder to climb up it, and the parents didnt do shit until I literally had to turn around and tell them off) the 3-D in it was really good.


My prediction for Batman is 128 million. It amazes me about these Dark Knight 3am and 6am screenings though, I can get going to a midnight showing, but fucking 3am or 6am to just watch a flick? Meth users unite!

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oh man, that journey to the center of the earth really was a huge hit... whoever said that would make 40+ million and be #1 this weekend needs to be slapped.


For what its worth, I went and saw it over the weekend and even though I had the worst theater going experience ever during it (a two year old was literally crawling up my seat from the row above me and even was using my arm/shoulder to climb up it, and the parents didnt do shit until I literally had to turn around and tell them off) the 3-D in it was really good.


My prediction for Batman is 128 million. It amazes me about these Dark Knight 3am and 6am screenings though, I can get going to a midnight showing, but fucking 3am or 6am to just watch a flick? Meth users unite!

Some people work evening shifts, and want something to do after work.


Hence, seeing a movie at that time doesn't seem like too bad of an idea.


And I think Dark Knight will rake it in. Already the Midnight showings and at LEAST up to the 4:15 PM Friday showings at the Tropicana in Atlantic City IMAX are sold out (I having bought one of the last 4:15 PM Friday showing tickets during my work break at Trop).

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oh man, that journey to the center of the earth really was a huge hit... whoever said that would make 40+ million and be #1 this weekend needs to be slapped.


For what its worth, I went and saw it over the weekend and even though I had the worst theater going experience ever during it (a two year old was literally crawling up my seat from the row above me and even was using my arm/shoulder to climb up it, and the parents didnt do shit until I literally had to turn around and tell them off) the 3-D in it was really good.


My prediction for Batman is 128 million. It amazes me about these Dark Knight 3am and 6am screenings though, I can get going to a midnight showing, but fucking 3am or 6am to just watch a flick? Meth users unite!

Some people work evening shifts, and want something to do after work.


Hence, seeing a movie at that time doesn't seem like too bad of an idea.


And I think Dark Knight will rake it in. Already the Midnight showings and at LEAST up to the 4:15 PM Friday showings at the Tropicana in Atlantic City IMAX are sold out (I having bought one of the last 4:15 PM Friday showing tickets during my work break at Trop).


Yeah, the IMAX showings are going to be busy for awhile. I'm not even going to attempt seeing it at the IMAX in the Twin Cities for at least a few weeks after it's out.....I'll settle for checking it out in the DLP theater in town here for now, at midnight on Thursday nite, and catch it in the IMAX on second viewing down the road.


Even if you get some people that work evening shifts or whatever, I still don't see that as enough to really warrant first showings of any film in a theatre at those really unusual times in the morning. Just f'n run multi-screen midnight showings, or even do some early early screenings at 7pm up to midnight on the night before the release (Hancock just took advantage of this) instead of a really unproven idea of bothering with 3am/6am shows.

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The Dark Knight will the highest grossing Batman film ever, Hell probably the best grossing movie DC has ever produced. I don't think it will beat Spider-Man's 151 mil record, but it will definitely break Iron Man's 100 mil record.


My guess for the Dark Knight is $144 mil.

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oh man, that journey to the center of the earth really was a huge hit... whoever said that would make 40+ million and be #1 this weekend needs to be slapped.


For what its worth, I went and saw it over the weekend and even though I had the worst theater going experience ever during it (a two year old was literally crawling up my seat from the row above me and even was using my arm/shoulder to climb up it, and the parents didnt do shit until I literally had to turn around and tell them off) the 3-D in it was really good.


My prediction for Batman is 128 million. It amazes me about these Dark Knight 3am and 6am screenings though, I can get going to a midnight showing, but fucking 3am or 6am to just watch a flick? Meth users unite!

Some people work evening shifts, and want something to do after work.


Hence, seeing a movie at that time doesn't seem like too bad of an idea.


And I think Dark Knight will rake it in. Already the Midnight showings and at LEAST up to the 4:15 PM Friday showings at the Tropicana in Atlantic City IMAX are sold out (I having bought one of the last 4:15 PM Friday showing tickets during my work break at Trop).


Yeah, the IMAX showings are going to be busy for awhile. I'm not even going to attempt seeing it at the IMAX in the Twin Cities for at least a few weeks after it's out.....I'll settle for checking it out in the DLP theater in town here for now, at midnight on Thursday nite, and catch it in the IMAX on second viewing down the road.


Even if you get some people that work evening shifts or whatever, I still don't see that as enough to really warrant first showings of any film in a theatre at those really unusual times in the morning. Just f'n run multi-screen midnight showings, or even do some early early screenings at 7pm up to midnight on the night before the release (Hancock just took advantage of this) instead of a really unproven idea of bothering with 3am/6am shows.

OK, I'll give you an example:


Say someone works 4 to midnight. They use the morning to sleep, and the early morning (Midnight to 8 or so) is used for their evening life. They wanna see The Dark Knight when it first opens, but they don't have the time off to just go to a midnight showing.


Hence, with this showing, they can get their wish.

