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DrVenkman PhD

WWE Unforgiven 2008

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I don't think Punk was 'buried'. That doesn't make Jericho winning the title a good ending. The only people who seem to be defending it are people creaming themselves over Y2J, so they've got no right to complain about the pro-Punk crowd. Same story, different subject.


It's not bad booking because it damages Punk. It's not good booking because it benefits Jericho. Bad booking is bad booking. This was bad booking.


I really don't think it was bad booking. It really depends where they go I guess. Theres quite a few ways.


Does HBK help Punk defeat Jericho in the cage....throwing gas on the HBK/Y2J fued? HBK said he wasn't done with Jericho. That would be the ultimate thing HBK could do to Jericho. It also keeps the lucky underdog CM Punk angle going.


I'd go with a bloodied Punk in the liontamer....screaming,bleeding, not giving up maybe passing out as hbk enters....hbk gets in the cage....jericho turns around and gets superkicked...and hbk drags punk on to jericho for the win. Punk gets the Steve Austin "I'm a tough SOB" and wouldnt tap deal going...remember how great a visual that was? And also gets the title back in a lucky way.....all while putting the hbk/jericho angle heat way over the top..........Yea its hotshotting the title...but with a purpose. Punk can go on to fued with the nexgen stable 1 by 1 until Orton is ready for action.....then lose the title to him by stable interferance or something



will it happen....prolly not lol...will prolly just be a no contest or something since i doubt punk loses before the big orton fued


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I mentioned RVD coming back from an injury to almost beat UT on Raw in 2002, but how about something more recent? What about last year when Orton kept doing the Kick of Doom to him on a weekly basis, yet Van Dam managed to show up at the PPV and WIN the match?


Seriously, try telling a friend who didn't see the PPV what happened on this show. Tell someone "Yeah, Orton kicked Punk in the head and he wasn't able to wrestle, but Jericho took his spot after having the crap beat out of him for 25 minutes....and won the title."


I don't remember him kicking him on a weekly basis, but RVD won the match on a total fluke, and then was kicked in the head and never seen again.


I know the Louisville boys have some obsessed hatred with all things Orton, but the Kick of Death is over.

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I actually found out that Jericho won the belt prior to watching the show. After seeing Shawn/Jericho, I was actually concerned that having Jericho come back to win would end up making HBK look weak, but after watching all the relevant stuff, I've gotta say that they pulled it off pretty well.


The difference between the Unforgiven match and the one from GAB is that going into GAB, HBK had a bunch of kayfabe injuries, most specifically the eye injury that ultimately ended up doing him in. Here, Jericho came in healthy, and while it would've been nice for Shawn to repay the favor by giving him and injury of how own, the fact that he didn't doesn't make Shawn look any weaker. Plus, the post-match interview from Shawn makes it seem like he's not done with Chris, so it at least makes sense from that aspect not to have him inflict ultimate revenge right now then continuing to attack him after the fact.


I see the point about CM Punk's condition seeming like an afterthought, but I think it's understandable because it was obviously done to build suspense for Jericho's entrance. Perhaps they should've played it up a little more (in fact, I'll say they should have) but as is, it's minor and really doesn't hurt Punk at all.


I actually really liked the scene where Orton and Co. eliminated Punk from the Scramble (they get tons of cool points from me for getting Kofi involved. That was great). I would've prefered that he keep the title a little longer and establish himself as a champion, but this feud with Orton seems promising and I'm actually looking forward to it. It would be nice if Punk could go one show without getting laid out by someone, though, and I can see both sides of the argument as far as whether or not Punk looked bad by being replaced by someone who had taken a lot more punishment. True, the kick is built up as a killer, and logically, it makes sense, but still I definitely see how someone could watch that and say that Punk looked bad when compared to Jericho.

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What the hell is it with you guys? I didn't say a punt to the head is weak in real life, in fact it would hurt like shit, but just seeing that passed off as a CAREER ENDING MOVE is just silly. See, this is wrestling we are talking about here, the same rules don't apply like in real life. For instance, a full nelson would hurt bad too, but you really think that should be a finisher in wrestling today? Oh, and MVP does a kick to the head spot in his matches that takes down his opponents for a minute or two, but the ref doesn't just stop the match or anything. And yeah, the punt to the head can't be passed off as always dangerous, since when RVD was on his way out of the company, he took the punt, and still beat Orton in the match.

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Suspend your disbelief, will you? That's what pro wrestling is ALL ABOUT. Suspending disbelief. And if you do not agree, you are clearly misguided.


EDIT: Don't mean to come off as a dick or anything, or thinking you are wrong and I am right type of thing, but seriously...all of us suspend our disbelief when we watch wrestling. Or at least we try to. All of your rhetorical questions really have no answer, because it is pro wrestling. When they tell you Orton's kick is deadlier than MVP's, then it is. Simple pro wrestling type of logic here.

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Yeah, about the only move in wrestling that is still a devastating finisher is probably the tombstone. I've seen it used as a regular spot, but it is mostly used as a finisher still. I guess the pedigree is as well. I don't really think the Orton punt stuff is really suspending our disbelief, as WWE makes it out to be "realistic". Suspend our disbelief is something like Undertaker or Kane. Well, maybe not Kane these days, but, who knows?

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Suspend your disbelief, will you? That's what pro wrestling is ALL ABOUT. Suspending disbelief. And if you do not agree, you are clearly misguided.


EDIT: Don't mean to come off as a dick or anything, or thinking you are wrong and I am right type of thing, but seriously...all of us suspend our disbelief when we watch wrestling. Or at least we try to. All of your rhetorical questions really have no answer, because it is pro wrestling. When they tell you Orton's kick is deadlier than MVP's, then it is. Simple pro wrestling type of logic here.

The problem is you can't suspend your disbelief when they do something that makes even casual fans go "That doesn't make any sense." My girl went to the show with me and asked questions that a casual fan shouldn't. Such as "How come Jericho didn't go to the hospital if he couldn't continue the match" and "Why didn't Jeff just break up the pin?"


I couldn't answer the first one. My answer to the second one was "Because he's a fucking idiot."


When I as a longtime fan get asked questions that I can't logically answer, that's bad booking.

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I'll say this about Orton's kick...


I STILL say that if they ever wanted to LOGICALLY explain it, they should have someone dodge it...then at some point remove Orton's kicking foot's boot and reveal a steel plate in the boot.

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I'll say this about Orton's kick...


I STILL say that if they ever wanted to LOGICALLY explain it, they should have someone dodge it...then at some point remove Orton's kicking foot's boot and reveal a steel plate in the boot.


No, the way to logically explain it is that he kicks them in the head as hard he could.

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I'll say this about Orton's kick...


I STILL say that if they ever wanted to LOGICALLY explain it, they should have someone dodge it...then at some point remove Orton's kicking foot's boot and reveal a steel plate in the boot.


No, the way to logically explain it is that he kicks them in the head as hard he could.


...with no remorse, and the smirk just makes it THAT much better.

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The problem is you can't suspend your disbelief when they do something that makes even casual fans go "That doesn't make any sense." My girl went to the show with me and asked questions that a casual fan shouldn't. Such as "How come Jericho didn't go to the hospital if he couldn't continue the match" and "Why didn't Jeff just break up the pin?"


I couldn't answer the first one. My answer to the second one was "Because he's a fucking idiot."


When I as a longtime fan get asked questions that I can't logically answer, that's bad booking.


Yeah, Jeff was made to look like a huge dumbass at the PPV. Other times when its hard to suspend your disbelief is when someone turns heel, and it doesn't make sense for why the person is evil, and you completely agree with them. Lets just say that Batista turns heel on Rey because Rey kept breaking up his pin-falls at Unforgiven, and the announcers will try to sell it like Batista is such an evil human being, even though his actions are rightly justified.

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How about Ludwig Borga? He was supposed to be a heel because he HATED pollution? WTF?


Just stop. Your original point was killed dead by Bob Barron. So instead of no-selling it and using a dumb as fuck example to follow it... accept that you're a moron, and move on.

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hey Matt, can you ask Gabe to make a .GIF of Batista going "WHAT?!!" in the replay?

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Just stop. Your original point was killed dead by Bob Barron. So instead of no-selling it and using a dumb as fuck example to follow it... accept that you're a moron, and move on.


Jesus! I was only trying to be sarcastic. It was a bad joke, but still, lighten up!

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