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oh man, that journey to the center of the earth really was a huge hit... whoever said that would make 40+ million and be #1 this weekend needs to be slapped.


For what its worth, I went and saw it over the weekend and even though I had the worst theater going experience ever during it (a two year old was literally crawling up my seat from the row above me and even was using my arm/shoulder to climb up it, and the parents didnt do shit until I literally had to turn around and tell them off) the 3-D in it was really good.


My prediction for Batman is 128 million. It amazes me about these Dark Knight 3am and 6am screenings though, I can get going to a midnight showing, but fucking 3am or 6am to just watch a flick? Meth users unite!

Some people work evening shifts, and want something to do after work.


Hence, seeing a movie at that time doesn't seem like too bad of an idea.


And I think Dark Knight will rake it in. Already the Midnight showings and at LEAST up to the 4:15 PM Friday showings at the Tropicana in Atlantic City IMAX are sold out (I having bought one of the last 4:15 PM Friday showing tickets during my work break at Trop).


Yeah, the IMAX showings are going to be busy for awhile. I'm not even going to attempt seeing it at the IMAX in the Twin Cities for at least a few weeks after it's out.....I'll settle for checking it out in the DLP theater in town here for now, at midnight on Thursday nite, and catch it in the IMAX on second viewing down the road.


Even if you get some people that work evening shifts or whatever, I still don't see that as enough to really warrant first showings of any film in a theatre at those really unusual times in the morning. Just f'n run multi-screen midnight showings, or even do some early early screenings at 7pm up to midnight on the night before the release (Hancock just took advantage of this) instead of a really unproven idea of bothering with 3am/6am shows.

OK, I'll give you an example:


Say someone works 4 to midnight. They use the morning to sleep, and the early morning (Midnight to 8 or so) is used for their evening life. They wanna see The Dark Knight when it first opens, but they don't have the time off to just go to a midnight showing.


Hence, with this showing, they can get their wish.


I'm not questioning the idea behind it, I get that ---- I'm questioning the point of it I guess you could say. I might have to eat some crow, but I can't imagine the 3am to 6am showings, and any other early morning runs, actually rake up a substantial amount of the initial first weekend numbers.

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I know its strange that Eddie Murphy still has a career after all those terrible flops he's had, but he will at some point have 1 movie every 5 years that makes money. Hell, didn't Norbit make quite a bit, and win an oscar for make-up or something?

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Clearly everyone is underestimating the strength and power of SPACE CHIMPS.

Patrick Warburton as a talking space monkey = Box office smash.

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I know its strange that Eddie Murphy still has a career after all those terrible flops he's had, but he will at some point have 1 movie every 5 years that makes money. Hell, didn't Norbit make quite a bit, and win an oscar for make-up or something?



What terrible flops? Aside from Pluto Nash, most of his movies make a lot of money. Norbit almost made $100 mil.

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I know Norbit did pretty well, but Pluto Nash might be the biggest flop in history. That movie cost like $80M to make and made $4M in the U.S. and $2M overseas. That makes a total of $6M! No telling what the marketing might have cost. As for his flops, how about BHC3, Vampire in Brooklyn( a movie I didn't know existed until last week), Holy Man, Metro, and of course Pluto Nash. Its just that he seems to have a hit every few years that covers up the flops.

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It seems every other movie Murphy does, doesn't do that well. You can't count the Shreks, Dreamgirls or Mulan because he wasn't the "star" of those. Those movies sold themselves. And if the movie didn't make it's money back, then it's a flop. Well, in my book atleast.


Meet Dave FLOP

Budget - $60 million

US Gross - $6 million (so far)



Budget - $60 million

US Gross - $95 million


The Haunted Mansion FLOP

Budget - $90 million

US Gross - $75 million


Daddy Day Care

Budget - $60 million

US Gross - $104 million



Budget - $70 million

US Gross - $34 million


Pluto Nash FLOP

Budget - $100 million

US Gross - $6 million



Budget - $85 million

US Gross - $38 million


Dr. Dolittle 2

Budget - $70 million

US Gross - $113 million


The Nutty Professor II

Budget - $84 million

US Gross - $123 million



Budget - $55 million

US Gross - $66 million



Budget - $80 million

US Gross - $64 million


Holy Man FLOP

Budget - $60 million

US Gross - $12 million


Dr. Dolittle

Budget - $71 million

US Gross - $144 million


In the past 10 years, 6 out of his 13 movies didn't make its budget back. Once again, I am not including the Shreks, Dreamgirls or Mulan because he wasn't the star of those movies. The movie was the star, if that makes sense. I wouldn't consider a guy, who the past 10 years, can't hit .500 be called a draw. He does okay for himself.


Then again, he is probably a rich and doesn't give a fuck what Craig thinks.

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He absolutely was the star of the Shrek- him as Donkey was one of the major selling points of the movie.


And his performance in Dreamgirls, again, was one of the selling points of the film.


He totally deserves credit for those movies.


While domestically it was slightly disappointing, Haunted Mansion was a huge hit overseas.


I won't dispute the other movies though.

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